Mr. Olympia Top 8 Predictions

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Written by George N. Touliatos, MD


Mr. Olympia Top 8 Predictions

By George Touliatos, MD

Q: What are your predictions for the top eight in the upcoming Mr. Olympia?

A: With a random order I’d say: Ramy, Curry, Hadi, Bonac, Walker, Andrew, Blessing and Labrada. In case Ramy doesn’t reach top conditioning, Brandon could steal the crown. Brandon always has the best aesthetics; his V-taper is exceptional. Hadi will fight with Bonac for places three and four in case Brandon shows his elite side, like he did during the last Arnold. William has reached a plateau in his size; his strong point is the thickness and density. Hadi has been improving in the past three years, and by far he has the best conditioning and definition. Nick and Andrew can crack the top five, but obviously they have totally different body types. Walker has by far the biggest amount of muscle compared to his height; he has enormous arms and legs. However, below the knees the varicose veins issue creates an aesthetic disadvantage. On the other hand, Andrew has among the best structures with small joints, outstanding separation, deep cuts and round muscle bellies. His V-taper is good and his midsection as well. Now, Blessing has a very similar structure. His shape is impressive and he can be dangerous. Finally, Labrada has awesome hams with a small waistline. Hunter has good delts and outstanding quads. He is young and hungry, with great guidance in posing from his legendary father.

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George Touliatos, MD is an author, lecturer, champion competitive bodybuilder and expert in medical prevention regarding PED use in sports. Dr. Touliatos specializes in medical biopathology and is the medical associate of and, Age Management and Preventive Clinics in Athens, Greece. Heis the author of four Greek books on bodybuilding, has extensively developed articles for and is the medical associate for the book “Anabolics, 11th Edition” (2017). Dr. Touliatos has been a columnist for the Greek editions of MuscleMag and Muscular Development magazines, and has participated in several seminars across Greece and Cyprus, making numerous TV and radio appearances, doing interviews in print and online. His personal website is

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