Super DMZ??

I would say its worth the money. I've only been taking 1 per day the past few weeks so at this rate a bottle would last about 2 months. About 50 bucks for 2 month cycle of this stuff is pretty darn cheap and to actually get some results taking this low of a dose is a good deal I think.
BS, glad you are seeing some results and I would agree, if you are looking for a legal over the counter product, this is absolutely worth the cash.

Wish I woulda bet Wesley ..lolI didn't figure in any sickness time.. So BS is this worth the money yes or no or possibly could be butunknown due to your sickness?

LOL @ Big, I beat my own bet in 10days

:p Remember, the bet was I would gain 20+ pounds on one of the lifts (squat or bench) and/or 5lbs in 30 days.

I added 20lbs to my squat PR, so I went from 730lbs and I hit 750lbsx 1 rep and I had more in the tank...and I am up 5 pounds, even after being I hit those goals in 10days of using the Super DMZ

Here's the squat depth as pictured, now this is not the 750, this is only 700 pictured...

very informative thread.
would be checking out Super DMZ 2.0
But is it as effective as version 1? normally the newer versions are weaker.
very informative thread.
would be checking out Super DMZ 2.0
But is it as effective as version 1? normally the newer versions are weaker.

I just started taking it yesterday and will post what I think about it later on. But the reason I am on it is my trainer Nuknuk said it is very legit and I am basically using it as an oral DBol right now in my precontest cycle.
I wonder how would this stack with slin.
4 weeks of super dmz + 4 weeks of slin only on workout days.maybe 6 iu as I would be a first time user.
Any opinions?
I just got my two bottles in the mail today. Any suggestions on how / when I should take my super dmz? I can only get to the gym at 5am and workout on empty stomach, leave at 630 to eat, shower and head out to work.
6'0 240 lbs nnow thanks for any input.
I take mine in the morning with the rest of my supplements, and ECA. I normally workout around 4-5pm. Not sure if its ideal, but seems to work okay for me.

I used Super DMZ 2 (2 capsules a day) and I also got a sore throat and a nasty dry cough. I had to stop using it after a week. It was the first steroid I've ever used. Keep in mind that I almost never get ill, so it is definitely a side effect.

I used Super DMZ 2 (2 capsules a day) and I also got a sore throat and a nasty dry cough. I had to stop using it after a week. It was the first steroid I've ever used. Keep in mind that I almost never get ill, so it is definitely a side effect.

Welcome to the board. No steroid will give you the flu or a cold directly. Usually when people get sick on cycle it is a freak thing or they were deep into an oral run (where is immune is suppressed from hepatotoxicity). At a week in, it is highly, highly unlikely that the DMZ caused it. The only way flu like symptoms manifest from gear are potentially when you are frontloading with test prop or ace or a very quick ester. And this doesn't happen to everyone. So if I were you, I'd hop back on and enjoy! :)
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