Hormone Replacment


New member
Hi, I'm new here. 32y, 5'9", 165lb. Had my test levels checked for a variety of reasons and my levels were low, to the tune of 160. Doc put me on test patch for 2 mos, moved to new city, new doc recommended injection, said it was a far better method of delivery, cheaper, etc... so he wrote test cyp 200mg, 10ml, dose of 1ml (200mg) per wk. doc said if it goes untreated then well the consequences could be severe (other than just feeling like crap) and that this hormone replacement must be done consistently, long-term. currently, just had my 2nd dose, and i feel much better than i have in a while. 1ml of 200mg per wk seems reasonable and shouldn't warrant too many unwanted side effect, but ya never know... gyno and atrophy aren't appealing. hcg could be a good sup but with long-term use comes long term increase in LH levels... dunno... adex on hand too, just in case... any good feedback is greatly appreciated.
as of now, I wouldnt worry to much about the negative side affects, as your levels are so low. But, just in case, you should be able to get anti-e's and hcg's, prescribed to you since your getting your test from the doc anyhow. Just keep check on the blood work.
You're on a therapeutic dose, which shouldn't necessitate anti-e. HCG can be utilized to prevent atrophy and with appropriate dosage shouldn't have negative effects. However some docs won't give you HCG unless you have fertility problems. Gyno shouldn't be a problem on that dosage either, especially with IM injections. There is higher estrogen conversion with patches because of the adipose tissue present at the absorption site. I am on 150mg/wk HRT myself and haven't had any negative side effects and feel better than I have in I can't remember how long.
^^^A lot of good info here and coming from someone with experience so I think you'll be alright bro
Actually, even with HRT there is some necessity for an anti-estrogen. Conversion also happens much more readily at the level that it peaks to when a shot is given. Some endocrinologists know this, some don't. HCG is also given by good endos to keep the testes functioning and at full size while the patient is on HRT.
welcome to MuscleChemistry Tetragram! 200mg a week is great! And if u think you feel good now only in ur second week with ur second shot, just wait until week 5!! Your going to feel superhuman, especialy considering your natty test was low, your energy levels and muscle mass should sky rocket and your mood will be good as well! Once again WELCOME and look forward to seeing you around brutha!
one more question + some add'l info... I've always been very active. In high school, I wrestled competitively and have also been highly engaged in Martial Arts since 9 years old, ranging from Muay Thai, to JKD, to submission grappling, etc... I also used to lift quite often, and to be quite honest, my goal was to gain strength and size, and yes, at the age of 22/23ish, I experimented, but really didn't have a clue what I was doing, didn't prepare right, which ultimately, wasted a lot of my "efforts". About 6 years ago, I had a trainer who was big into supplements, trained body builders, and overall, gained some good knowledge. I have never been a big guy and with my body structure, probably won't ever be huge, so to speak, but I'm o.k. with that. However, gaining 20lbs wouldn't be so bad. I've researched and researched, have a good friend who just graduated med school, and he has given me a ton of knowledge on supplements and other stuff. In fact, he's done a ton of extra research himself, trying to find the right combo's, mix of supplements, diet, and overall health + the main reason, I joined MC is because he recommended it, saying, you'll get good, solid advice for whatever goals you want to physically and mentally achieve. Here's my question... given that I'm already on Test Cyp, is there anything I could supplement, short term, that would boost my physical results, while still maintaining my health? Other than low t, I'm in very good physical and mental shape. That's not to say, I would be opposed to some add'l supplements. For starters, I know that adding quality protein (1-1.5gms per lb), such as whey, egg, etc... creatine, glutamine, other amino's, and of course, keep care of my joints thru fish oil or gluc/chond, coupled with a solid diet of eggs, fish, other non-processed meats, raw/steamed veggies, certain fruits, no junk, no fast food, easy on sugars, etc... With that said, I'm sure there are some good options, and I have a variety of supplements I'm contemplating. Again, my main goal is to increase size/strength while maintaining my health. Not trying to go crazy or anything... I mean, I'll never enter a powerlifting or body building contest. But when you look in the mirror and see the difference a little hard work and discipline will do, it's gratifying, so sure, I'm trying to use what I have, build upon it, and enhance. At minimum, the least I can do is learn more. I will be training again soon (within the next month), with both weights and martial arts. I can already see what a little legit/real Test Cyp can do, even though I'm only on my 2nd dose, and on Tues, my 3rd. I've read, literally, almost every anab-supplement profile out there on different websites throughout the years, but at the end of the day, advice from folks who know much more than I, is prob more valuable than any pharmacological profile. Again, I want to learn. What I choose to do will be my own doing, but at least I will be equipped with sound knowledge and sound preparation. Thank you for any good feedback you may have, much appreciated...
If you're wanting to boost your results a little bit, dbol or anadrol would help add some strength and size gains on you. You could get away with 50mgs of either a day added with your HRT and you should make some good gains given that your diet is in check. I wouldn't go too crazy since you're just starting out, but I'd say that you'll really see a difference with just the test by itself for the first go round.
And a supplementation with amino acids while training will certainly help as well, it'll keep the muscle soreness down a bit too
honestly bro im a advocate of long low doses , I wouldnt add anything if your not competing in any way and just looking for change make sure diet is right and routine is in check with bcaa's and you will be amazed were youll be in 6 months , anything above and beyond that is pointless with your goals all gains will be solid and it will be tru transformation. If you had low levels to this point on hrt you will grow with proper nutrition.
great feedback, thank you all! I have some a little opti nutri protein that looks to have a good balance of bcaa's, some left over gaspari size on, lots of bodytech glutamine and creatine. as well as, have access to anything advocare, have used catalyst, rehydrate, spark, etc... not bad... but i agree, nutrition is key and the best way to add gains, especially in my situation. picked up some salmon, amberjack, steak, brown rice, yogurts, veggies, a lot of other stuff that has good carbs and lots of protein. goal is 160gms of protein and approx 2,500 solid calories per day. i have already started light training at my home with therabands, kettlebell, push ups, cardio, etc... 3rd dose of hrt is in! If there's anything i'm missing or should take away, i'm all ears... thanks again!
I'm surprised no one mentioned IGF. It's not just for bodybuilders. It is an amazing compound and when compared to OTC crap, it is also a bargain.
IGF.... hmm... i've heard about it and just read about it... i see some sites advertising, pure IGF... hope i don't get into trouble for saying this... but can you buy it over the internet from sites? i see a lot advertising pure IGF and IGF-1 lozenges... is that the right stuff? or do you have to do thru another channel, per se?
IGF.... hmm... i've heard about it and just read about it... i see some sites advertising, pure IGF... hope i don't get into trouble for saying this... but can you buy it over the internet from sites? i see a lot advertising pure IGF and IGF-1 lozenges... is that the right stuff? or do you have to do thru another channel, per se?

REAL IGF can be purchased through the MC store. I've tried numerous other brands. None are comparable.
You can pick up some IGF on this website at the store. The only reason I didn't mention it was because he's just getting into HRT and I wasn't sure if he'd wanna get into that right now
on the test cyp for hrt, i've been injecting with a 22g, 1 and a half inch in the hip, rotating each week from hip to hip... i picked up a 1 inch for my arms, deltoids, but... it's a 25g. Is that too small of a gauge to push a test cyp load?