Pro cycles??


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Does anyone have any samples of a professional bodybuilder cycle.
Im curious to see how much these animals are taking.

I found a cycle from Mike Morris
There were times when I was doing a heavy cycle. That would be five shots a week. A shot every day of the week and then two days off. A daily shot would include 250 mg. of Sustanon, 200 mg. of Enthanate and 300 mg. of Deca. So that's 3,750 mgs. a week plus orals. I'd usually take one oral at a time, like D-Bol or Anadrol. I can't speak for other bodybuilders, just for myself and what I've done. Anything over that-man, that's a lot of shit to take a shot with that everyday!
I also found a Craig Titus cycle
750 mgs of cyp per week all the way up to 3 weeks out
750 mgs of enanthate per week up to 3 weeks out
100 mgs of prop EOD and switched to 100 mgs of suspension ED for the last 6 weeks
50 mgs of deca ED (I don't understand this one)
1.5 cc's of Parabolin EOD
50 mgs of finaplex (DMSO) ED
100 mgs of EQ ED
8 Andriol ED
8 clenbuterol 2 days on 2 off
3 cc's of winstrol EVERYDAY(not a misprint)
40 mgs of nolvadex ED
4 IU's of Humatrope 5 days on 2 off, he only went up to 6 a day(his gut looked much better when he got his pro card versus now, it's mainly b/c of the GH)
Humulin N and R(long and short acting)-very serious , you have to time your eating or you're in BIG trouble-I talked to Craig a couple weeks ago and he now mixes R with Humalog b/c the Humalog by itself makes him sick
I don't recall the amount but he used quite a bit of cytadren
3-6 Cytomel ED
40 mgs of Halotestin ED
1 amp of Masteron EOD
i dont understand test cyp and enan esters being mixed. or sust and cyp or enan being mixed.

why would they do that?
thats is an ungodly cycle, id never be able to stick myself that much, but they do look incredible and very impressive.
We will never know a true pro's cycle. This is what keeps them in competion they hate to give away there secret.
lol @ 50 mgs of finaplex (DMSO) ED

what? afraid of one more poke?
vertigorocks said:
, id never be able to stick myself that much, .

Shit, they don't stick themselves....

I was reading on one of Lee Priests' - but I could tell he was lying out of his ass. Real low doses, nothing major and very short lengths. Pure bullshit. I hope someone could find it. I think it may have been in Testosterone mag
yes. I've seen that crap. It mentioned him using 200mg of deca or primo and no test or something to that effect. yeah right. It's almost physically impossible to hold that much body weight on someone with using that low of doses. maybe he hasamazing genetics but I just don't buy it.
BiggerStronger said:
yes. I've seen that crap. It mentioned him using 200mg of deca or primo and no test or something to that effect. yeah right. It's almost physically impossible to hold that much body weight on someone with using that low of doses. maybe he hasamazing genetics but I just don't buy it.
no, its all total bullshit. like admitting to a small amount is better than denying it all together :rolleyes:
Up to 3g/week sustanon
up to 1g/week deca or eq
75mg tren ED or EOD
up to 50mg/d d-bol or 150mg/d a-50 4 weeks on 4 weeks off
hcg every 4 weeks or clomid EOD
metformin after every high carb meal on the days that insulin is not used
Big A said:
Up to 3g/week sustanon
up to 1g/week deca or eq
75mg tren ED or EOD
up to 50mg/d d-bol or 150mg/d a-50 4 weeks on 4 weeks off
hcg every 4 weeks or clomid EOD
metformin after every high carb meal on the days that insulin is not used
any particular reason sust. is the preferred test?
dreww said:
any particular reason sust. is the preferred test?
I get it from the doc, flows beautifully through the needle and since I am always on, test levels end up being steady anyway.
these cycles are huge.....I feel like im pushing it at 1g of test a week lol! I understand that these guys are far more advanced, but i could never imagine using the doses like that. I think it would reap excelllent benifits though. :)
Bignick said:
these cycles are huge.....I feel like im pushing it at 1g of test a week lol! I understand that these guys are far more advanced, but i could never imagine using the doses like that. I think it would reap excelllent benifits though. :)

It's amazing the doses and combinations these guys use but it's important for newbies and beginners to understand that they worked there way up to these doses over years of using and training. These kind of cycles are for the elite professionals and no one needs to be pushing this much gear through a pin everyday unless they are already making appearances at the big shows on a regular basis.
Big A said:
Up to 3g/week sustanon
up to 1g/week deca or eq
75mg tren ED or EOD
up to 50mg/d d-bol or 150mg/d a-50 4 weeks on 4 weeks off
hcg every 4 weeks or clomid EOD
metformin after every high carb meal on the days that insulin is not used

with the hcg every 4 weeks is it 4 on 4 off, and what dose to run? ive heard before to run 500iu every sat/sun throughout the whole cycle, but i was always skeptical that it would shut down your lh. just like to know cuz i am bout to start next week. thanks for the help