GH Journal (of sorts)

I'm taking a lot of protein, and I use a NO2 product. Other "supps" are listed above in this thread.
Was that you who's wife didn't want them to get any bigger????
How bout your head. I know a couple of guys who complained about feet and
head. (trouble with shoes and hats)
ask Normal about his head size... he thought someone sneaked into his house and made all of his hats smaller :)

yeah I know what you mean about waiting on getting on IGF bro, I'm in the same boat
mcgaret said:
Was that you who's wife didn't want them to get any bigger????
How bout your head. I know a couple of guys who complained about feet and
head. (trouble with shoes and hats)

Yep, that was me. The nice thing is that I'm getting much leaner which she seems to like even though I'm bigger. I haven't had any trouble with my head, but my shoes are just a little tighter, and I can't get my wedding ring on or off without trouble.
I'm definitely liking this stuff. I could be wrong, but combining the use of syntherol with GH may help fill out the space with more muscle fibers far more quickly than just using syntherol by itself. I'm having a harder time fitting in my shirts from week to week. Definitely size 11 ring size now. I could be mistaken, but my jaw seems to have widened/squared just a slight bit which actually makes me look better. I used to have a really narrow face. Skin looks very youthful. Fat is still coming off about which I'm very excited.
that's awesome brother, keep us posted. I've always wanted to run GH but having to keep it in the fridge, the cost and the frequent injections have always kept me from trying it.
keep it hidden mikey put it in somethin or get one of those fridges that you can plug in your car and keep it in the basement? just an idea. Good deal that its workin well saudades i wanna try some soon too just dont have the money now. Keep up the good work and posts man.
I already have my IGF stashed in a little fridge hidden in the basement bro ;) but it lasts a lot longer kept in the fridge and there's no mixing involved
Fat is still really coming off. I see a lot of growth when I take it after exercising, more so than just in the morning. I have also noticed this effect is more pronounced if I take more than 5 iu in a day, for example, taking 5 iu in the morning, and then 5 iu after training. My weight is fluctuating oddly at the moment. I was up to 208, and then dropped to about 203 this last week--pure fat loss. No size loss. I'm starting to go up again in weight so that means I have more muscle at a lower fat percentage.

Appearance-wise, my chest is starting to look pretty good. I'm hoping to put a lot more mass on there. Legs are still being stubborn, but they are extremely strong. Arms are pushing 19 inches--I'll have to watch it there since my arms seem to respond much better than anywhere else, don't want them really out of proportion--oh, and traps--they seem to grow anytime I'm in the gym.
saudades said:
So you got your IGF or is this some you already had earlier?
this was a few bottles I had stashed away for a rainy day. I wanted to run much higher doses like i've done in the past but a lot of new reads is saying anything more than 50mcg is either a waist or could promote gut growth
I'm starting to believe that we'd have to use far more IGF1 for a far longer period of time to get the gut. I've been looking at a few studies, and they were using dosages of "120 microg/kg" as they put it. It was the per kg part that caught my eye. I mean, are they really using that much per kg? Say the person in their study weighs 70 kg. Does that mean they actually used 120 mcg * 70 kg, or a total of 8,400 mcg? (This was also being administered every day.)
As I have said earlier, I seem to grow really well when I take hgh right after working out. Upon reading the post that Normalsucks posted into the IGF/HGH forum, I am going to use what I have left in the way described there which is a higher dosage 3x a week. That means I'll be doing 10 iu MWF postworkout. I never seem to see much of an effect except for when I take it after working out so I think my body must respond ideally this way. It's about time for update pictures so stay tuned.
nice bro keep it up yeah ive heard more muscle gain that its better to run mwf 3 times your normal dose, and to burn fat ed normal dose.
I just noticed the funniest thing this morning...I was getting ready for work and noticed that my hair seemed darker. I suppose I hadn't really noticed, but apparently some of my gray hair has reverted. I normally have quite a lot of gray hair at my temples and over the ears. A lot of it has changed back to brown though there is still some gray there.
I was at a photo shoot for a client yesterday, and the photographer was taking some reference shots while we were setting up. Seeing myself next to others in these reference shots really surprised me because I could not believe how big I was. Most of the time you just don't see what everyone else sees. My lats seem to really respond while on GH. They've increased quite a lot in the last couple of months. My chest is doing well, too. I'm going to see how big I can get my lats to grow this next month--should be interesting.

My weight still fluctuates a lot, and I think it is water, but my weight has gone back up to 208 again.
Ok, I started using IGF alongside the GH a couple of days ago. All I can I say is, "WOW!" After reading some research I found about IGF, I decided to do the dosing a little different which I'm not going to disclose just yet, however, in just two days I am already seeing quite a difference. Timing is in the morning and after workouts along with the GH. Though this IGF cycle will be relatively short, I expect that there will be significant results because of it being paired with GH.
Weight seems to be holding at 207-208, and I'd have to say my bf is around 7-8%. My love handles are pretty much gone. Had to buy a new pair of pants because my waist has shrunk down enough that my other pairs are too loose. Chest and lats are growing nicely, and I'm starting to grow out of my shirts again. Had to get rid of half of my dress shirts because I don't fit in them anymore.
Awesome bro, keep up the good work. I'd like to get down to 8% BF again... it's been a long time since I was that low