GH Journal (of sorts)

As of this morning, I'm at 212 which really surprised me. I'm hoping it isn't all water. This is the heaviest I have ever been. Sort of hard to get used to the extra weight at first 'cause I feel really heavy. I'm expecting to be at 215 in a couple of days. Used IGF on my outer quads (what I had left), and I was very pleased with the results. I think they literally grew because there's some size there that wasn't there before. Should've done it a long time ago. When I get some more, I plan to hit the teardrop muscles since they are lagging. Can't wait!
Still at 212 this morning so it wasn't my imagination, lol. I'm hoping to get more IGF soon. I think it works extremely well alongside HGH. The extra size I saw in the quad muscles after applying IGF to them is still there, and I've been able to increase my poundage on squats by 20 lbs. I'm going to see if my gym has a bf scale today to find out where I really am on bodyfat.
Okay, it's official--I'm going to have to get my wedding ring resized or get another ring. I literally can't put it on now.
Still holding out at 211-212 so something is working. Arms have pushed past 19", and I'm going for 19 1/2". My traps seem to grow like crazy while I'm on this stuff--gotta be careful with these muscles or they'll get out of proportion. Lats and chest still filling out nicely.

Going on a business trip tomorrow, and I won't be bringing the GH so I'll see how much fat I pick up/weight gain/loss etc. I will have my TRT with me. Should be interesting.
Interestingly, I did not pick up any extra fat while I was out. Nice. Kept my size, and I found a nice little gym that had everything I needed in Spencerport called Atlas Fitness.

I went for some new shoes a couple of days ago and found I am now size 11 from 10.5 in shoe size. I had thought my shoes were getting just a little tighter. My wedding ring will barely go on now so I'm going to have to get it resized again.

I have an overall thicker look now, much larger than I used to be. My pecs seems to be taking off. Strength and size is still increasing bit by bit. I'm dosing the GH at 8 iu 3x/week, 4 iu in the morning and 4 iu after my workout, and it seems to be working very well this way.
Diet-wise, I seem to be able to eat more carbs without worrying about the waistline, which is nice since I have to eat high-glycemic carbs when my blood sugar drops too low. I'm probably at the lowest bf I have ever been, and I still have three weeks to go at my current dosage.
have you noticed any facial bone growth at all? You mentioned your arms and feet...have you noticed anything else? How's your gut doing?
My gut is fine. I did mention earlier that I think my jaw has widened just a little bit, but my face was too narrow to begin with so I think it looks good.
I've gained some good lean muscle and lost a lot of fat. No new developments. I'll have to find some time to shave myself off and take some pics. I was about 208 before I started with maybe about 9-10% bf, and now I'm about the same weight with probably 7%. (I need to get some calipers.) That losing about 5.5 lbs of fat while gaining just over 6 lbs of lean muscle. (does that sound right?) That, plus gaining a ring size going from 10 to 11, and half a shoe size from 10.5 to 11. I think my shoulders are also a lot wider as well. I'm up to a 17 inch neck shirt, which is tight, and the sleeves are 34/35 which used to fit normally, but now I'm so wide, my shoulders pull the sleeves up my arms.

All in all, I like my size. I think I'm almost at the perfect size/weight for my frame.
One thing I hadn't noticed before--I think HGH made me regrow a little of the hair I lost on my head or it made it stop falling out. Gotta love that.
Haha I As Well As Most Know Who Been Around A While Gained A Size In My Sneaks, Freaking Feet Grew From Igf,lol, Just Waiting For My Weeny To Grow Now
Lol! I'm waiting for that, too! Everyone seems to say that HGH use will make your weeny grow, even Canseco's wife said he was huge in that department although his nuts were practically nonexistent. I have yet to see if that really happens.
IGF made my feet grow 1/2 inch. My head is bigger too.

some day i will get to try gh... no time soon. Love to see your before/ after pics saudades.