Gyno removal!


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Anybody had the op of getting the tits removed???

I got an appointment with the surgeon next week but my bud has shrunk right down and if its a painfull experience i might just try to live with it :curse: :curse: :curse: ????
Bro I Went To Plastic Surgeon And Even Paid A Percentage Upfront And Then Didnt Wind Up Having The Surgery Because I Ran A Shitload Of Nolvadex And My Lumps Litterly Went Away To The Human Eye! They Were So Bad Also And All The Sudden They Went Away Well Not Away But Shrunk To A Managable Point, Think Twice Bro Cause I Seen Great Gyno Surgery And I Have Seen Tragic Surgery Out Comes
Presser said:
Bro I Went To Plastic Surgeon And Even Paid A Percentage Upfront And Then Didnt Wind Up Having The Surgery Because I Ran A Shitload Of Nolvadex And My Lumps Litterly Went Away To The Human Eye! They Were So Bad Also And All The Sudden They Went Away Well Not Away But Shrunk To A Managable Point, Think Twice Bro Cause I Seen Great Gyno Surgery And I Have Seen Tragic Surgery Out Comes
I agree with presser! I got my first bit of gyno from tren 2 months ago, and I have been running lots of nolva, with dostinex. It reduced them to a manageable point, like presser said, so you dont see it at all. Its like 75 bucks for the dostinex, and the nolva is cheap enough as well. Try that for a few weeks first!
hey brutal, clear out your messages, cause im tryin to PM you bro
brutalI said:
Cheers guys i got some Nolva on hand! Would you think mc's Ari-dex could help out??

Bro u need to buy mc's "aqua-nol" to make lumps shrink, and then yes mc's ari-dex would work great to prevent the gyno from happening again
^ ditto that. I've made mine shrink almost to undetectable levels. Although now I have to be careful and take extra anti-e's and anti-arometeses while cycling, but it keeps it under control. I also got it from tren. I used the anti-p plus the anti-estro and it gave very good results.
I've had the surgery twice. The first time, they didn't get it all out. The surgery itself really isn't that bad. I drove directly back to work after it was finished (granted I didn't feel great, it wasn't that bad). Try the store, if that doesn't work, go for the surgery.
i wanna get it done to where they just remove the gland that causes it or whatever so i dont have to worry about it again.
I've had the surgery twice. The first time, they didn't get it all out. The surgery itself really isn't that bad. I drove directly back to work after it was finished (granted I didn't feel great, it wasn't that bad). Try the store, if that doesn't work, go for the surgery.

stop bro!! its a pretty major ordeal. you will not be going back to work the same day!!! i have done extensive research into having the surgery, as it is the ONLY way to get rid of gyno. i will be having it done by dr. blau in new york. he advertises on and has done numerous bodybuilders and pros. you need to have someone that has woked with bodybuilders before in order to tie the muscle in after the gland is removed. the procedure is $7100 and they put you up in a hotel so you can be taken care of and make your post op appointments. you can also watch a video of the surgery on
After reading this thread I feel week , like the feeling from losing alot of blood. So everybody has Gyno? because of the gland , its just isnt flaired up for the people who arent experiencing the problems?
After reading this thread I feel week , like the feeling from losing alot of blood. So everybody has Gyno? because of the gland , its just isnt flaired up for the people who arent experiencing the problems?
ummm.... i wouldnt say everyone has it. Some have it from puberty, and some from gear. As long as it is under control, and you can live with it, and know what to do to prevent it from getting worse, than its alright. But for top amaturers and pros its different, because they have to look their absolute best when they hit the stage
yeah mine always gets bad while im on, but a few weeks into post cylce and they start shrinking dramatically. nolva works wonders guys
Bro I Went To Plastic Surgeon And Even Paid A Percentage Upfront And Then Didnt Wind Up Having The Surgery Because I Ran A Shitload Of Nolvadex And My Lumps Litterly Went Away To The Human Eye! They Were So Bad Also And All The Sudden They Went Away Well Not Away But Shrunk To A Managable Point, Think Twice Bro Cause I Seen Great Gyno Surgery And I Have Seen Tragic Surgery Out Comes

Try this! I ran Nolvadex and Anti-P and it has reduced it so that you can not see it at all. I can barley feel a bb size Knot under one side. One more cycle of it and it might get rid of the tiny Knot I have.
stop bro!! its a pretty major ordeal. you will not be going back to work the same day!!! i have done extensive research into having the surgery, as it is the ONLY way to get rid of gyno. i will be having it done by dr. blau in new york. he advertises on and has done numerous bodybuilders and pros. you need to have someone that has woked with bodybuilders before in order to tie the muscle in after the gland is removed. the procedure is $7100 and they put you up in a hotel so you can be taken care of and make your post op appointments. you can also watch a video of the surgery on

Yeah, I cant imagine going to work after that's outpatient but they had to inject me twice with anti-nausea medicine because when I woke up I was puking up a bucket....

They put a tight stretchy vest to keep stitches and everything in place......I remeber it was pretty painful and the vicodin only made me drunk and didnt do much for the pain.

If you can work that day or for that matter days after the surgery than you have major ability to tolerate pain. I had to take a couple weeks off.......after one week I was fine as far as major pain but I took the two weeks off to make sure I was healed really well. The bruising was pretty bad.

It's best to find a board certified guy with experience. Ive heard of inexperienced surgeons sucking up muscle and creating craters in peoples chest.

Overall it's not painfull during because you under sedation. After words the sedation drug wears off and has some bad after effects on most. I felt like shit the first day.

Every day after was just rest and recovery with low to moderate pain but they do give you pain meds to keep you drunk and silly. After a week most of the bruising is gone or from blue to yellow.....after two weeks I felt great. I waited 4 weeks total before hitting the weights again but the main benefit is that after the surgery I was able to do heavy cycles without worries of gyno.

If the surgery is not done properly and the gyno prone glands are only partially removed than you might still be prone to gyno which really sucks and leads to another surgery which is why its important to find a surgeon with skill and knowledge.
so after the gyno glands are removed, are you still able to get it again on heavy cycles?? What i mean is do you still run your anti E's and P's, or do you cycle worry free?
After the surgery I didnt have to worry about anti-estro's anymore and I did very heavy cycles. I had the surgery at 20 almost 12 years ago.

I have no soft glandular tissue under my nips.....its rock solid. I read that if the procedure is done correctly and all glandular tissue is removed then getting gyno again is remote.....Im not sure how factual this is but I can attest to the fact that ive used heavy and never worried nor had any indication of gyno coming up again.

Then again my case was a case of puberty induced gyno (very little) made worse with gear. I didnt have that thick leathery gyno. I had soft puffy glandular tissue. My doc was very well versed in the complete removal of the tissue.

Im good and have run many cycles worry free for almost 12 years since. When I talk about heavy cycles I mean 2500mg total gear per week. Thats heavy for me although I have friends who live on twice that weigh 300lb's and call me

I would never do 5 grams a week. I feel it was foolish doing 2.5 grams/week

I probably would have had similar results with half that but back then I had the GET BIG QUICK mentality and hell it worked. After my surgery my first cycle was year long.

It was simple...somethin like this:
Sustenon 1500mg/week
Deca 750mg/week
Dbol at 50mg daily........I would do bursts of 4 weeks on 2 weeks off.

That first serious year I went from 175lbs to 250lb's Lean. Had BF tested with Hydro method at 7%.

After that I would do smaller shorter cycles just to maintain. I like being at 250lb although I always had thoughts of pushing the limits I also did want to regret overdoing it especially since I had no aspirations to compete. I was happy with were I was at and maintaining it was my goal. Im a super hardgainer and my body tries to stay at 225lb's so it's always a constant battle to maintain 250. I used to envy people who made gains easy but hell I built alot of character through the hard work and dedication.
Damn those were big cycles! I cant break 205-210. I might beed to jump my doses up. Ive never ran over 825/ wk of test.
when you say you ran it for a yr, was that blast and cruise, or non-stop? Whats your wieght now??