Hey, new member with a question!


New member
Hello friends!

Ok..I've tried different things...but what do you all recommend for a tighter waistline and more toned butt? If you guys can also come up with exercises I can do anywhere (school, work, etc.) That would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
Welcome to mc sister , I'll bump this one for more experienced lady's on board to answer , I've heard pilates works well for toning up and you can always do squats
Welcome to the show!
My wife before she was pregnant loved pistol squats and believe it or not she enjoyed Shawn T's Insanity and saw some real results.
Full disclosure she also ran upwards of 5 miles everyother day and did alot of kickboxing and some other classes she took I can ask tonight if I think of it.
Hope that helps abit but Im sure afew ladies here will chime in with some sweet advice.
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Thank you so far! I try to get as much fitness in as possible especially with school and working till 1130 lol.
Deep squats! Use a weight that will allow between 15-25 reps. Burn them legs and butt out! Out of all the girls I see squat, 99% of them have nice legs and butt! :) Do other leg exercises as well, with squats being king. Do leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, or any other leg machine you see!

Also lots of cardio. Running and stair master in particular. Set good levels and inclines when doing treadmill to really hit the back of the legs/butt.

I may be a guy, but I know what works my legs and butt. :D
I am not a big fan of cardio.
First I don't like to do it.
Second, it only seems to make me hungry.
This makes trying to CUT more difficult.
In order to have a more trim waistline you need to CUT.
This means running a calorie deficit based on your TDEE.
Also you want to consider your sources of calories.
Focus on eating proteins, fruits, and vegetables.
As a rule of thumb if it doesn't run, swim, fly, or grow out of the ground... don't eat it

As for exercises it sounds like you are not going to spending a lot of time in a gym and are looking for body weight exercises
Lunges, Air Squat, Side Lunges, Planks, Reverse Plank, Glute bridges will all help towards your goals

I would also look into vacuum. This is kind of like sucking in your abs for sets of 60 seconds.
Do this all day long and you can build a strong core without leaving your desk chair.
Welcome to MC! This is going to sound perverted but honestly helped my fiance get the tight round ass she always wanted. When we have sex she gets on top and rides it intensely grinding. Be careful doing it at work. For waist thats going to have to be done in the kitchen and not sex just eating healthy.
You just gotta burn more calories than you consume ladybee. Or create more muscle to burn more fat on a higher calorie diet. Or eat more of a volume of healthier foods so you have more energy to exercise longer.

Also lots of cardio. Running and stair master in particular. Set good levels and inclines when doing treadmill to really hit the back of the legs/butt.

Add lunges. Lunges are faking awesome. I've seen some girls do whole routines on the treadmill too. Sidestepping, backwards wacking, running, lunging, incline walking, high knees walking. I mean with insane amounts of intensity at like 6am for an hour straight!! You can do single leg squats anywhere just using your bodyweight. 15 minutes of like a 4 exercise routine alternating like... step ups(using a chair), lunges, single leg squats(using a chair), jumping jacks or jump rope, throw in some girl(or not) push ups to rest your legs in between leg sets. You could throw in some light dumbell movements or use them for weighted sissy squats(back against the wall) to get started. Do over the head presses with the step ups. Use them for weighted lunges. All you need is a chair and a set of light dumbells bee.

If you don't have time for that do some sort of stretching routine at work or something. Anything.:tread:
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Welcome to the show!
My wife before she was pregnant loved pistol squats and believe it or not she enjoyed Shawn T's Insanity and saw some real results.

Shaun T is no joke. I'd definitely recommend it, it worked for my stomach, and a good diet of course!
welcome to MuscleChemistry! looks like everyone here has you sorted, so not much i can add other then welcoming you to The MuscleChemistry Machine!
Welcome to MC. Squats Squats Squats! Unless your unable to squat bc of injury... Then you can do these Wall Bridge Lie on your back with your butt against the wall and arms at your sides. Bend your knees and plant your feet 3 to 4 feet up the wall. Raise your lower and middle back off floor, keeping your shoulder blades on the ground. Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
</br> Cross your right ankle over your left knee so that only your left foot is on wall.
</br> Don't use the wall. Keep your feet flat on floor as you lift into a bridge. ______________
</br> Windshield Wipers Lie faceup on the floor with your legs against a wall, the bottoms of your feet facing the ceiling. Slowly lower your left leg down the wall like a clock arm toward 9 o'clock, then return to the starting position. Repeat with right leg, sweeping toward 3 o'clock. Continue to alternate legs until you've completed all of the reps.
</br> Wrap an elastic exercise band around your left foot. Hold both ends at your right hip for added resistance as you sweep your left foot down the wall. Do all reps, then switch legs and repeat. MAKE IT EASIER Move your butt 3 to 6 inches away from the wall while performing the move. ______________
</br> Toe Reaches Lie on the floor with your heels pressed against the wall, your legs straight. Reach your right hand toward your left foot, allowing your right shoulder to raise off the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat with your left hand and right foot. Continue to alternate until you've completed all reps.
</br> Perform the exercise with your feet stacked toe to heel. MAKE IT EASIER Reach toward your knees. ______________
</br> Wall Scissor Begin with your butt close to the wall, knees bent, and your feet planted on the wall. Raise your hips up, and place your elbows on the floor and your hands on your hips to support your lower body. Walk your feet up the wall so that your legs are straight. This is your starting position. From here, lower your left leg toward your head, keeping both legs straight. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg. Continue to alternate until you've completed all reps. MAKE IT HARDER
</br> As you lower your leg, pause and pulse 2 or 3 times, moving it up and down an inch or two, before returning it back to the wall. MAKE IT EASIER Start with your hips 3 to 6 inches away from the wall. ______________
</br> Knee Press Lie on your back with your butt against the wall, knees bent, and feet planted 3 to 4 feet up the wall. Raise your butt and back off the floor and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Without moving the rest of your body, pulse your knee toward the wall 20 times. Lower your body, and repeat on your left side.
</br> MAKE IT HARDER As you press your knee, lift and lower your hips a couple of inches with each rep.
</br> MAKE IT EASIER Do the move with your butt on the floor.
</br> I have a few girls who I know who workout that I'm friends with one's a personal trainer. She uses this bc she has really bad knees... If you are able to squat or leg press I'd do them above all... Even weightless body squats.
</br> Hope this helps!