
Lee, new to this forum here on Muscle Chem but have seen a few friends go through this and it is never easy! I have had my rounds with pain and problems and until you can get something stronger pain pill wise, try taking 800 mg Ibuprofen with the Hydrocodone/Acetominophen pills if your stomach can handle it! Sometimes taking the Ibu, Hydro and Acet together can give you like twice as much relief as the Hydro/Aceto alone! God Bless you my friend and hang in there!
Okay, so sorry. I have been home for about 6 days. The pain is unimaginable. It was a multi-level fusion.
L5 to S1. I am going crazy with pain. Not sure I will survive this. It does make me regret the things I did.
Thank you guys for the thoughts and prayers.

As much as it sucks to go through what you are going through, after recovery that is the best levels you could need fused bc it's the least amount of flexion and extension in that area. I know it's rough right now, ride out the wave and take it slow bro!

As much as it sucks to go through what you are going through, after recovery that is the best levels you could need fused bc it's the least amount of flexion and extension in that area. I know it's rough right now, ride out the wave and take it slow bro!

Tomorrow makes 2 weeks post op. Today, I feel like I have taken a huge step forward. Pain has subsided and my walking/movement is much better. My mind has also gotten better with good thoughts and hopes/dreams. I will be grateful I had this done.
16 days post op. doing well. Not using the walker. Getting up and moving is easier. Pain is still bothersome. Started TB 500 to see how it does. Going 4mg for 2 weeks, then 2mg for 5 weeks. Guys this surgery was an eye-opening experience. Didn't ever imagine it would be like this. If anyone has any input about the TB500 I would be very appreciative.
Damn man. This has me really scared. I meet with my NeuroSurgeon on Monday to see what he wants to do with my neck. I was always told it wasn't crazy painful. I wish you a quick recovery
Thanks Dude. I know when the fusion is fully completed I will be good to go, relatively speaking. No, I will not squat again and not dead lifting either. Sad but true. I want to step on that stage just one more time.
Thanks Dude. I know when the fusion is fully completed I will be good to go, relatively speaking. No, I will not squat again and not dead lifting either. Sad but true. I want to step on that stage just one more time.

You can do it Bro! No problem. I haven't squatted or deadlifted in I don't know how long and I've made good improvements still. I have no doubt I could compete at the top of the Heavies. I'm still a lean 250lbs with tons of neck and back problems. You'll learn how to train around it and probably shock yourself with the improvements. You know how the body responds to new training approaches
anyone heard from Lee? Just curious how he was doing now that surgery is a bit more behind him
Thanks guys. Yes, I am taking forward steps not going backwards. Had a 3 month appointment with the surgeon and he said everything is looking just great. He has given me approval to go back to the gym and do cardio and some light arm work and leg extensions. A completed fusion won't reveal itself until July. So I still must be careful and not do something stupid.