Real or fake?

im also a c but i need a lift. its cheaper but more painful. i do like my size i think any bigger would just be to much  :D  im going after the summer to get it done
I guess this thread is a little old but I never got to post on it so here is my take.
Personally, I think implants are great. I think natural is great too to a certain point. They say the average cup size is a B. I could live with that. Heck I've lived with A cups for that matter.
My friends girlfriend got them done under the muscle. She LOVES them and I think my friend loves them even more. I think it is up to the individual if they want to do it.
I don't blame anyone for wanting to improve how they look. Heck, isn't that why we are on this board???:eek: :eek:
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My co-worker had the procedure done under the muscle last July. She went from A- to C+. She had always been really into weights and cadio. Her doctor informed her to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks after the procedure before starting back. She started back slowly to take precautions of injuring herself. She is now having to have surgury again, as one has shifted higher than the other. I have always wanted to increase my size, however after this....i am having second thoughts.......
My friends girlfriend did her research and got references as to which Doctor was the best in her area. It cost her a little more. I"m not saying your friends doctor was incompetent but just something to consider when having this done.