first tren cycle

"only sides" lol. You make it sound like those sides are nothing. lol. I hate those two sides!

Lol , plus sometime have weird dreams that feels like real and im always in some kind of trouble lmao i call it tren nightmares
Lol , plus sometime have weird dreams that feels like real and im always in some kind of trouble lmao i call it tren nightmares

I was dreaming about them this morning. I had just started and I was having nightmares. That's bad when you are dreaming about having bad dreams!
Lol , plus sometime have weird dreams that feels like real and im always in some kind of trouble lmao i call it tren nightmares

Ya Im running tren and I have been having some fucked up dreams too! Like a falling out with a family member. I wake up like...Thank God that was a dream! Some nasty shit.
One more side not sure if its from tren but seems like whenever I'm on tren I start snoring like real hard snoring lol
What about Test/Mast/Tren blends are they good or is it best to use nonblends?
Well really depends on the company u using or how good is the cook , I've seen some brands floating these kind of blends but IMHO I'll go for nonblends coz if in between the cycle u want to dose up or lower the single compound due to sides or any other reason it would be a real headache I like to play with dosing individually during the cycle so nonblends bro , usually the prices they give on such blends is quiet attractive lol
I'm not big on blends either besides my fav one sus. I'm gonna blend them when I draw em up and pop em in my muscle.
I can understand the logic of doses... I like the blends IF u are gonna do the same dose throughout. The Masteron is 50mg per shot tho... very low IMO... I could see it good at 1-2 ccs EOD :D I've seen 50/50/50 & 75/75/75 Tren/Test P/Masteron. I'd like to try a low dose of em. say 1/2ccs ED? 37.5mg of each per day?? But 4 now it's Test Ace 450mg Masteron 400mg & var 75-100mg 8 weeks. on deck I think I'll use IGF1 leading in during & PCT. :D Cloud have u looked into IGF1 yet?
I'm not big on blends either besides my fav one sus. I'm gonna blend them when I draw em up and pop em in my muscle.

Yeah I'm with ya on blends ! Omnadren before it was identicle to sustanon was prolly my fave
SMH Tri Tren... Parabolan, Tren Ace & tren E blend... I dont get it. Also 4 lipids I've used herbs and it def aided in keeping them decent... like how milk thistle helps the liver. IDK if anyone uses herbals 4 lipids but u could entertain the idea. Also nolva has a positive effect on hdl/ldl.