Hello :)


New member
Just thought i'd say hello. Literally joined about 2 mins ago... hoping to get some good advice off some friendly people and hopefully give a little back over time who knows :)

Little about me ...

Been working out for about 3 years now, but each time i get to a point where i am happy with my physique i have a non-gym related accident, putting my training back months and months (first i went through a vein and tendon in my hand, that took 9 months to recover) and more recently i contracted a virus that attacked my long thoracic nerve.

Cut a long story short, i contracted a virus over the xmas period, which attacked my long thoracic never, paralyzing my serratus anterior on my right side, resulting in sever winging of my scapula

Am waiting for a re-assesment in may before the surgeon will operate - as he wants to see if my body will heel on its own.

In the mean-time am back in the gym taking it easy on my shoulder.. and i've been doing some reading up on PED's which brings me here :D

I've always been interested in PED's however i always shy''d away mainly due to lack of knowledge.

These past months - because ive become increasingly pissed off with my shoulder; Ive been looking in PED's more seriously and consequently began a cycle of IGF-1.

Possibly a odd thing to break my PED virginity i agree - however i have done a lot of reading up and one of the interesting things for me is the possible benefit of nerve rehabilitation.

Soooo...... i started this monday, 25mcg twice a day, morning and post workout.

My stats before:

12st 6lb, (174 lb)
12.3% body fat

Watch this space......

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Welcome, and excellent introduction:thumbsup:

Just be sure to read forum rules and familiarize yourself with them.
injuries set me back too every singe time... Welcome bro lots of good info and bro's on here
Be smart when it comes to injuries or you may not be able to train at all. Glad to have you...

totally agree mate - last thing want is secondary injury to my rotator cuff for example.

Am honestly steering away from all shoulder work.... concentrating on my legs for the first time in my life haha.

i cant even lift 4kg on above my head .... sad times.
Welcome to MuscleChemistry brutha! Good to have you here with us!