first tren cycle

man that sucks.

I am somewhat sensitive to progesterone sides, so i'm kinda worried about tren in that manner, but I am going to have lots of caber or prami on hand to battle that.
Search around you can find it pretty cheap, Upjohn Cabaser. I just ordered and it was here in about 8 days.
The next reason why people use Higher Tren than Test is that they say "Test and Tren is fighting for this same receptors", Tren always win so you don't need high test becouse it cause only high estro...

Bull Shit, right? :)
The next reason why people use Higher Tren than Test is that they say "Test and Tren is fighting for this same receptors", Tren always win so you don't need high test becouse it cause only high estro...

Bull Shit, right? :)

Yes this sounds like BS. :puke:
If there is any plausibility to it maybe that's why many experience worse sides with it.
you guys love tren, don't u?

I can't friggin wait. Contest prep starts soon for this guy 8)

my show is sept 7th 8)
Upjohn's a name brand damn, they must'a been round a while bc I've known bout them 4 years... Upjohn's halotestin :D
you guys love tren, don't u?

I can't friggin wait. Contest prep starts soon for this guy 8)

my show is sept 7th 8)

Tren definitely has its place in the serious and experienced bodybuilder's arsenal. If one can handle or better yet ride out the sides, it'll change you forever. Brings a whole new level to your physique.... ;)
Tren is the s... does me different every time though. Night Sweats everytime. Anger this last time. That was at 400 tren 600 test. Bumped the tren to 600 last month of cycle. Love the stuff. Reaked havoc On my lipids though.
Yup!! Seemed to me the Higher the Tren with Lower Test the more pronounced the sides were. Blood Pressure, Sweats, Anger and Aggression, and the worst one of them all.... LIMP NOODLE or the all too famous "I CANT FUCKING CUM" NOODLE!!!!!

The only reason I discovered Masteron in the first place for myself was due to the limp noodle side. I upped my Test over my Tren and after 2 weeks, still limp!!! I added in Masteron Prop and 2-3 days later,.......WHAMMO!!!!!! Masteron and Proviron are at the top of my list for many reasons, but this is one of the best!!

this is why i want to switch
Well I may modify even after all I read. What do you think about 250/200 Sus/tren e Mon and Thursday? I have test p and ace on hand to and i'm thinking about front loading it with the anadrol while I'm waiting on the other to kick in like 50 ace 100 p eod. Pros Cons? The sus has the short ester in it but not enough to really feel it till the second or third week at that dose.
Well I may modify even after all I read. What do you think about 250/200 Sus/tren e Mon and Thursday? I have test p and ace on hand to and i'm thinking about front loading it with the anadrol while I'm waiting on the other to kick in like 50 ace 100 p eod. Pros Cons? The sus has the short ester in it but not enough to really feel it till the second or third week at that dose.

Sounds like a good cycle.
I'm currently on 900 mg test e and 600 mg tren e , started winstrol at 50 mg ed this week loving the pumps only sides I feel are trouble sleeping and night sweats , I'm taking proviron 50 ed as well , feeling like a horny teenager all the time lol will add mast prop in a weeks time as well
I'm currently on 900 mg test e and 600 mg tren e , started winstrol at 50 mg ed this week loving the pumps only sides I feel are trouble sleeping and night sweats , I'm taking proviron 50 ed as well , feeling like a horny teenager all the time lol will add mast prop in a weeks time as well

"only sides" lol. You make it sound like those sides are nothing. lol. I hate those two sides!