NEW Euro Pharmacies Products!


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Purity Source Labs has the following new Euro Pharmacies products available.

Test E 250mg / Deca 200mg - 450mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Sustanon 500 - 500mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Test E 200mg / EQ 200mg - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Test E 250mg / Tren E 150mg - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Test 400 - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Test P 50mg / Tren A 50mg - 100mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Primobolan Acetate - 50mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Masteron Enanthate - 200mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Theses products can be located right on the Purity Source Labs website at the front page.

Come get your hands on some of our new products while the END OF NOVEMBER SALE is still in effect!
Which one of these products appeals to you the most? I like the Test P/Tren A blend.
Primo/mast or primo/eq or primo/masteron/eq. What do you think about these blend?
Those are some unique ideas bro. I especially like the primo/mast idea. Those are both good compounds especially at high doses. Primo ace/mast prop would be a great blend. Crazy hardening effects!