what would you do?


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Gold Member
ive been using cyp and tren for 12 weeks at the end of feb. im planning on showing june 4 in ny. that gives me apprx 12 weeks from the beginning of march.

heres what i plan to run for contest prep.
1-10 prop 150mg eod
1-10 primo 300mg wk
4-10 tren 300mg wk
6-10 halo 20mg ed
2-8 igf 40mcg ed

when i come of the cyp i have to wait two weeks to start pct, so should i just skip it? or is two weeks pct enough if i were to shorten my contest cycle to eight weeks? i need to get my gear together so all opinions are appreciated.
Tough call- If you can't do the three week PCT, I would seriously just shift and move on(I am assuming you mean a BB show).
I ask that you defintely have all the ancillaries and be wary of getting close to a sick person due to your suppressed immune system during the cutting phase.
I like the majority of the cycle, but I think you don't need to primo there- not cost effective for what you want to achieve. IMHO, I would switch out the primo for winny at 50mg ED. Also I would consider adding 2.5mg femara ED during the cycle. Are you also going to consider thermogenics and diuretics in your mix as well?
My show is in June as well, so I have started dieting but no AS as of yet.
Good luck..
ive been using eca for awhile now, 50mg eph, 400mgs caff, 81mgs asp, 3x a day. i was thinking of switching to 2 on 2 off with clen. also i do want to incorporate a diuretic into the end, im guessing aladactone, i have never used a one before. as far as the aas, you think winnie, tren, and halos? money is not an issue for the primo if it would work in that stack.
i like winny,EQ, and test for a stack, but that is because tren flips me out sometimes!!! I do like the stack with tren though, but thats just my own pref on the compounds