NukNuk posing 6 weeks out


MuscleChemistry member
225lbs this morning. And yes im sunburned, fell asleep on the beach Sunday. lol

Your shoulders are for sure your strongest feature, your double Bi looks great, your side chest looks great too. All around you are definitely on time and where you should be.
Wheels look good too, but don't forget'em when the season is over.:thumbsup:
This is constructive so please dont take this the wrong way cause you look great. However, Your upper body out shines your lower body. Your chest and shoulders are down right huge and it creates the illusion that your quads and hamstrings are smaller than the really are. Just what I see. Like I said please dont take it the wrong way. This "illusion" I am seeing may go away when you tan.

You look great, keep it up. All of us are living vicariously through you and are pulling hard for you.
yeah I know im top heavy. Legs are number one concern and have been. My upper body just grows with ease. Hell I dont even plan on working arms any day of the week. Just if I feel like hitting them or sqeeze them in on a day.
Wheels look good too, but don't forget'em when the season is over.:thumbsup:

. Legs are number one concern and have been..
I didn't want to point out the wheels, cause reading post can truly at times be read in the wrong tone. Like said above, I too was being Positively Constructive, by hinting off to address the wheels next seasons and make them a huge focus point.
Like I stressed with everything else, your there, and on time.:gold:
You look great bro...keep focused, even though the lethargy I'm sure gets difficult to deal w/ from dieting. Keep trucking !!
looking great nuk. when those legs do start finally filling out its gonna be a sick x frame look going on.
I don't think that you're legs look small or weak. I think you just haven't gotten the cuts in them to match the upper body yet. I have the same issue when I'm dieting. My legs are always the LAST thing to come in and once you get the cuts in them, it'll really tie everything together and won't look so top heavy.
I would say it is highly probable that you do very well in the contest , you are just a genetic freak, Arnold is lucky you weren't around in his time
OH Yea!! Freakin huge. Legs look great with good cuts starting to come in. Chest is looking awesome too. Should place very high.
Makes me want to go to the gym right now..:bber:
I don't think that you're legs look small or weak. .

His legs look impressive and far superior to many individuals I know, if he can bring them up some, then this kid stands a good chance of going places.
His poses are flawless and seems that he put lots of long hrs in his evenings working on them, It shows that he really has a zeal for this sport.

His legs look impressive and far superior to many individuals I know, if he can bring them up some, then this kid stands a good chance of going places.
His poses are flawless and seems that he put lots of long hrs in his evenings working on them, It shows that he really has a zeal for this sport.

Thanks man! :thumbsup:
You guys make me feel like an ass hole for what I said. I never said his legs were small. I just said his upper body out shines his lower. His legs are not small. I thought I made that clear that I wasnt saying that. Nuk, keep doing what you're doing. You look great.