What Lean Mass cycle is best


New member
I have 2 cycles im trying to choose from both contain the same anabolics but the duration is different and im wondering what one is best for getting ready for the summer i have done 4 previous steroid cycles first one was just test cyp for 10weeks second cycle was test prop tren ace and anavar for 12 weeks great cycle dropped down to 7% bodyfat third cycle was test cyp and anadrol 50mg mon-sat for 4 weeks and test was run for 12 weeks at 500mg/week then the last cycle i done was Sustanon 250 at 750mg/week deca 600mg/week Dianabol 50mg/ed for 6 weeks made great gains on sust deca and dbol cycle and from all the cycles iv done iv kept most of the gains i made so im now looking to start a new cycle in feb next year that way i will have been off the gear 16 weeks and its a lean mass cycle and im looking for advice on what one of these 2 cycles would be best or if someone would recommend another cycle that will be better

First cycle 12 week Lean Bulk Cycle

Weeks 1-4
Dianabol 20 mg/ed
Test prop 150mg/eod mon/wed/fri
EQ 400mg/week 200mg mon&thurs

Weeks 5-6
Test Prop 150mg/eod
EQ 400mg/week 200mg mon&thurs

Weeks 7-8
Test prop 150mg/eod
EQ 400mg/week 200mg mon&thurs
Tren Ace 100mg/eod mon/wed/fri
Anavar 50mg/ed

Weeks 9-12
Test prop 150mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod
Anavar 50mg/ed

Adex will be used 0.5 mg/e3d during 12 weeks
pct Nolva 40/40/20/20

16 week Lean Bulk Cycle

weeks 1-4
Dianabol 20mg/ed
test prop 200mg/eod Mon/wed/fri
EQ 200mg/eod MonWedFri

weeks 5-7
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod

weeks 8-12
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod monwedfri
Anavar 50mg/ed weeks9-12

weeks 13-16
test prop 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod
Anavar 50mg/ed

pct starts 3 days after last pin
Nolva hcg

week 17
hcg 500iu/week
week 18
nolva 60mg/ed
week 19
Nolva 40mg/ed
week 20
Nolva 40mg/ed
week 21
nolva 20mg/ed
week 22
nolva 20mg/ed

this will be my first time using hcg and EQ any replies to help me would be great

weeks 1-4
Dianabol 20mg/ed
test prop 200mg/eod Mon/wed/fri
EQ 200mg/eod MonWedFri

weeks 5-7
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod

weeks 8-12
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod monwedfri
Anavar 50mg/ed weeks9-12

weeks 13-16
test prop 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod
Anavar 50mg/ed

pct starts 3 days after last pin
Nolva hcg
This one for.me.but prop ed
Will let you know on how eq works for me but this cycle plan is for next year just chose these anabolics dbol as low dose kicker eq stacked with tren for better lean gains and With previous experience with tren got vascular as hell and anavar to help maintain mass while leaning out
So should i increase the dose from 600mg/week to 800 900/week?

personally i think 600mg is a perfect dosage, and I use to be a proponent of minimum 800mg per week of boldenone (EQ) but after years of trail and error , I think 600mg will be plenty with the other hormones stacked in

why though 400mg then 200mg and not just split it evenly in half? It wont matter much either way in all honesty but i was curious

and welcome to MC
personally i think 600mg is a perfect dosage, and I use to be a proponent of minimum 800mg per week of boldenone (EQ) but after years of trail and error , I think 600mg will be plenty with the other hormones stacked in

why though 400mg then 200mg and not just split it evenly in half? It wont matter much either way in all honesty but i was curious

and welcome to MC

Presser i can see where your confusion is the dose is 400mg/week i will inject 200mg on mon & thurs for the 12 week cycle the 16 week cycle is 600mg/week 200mg/eod M/W/F
Last edited:
weeks 1-4
Dianabol 20mg/ed
test prop 200mg/eod Mon/wed/fri
EQ 200mg/eod MonWedFri

weeks 5-7
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod

weeks 8-12
test prop 200mg/eod
EQ 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod monwedfri
Anavar 50mg/ed weeks9-12

weeks 13-16
test prop 200mg/eod
Tren Ace 100mg/eod
Anavar 50mg/ed

pct starts 3 days after last pin
Nolva hcg
This one for.me.but prop ed

This is a great lean mass builder. Only one thing, You mention nothing of liver toxic product. If you aren't concerned with a toxic product, I would sub the Dbol for SD if you want a true lean mass builder.
I like the cycle. But personally I would minus the dbol. I have never been a fan. I think you'll do just fine without it unless it is more for personal preference or a mental edge. Just my thoughts.
Presser i can see where your confusion is the dose is 400mg/week i will inject 200mg on mon & thurs for the 12 week cycle the 16 week cycle is 600mg/week 200mg/eod M/W/F

i see, i read it wrong, my bad daddio!
I like the cycle. But personally I would minus the dbol. I have never been a fan. I think you'll do just fine without it unless it is more for personal preference or a mental edge. Just my thoughts.

Im with ya on the dianabol, not a fan of it! Aside from a kick start for a couple to few weeks i wouldnt bother with it, and even as a kickstart im not a real fan but i undrstand how its beneficial this way, so to each their own

Of course i will throw in the Best Lean Mass Cycle to ever grace the Universe, which is the following:

Propionate 200mg eod
Trenbolone acetate 50-75mg eod
Winstrol 25mg daily
IGF-1 lr3 50-60 mcgs daily

Now that cycle there is a Lean Bulk Mass Building Cycle, and it is also a Pure Bulk Cycle, or a Pure Cutting Cycle! Depending on your Diet & Training, that cycle there will do whatever you want it to! Its a Baaaaaad ASS Cycle
2 Suggestions

test/mast(2-1 ratio comfortable dose)+ var
EQ(high as You can tolerate) + var

Both will put on lean mass