How should or can I stack these the best?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hi, I'm Landon and new to the board but been reading it for awhile. I am 27 and been training for 10 years. I'm 6'1 218lbs. I have taken different things in the past but have been clean for 2 years. I played with D-bol, Anadrol, Winstrol and Sustanon. but never stacked anything. I have recently purchased 2 10ml bottles of Test Enanthate 250mg, 2 10ml bottles of Test Propinate 100mg, and I have 50ml of Deca 200. I have been doing cardio 3 to 4 days a week to shed any excess body fat for about 2 months. I was 230 when I started. I have been taking Adipex to curve my appetite and have been eating very clean. My bf percentage is around 14percent and I hate to get a lot of excess water. What is the best way to stack these 3? Should I only stack 2? Or is this a good stacj while trying to halfway stay lean..but just add mass. I really don't want a lot of water.. is it possible to not have SO much with Test?
I would run 2ml of test eth and 2 ml of Deca each week for 10 weeks and then run 2 ml of test prop every other day for the next 3 weeks and keep the remainder of your Deca for another cycle- so basically
Week 1-10 2 ml test eth and 2 ml deca
Weeks 11-13 2 ml test prop every other day
Then run PCT immediately after that
So on the Enth and Deca, would you hit them on the same day or separate? I'm also wondering on my injection sites. As I said, it has been a LONG time so I'm nervous like the the first time lol. I used to hit my glutes with a 18 gauge 1.5 . I sure hate to do it again, but when u got the gear you just gotta!! Is the Delt as painful or less than glute? I ended up with an abcess once on my glute, I know that's not REAL uncommon but sure not fun! Anyway, thanks for the advice... and more would be great!
Damn! an 18g in the ass!? No wonder you got an abcess.

You never have to do and 18G again. Pins are easy to get now. LOL!

and yes, you can do the test and deca in one shot. I'd take 2 shots a week....but the test prop is another story if you use that.
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i agree with finephysique and i would definately do the deca and test in the same makes it alot less painful when you can do that

I think you'll be pleased with those results
Thanks, for the info.. I haven't got my pins yet, not have I gotten any Nolvadex or Clomid which I know I need both. So would you guys mix a ml of deca and a ml of Test and say do that on a Monday, then the same on a Wed or Thursday? That would 500mg of test and 400mg of Deca per week. I will retain a lot of water to huh? ... Do I need less dosages than that .. I know my test needs to be higher than my Deca.. it that dosage good or not?
The doseages are good 500/400 EW. That should be just about perfect.

Mix the two, deca and test in each shot. I like a Sun/Thursday when doing enanthate. M and W will be fine too.
Bro when you get your pins get some 25g or 23g 1.5". Also get some 20g for drawing.
18g pins are like knitting needles. lol.