Gyno removal!

I did the same exact dose of test and deca for 1 year str8.
I used the dbol in bursts because I noticed I would get a boost that way and I would avoid platues ......So basically dbol was the key to keep gains coming.

I gave 4 weeks on 2 weeks of as an example but through out the year it really would vary. Sometimes I would do the dbol for 2 weeks then stay off it until I felt I needed to reboost and avoid platue. That approach really worked well. I topped off in weight at 278lb's but after water weight was gone I was a solid 250.

Currently, since I havent done a serious cycle in over a year, I am lingering between 245 and 250lb. Thanksgiving put alot in my belly so this morning I weighed in at 254lb. Im lean but I cant be sure of BF% since I havent been tested in the water tank. I can assume im around 10% considering leaness....I know what its like to be at 6% so I know im an 8 week diet away from that.

Maybe sometime next year I'll get a plan together and run an 8-12 week cycle of simple test/eq with some dbol to jumpstart. I really like my present weight so hitting 275 or 300 although possible isnt really my goal.

My goal is to stay strong and lean and feel good. I always feel good when I feel strong.
I achived my weight gain goal years ago. My left shoulder isnt 100% so i have to use caution and train to strengthen that shoulder and not re-injure.
I did the same exact dose of test and deca for 1 year str8.
I used the dbol in bursts because I noticed I would get a boost that way and I would avoid platues ......So basically dbol was the key to keep gains coming.

I gave 4 weeks on 2 weeks of as an example but through out the year it really would vary. Sometimes I would do the dbol for 2 weeks then stay off it until I felt I needed to reboost and avoid platue. That approach really worked well. I topped off in weight at 278lb's but after water weight was gone I was a solid 250.

Currently, since I havent done a serious cycle in over a year, I am lingering between 245 and 250lb. Thanksgiving put alot in my belly so this morning I weighed in at 254lb. Im lean but I cant be sure of BF% since I havent been tested in the water tank. I can assume im around 10% considering leaness....I know what its like to be at 6% so I know im an 8 week diet away from that.

Maybe sometime next year I'll get a plan together and run an 8-12 week cycle of simple test/eq with some dbol to jumpstart. I really like my present weight so hitting 275 or 300 although possible isnt really my goal.

My goal is to stay strong and lean and feel good. I always feel good when I feel strong.
I achived my weight gain goal years ago. My left shoulder isnt 100% so i have to use caution and train to strengthen that shoulder and not re-injure.
i feel the same about reaching your wieght goal, and staying there. Mine woud be between 225-235 @ 8%, but im only 5'8. I feel when i run cycles i plateau around the 10 wk or so, and its tough to keep gaining after tha, no matter what dose i use. maybe the d-bol theory would be a good idea. You should post some pics brutha!
Yeah that dbol theory I had picked up from the boards back in the day....way back.

I grew up living around sergio oliva.....maybe you heard of him. He competed against arnold back in the day.......Anyway he told me about busting his plateau with dbol and a handful of salt........I never did the salt

He also said that when he stopped making gains he would try, what was considered radical and may still be, super light super high rep work. Im talking about 100 dips, 100 curls, presses, squats........He said he would get incredible pumps and increase the endurance of the muscle so when he switched back over to heavy weights he felt fresher, hungrier...........I tried it during my year long cycle and after a week of super high volume low weight sets I was starving for heavy work......I never tried it again.
I think it's a mental thing as much a muscle adapting to a certain excercise so basically I changed my routine every 6 weeks. This worked really well for me a hardgainer.

I also used super slow technique......Example: Flat bench Up 10 seconds down 50-60 seconds. This method really helped increase my strength. You can only do a few reps this way but when you revert to your regular way of lifting you'll find your strength shoots up really fast. So I would incorporate that slow method 1 week every time I felt I was slowing in progress.

Dude I dont show my red white and blue speedos.
Yeah that dbol theory I had picked up from the boards back in the day....way back.

I grew up living around sergio oliva.....maybe you heard of him. He competed against arnold back in the day.......Anyway he told me about busting his plateau with dbol and a handful of salt........I never did the salt

He also said that when he stopped making gains he would try, what was considered radical and may still be, super light super high rep work. Im talking about 100 dips, 100 curls, presses, squats........He said he would get incredible pumps and increase the endurance of the muscle so when he switched back over to heavy weights he felt fresher, hungrier...........I tried it during my year long cycle and after a week of super high volume low weight sets I was starving for heavy work......I never tried it again.
I think it's a mental thing as much a muscle adapting to a certain excercise so basically I changed my routine every 6 weeks. This worked really well for me a hardgainer.

I also used super slow technique......Example: Flat bench Up 10 seconds down 50-60 seconds. This method really helped increase my strength. You can only do a few reps this way but when you revert to your regular way of lifting you'll find your strength shoots up really fast. So I would incorporate that slow method 1 week every time I felt I was slowing in progress.

Dude I dont show my red white and blue speedos.
with that slow benching, what kind of weight would you use?? light to medium?? sounds like a good strength builder.....
Actually The slow weight technique allowed for moderate to heavy weight since it would only be a few reps before you were totally exhausted. Sometimes I would do near my 1 rep max and do 2-3 bench presses for example.....Sometimes I would put so much weight al I could do is 1 crazy as that sounds doing one super slow heavy weight rep gave me the best strength gains......Your main focus is on the negative part of the movement and for a flat bench lets say you have 400lb's ( if 450lb is your 1 rep max) and your bringing it down so slow it takes 30-60 seconds to come all the way down. You will be exhausted, muscle will be fatiqued and you try it for a second rep if you cant do anymore than youve done enough if you can do more than you have to try to hold slower for exhaustion.You really need a spotter for this..............I guarantee next week when you resume your regular benching you will easily handle your previous work.