my next bulker, with pct


New member
here is my next bulking stack and pct.
First off my stats are 5’8’’ and 174 pounds. Goals are 190 pounds maybe 1 or 2 cycles but I want to hit that PR eventually. This is my 3rd cycle and I’m 30 years old
stack I had in mind:
equipoise 1000mgs a week
deca 300mgs a week
test E 500mgs a week.
1800mgs total.
nolvadex 20mgs a day
clomid 50mgs a day
fadogia 1500mgs a day.
Give me constructive criticism.
here is my next bulking stack and pct.
First off my stats are 5’8’’ and 174 pounds. Goals are 190 pounds maybe 1 or 2 cycles but I want to hit that PR eventually. This is my 3rd cycle and I’m 30 years old
stack I had in mind:
equipoise 1000mgs a week
deca 300mgs a week
test E 500mgs a week.
1800mgs total.
nolvadex 20mgs a day
clomid 50mgs a day
fadogia 1500mgs a day.
Give me constructive criticism.
thats a big bulker but drop eq to 200-300mgs eq
and test 250mgs with 200mgs deca

pct you need hcgenerate
go easy on to those things just because you're bulking doesn't mean you have to overdo it
Personally, I would drop the EQ and run the rest as you have it. Deca and EQ are both mild anabolics so just go with one. I just prefer deca.
here is my next bulking stack and pct.
First off my stats are 5’8’’ and 174 pounds. Goals are 190 pounds maybe 1 or 2 cycles but I want to hit that PR eventually. This is my 3rd cycle and I’m 30 years old
stack I had in mind:
equipoise 1000mgs a week
deca 300mgs a week
test E 500mgs a week.
1800mgs total.
nolvadex 20mgs a day
clomid 50mgs a day
fadogia 1500mgs a day.
Give me constructive criticism.
Eq lil high