
I work for the school district, in nutrition services. I'm in a high school, It's great. It's so cool to be able to bond with the kids. Plus I basically have the same schedule as my son (5th grade) and I get summers off! :D
I have a bachelor science in Kinesiology, PFLC and specialized in cardiac rehab therpay. I am now a student in nursing and persuing a masters in this field.
Sorry to butt in.

My significant other of 4 years has a Masters in Early Childhood Education. She earned it by the age of 22. She is now working towards a Ph.D and has been nominated but not yet won Teacher of the Year for the last 4 yrs. We used to train together all the time or at least go to the gym together but different schedules now so she runs every day and goes to the gym about 3 days a wk.
i'm currently working for a medical billing co. but i am pursuing a career in art. i'd like to have my own comics someday.