Make Anadrol 50mg

I make Anadrol and Dbol 3 months ago, 50mg/ml PAINLESS and I'll try 75mg next time:
1% ba
10% benzyl salicilate
10% benzyl benzoate
10% guaiacol

100% EO as the carrier oil.

Im a brazilian chef, and sorry about my poor english. Im here to agregate.
I dont need another pin added to my already hectic pin cycle. I will stick to oral Adrol when I use it..
Ive done D-bol oral and Injectable- Big difference in my opinion, You think Oral d-bol works fast... I used to get my Inj. D-bol from a dom. source but he retired, I offered him $, Swore to God that I would'nt give up his Recipe For the smooth 100mg/ml Inj. D-bol -Guess he'll be taking that to his grave.
One pass through the liver is better than two. Fuck everytime I come across one of these threads talking about injectable dbol and shit. I want to try it.
One pass through the liver is better than two. Fuck everytime I come across one of these threads talking about injectable dbol and shit. I want to try it.

damn your smarter then you look! or at least then your avatar looks lol, And yes you get more from injectable rather the oral, and as rays said one pass is better then 2 lol
Never tried injet dbol or drol ... but the oral dbol kilss my stomach, my apetite and gives me headaches! Maybe I'll try some of theese inject to see.
I'm going to pull the trigger and either buy adrol or dbol powder. Which one would you guys rather make into an injectable? Dbol slightly less toxic and a little better at holding gains seems to give it the edge.
castor vs. Castrol, but I agree with others i wouldnt want to pin anything extra, its not like its more liver friendly or anything either.

I guess you do learn something new every day, cause i sure as shit didn't know that,lol, I thought it was one in the same, so thnx