my heartbreak story

karah came back over last night. I wasnt planning on it. I was working on my place, getting my shaggin room ready..... I was already kinda lit from beer, tired, was going to call it a night. But karah called and wanted to come over. So once she got to my place, I proceeded to start drinking jack with her. There was a couple shots of jagar in there as well, we started watching a movie, decided to take my truck out for a spin (my truck is really loud, has headers and cherry bombs -the motor is souped up) we went for a little spin in it.... Thank god we didnt get pulled over!!! We are really beginning to enjoy each other's company. -its weird, i didnt think that would happen.

Karah is cool with me going out with nancy tonight. From going from the most insecure person on the planet (nicole) to karah... Its amazingly refreshing. she said whatever, you think you can find something better.... go for it. -thats her attitude.

Im hung over today.... But fucking A! Its good to be me.
karah texted me 5 times while i was on my date. Not sure if karah is really that cool with this. .... nancy and i met at 7... talked till we got kicked out 2 1/2 hours later. Id say thats a really good start.

Karah might come over later.... i dont know yet. she is watching the premier of sons of anarchy with her parents... lol.

just remembered that nicole was gone on her date for 5 hours.... Not sure how you can talk to someone you really dont know that much for 5 hours. hmmmm...????

they're both texting me right now... its kind of a pain in the ass. I forgot how much work this is. I really dont like it.

I doubt i can get nancy to strip naked and jump into the neighbors kiddie pool. She is just not type of girl. I think she might be a little to shy for me. Im into wild chicks i guess. Just maybe shouldn't take them 2 serious and ill be good.
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I've never wanted a first date to last 5 hours... the thought of being stuck spending time with someone that I really don't wanna be spending time with makes me feel suffocated and anxiety kicks in. First dates should be low key, so that if you want or need to escape, it's done... no big deal!
Ahahaha I love ya Norm man, things will work out for the best...

Your life sounds eerily like mine, just change a few names around and good to go!!
my life is a giant party every day now. its about smashing as much ass as possible. Cant say that im totally over nicole but, im atleast having a great time.
Its been 4 months now. I've focused on my career, the gym, and slowed down on the partying/ women.

The love for nicole is finally gone. Once that happened, I really began to see her for what she really was. Im still pretty damaged by the whole thing. Mostly because I feel awful for what happened to my wife. She ended up in the hospital. That really shouldn't have happened. I mean for what? 4 months of sex? I wrote nicole and told her off. Basically said she is like a tornado that walks into peoples lives, devastates everything and then leaves. Its pretty fucked up.
As soon as i became okay with being alone... fucking shit got crazy. Its like women everywhere man. I met a different chick almost every night, It was insanity for a bit. New girlfriend, named erin is practically living with me. She is really cute (21) army girl... Just adorable.

Got a new job... Its kick ass. Big money, military.... still working at the club.

life is good.
one more thing... kind of sad really. I havent seen or heard from nicole. She dropped all of her friends as well. So only one person has seen her in the last 5 months or so. I guess she looks anorexic. She was bragging that she is a size 0. Just really bothers me cause i still really care about her.