Your Best Cycle Ever???

What's Your Best Cycle Ever?

  • D-bol/Test Enanthate(Cyp)/Deca

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • D-bol/Test Enanthate(Cyp)/EQ

    Votes: 13 12.9%
  • Test Prop/EQ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Test Prop/Tren

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • Test Prop/Tren/EQ

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • Test Prop/Tren/Winny

    Votes: 17 16.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 27 26.7%
  • Prohormones

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
What was your best cycle ever? I'll set a poll for some common cycles and one for other. If its different then please post what it was...also everyone who votes post a general outline of diet (protein, carbs, fats, calories), and total weight gain if you remember.
man how could prop/tren/winny not be on that list, geeeesh

anyhow I think thats the best cycle
I forgot about'll add it to da list

Edit: Ok, Presser I fixed the poll. Prop/Tren/Winny was my best too. (Although the winny gave me lots of sides)
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Best bulker: Sust250 and Deca
380G protein
370G carbs
35g fat
+15lbs lean weight -5lbs fat

Best Cutter: Prop/Tren/Winny
310g protein
200g carbs
25g fat
-20lbs fat
best bulker

600 test enanthate
600 deca both for 16 weeks
50 eod winny at the last 6 weeks to cut
Best bulker was

1250mg sust redi-jects
600mg yellow top decas
50mg dbol/day - 4week intervals

Almost about 60 pounds that year.....ok the cycle lasted 12

My diet was basically 4-5 EAS MRP's for the protien and the rest was whatever i could get my hands on. Usually I would have Lots of fast food stuff to keep calories sky high. i was all over the dollar menu's at wendy's, BK and MC-D's...........

My training was mentzer style. Very few sets but very heavy slow and concentrated movements.

and a gallon of water per day. I grew like a weed that year.
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Awesome! This thread should be good for newbies, intermediate, and advanced users looking for a cycle & diet that will help them reach their goals.

Hopefully more will post their cycles, diets, and results...(also post your training schedule if you've got the time)
my best bulker;
400mgs a week enathate
200mgs a week durabolin

got myself up to 161lbs (on a 5 foot frame)

400mgs a week prop (i wean off this near the end, a few weeks before i compete)
25mgs a day winstrol or;
30-40mgs a day anavar (depending on availability)
ECA stack X 3 a day
yohimbine 5mgs X 2 a day

from training for so long, i have built the receptor sites to handle a large cycle (for a female) like this one....

this is by no means a "suggested" cycle for a woman. it's MY cycles....

I can't say which cycle was the best, but I will say I think I get my best gains from a tren and prop cycle.

The reason I say that I can't pin-point which cycle is because every cycle I do keeps getting better and better. I'm constantly learning. I'm laerning to eat better and train harder. So in essence, my last cycle of tren/prop and winny orals was the best. And I would bet good money that the cycle I started 3 days ago will be even better.

Right now I'm going to be on a high protein (450+grams), with a carb cuttof earlier in the evening.
QueenofDamned said:
my best bulker;
400mgs a week enathate
200mgs a week durabolin

got myself up to 161lbs (on a 5 foot frame)

400mgs a week prop (i wean off this near the end, a few weeks before i compete)
25mgs a day winstrol or;
30-40mgs a day anavar (depending on availability)
ECA stack X 3 a day
yohimbine 5mgs X 2 a day

from training for so long, i have built the receptor sites to handle a large cycle (for a female) like this one....

this is by no means a "suggested" cycle for a woman. it's MY cycles....


May I ask you, how does the test effect you sexually, if any?
QOD - If you don't mind me asking how were the side effects for a woman on that kind of cycle?

That's definitely a huge amount of gear for a woman.
QueenofDamned said:
my best bulker;
400mgs a week enathate
200mgs a week durabolin

got myself up to 161lbs (on a 5 foot frame)

400mgs a week prop (i wean off this near the end, a few weeks before i compete)
25mgs a day winstrol or;
30-40mgs a day anavar (depending on availability)
ECA stack X 3 a day
yohimbine 5mgs X 2 a day

from training for so long, i have built the receptor sites to handle a large cycle (for a female) like this one....

this is by no means a "suggested" cycle for a woman. it's MY cycles....

QOD this somewhat of a standard for competitive women?I feel like such a p*ssy...
Willieman said: this somewhat of a standard for competitive women?I feel like such a p*ssy...

NO. as i mentioned before, this is NOT a standard cycle for a woman. i took my time and worked my way up to such a large cycle, with very few side effects;

my voice has become a little "whiskeyish", but i had surgery on my spine in january of this year, and the surgeon told me he scraped my vocal chords on the way in (they go through the anterior side) therefore, my voice would have cracked either way.

my sex drive goes THROUGH THE ROOF on test, if i rub against something too hard, im horned out....i love it:p

my clitoris swells as well on such a big cycle, but comes down when i "lighten" my dose.

i never come off, i am always running a base, something most women don't do, and i am in no way suggesting that ANY woman run such a large cycle or any cycle for that matter unless she is willing to except the fact that side effects may occur.

my basic cycle runs is quite a bit lower than 600mgs, i am currently running (and will stay on cuz my joints are sore) 200mgs a week of durabolin. i will switch this back over to test in a few months.
QueenofDamned said:
NO. as i mentioned before, this is NOT a standard cycle for a woman. i took my time and worked my way up to such a large cycle, with very few side effects;

my voice has become a little "whiskeyish", but i had surgery on my spine in january of this year, and the surgeon told me he scraped my vocal chords on the way in (they go through the anterior side) therefore, my voice would have cracked either way.

my sex drive goes THROUGH THE ROOF on test, if i rub against something too hard, im horned out....i love it:p

my clitoris swells as well on such a big cycle, but comes down when i "lighten" my dose.

i never come off, i am always running a base, something most women don't do, and i am in no way suggesting that ANY woman run such a large cycle or any cycle for that matter unless she is willing to except the fact that side effects may occur.

my basic cycle runs is quite a bit lower than 600mgs, i am currently running (and will stay on cuz my joints are sore) 200mgs a week of durabolin. i will switch this back over to test in a few months.

What about facial changes? Such as squaring of the jaw, hair growth, or other viirilization symptoms.

I'm just curious as I've never heard of any women on the board using this amount of gear. Hopefully it doesn't affend you that I'm asking all of these questions.
BiggerStronger said:
What about facial changes? Such as squaring of the jaw, hair growth, or other viirilization symptoms.

I'm just curious as I've never heard of any women on the board using this amount of gear. Hopefully it doesn't affend you that I'm asking all of these questions.

im here for you to ask questions;) there are not alot of women out there who;
1)have done as much gear as i have
2)am willing to talk about my gear use

my jaw has not squared off. the reason this happens to women is testosterone causes muscle growth....EVERYWHERE!

your jaw muscles get bigger and stronger from test, therefore giving you a "squared jaw" appearance.

a woman would have to be running around 1000mgs of test a week for quite a long run to achieve this appearance.

as far as virilization sides for me, i have none. i am very careful with my gear use and know my limitations. if my appearance was starting to change, i would immediatly back off my dose. as i mentioned before, my voice is "whiskey-ish"...not deep.

i have ran some very heavy adrogens (in fairly high doses) without problems as well...tren comes to mind. i can't run it for too long without getting bitchy though...8 weeks max.

i ran slin for awhile @ 3iu's a day and didn't much care for it. i was going hypo off 3iu's and just couldn't justify taking in all those carbs. both my workout partners run it though and get great results from it (they both weigh in at around 300lbs in the off season) their pumps are wicked!

guess i kinda got off subject here, sorry for babbling:p i don't mind answering any questions on my gear use, feel free to ask anything;)
Wow, thanks for the info. I thought heavy androgen use by a women would cause some pretty bad (and permenant) side effects...but if it works for you more power to ya.
BiggerStronger said:
Wow, thanks for the info. I thought heavy androgen use by a women would cause some pretty bad (and permenant) side effects...but if it works for you more power to ya.

the truth is, it WILL cause side effects in most women. my trainer always tells me im a genetic freak:rolleyes:

this is why i NEVER advise women to use heavy androgens unless they are willing to except the fact that they more than likely will get sides.

any more questions?;)