"Lean mass / cutting" cycle

on this cycle presser, why run the prop 3 times the tren?? I ask cause i have 60ml of tren a 50, test prop 50, mast p 50 ultra rip blend, but i was wondering about it if i should run extra tren or prop. Ive always in past sorta done it opposite tren 2-3 times the prop. But im curious about what you think about the ratio of this blend, how you would run it and if you would add any extra of either three of these. I was going to sorta run this for 8 weeks the last 8 weeks of a cycle im on basically just switch to this and keep running eq, and then i was going to use the igf (my winnings lol) on top of it. I was thinking somewhere in the range of 1cc ed or maybe 1.5 cc eod. which would be a range of basically 37.5 - 50 mg of each daily. But id be extremely open and grateful if you would outline something for me including the igf, and i have a very quick reliable source if i need a lil more of anything.

Thats wat i was gonna ask , I have a powerlifter friend and he says he keeps tren:test ratio 3:1 and says tren is 5 times more potent than test but is tren not suppressive on test , with that ratio hows sex drive ,have u tried it like that bro and how did u felt.thanks
Last ttime i ran that i had to be around 27-28 years so almost 4-5 years ago. I never felt a drop in sex drive, but i always ran caber 2 x weekly with it, really only sides i experience with tren was some night sweets a little hard time sleeping. But I am curious about this blend and being it has the masteron in it as well. Do i just leave it alone and run just the blend in equal quantities or would there be a benefit in adding some extra tes prop or maybe even a once a week andropen 27f mg which has the tes acetate prop phenyl prop and two of the longer esters. I do not have caber this go round nor do i really have access to it at a price i can afford. I am skeptical or research chem caber. Has anyone used reaserch chem caber or Prami?? Was thinking of using muscle chem anit-p but i still dont really know what exactly that is. But i would trust something from muscle chem or AAA but AAA doesnt carry either
then drink it if your worried about injecting it due to its being older and water based. You can inject or drink any 17aa steroids.

Presser, i have a few questions.

I have this winstrol -> Asia Pharma Stanobolic (Stanozolol injectable suspension 50 mg/ml) - pic is a below...

EXP date is: 07 / 2014.

1. Is this winny still ok for drinking ?

2. Is this winstrol water based(winstrol is a white/milky) ?

3. Can i drink this winstrol ?

4. What dose you recommend ? Divide dose into 2 parts (am and pm) or not ? Maybe drink 0.5ml am and 0.5ml pm ED (350 mg/week) for 4 weeks ?

5. Drink with water / protein shake / juice / something else ???

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yes it is water based and yes you can still drink it bro, and yes i would divide it into 2 doses per day, maybe 25 and 25
Great Presser! :thumbsup:

Two questions please:

1. Drink with water / protein shake / juice / something else ??? Drink slowly or not ?

2. Process: drawing from the vial and injected (0.5 ml) into a glass or protein shake and drink ? "Is this the right process / procedure" ?

Sorry for my bad english...

Thank you very much!
Great Presser! :thumbsup:

Two questions please:

1. Drink with water / protein shake / juice / something else ??? Drink slowly or not ?

2. Process: drawing from the vial and injected (0.5 ml) into a glass or protein shake and drink ? "Is this the right process / procedure" ?

Sorry for my bad english...

Thank you very much!

Just squirt it into your mouth bro. No need to mix with anything! I wouldn't mix it with anything brutha, just drink it straight from syringe to ensure u get every last bit. Then chase it down with shake or water
One question :)

I have 200 tablets of Anavar and 30 ml of this Winstrol

Is it safe to use both (anavar and Winstrol) for the last few weeks - hardening ?

Anavar 60-80 mg / ED - week 11,12,13,14
Winstrol (drink) 50 mg / ED - 14,15,16 week

Only one week together (week 14) and total - 6 weeks oral ?

I have tablets to protect liver. I think there will be no problem :confused:
Sorry for my bad english...
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Smarty you can run both,I did no problem and I was running clen and t3.i was running 60 mgs var and 1cc eod of winny with great results.keep your diet clean.with proper diet and cardio you will get shredded.good luck
Smarty you can run both,I did no problem and I was running clen and t3.i was running 60 mgs var and 1cc eod of winny with great results.keep your diet clean.with proper diet and cardio you will get shredded.good luck

Presser, what do you suggest for PCT... I have 50 tabs Nolva and 70 tabs Clomid....

I'm at the end of the cycle...

1-8 tren ace (150 mg / eod)
1-16 test prop (75 mg / eod)
1-14 eq (600-750 mg / week)
10-16 anavar (60-80 mg / ED)
14-16 winstrol (drinking - 1.5 ml / ED)

Something like this:

Clomid: 50/50/25/25
Nolva: 20/20/10/10

Is that enough ?

+ ZMA, Triazole, tribulus, DAA, etc,....


Clomid: 100/50/50/25
Nolva: 40/20/20/20

something better?
Presser. You are a by patient man sir. I just read theu all these and was fully expecting him to ask you if you could inject him also.
Nice job sir