
No misprint. You obviously don't know what other women are taking. Get to know women at the national level and above well enough where they are open and honest and you'll find out the truth. If you think women get 16-17" arms on 50 mg of eq, you're dreaming.

Deca and EQ don't produce anywhere near the sides that test does. The sides that she and I care about is the deeper voice; and she still has a high voice. There is absolutely no acne and a small amount of hair growth on chin that plucking takes care of. She doesn't react well to any more than 25 mg/day of winny so we keep that for pre-contest.

I'm being more open here than most others, so you can believe me or not. This board is for sharing information, even if you don't agree with it.
I do know quite a few National Level BB, woman and man, i have trained some and i have been in this game long enough to know something...i am not going to get into a pissing match here as i have nothin g to prove to you, that was my opinion and i still think that it's irrisponsible to post that here as it might give ideas to some newbie...'nough said...XXL
I got 15 inch arms from 25 mg EQ EOD!! 800 mg EQ/week is Un-freaking-believable for a woman plus 200 mg test......no offense Triple HHH, but how often does she shave her beard?
Texgrl.... ur safest bet is to get some legit primobolan and run it with anavar........ unless u want to take more risks.....I liked EQ, but there are more risks with EQ than with Primo and Anavar!
The chics Ive known on the national level ( or Higher) have all been on some fairly high doses compaired to med level guys.
One un named woman used 225gm of Trenbolone with 200mg primo, anavar, proviron, and oral primo. Ad those up and I'll bet you get close to 700mgs.... And she was just starting to get pro big.. I also know Nichol Bass and Christy Wolfe's programs, pretty big girls, huh? ...Lets not even talk about the powerlifters.....
you figure it out...
just my 2 cents
Some people get sides easier than others. Some guys get gyno easy, some girls get facial hair and low voices easier than others. My wife is lucky in that she is fairly resistant to sides; maybe its the northern european ancestry, I don't know.

As you can see in the photo, she needs much more size to compete nationally. At 5'5", she weighed less than 140 which is much too light for national level. (This was taken before going on a heavy cycle.) She adding size nicely now and should be on track for the Jr. Nationals. And without sides. If sides happen, there's always finasteride to knock out the DHT.

Irongurl, congrats on your 15" arms. But there's a HUGE difference between state level and national level. If you can stand next to a top national level girl and have some photos taken, you'll appreciate the work they go through to get that size and definition. For girls just starting, 25 mg/week will get great results. But its nowhere near enough for my wife to be able to add 15 pounds of lean muscle in a year at her current level of development.


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nic pic

if thats your wife she does have nice development! Still i think those amounts are high but thats me! stay at the HOST hotel for the Jr's my only advice!
