I have no idea how to diet!! can somebody please help me get started


New member
I'm 18, Bench 315, 5'10, roughly 13-14% body fat weight 194. I want to trim my body just a tad to just to add a more defined look. I'm not talking about competition looking, but maybe be around 11-10% body fat. I'm not on any cycles as of now.

I've read tons of stuff about cutting the carbs, and not cutting the carbs, eating a lot throughout the day. I don't know what to believe and what not to believe. Is it true you can have one "cheat day" if you eat right throughout the week.

Someone plz help, im tired of searching :confused:
I don't really have a diet :rolleyes: I just try to watch what I eat.
Let's see...
10 am. Morning, 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg, oatmeal
12 noon. Protein shake mixed w/water 1 scoop
2 pm. Some mixed fruit (grapes, cantalopes, maybe watermellon)
4pm protein shake 1 scoop with water
6pm. probably a turkey sandwich on wheat, with cheese and honey mustard, maybe a few chips.
8pm running out of ideas, just something to put into my stomache
10pm pm protein shake 1 scoop with water

I also snack when i guess shouldn't ie. some scrambled eggs on wheat bread, a turkey sandwich, a subway grilled chicken, maybe some cereal. But this is pretty much a daily routine i try to follow, i may miss a protein shake sometimes though, and it kinda screws up my eating plan.
your diet look alright in my opinion, are you doing any cardio? if your main goal is fat loss you'll need to be doing cardio, probably 3-4 days a week for 45min.+
45+ minutes, okay, should i do this in the morning before i eat? Will i lose some of my muscle mass from losing body fat?

what is required to lose body fat in the human body. A deficit in caloric intake?
what you want to do is use the fat you have on your body for energy. after about 20 minutes of aerobic exercising (not anaerobic) the body starts burning fat rather than glycogen stores. if you keep your protien intake at around 250g/day you should keep most of the muscle you have and start to lose fat. try to keep carbs to a minimum, your body can use protien for fuel but it's first choice is carbs. the thing that has really helped me to stick with a diet is to write it out on paper. then i have it right in front of me and i'm not trying to guess what i needed to eat.
i would imagine that your strength is pretty important to you being that you posted what you bench. so just so you know, depending on how much fat you lose your strength will start to go down as well. but i wouldn't be too worried about this if you're just trying to get down to about 10-11%bf.
ok great thanks for the help flex. When's the best time to do cardio, after my workouts or just in the morning? Is my breakfast plan okay? Oatmeal has carbs in it.
also isn't anaerobic exercises just a very intense aerobic workout for about 10 minutes??? Should I do anaerobic 1 day and aerobic 1 day?

and when i'm finally down to where i want to be, how should i do my cardio then??
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bumpin flex..if your worried about losin muscle while doin cardio then do low intensity say a moderate paced walk for say 45mins..this will keep you muscle while allowin you to burn more fat....and the am before ya eat is the best time...as for diet say 1.5grams of protein per pound of bodyweight...this will ensure you don't lose musle mass....PRotein intake is the key here...you can eat some carbs but make sure there complex ecpet after your workout....don't eat carbs after say 4-5 in the pm....
irish said it all, nice work bro. about anaerobic exercise, yes it's pretty much just intense aerobic exercise, but when you're in anaerobic you're burning just general calories. when exercising aerobically, for about the first 20 min. your body is in anaerobic mode and then after that it's burning fat aerobically.
What are good carbs to take in after my workout with a protein shake? and how many should i intake? Maybe a protein shake and a turkey sandwich on wheat???? need help cause i wanna start today.

also after my morning cardio, no carb in take for breakfast right?
is oatmeal with vanilla protein powder and apple cinn sugar with 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg okay?

If i eat like this, and don't take in ANY carbs after 5 pm will it be a good plan to go buy?
Also my protein shakes have around 3 grams of carbs in them. What avg Gram of carb should I stay away from?

thanks guys
Anaerobic is an exercixe that doesn't use require must oxygen, where you get to rest between movments such as weightlifting. They tend to be more muscle building exercise instead of fatburing movements.

Aerobic exercise hence the name means "with oxygen". It is exercise like aerobics, playing basketball and running that requires the body's intake of oxygen to increase. These exercises tend to burn more fat and lower bodyfat %. Weightlifing can be aerobic, if you don't rest inbetween sets or if you circuit train, but it will not be as effective at builing muscle or LBM.

The 8 pm meal try a can of Tuna mixed with relish and mayo....will make two sandwiches and gives you 30 grams of protein. Use wheat bread to cut down on carbs. If you want to elimnate them completely, eliminate pastas and bread from your diet completely. This will get you ripped and you will be taking in minimum amount of carbs necessary. It is also a drink called Contra-C I beleive where you can take in carbs that way.

Your diet looks good for the most part, need to eliminate the chips(especially if it is potatoe chips), but good for the most part.
thanks lord odin!! So after my cardio in the morning is it okay to eat oatmeal and 5 scrambled egg whites?

also what is a good number of grams of carbs to take in after my weight lifting
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Yea after the cardio in the morning you definitely want to do that. Your body is in a state where it needs the fuel and energy to repair itself. If you run initially on an empty stomache it will tap into your fat reserves for energy, this is the same concept the military using with it 's physical training at 6:30am and the same concpet I implore each morning.

You can't go wrong and over a few weeks if you stick to it, you will see results. I run about 3 miles every morning at 6:00am, it keeps me ripped preety much year round.

I would keep my total carbs around 3000 carbs/day if you are cutting, even 2500/day. After your workout the thing you will want to be sure to get is the protein, at least 30 grams. I usually have a Detour bar after my workout...30g of Whey Protein Isolate and it tastes like a Snickers bar!!! LOL!!

Goodluck and keep us posted on your progress. I apologize for not answerign the thread earlier.

May the Iron Be Good2U!!
Lord odin thanks for all your help bro. :)

3000 carbs a day? you mean grams?:( god theres so much i need to learn about dieting.

Okay, here's my goal for now, I've always been kinda thick, not fat, but not lean, kinda in that state where i look better in a muscle shirt than without my shirt at all. I am wanting to get rid of a few lbs just so i'll start feeling a little better about the way I look, then i'll start to bulk from there, am i going about this the wrong route?

I know they say 1.5 grams of protein per lbs of body weight, but what is a good carb rate? Every damn food i've looked at in the kitchen has carbs, Protein shakes have 3grams, vegetables have it. how can i cut all of them in my meals untill after my afternoon weight training. Then say after i'm done with my workout should i load on carbs?
also, i'm currently walking 4 miles in the morning, around 730, when i come home and eat my first meal, should i take in a lot of carbs and protein? or just a bowl of oatmeal and 6 eggs do fine?
3g of complex carbs a day? one slice of whole wheat bread has 2g of carbs? Most protein has carbs in it. Can anyone else comment on this? seems like 3g of carbs is pointless