trash source


New member
once again I have used a trash source lol
That’s how bad my luck runs I keep making the same mistake over and over with these sources.
A friend of mine was high on lawlesslabsusa. Decided to give them a shot because this friend of mine really knows the stuff.
Ordered their GW and LGD. Both are definitely underdosed and I don’t recommend using them
once again I have used a trash source lol
That’s how bad my luck runs I keep making the same mistake over and over with these sources.
A friend of mine was high on lawlesslabsusa. Decided to give them a shot because this friend of mine really knows the stuff.
Ordered their dbol and anavar. Both are definitely underdosed and I don’t recommend using them was selling bad cardarine gw for years
you definitely got screwed sorry this happened to you but be careful next time