New member
What's up with this and building muscle.Is this one of the reasons inmates in State and Federal prisons are so big and cut? This is what i've heard for a long time.
Hey bro, I'm going to move this thread out of the Recipes forum for you, it is really a forum for actual recipes, your question will get answered a lot quicker in the other forums even though it's doing with food.

Myself I don't know much about it, hope someone can help you out.
I've talked about this on several boards and I put up everything I know which isn't much. But I've had several friends locked up and they call it the jail house steroid. I'm telling the honest to god truth. They put it in alittle bit of warm water and drink that shit down. These are some big mofos too!
Not saying you can't but he would have told me if he did juice as he was my workout partner and roomate. So I would have been told by at least one of them. I'm sure many guys do get there hands on it, but I also think that many don't. I can't say for a fact cause I have and am not going to jail anytime soon.

I've heard about this for a long time,but i never looked it up.Sure gear gets into Prisons,but they all don't get it and even the ones that get it don't get all the protein we do.No one can explain why these guys get so damn big.Some say genetics(yeah im sure all of them have great genetics)some say working out all the time(everyone knows they would overtrain in no time).the one major thing i see is all the rest,that's why i am now looking into the whole yeast thing
i think they are eating more then u think, i hear many inmates can buy supps, and they can basically sleep as much as they want too.

So maybe the yeast is an urban myth :-) Damn! Thought i found the ultimate supp. I don't believe the worst of the worst prisoners from inside Pelican Bay get to order supps,and those guys are fuckin amazing lookin.My girl and i were watching that show on TLC and we both couldn't believe our eyes.Alot of those guys could compete just as they are.I do believe it IS all the rest they get.The only reason i mentioned the high cal is because alot of people believe all those cal are needed for growth,i don't.

I believe alot of BBs have trouble digesting all those cal(escpecially protein)and adding more cal onto that just complicates the problem.
I know the guys that told me weren't urban myths as they were in prison doing this exact thing. I'm not here making it up cause I really don't care if anyone believes it works or not. It's just what I've been told about it. I know it goes fast cause my own brother was in jail and worked in the kitchen and he said that they were constantly ordering yeast as they went through a ton every week. I know they weren't baking any fucking cookies. Maybe people shouldn't be so closed minded, hell the FDA says that steroids don't even aid in athletic performence and we know that's a bunch of shit.
Mantus why not just try it, I mean what possible harm could it do?

Armageddon, how much yeast are they eating a day?
Tell you the truth I don't even go back to training until monday, I've been out since Jun 8. So once I deplete for a week, then start up I think I'm going to try it. Especially the week I through DNP in there as the extra carbs with help rev that shit up real nice. Then on June 1st the madness begins it will be "ARMAGEDDON" as this will be the first time I've touched gear in almost 3yrs! It wiill be on.
Harvey Balboner said:
Mantus why not just try it, I mean what possible harm could it do?

Armageddon, how much yeast are they eating a day?
Way aheadaya bro.I just got a few packs today and just drank one.I came on here to see if Armageddon had any more info on this.I thought everyone else thought it was a bad idea,so i figured
Armageddon and myself,would just keep it between us :-) Whatever happens,i'll be sure to let everyone know.hey,we may have just found out the secret of the Pros :-) it sounds crazy,i know,but i've been hearing this for a long time now,from guys who have been in the BIG HOUSE.Not one of these guys knew a thing about BBing either.They didn't know why or how it worked they just knew that alot of guys ate it.We are going to need a supplier for yeast soon :-)
Extra Carbs?

Armageddon said:
Tell you the truth I don't even go back to training until monday, I've been out since Jun 8. So once I deplete for a week, then start up I think I'm going to try it. Especially the week I through DNP in there as the extra carbs with help rev that shit up real nice. Then on June 1st the madness begins it will be "ARMAGEDDON" as this will be the first time I've touched gear in almost 3yrs! It wiill be on.
The packets i got have no carbs,protein,or cal. of any kind.I think they have Iron and Calcium.I read that yeast boosts the immune system and this is what some take it for(bakers yeast that is),but that's really all i found on it
I was in prison just a few years back and out of all the different people and different prisons I was in(4 total) I was never told anything about it. I worked in the kitchen in one place and never seen anyone eat yeast. Not saying that some of them did or didn't, just I never seen em. Only supps you can buy in there are multi vit at least thats the way it is in ILL dept of corrections. As for sneeking it in I heard of some guys getting juice on visits but they are really cracking down on all that shit. And yea there are some big ass mofo's in there let me tell ya. I guess it must be all the rest then cause thats all you really got to do is eat sleep workout and shit , maby its all the god damn ramen noodles I know thats what I lived on in there
Ramen Noodles

Hookups,yeah i know about those :-) I love them.I have 2 cartons in my house at any given time.I mix everything with them.Well,here is the yeast update.I ate a pack last night in a cup of warm water and i got gas from both ends.My girl says i'm not allowed to sleep in the room,if i eat another one today :-) I just ate a whole box of paste,so i really don't think that will matter much
That's funny shit! Try and take some papaya or another digestive enzyme with it and see if that helps clear up the gas problem. I think I may add this ti the post workout drink and use the slin to shuttle it in. I'll let you know when I start up.