Had to stop taking igf


New member
This sucks major ass :angry: I'm hypoglycaemic and have taken igf before with no problems. But this time around, two weeks into this course, I've been going "hypo" 3-4 times per day. I came off the igf yesterday and havent had a hypo episode since.. I am soooo pissed cos I was starting to see results too.
bump IP's response, if you monitor your sugar you should be able to time your eating so you don't go hypo
I'm reactive hypoglycaemic which means if I eat too much carbs I will crash.. I tried eating carbs every 1 1/2 hours but still to no avail. I dont think monitering the blood sugar would help in my case.
I don't think you may be eating enough. When you take IGF, you have to eat a little more carbs/protein than normal because the name means it acts similar to insulin in which it forces nutrients into cells the same way. If you aren't eating enough, you will certainly get a hypoglycemic response.
what was your dosage? I had the same symptoms on 40mcg, and I thought I took in alot of carbs/protein too. I finally lowered my dose to 30 and it helped alot.
My dose was 40mcg per day. Yes my body over produces insulin.. my carb intake has to be at very regular intervals and I cant take in too many at once or I'll crash.. Pain in the a$$ but I have had to learn to live with it :upset:
Is there anyway that you can try using IGF with more intervals?? maybe use 10 ius 4x per day instead of 20 2x a day.

Btw, I know what your talking about... but I dont have a problem unless im using 100+Ius per day.
and keep us posted on how it goes..i only take my igf twice a day once in the AM and once PW
Sorry to here that Shock good luck and becareful IGF is no joke. We only come around once so make the best of it with no regrets.