What kind of protein does everyone use?

I like isopure or designer Whey. I try to look for products that are lactose free. But also need to switch up every couple of months cause no matter how good one taste in the beginning i get sick of it after awhile.

I agree Kid
3-4 shakes a day will make one sick after a while

3 or 4 of anything will make you sick of it after a while; well there are a few things that are exempt, lol
i've been using nlarge from dps, cheap as hell and good for bulking i think. also have some post cycle something or other from protein customizer as well as a night time anti catabolic.
what i use

1) Schwartz ( i work there(

2) beverley muscle provider and mass maker

3) whatever i can get for free!lol
food for thought Isopure and Schwartz comes from the same mfc plant
cytodyne methoxy-pro is pretty good, about 45g per serving , actually says on label, adds 10 pounds of leaqn mass in a month or money back, lol gotta love that
'All the whey' protein works best for me--it is smooth,mixes easy but most important it is COMPLETELY TASTELESS--so I can mix it with grape juice and down it after my workout and get my carbs and protein all in 1 drink.
Im on this new protien its pure goats milk and its awsome. No bloat, no gas. It digests in half the time as whey and you cant beat it. The taste is a little hard to get used to but if you want performance its king.

why is optimum whey garbage ? from what ive heard the quality is pretty decent ?
i use optimum whey , syntrax's isomatrix(best tasting protein ever i think :) ) . if i'm too short of cash , just go for the custom made protein blends .