sarms don’t work at low doses?


New member
Curious to hear what would happen if I were to run sarms at a lower dosage instead of jacking up the doses like I see people doing
wouldn’t I still get results?
For example. Let’s say I did some lgd4033 5mgs a day and rad140 7.5mgs a day. What would happen in that situation?
I’m 32 years old and 5’8’’ 174 pounds
Curious to hear what would happen if I were to run sarms at a lower dosage instead of jacking up the doses like I see people doing
wouldn’t I still get results?
For example. Let’s say I did some lgd4033 5mgs a day and rad140 7.5mgs a day. What would happen in that situation?
I’m 32 years old and 5’8’’ 174 pounds
sarms work fine at low doses but you need to work on your diet