You Bro's were right!!!!!

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Sup bro's,

It's been a very hard week for me....literally I have been up and down....on this emotional roller coaster, a while back I posted about my girl problems, and well sure enough, she dumped me...she said that she has not been happy, but she has continued to stay at work with this Paul guy at Red Lobster, very interesting that's for sure, if I only knew that I didn't spend 1800 bucks on her ring...then things might have been different,and that I wasn't madly in love with her....but you bro's called it..I sent her flowers on her work..a dozen red roses....then I sent her a love poem via e-mail, and I wrote this" I was thinking about you...and I wrote this poem when I was 13.....not the actual poem that I sent her...I was hoping I could actually write like that some day" and she went off like a Warbird...she said that I lied to her..and all of this stuff....however she in turned lied to me...remember about having dinner with Paul? however I can forgive and forget, but she can't? what's up with that? I didn't even lie to her...this is crazy...

Things have gotten worse..we have talked about it and she wants to remain friends, and everything, she says that she has feelings for me, but she just doens't love me like that anymore.....oh well..guys...I don't know..I have not had that much emotion like this in a long time...and I admit I was wrong in some of the things that I done...ever since she come home and told me that she found this Paul guy attractive.....I asked her everyday for at least a month.." did u see him? did u talk to him?" I asked these questions, I know I know I was wrong for badgering, but she said that I didn't trust her and she told me that how can anyone love someone if they don't trust them...but I did trust her..and I am still in love with her..and her little girl.....we did the whole daddy thing.....and I asked her what she was going to tell her 3 year old little girl, and she replied " I am not going to tell her anything!!!" I was like what? she said " She is smart enough she will figure it out" OH well guys....sorry to post this, but just sitting at work....dwelling on it..and feeling really crappy..and next time, I will listen to all of you..thanks bro's...I just really do care for her and love her..and would do anything for her....that's the truth....thanks for all of your help....
bro...sorry to hear, but it sounds like there is something with this Paul guy.

Only time will help you my friend.
I'm sorry to hear this Viper... keep your head up bro and do stuff with your buddies. Don't sit around dwelling on it. I understand how you are feeling and I know it hurts really bad... but it will pass and another girl will come along. Just take the time you need to get past it and move on with your life bro. Don't look back and move forward from here on out. Take care bro and concentrate you yourself, your workouts etc.

thanks guys..I really do appreciate your support, it's just very hard right now...and I love her so much...I couldn't get motivated to workout...yesterday...because I kept thinking about her.....
It'll work out but the best thing is to force yourself back to the gym,and not this "i couldn't get motivated " attitude...hang with your friends more and get out and do something,dwelling won't help,it only hurts. Hope you feel better soon viper.
I know it's hard at first bro, but it will get easier. Weekends can be the worst, all the free time that you would usually be together. Its important that you get out and keep yourself busy. Go to the gym... go watch college ball with some bros... go to a movie... go for a long drive...

Just get out and chill. It'll get better, it just takes time

Keep your head up!
Get the ring back and spend the money on a bulker and a cutter then get on stage and e-mail her the pictures-along with the message-"I hope you and Paul are happy-it was for the best-GOODBYE"-better to find out now than have 10 years and a house and kids and all that baggage-quit moping and feeling sorry for yourself-put it behind you and get on with your life!!-Yea you'll have some shitty days-but losing her now is a blessing in disguise-you have something 10x better in store!!-
find a cutie to help get over her---trust me that works---she sounds like my ex---god do i feel for you
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Dude, I have been there too. I got fucked around by a high-maintanance bitch for 5 years. She ended up dumping me over email while I was in fucking boot camp.

The bitch was in Thailand with all my cash. That was years ago, and never got the cash back or seen her since.

I am sure that your ex and mine will be sharing a very hot place in hell a few years from now, maybe with their new freind "paul". Take some comfort in that.

Fuck man, that pussy works at Red Lobster!

Any chick who would ditch an iron pumping macho man like yourself over some Red Lobster dink isn't worth your time. Would you ever be happy planting your seed in some bitch who settled for getting boned by a guy who worked at fucking Red Lobster!

My bitch ditched me for some limey DJ she met over Napster. She was in Thailand with all my $$$. Then she met this dude in the UK over the internet, fell in love, and used the rest of my cash to fly and visit him.

Some women are just dirty and low, but they hide it well behind a cute smile.

Lucky for good ol' ziggy here I now have many girlfreinds.
I suggest you do the same.

She's already jumped in the sack with him--you know it--even if she hasn't said it.

Be glad you found out now that she would be giving it out like that. Like Dr. Dre sez "You can't make a ho a housewife"

Zigg Heil my niggers!

Ziggy B
I'm still trying to get over someone I felt the same about. I married her, moved 1500 miles to be with her, and then she decided I wasn't good enough for her. It hurts like hell, but you have to keep on keeping on. My answer was to get serious again about getting the body I want, and try to keep my mind on that as much as possible. It won't make it go away, but it will give you something to work on that nobody can take away from you.

Be good to yourself, and remember your Bro's here are with ya.
thanks bro's...I really do appreciate everything you all have said...I am here on sunday my off make some extra cash....thanks for all of the help and the support, it's greatly appreciated!!
hang tight viper I'm in the same boat with ya. Like you best bro(jettlagged) told me it all washes in the end. ride the storm out take care of yourself cause only you can do it and see what happenes.
thanks mailbox...I appreciate it...trying to hang in there as we's hard but its a slow process...
I know where your comming from that's one of the reasons why I haven't been around so much lately trying to work things out with my wife and AS are a big part of it.
I feel you there mailbox....that's a tough one...I wish u the best of luck.....that's for sure...and if u want...u can pm me or e-mail me..and we can talk bro....oh well.....I wish u the best.....
thanks viper I'll remember that when I need to unload feel free to hit me up with an e-mail anytime for the same it always makes you feel better to unload your feelings.
mailboxkillR said:
hang tight viper I'm in the same boat with ya. Like you best bro(jettlagged) told me it all washes in the end. ride the storm out take care of yourself cause only you can do it and see what happenes.

oh man - now I feel bad. :( picking on you for these last few posts. ok - over it now.... :cool: :D
thanks to everyone.....I will return the favor...when all of you bro's need some help...
Sorry to hear about that Viper. I had a similar situation back in my early 20's. I can tell you that I Landed a much better catch, it just took a little bit of time.

Take care, things will get better - skwood
Been there done that!!

Over time you will see that things happen for a reason and that you are a much better person without her, eventhough you may not think that now in time you will. I have been through this many times and know how it goes...

Good luck bro, keep your head up there are many fish in the sea!!!