Methenolone Conversion


New member
I need a recipie for either Methenolone Acetate or Methenolone Enanthate. The higher the mg/ml the better so I dont have to shoot 20ml a week.

yes i would love to see that recipe especially for the methenolone
acetate. iremember yrs. ago getting ripped to shreds using 200 mgs. a wk.of the acetae & a lil clenny I mean ripped as hell in a few short wks the acetate is real famous for that.
I just made some of the enanthate at 250 used 2 ba and 7 bb. I'd say you could probably get it up to 400 with 3 ba and 8-10bb. Never made the acetate, but don't see why the recipe would be any different then tren. that will hold 200 in 3 and 8.
Thanks! let me know if it crashes, I have heard that it is harder to keep in solution then something like test e.
methenolone conversion

well to tell you cordoba it was schering spain I think.It didn't hurt a bit: but then it take a lot of pain to effect me( I'm a lil thick headed that way.) it was in the mid 80's & it was in amber ampules. I sure would like to learn more about conversions.
Thats good to hear, let me know how you like....personally I love the stuff, real good to bridge with.
Yo C, how id that ever work for ya? Getting ready to make some of the acetate, would be interested in seeing how you did it. I'm going low mg (75 per ml), so that I can use it EOD for a bridge.
brew said:
Yo C, how id that ever work for ya? Getting ready to make some of the acetate, would be interested in seeing how you did it. I'm going low mg (75 per ml), so that I can use it EOD for a bridge.

Do you think that is a good idea to take juice when you come off juice? Ive read your receptors need a break from juice (PCT) or you will be injecting for nothing cuz it wont affect you as good as if you would have rested and cleaned out your system.