Road to 260

11/9 diet
10 peices turkey bacon
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp peanut butter
650 cals

9 oz ground sirloin
1 cup oats
1 tbsp pb
2 cups blueberries
1100 cals

12 oz turkey
2 cups jasmine rice
1 apple w sf cool whip
900 cals

10 peices turkey bacon
2 cups jasmine rice
1 apple
600 cals

Big 100 protein bar
380 cals

12 oz turkey
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp pb
900 cals

4 oz turkey
10 peices turkey bacon
4 wrap breads
760 cals

2 apples
2 tbsp natty pb
400 cals

5710 cals

Btw......apparently waking my gf up at 1 am to help me give our cats a bath isn't a good idea.....I'm doubting my pwo massage tommorow.....ha ha

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are you doing any type of cardio during this bulk?

I don't usually need cardio to stay lean...but I keep promising myself I will just so I can push harder on legs...i was a middle distance runner in high school so cardio is actually easy for me...I just never seem to make time for it unless dieting...but last time I was over 240 going up stairs had me I need to start eventually....

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sorry if i missed this but out of sheer curiosity, how old are you brutha?
you look awesome bro. Muscles look nice and full, while still looking lean. Good job buddy
10/10 back width/biceps (one of 2 this week)

Vince Taylor style one arm pulldowns using a hammer strength hi-row (BFTO 07 or 08)
115 x 20
115 x 20
115 x 20

Behind the neck wide grip pullups
Bw x 8
Bw x 8
Bw x 8
Bw x 8

Rope straight arm pulldown
50 x 20
70 x 10
90 x 10

Close grip pulldown
190 x 10
190 x 10
190 x 10

Wide Machine pulldown
140 x 10
140 x 10
140 x 10

Focusing on feeling the lower lars engage..I've never felt traditional pulldowns all that much...I have to use a very moderat weight to pull with the lats and not the scapula. For
Biceps I'm hitting them twice because i haven't really hit them
Hard in months as they grow easy but I've never been very strong with them. I keep my form very strict to take pressure off my bicep tendonitis in my left shoulder

DB hammer curls
35s x 12
40s x 8
50 x 6
50 x 6
50 x 6

Concentration hammer curls free hanging (arnold style)
20 x 10
25 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8

Spider DB curl
20 x 8
20 x 8
20 x 8

I need to start doing biceps and triceps on their own day as my bicep strength faded fast

11/10 diet
6 peices of turkey bacon (ran out)
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp natty pb
570 cals

10 oz ground sirloin
2 cups jasmine rice
Apple with 2 tbsp natty pb
1100 cals

10 oz ground sirloin
1 cup oats
1 wrap bread
1.5 tbsp natty pb
1100 cals

8oz chicken
12 oz potato
700 cals

Big 100 protein bar
440 cals

8oz turkey
1.5 cups blueberries w/ sf cool whip
700 cals

8oz turkey
1 cup blueberries w/ sf cool whip
7 wrap breads
1300 cals

6070 cals

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well, looking through your journal,pics, and food entries, you've inspired (sp?) me to start getting :show:serious and start trying to keep up on my journal again. Thanks dude
well, looking through your journal,pics, and food entries, you've inspired (sp?) me to start getting :show:serious and start trying to keep up on my journal again. Thanks dude

Yeah, me too, especially the food log. I've seriously got to start getting more calories and I think a food journal would help.

Great log, Plang. Keep up the good work.
Thanks guys! Keeping a food log online helps keep me accountable for my's the one thing that holds me back sometimes as I naturally don't eat a lot...but it's made the biggest impact on my physique...too bad it took me 9 years of working out to really "get it" is quite an anabolic

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11/11 diet
50g casein
1 cup oats
1 tbsp pb
1 banana
850 cals

8 oz ground sirloin
4 turkey sausage links
1 wrap bread
3/4 cup rice
3 rice cakes
2 tbsp natty pb
1100 cals

12 oz turkey
2 cups rice
Light ranch
800 cals

Big 100 protein bar
2 cups fruit
640 cals

Train-2 scoops anarchy covalex
1 serving betamcourt recellerator
80 cals

2 protein bars
400 cals

30g casein
Pineapple w/ sf cool whip
3 baked cinnamon rolls w/o icing
1000 cals

4 oz turkey
12 slices turkey bacon
Pineapple w/sf cool whip
850 cals

5750 cals
(a little lower today...wisdom tooth moving around cut my appetite a bit short)

11/11 shoulders
Seated military BB (down to the clavicles and up to the top of my head ROM)
135 x 15
185 x 9
185 x 8
185 x 8 drop to 135 x 10

HS military (same ROM)
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10
225 x 10

Reverse pec deck
160 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15 drop to 100 x 15

Standing DB laterals (arms straight)
20 x 15
25 x 15
30 x 15
35 x 15 drop to 25 x 15 + 10 partials

Shrug machine superset w/ DB front raises
200 x 15 /20s x 10
200 x 15/25s x 10
200 x 15/25s x 10
200 x 15/20s x 10

I worked out with a client today so we kept a pretty fast pace...maybe 45 seconds to a minute tops rest...i've found my shoulders respond better to moderate weight but focusing more on feel and keeping the "pump" the entire workout...I really need some more front soon as i get my weight around the 240s I should be pressing 225 on military and this year get up to 275 for a few reps...i go pretty low on my military an shoulder presses for two triceps want to take over on every press so it helps and go lower than a lot of people recomend actually spurred new growth earlier this year....and my nagging bicep doesn't hurt now but if i lock on any press it flairs up.

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Just as a side note...I'm not as mentally challenged as my posts may make me out to be (grammtical and proper sentence structure).....I'm just too lazy to go back and correct it

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Just as a side note...I'm not as mentally challenged as my posts may make me out to be (grammtical and proper sentence structure).....I'm just too lazy to go back and correct it

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HAHA im following this log hard bro, and I understand everything dont sweat it




Weight 225
I'm up about 12 lbs...a good 5 of it's water from an OTC designer's a combo of epistane and max lmg...definitely makes me hold water...but until I put a bit more fat on I don't mind the water...I like a few of the OTC designers (epistane, superdrol)...I'm going to run 40-50 of the epi and 100-125 of the max lmg...probably going to switch out with the bolasterone methyl ph by IBE in 2 more weeks. The only other orals I like are anadrol, anavar and halotestin(precontest)....
Back thickness
Hammer strength hi row
270 x 12
360 x 7
360 x 7
360 x 6 drop to 270 x 12

Hammer strength shrug machine row (hits lower traps, rhomboids and lats)
185 x 12
230 x 10
230 x 10
230 x 10 drop to 185 x 10 drop to 135 x 10

Seated cable row (feet on the floor, I feel these better)
105 x 10
105 x 10
105 x 10

Rack deadlift (2 inches below knees)
225 x 10
315 x 6
405 x 6
495 x 3

Biceps (workout 2 this week)
DB curls (full supination)
50s x 6
50s x 6
50s x 6
50s x 6

Plate loaded Machine preacher curl
70 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10 drop to 70 x 10 drop 45 x 10

50g casein
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp pb
Protein bar
1100 cals

12 oz turkey
2 cups rice
4 wrap breads
1150 cals

8 oz turkey
4 wrap breads
1 tbsp pb
800 cals

Anarchy 2 scoops
Betamcourt recellerator
80 cals

30g casein
2 wrap breads
4 no icing homemade cinnamon rolls
920 cals

12 peices turkey bacon
8oz turkey
2 cups blueberies w/sf cool whip
4 wrap breads

5480 cals

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Hows your bp plang? Thats a shitload of turkey bacon, my gf has some in the freezer and it says its 330mg sodium per serving and i highly doubt 12 pieces is a serving lol. Whats the otc designer steroid if you dont mind me asking? There used to be another member who swore by these DS's a few months back
BP is pretty good....I actually rinse the turkey bacon in a Colander halfway through cooking and cut the sodium at least in I get the low sodium kind that has 80mgs a slice

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Thanks for keeping up such a great logs, it gets me wanting to get off my fat ass and get back in shape. Can't wait... Just a couple of more weeks, and it's cardio time, for me.