my blood pressure on this cycle lol!


New member
Wow my blood pressure is going crazy on this cycle and I don’t know why.
I’m using trenbolone only 300mgs a week
test prop 400mgs a week
and some dbol to kickstart things
I’m 50 years old and I’m 230 lbs
what are your recommendations for getting the blood pressure down without having to cut back on my gear because I’m having fantastic results
is this a troll post? if you REALLY don't know the answer then what you are saying is you did absolutely zero research and ran this cycle fully blind and at 50 years, the fact you could be that careless is so far beyond scary.. i would expect that from someone half your age but certainly not your age... the ONLY answer is to stop using steroids, and certainly not use them again.. stop, run pct and stay far away from them

beyond the fact you are having problems and say you dont want to stop using them.. i mean, wtf is wrong with you?
Wow my blood pressure is going crazy on this cycle and I don’t know why.
I’m using trenbolone only 300mgs a week
test prop 400mgs a week
and some dbol to kickstart things
I’m 50 years old and I’m 230 lbs
what are your recommendations for getting the blood pressure down without having to cut back on my gear because I’m having fantastic results
thats crazy amount of gear thats the issue
you cut tren and stay on test only and use n2guard with aromasin
Wow my blood pressure is going crazy on this cycle and I don’t know why.
I’m using trenbolone only 300mgs a week
test prop 400mgs a week
and some dbol to kickstart things
I’m 50 years old and I’m 230 lbs
what are your recommendations for getting the blood pressure down without having to cut back on my gear because I’m having fantastic results
See the parts in bold
if your blood pressure is consistently High then you need to just stop the cycle and regroup
Wow my blood pressure is going crazy on this cycle and I don’t know why.
I’m using trenbolone only 300mgs a week
test prop 400mgs a week
and some dbol to kickstart things
I’m 50 years old and I’m 230 lbs
what are your recommendations for getting the blood pressure down without having to cut back on my gear because I’m having fantastic results