Tag: AMP

Mike O’Hearn Profile & Stats

Mike O’Hearn Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Mike O’Hearn

Mike O’Hearn is a bodybuilder, fitness model, and entrepreneur, among many other things, who has been in the bodybuilding game for decades. His hard style of training is matched by a calm demeanor outside the gym that all can relate to.
Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Mike O’Hearn

Date Of Birth

245-255 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Model, Entrepreneur
1990, 2000, 2010

Born in 1969, Mike O’Hearn is a fitness guru and model that has held a successful career for over 30 years. Mike is a 4-time Mr. Universe and California Powerlifting Champion, California Judo Champion, and Strongman. He’s starred in the American Gladiator as Team Captain the “Titan, and was featured in over 500 magazine covers. Mike is also featured in Generation Iron 4: Natty 4 Life.
Mike began his workout journey because of his father, who was the main influence of the family. His dad was a bodybuilder and football player, and his mother was an artist.
Mike was the youngest of 10 and was always getting picked on by his siblings. His family was full of powerlifters or bodybuilders, including his sisters. Mike’s family was also required to do martial arts. Being that Mike was the youngest, he always strived to stand out among his family when it came to fitness and growth. This was also a way for him to defend himself.
Mike has been around for decades and is remaining strong, just like his workouts. He has a hard and heavy approach when it comes to training. Mike works with charities and raising money for Good Dog Animal Rescue Center. Mike has always had a big heart and he continues to give.

Mike’s workouts are generally based on heavy compound exercises with a lot of intensity.
He makes sure to add in deadlifts, squats, and bench presses to his workouts.

Monday: Chest, Cardio, and Abs
Tuesday: Legs, Cardio, and Abs
Wednesday: Shoulders, Cardio, and Abs
Thursday: Arms, Cardio, and Abs
Friday: Back, Cardio, and Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Core Lifts: Incline, Squat, Deadlift

Weeks 1-4, 70%: 5 sets of 4 reps
Weeks 5-8, 80%: 5 sets of 3 reps
Weeks 9-12, 90%: 5 sets of 2 reps


Weeks 1-4, 30 minutes 4 days/week
Weeks 5-8, 45 minutes 5 days/week
Weeks 9-12, 1 hour 6 days/week

Mike’s standard diet is 8 meals a day. He eats 30g of protein in each meal and 50g of carbs with some fats as his first 4 meals. For the other 4, he removes the carbs and adds in vegetables.
He says that his diet works for him and may not work for others. Mike recommends that people try different things until they find what works.
Even though he has a very strict diet year round, he likes to change it up sometimes and eat treats to let his body recover when he is in the off-season.

Having a solid supplementation routine is imperative when looking to make huge strides in the gym. Something like a protein powder can enhance growth and recovery while a pre-workout can boost energy and provide for muscle pumps. For those looking to shed unwanted fat, a fat burner can be a game changer and a testosterone booster will also help with training and performance, as well as overall health and wellness.
Competition History

2015 NPC Washington Ironman 1st
2015 NPC Idaho Muscle Classic NP
1997 INBA Natural Universe Bodybuilding Championships 1st
1997 INBA Natural Universe Bodybuilding Championships 1st

Swolverine BCAA Review To Hydrate, Recover & Rebuild

Swolverine BCAA Review To Hydrate, Recover & Rebuild

Swolverine BCAA is a great supplement to help with hydration, recovery, and rebuilding after any grueling workout.
Product Overview
With a host of supplements growing in popularity, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) have really made their claim as a necessity. A popular intra-workout supplement for athletes everywhere, BCAAs can help you hydrate, recover, and rebuild so no muscle and gains go to waste and you bounce back much faster than you would without them. Although there may be debate around the importance of BCAAs, this supplement can in fact enhance training and performance and shouldn’t be overlooked as a potential to help any and all of your gains. Swolverine BCAA is one such product to help get you there.
BCAAs are three of nine essential amino acids (EAAs). These nine EAAs cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. Since amino acids are important compounds that serve as the foundation of protein, and with protein being a building block for all muscle, both BCAAs and EAAs serve a vital purpose when it comes to your training and performance. With the formula in Swolverine BCAA, all your needs will be covered when you need them most.

Swolverine BCAA is synergistic combination of BCAAs, electrolytes, and L-glutamine all packed into one powerful formula. Great for muscle growth and recovery, this will help fuel every workout.

Swolverine is a lifestyle brand designed for endurance athletes and those always staying active. With products designed to fuel athletic performance, elite athletes and those seeking a goal flock to Swolverine for their top of line products and supplements. They live by the belief that everyone can optimize their athletic performance and human potential through transparency and honest products including those with proven ingredients and effective doses. As an honest and hard working company, Swolverine is there is to improve your human potential, and your athletic performance is just one piece of that larger mission.

Swolverine BCAA Highlights
Swolverine BCAA is a synergistic combination of BCAAs, electrolytes, and L-Glutamine packed into a powder form to help provide you with intra-workout hydration, fatigue reduction, and optimized recovery so you get the most out of your workouts. With tons of benefits, this supplement will help promote muscle growth, enhance recovery by reducing muscle breakdown and exercise-induced muscle soreness, maximize hydration for better muscle function and contraction, and keep you fueled for whatever workout or activity comes next.
A great 2:1:1 ratio of muscle building BCAAs is matched by a great dose in L-Glutamine and a seriously effective electrolytes and hydration formula. One scoop of this lemon lime flavored powder with pack you with everything you need for that intra-workout boost as you seek to hydrate, recover, and rebuild that lean muscle mass.
BCAAs: Work to increase lean muscle growth, reduce fatigue, decrease muscle soreness, and prevent muscle wasting (1). Can also hydrate and serve as a great intra-workout aid.
L-Glutamine: Helps rebuild and repair muscles after strenuous exercise to promote better recovery and prevent muscle breakdown (2).
Vitamin B6: Helps the body convert protein, carbs, and fat to energy to fuel performance. Also allows for the balance of body fluids and the normal functioning of the heart, nerves, and musculoskeletal systems (3).
Potassium: Helps keep your muscles healthy by repairing them faster and more efficiently. Also helps your muscles recover better (4).
Sodium: Helps improve performance by balancing fluids, aiding in muscle contractions, and serving as a natural source of electrolytes (5).
Other Ingredients
Natural & Artificial Flavors, Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Sucralose, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Chloride

Total BCAAs

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Lemon Lime

Best Way To Take
Mix one scoop with 8 oz. of water and drink during or after a workout.

Price, Flavors & Effectiveness
Swolverine BCAA is a 2:1:1 powder that is perfectly designed for hydration, recovery, and rebuilding lean muscle mass so you never have to worry about your intra-workout needs again. With 50 servings per container, one scoop will pump you with everything you need to maximize each and every workout. A great tasting flavor in Lemon Lime keeps this product from being dull.

2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs
Perfect for hydration, recovery, and rebuilding
Great ingredients and taste


Slightly high in price
Does contain artificial flavors, like sucralose

Price: 42.99
Featured Swolverine Athlete
Mitch Wagner – CrossFit Athlete

Mitch Wagner is a CrossFit athlete and true competitor who relies on Swolverine to have his back with whatever comes his way. As a real contender in CrossFit, Wagner suffered a minor setback with an injury in 2017, putting him out for a number of months as the strenuous rehab process took place. After recovering and working to improve his performance, Wagner is ready to return and make his mark as he looks to be the best. With Swolverine on his side, anything is possible for Wagner who uses and promotes these great supplements.

Check out our list of the Best BCAA Supplements for more muscle building and recovery products!

Overall Value
Swolverine BCAA is that perfectly optimized intra-workout product you need most to make sure all your gains never go to waste. With great ingredients designed for hydration, recovery, and rebuilding, this BCAA powder is great for making sure you get the most out of all your fitness goals. Swolverine is a great company who knows the needs of athletes everywhere and seeks to design and create the best products around. What you are really getting is a high-quality BCAA supplement with great ingredients, clean benefits, and a company behind it to trust. Check out Swolverine BCAA today and see what this can do for all your goals.
Try Swolverine BCAA Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Swolverine and Mitch Wagner Instagram

Wolfe, Robert R. (2017). “Branched-chain amino acids and muscle protein synthesis in humans: myth or reality?”. (source)
Gleeson, Michael (2008). “Dosing and efficacy of glutamine supplementation in human exercise and sport training”. (source)
Manore, M. M. (1994). “Vitamin B6 and exercise”. (source)
Lindinger, M. I.; Sjogaard, G. (1991). “Potassium regulation during exercise and recovery”. (source)
McCubbin, Alan J.; Costa, Ricardo J. S. (2018). “Impact of Sodium Ingestion During Exercise on Endurance Performance: A Systematic Review”. (source)

Janna Breslin Profile & Stats

Janna Breslin Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Janna Breslin

Janna Breslin is a fitness model, nutrition expert, and health coach who has also had a successful run as a bodybuilder. She was crowned Bikini Champ six different times and has been featured on magazines for her amazing physique. With her track record as a competitor and her knowledge as a coach, she has been an icon for people everywhere looking to make a change.
Below is a complete breakdown of her profile, stats, biography, training, and diet regimens.

Full Name: Janna Breslin

Date Of Birth

135-145 lbs.


Fitness Model, Personal Trainer, Health Coach

Growing up, Janna was very active, participating in many sports including soccer, cross country, and track and field. But she never really found her true athletic passion and was only semi interested in fitness at this age. After high school, Janna found weightlifting and fell in love with the multitude of exercises she could perform. So, she trained, day in and day out, building her physique and confidence while setting new plans for herself and her future.
She began her modeling career and over the years many publications from swimwear to fitness came looking for her. Now with real money on the line, she stepped up her training and sought harder programs to really tone her body. As a result, she competed in her first NCP Bikini contest and placed first, sparking her competitive bodybuilding side to emerge.
Knowing she wanted fitness to be her profession and true passion, she sought an increased focus on her craft, seeking to build up her resume of magazine appearances, bodybuilding titles, and of course, her physique. With a great presence online, she now serves as a true example for others who are seeking to make a positive change for themselves.
When it comes to training, she typically trains 4-6 times per week, each session around 45 minutes. She loves cardio and HIIT training with things like swimming, running, hill sprints, and a host of others. Working throughout the week, she focuses on lower body, upper body, a rest day, then back to the lower body, and finishing with the upper body.
Janna’s Workout

Push-Ups: 3 sets, 30 seconds
Pull-Ups: 3 sets, 8 reps
Kettlebell Swings: 3 sets, 30-45 seconds
Burpees: 3 sets, 30 seconds
Jumping Lunges: 3 sets, 30-45 reps
Mountain Climbers: 3 sets, 30-45 seconds
Kettlebell Swings Round 2: 3 sets, 30 seconds

Janna’s diet consists of healthy and nutrient dense foods, all being whole foods. She makes sure to eat a lot of protein and healthy fats, with a smaller amount of carbs. She stays away from gluten and also avoids sugar, dairy, and soy. Instead of counting calories or tracking her macros, she simply goes off look and gives it the best estimate when it comes to her foods. She eats healthy to maintain a good weight but also eats enough to power her through her workouts.
While Janna uses her own supplements of choice, it is important for all of us to have a quality supplementation routine to power us through all of our workouts. A good protein powder can enhance all of our gains and a pre-workout supplement can boost energy and provide for great muscle pumps. Getting essentials nutrients into our bodies is key and a multivitamin can do just that by loading us up with those necessary vitamins and minerals to really pack a nutritional punch.

Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts Review

Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts Review

Lift in style with these custom dyed lifting belts from Pioneer.
Product Overview
When it comes to lifting big and maximizing our gains, a weightlifting belt is one of those lifting tools that is essential in our gym bag. With many benefits to keeping us safe for longevity and more stable for better performance, it is no wonder why so many lifters have gravitated towards using a belt. As an efficient lifting tool to really maximize all gains, a weightlifting belt can change anyone’s mind once they pack on the weight. Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts offer a great quality belt that can be customized to whatever you like so you lift in style, but more importantly, your style.
While a weightlifting belt is not a back brace, with the increased engagement of your core and better stabilization when under so much weight, it will alleviate stress on your low back to allow for less pain and better range of motion. By using a weightlifting belt, it will allow you to worry less about that unwanted pain and more about form and your actual workout (1,2).

Shop at Pioneer
Pioneer is a division of General Leathercraft Manufacturing, Inc., a premiere company creating high-quality leather products including weightlifting belts and other exercise accessories and aids. With a great product line dedicated to assisting the needs of athletes everywhere, Pioneer has made it their mission to keep active individuals healthy and safe, especially as they lift big weight. Along with an amazing line of lifting belts, Pioneer also produces top tier knee wraps, wrist wraps, elbow wraps, and other equipment to keep athletes safe overall. Their mission is to provide great customer service and a product you will love to have and use. A company full of integrity and quality, Pioneer is a standout in the exercise equipment community.

Custom Dyed Belts Option
When it comes to Pioneer’s customization belt options, you can choose from five options to support your weightlifting needs.
Custom Dyed Lever Belts
This option comes in 3’’ or 4’’ all the way around and your choice of thickness to give you a durable and high-quality belt to last a lifetime. The adjustable lever allows for adjustment every half inch so your belt fits just right to offer the most versatility for your lifts.
Pioneer Cut Custom Dyed Power Belts
The Pioneer Cut is a patent pending design unique in that it allows for ½’’ increments as opposed to the traditional 1’’. That means you can find the best fit for you belt so you remain safe and with the correct tightness. This version is also available in 3’’ or 4’’ all the way around with your choice of thickness.
4’’ Custom Dyed Pioneer Cut Training Belts
Also including that patent pending Pioneer Cut design, these training belts are available with 4’’ in the back and taper to 2.5’’ on the sides and front. A great option for comfort and training, this belt is one to check out.
4’’ Custom Dyed Training Belts
Similar to the Pioneer Cut Training Belts, these are 4’’ in the back and taper to 2.5’’ on the sides and front.  Perfect for training with the wider back and more narrow front, this allows for comfort and a great feel when under so much weight.
Custom Dyed Power Belts
These power belts are single pronged and are 3’’ or 4’’ all the way around with your choice of thickness. The rounded tongue option on these is only available in the 4’’ power belts, not the 3’’. Great for those looking for a more snug and secure feel, these power belts are awesome for lifting huge weight.

Customization Process
The custom dyed weightlifting belts are hand dyed by using a professional dye in house. For optimal quality, they are treated with a conditioner, polish, and sealant to really maximize look and longevity. These belts are built using the same 100% Vegetable Tanned Sole Leather that is used for all their belts and the customization is easy and allows for many options.
When looking to customize, you will start with your belt option and move onto custom dye options. From there you will choose your color and a fade option if you’d like to give the belt that extra dimension of style. For those looking to customize the outside and inside of their belt with a laser-burned message, you have that option as well to place it on the belt, on the loop, on the tongue, and to even laser-burn an image. Moving to the inside, you will have the option to embroider a message inside as well as choose your interior color. Next is the buckle type, belt tongue, buckle color, black edging, and stitch color to really round out your unique custom belt.
With so many options to choose from and an easy-to-use customization tool bar on their site, creating your unique belt is easy, fun, and will produce a great lifting belt for you.

Price & Effectiveness
As we look to the pricing of these belts, it is important to know that these prices listed below are solely for the starting cost of the belt. All customization options may have an additional price for each part of the above process so just be aware when customizing your own belt.
Custom Dyed Lever Belts: $152.00-$182.00
Pioneer Cut Custom Dyed Power Belts: $152.00-$182.00
4’’ Custom Dyed Pioneer Cut Training Belts: $152.00
4’’ Custom Dyed Training Belts: $132.00
Custom Dyed Power Belts: $132.00-$162.00

High-quality leather belts built to last
Great options in the lever belts and Pioneer Cut design
Awesome customization option throughout the whole process
From a reputable company in Pioneer


Premium priced options
Price can get more expensive with more customization options

Check out our list of the Best Weightlifting Belts for more great lifting products!

Overall Value
Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts are a great option for all your lifting belt needs. By using a weightlifting belt you work to tackle any issues when it comes to pain and strain, while also giving yourself the edge when it comes to performance. By offering more balance and stability, you can really tackle any big lift that comes your way. What you are really getting is a high-quality belt with awesome customization options for your style from a company who knows the needs of lifters. Check out Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts and see what these can do for your massive lifts today.
Try Pioneer Custom Dyed Weightlifting Belts Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Pioneer and Envato

Miyamoto, K.; Iinuma, N.; Maeda, M.; Wada, E.; Shimizu, K. (1999). “Effects of abdominal belts on intra-abdominal pressure, intra-muscular pressure in the erector spinae muscles and myoelectrical activities of trunk muscles”. (source)
Finnie, S. B.; Wheeldon, T. J.; Hensrud, D. D.; Dahm, D. L.; Smith, J. (2002). “Weight Lifting Belt: Motivations For Use”. (source)

Unbound Unlock Beyond Fat Burn Review

Unbound Unlock Beyond Fat Burn Review

Work for energy, appetite control, and fat burn with a fat burner proven to work.
Product Overview
Burning stubborn belly fat can be hard. That means toning and sculpting a shredded physique may seem just unobtainable. But take away the negative talk and really think about what needs to happen. A good diet, solid training plan, and an unphased mindset to get this fat loss done. Even with a lights out routine, some assistance is welcome and a fat burner is here to give you that vital boost you want most. Unbound Unlock is a seriously effective and powerful fat burning supplement designed to give you the best chance at fat loss so that shredded aesthetic is right around the corner.
A top tier fat burner will contain ingredients that are clean and effective to provide for benefits that actually work and results that are actually seen. A transparent label and fully disclosed ingredients list, matched by a powerful formula and one that is well-researched at that, can give you the best chance at fat loss so no doubt ever creeps into your mind again. Unbound Unlock does that and more as an awesome fat burning supplement to boost energy, offer better appetite control, and aid in that vital fat burn.

Shop at Unbound
Unbound is on a mission to help those self-starters get the gains they want most. They seek those who set the highest standards, not follow them, and whose demand for greatness is unparalleled by others. Unbound wants their athletes to be unequaled in a world of mediocrity and by designing and creating high quality supplements, they understand that those seeking to be the best, need the best when it comes to fueling their bodies and driving towards the top. A sister company to the amazing and top tier company NutraBio, their honesty and transparency shows through with every product.
Unbound Unlock Highlights
Unbound Unlock is an amazing fat burner created with the best ingredients to produce an all-star fat burning formula. With 11 effective and high-quality ingredients, Unlock has the power to enhance energy, support appetite control, and promote that vital fat burn you want most. With Unbound’s undivided dedication and uncompromising results, any athlete willing to push their limit will benefit greatly from Unlock’s true potential. Even though burning stubborn fat can be hard, Unbound Unlock makes it a reality.

MitoBurn L-BAIBA: Known to have benefits towards glucose uptake, free fatty acid oxidation, and changes in body composition. It can also support weight management by promoting greater energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity (1).
GBB: GBB is short for gamma-butyrobetaine and it can increase carnitine levels which support better fat burning and supports the body’s natural ability to mobilize and burn fatty acids for energy.
Grains Of Paradise: May help stimulate brown fat thermogenesis and increase whole-body energy expenditure while reducing body fat mass (2).
Cocoabuterol: A patented natural cocoa extract, this can support muscle protein synthesis, reduce muscle protein breakdown, promote fat utilization, and eliminate excess fluid in the body.
RhodioPrime: A quality form of Rhodiola, which is known for its mood-enhancing properties, this can support mood, motivation, focus, and energy for longer periods of time (3).
InnoSlim: May enhance glucose uptake into the muscle cells, support stable blood glucose levels and muscle energy production, and aid in weight loss.
Zum XR: Works to enhance the effects of other ingredients, like caffeine, for longer lasting effects in the body.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine: Help the body burn fat for energy, enhance mental energy, and support the production of key neurotransmitters (4).
L-Tyrosine: An essential amino acid used to produce neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and epinephrine which are vital for fat burning.
Caffeine Anhydrous: Increases energy, motivation, focus, and alertness while working to burst fatigue and kickstart your metabolism (5).
Flucoxanthin: Known to stimulate receptors in white fat cells and encourage a higher metabolic rate.
Other Ingredients
Citric acid, natural flavors, malic acid, sucralose, acesulfame potassium

Stim Or Non-Stim

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Raspberry Lemonade, Mojito, Melon Spice

Best Way To Take
Take 2 scoops with 12-16 oz. of water. To assess tolerance, take ½ scoop. Drink in the morning or any time before 5 p.m.

Price, Flavors & Effectiveness
Unbound Unlock is the perfect supplement to boost your fat burning needs built around a great formula to enhance energy, support appetite control, and aid in that desired fat burn. With 20 servings per container, one serving size of 2 scoops will pump you with these amazing ingredients to give you everything from this powerful fat burner. Three flavors in Raspberry Lemonade, Mojito, and Melon Spice offer a delicious taste so you will never grow bored with it.
Featured Unbound Athlete

Erik Ramirez is an IFBB pro bodybuilder and Unbound athlete who uses their supplements to enhance his absolutely shredded aesthetic. With many competitions under his belt, he was crowned the 2015 North American Overall Champion and has competed in other events including the New York Pro, Toronto Pro, Tampa Pro 212, and the 2020 Chicago Pro Men’s Bodybuilding contest. Working with Unbound, Ramirez uses their high-quality supplements to fuel his workouts and recovery given their innovative formulas, clean ingredients, and advanced results for maximum gains.

Check out our list of the Best Fat Burners On The Market for more great fat burning supplements!

Overall Value
Unbound Unlock is that fat burning supplement you need to see those desired gains come to life. With 11 powerful and effective ingredients, Unlock works to boost energy, provide for better appetite control, and aid in that valuable fat burn you want most. Unbound works with those athletes who have an uncompromising approach to success, both physically and mentally, as they push themselves to the limit every day. What you are really getting is a top tier fat burning supplement with high-quality ingredients, great flavors, and real results. Check out Unbound Unlock today and unlock the fat burning potential you may not have known you had.
Try Unbound Unlock Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Unbound

Kitase, Yukiko; Vallejo, Julian A.; Gutheil, William; Vemula, Harika; et al. (2018). “B-aminoisobutyric Acid, l-BAIBA, Is a Muscle-Derived Osteocyte Survival Factor”. (source)
Sugita, Jun; Yoneshiro, Takeshi; Hatano, Takuya; Aita, Sayuri; et al. (2013). “Grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta) extract activate brown adipose tissue and increases whole-body energy expenditure in men”. (source)
Cropley, Mark; Banks, Adrian P.; Boyle, Julia (2015). “The Effects of Rhodiola rosea L. Extract on Anxiety, Stress, Cognition and Other Mood Symptoms”. (source)
Ferreira, Gustavo C.; McKenna, Mary C. (2017). “L-Carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine roles and neuroprotection in developing brain”. (source)
Tabrizi, Reza; Saneei, Parvane; Lankarani, Kamran B.; Akbari, Maryam; et al. (2019). “The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials”. (source)

Performance Lab SPORT Post Review For Growth & Recovery

Performance Lab SPORT Post Review For Growth & Recovery

Elevate your recovery and growth with this powerful and clean post-workout supplement.
Product Overview
For maximum muscle growth, you have a small window immediately after your workout ends. Since your muscles are the most sensitive to the anabolic effects of your training, your body needs to restore all of those vital nutrients for optimal recovery and the least amount of muscle damage. Eating a solid, high-protein meal is highly recommended, since this will offer many amazing natural benefits, but a good post-workout supplement will also do the trick. Performance Lab SPORT Post is one great post-workout supplement to target nutrients for a full recharge and serious muscle growth.
This post-workout supplement would make a great addition to a post-workout whey protein supplement, whether that be a whey isolate or a concentrate. What Performance Lab Post will do is ensure no essential nutrient vital for recovery and muscle growth is missed to give your body the best chance to see all of the gains from your workout.

Shop at Performance Lab
Performance Lab is a leader in nutritional supplements and with formulas that include industry-leading ingredients, their products combine nutritional technology with high-quality and innovative supplements to meet all of their consumers’ needs.
Their patented NutriGenesis process ensures clean, safe, and effective vitamins and minerals, and with clean labels that are non-GMO and 100% gluten-free, you can be sure that no hidden agendas lurk in your supplements. Their state-of-the-art facilities are current good manufacturing practices (CGMP) compliant and registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
SPORT Post Highlights
Post is the world’s cleanest and smartest muscle-restoring post-workout supplement designed to meet all of your recovery and muscle-building needs. While working out causes damage to your muscles and inflammation, this can limit growth. SPORT Post works to counter these effects by pumping your body full of those depleted nutrients in efforts to optimize muscle growth and repair. For recovery, it works to give you faster support so you come back stronger to take on the next session.
This innovative sports-drink-in-a-capsule design is one way to ensure you efficiently rehydrate yourself when taken with water. As a clean, vegan-friendly, and easy to swallow capsule, SPORT Post is an efficient and convenient way to support healthy gains, faster recovery, and increased athletic performance.
Key Benefits:

Innovative sports-drink-in-a-capsule: Quickly rehydrates your body to give you the best chance at a solid recovery.
Promotes growth and recovery: Counters negative effects of working out by pumping you full of vital nutrients to maximize growth and repair.
A safe and effective supplement: SPORT Post is vegan-friendly, caffeine, gluten, and allergy free, and contains no additives or banned substances.
Ultramodern patented NutriGenesis process: Gives you all of the benefits of natural ingredients from the lab to ensure safe and effective supplements.

NutriGenesis Process
NutriGenesis is a patented process from Performance Lab where they mirror nutrient genesis found in nature. So while their vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are lab grown, this ultramodern technology allows for all the benefits of the natural process all while working from their state-of-the-art facilities. Through properly seeding and cultivating these nutrients, live cells metabolize and naturally grow new vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which include proteins, complex carbs, probiotics, and antioxidants. You can be sure your body will absorb these easily and effectively since NutriGenesis works to match whole foods’ natural structures.
Key Ingredients
These two key ingredients are the most abundant nutrients by far in SPORT Post and work to maximize your muscle growth and promote recovery in order to give you that much-needed boost for the next workout.
Creatine Monohydrate (1750 mg)
Creatine restores exercise-depleted muscles and works to promote healthy growth and repair through a number of ways. It helps maintain ATP energy in muscle by aiding the anabolic process, as well as increasing synthesis of proteins and stem cells to form new muscle (1). Since creatine is depleted during intense training, its ability to support your muscles is obviously limited, but by raising insulin levels slightly, it can promote muscle development (2). The added bonus is that the creatine in SPORT Post is bioavailable for easy access and no added distress.
Beta-Alanine (1200 mg)
Beta-alanine works as a muscle booster for your pre- and post-workout needs by raising muscle carnosine. Carnosine stores are an effective sports strategy for recovery and also enhancing athletic performance. By helping to neutralize exercise-induced free radicals and work to repair damaged muscles, this is great for your overall recovery (3). Through its ability to delay fatigue and work your muscle to optimal capacity, this can boost both muscular strength and endurance.
L-Glutamine: The most abundant amino acid in your body, it works to provide your muscle with energy and aid in growth and recovery (4). It can increase the antioxidant glutathione for an immune boost and protect muscle gains.
Himalayan Pink Salt: An unprocessed, high-quality salt, it will maintain hydration and help restore fluids lost during your workout.
Pomegranate Extract: A rich source of antioxidants, this can enhance muscle circulation and soothe aches and inflammation. This will really work for your benefit with its properties for overall recovery (5).
Potassium: A solid mineral, potassium helps with muscle contraction and overall cardiovascular endurance (6). As part of the NutriGenesis process, this lab-grown mineral will enhance bioavailability and offer relief after those high-intensity workouts.

Price & Effectiveness
Performance Lab SPORT Post is a great post-workout supplement designed to help tackle any and all of your muscle building and recovery needs. With 20 servings per container, 6 NutriCaps will give you all these great ingredients so your gains never falter.

Quality ingredients and their ultramodern patented NutriGenesis process
Natural benefits from lab-grown nutrients
Vegan-friendly, and non-GMO


Premium priced option
6 capsules is a lot per serving

Price: $39.00
Overall Value
Performance Lab SPORT Post is a solid post-workout supplement to aid in your recovery and muscle growth after a tough workout. Paired with a protein supplement or a high-protein meal, all of the benefits will be heightened for your overall growth and performance. With clean ingredients from a great patented NutriGenesis process, this post-workout supplement is really something to consider. What you are really getting is a supplement to promote recovery and growth with valuable nutrients from a reputable company who seeks to provide innovative supplements for their consumers. Try SPORT Post and watch your post-workout gains elevate to new heights.
Try Performance Lab SPORT Post Today
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Performance Lab and Envato

Kreider, Richard B. (2003). “Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations”. (source)
Kerksick, Chad M.; Wilborn, Colin D.; Campbell, William I.; Harvey, Travis M.; Marcello, Brandon M.; Roberts, Mike D.; Parker, Adam G.; Byars, Allyn G.; Greenwood, Lori D.; Almada, Anthony L.; Kreider, Richard B.; Greenwood, Mike (2009). “The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation With and Without D-Pinitol on Resistance Training Adaptations”. (source)
Saunders, Bryan; Sunderland, Caroline; Harris, Roger C.; Sale, Craig (2012). “B-alanine supplementation improves YoYo intermittent recovery test performance”. (source)
Gleeson, Michael (2008). “Dosing and Efficacy of Glutamine Supplementation in Human Exercise and Sport Training”. (source)
Shiban, Mutahar S.; Al-Otaibi, Mutlag M.; Al-zoreky, Najeeb S. (2012). “Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit Peels”. (source)
Karaki, H.; Urakawa, N.; Kutsky, P. (1984). “Potassium-induced contraction in smooth muscle”. (source)

Best Women’s Protein Powders For Weight Loss and Clean Protein 2021

Best Women’s Protein Powders For Weight Loss and Clean Protein 2021

These protein powders and supplements are clean and perfect for any female needs when it comes to muscle growth and weight loss.
When it comes down to boosting growth and recovery, using high-quality, clean protein powders can work wonders for our gains when it comes to weight loss, muscle growth, and recovery. While eating a whole food meal can pump us with protein and other essential macronutrients, we cannot forget to include a protein supplement in our diets for our post-workout recovery routine. With protein being essential for building and maintaining muscle, that shredded female physique you want most is right around the corner with a whey or plant-based and vegan protein source.
For women, a protein powder can help build muscle, maintain muscle, and sculpt a nice physique that others will envy. But it’s important to consider other factors such as weight loss and the ability to help recover so your workouts never falter. Finding the right protein supplement to fit your lifestyle goals, whether it be a vegan protein powder, a solid whey protein supplement, or something else, can really boost all areas of your training, performance, health, and wellness.
This list of the Best Women’s Protein Supplements 2021 is full of great protein powders to boost all areas of female health and wellness, as well as growth and recovery. With clean options to boost muscle building and recovery needs, you can’t go wrong with any of these.
Best Women’s Protein Powders For 2021

Best Women’s Protein Overall: Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein






Cookies ‘N Cream, Cinnamon Swirl

Number Of Servings

Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein is a great whey supplement to boost all areas of your training, performance, health, and wellness. With great tastes and no added sugar, it feels like dessert without the guilt attached. With 25g of protein and only 2g of carbs and 1.5g of fat, this supplement is a great ratio to fuel all your growth and recovery needs while also keeping you full. A fully disclosed label and pure honesty makes this supplement the best protein powder overall for female athletes and active women.

Great ratio of macronutrients
Awesome flavors with no added sugar
Fully disclosed and honest label


Premium priced option
Only available directly from their website

Price: $39.99
Click here for the best price

Best Clean Muscle Building Protein: Performance Lab SPORT Protein







Number Of Servings

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is much cleaner than other protein powders out there and is a great plant-based option. Naturally flavored with organic cocoa, vanilla bean and ceylon cinnamon – this is the best tasting protein powder many female customers have tried. Being a brown-rice protein powder, anyone can use it for growth and weight loss for this powder contains great ingredients. Regardless of whether you’re dairy intolerant, vegan, allergic to soy or gluten, Performance Lab SPORT Protein contains no allergens at all. Supplying 20g protein (and only 100 calories) per serving, Performance Lab Protein can be easily included in your diet at all times, whether you’re cutting or bulking.

Good, clean formula that is organic and vegan friendly
The chocolate flavor tastes amazing
Product includes Bacillus Coagulans, a beneficial probiotic
Good choice for weight loss
Has essential amino acids per serving


Only uses a single source protein
Chocolate is the only flavor available

Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for Performance Lab SPORT Pre here!

Best Non-Dairy Vegan Protein: National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan







Number Of Servings

National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Protein is designed to help bodybuilders, both male and female, progress faster in the gym and with their vegan goals. A 100% natural and organic plant-based protein, this works to increase the rate of muscle protein synthesis, optimize nutrient utilization, boost metabolic efficiency, and enhance athletic recovery. Using organic rice and pea protein, this supplement does not produce inflammation and is more bioavailable than dairy. With 117 calories and 20.5 grams of protein, this powder will work for your overall protein benefit as it helps you adopt a healthy lifestyle while building muscle and providing amino acids from a protein shake.

100% organic, plant-based, and naturally flavored with stevia
Low in calories
Designed for cleaner and faster absorption
Manufactured to FDA standards and produced by a reputable company
Helps you lose weight and keep muscle while being easy to digest


Only 20 servings per container
Can only get it from their website directly
Chocolate is the only flavor

Price: $40.00
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep here!

Best Organic Grass-Fed Whey Protein: Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate





Less than 1g

Cinnamon Pastry, Mocha, French Vanilla, Cookies ‘N Cream, Milk Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cereal Splash, Strawberry, Salted Caramel

Number Of Servings

Transparent Labs ProteinSeries 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of female whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added. If you have a sensitive stomach, allergies, or just care about the environment, this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals and is easy to digest compared to a whey concentrate.

No artificial ingredients and a transparent label
Third party tested
Organic and non-GMO
Good choice for those who tend to be sensitive to certain protein supplements
Contains essential amino acids
Right amount of protein per scoop per serving


Slightly high in carbs and cholesterol
Despite lactose, their are no digestive enzymes
Premium priced product

Price: $59.00
Click here for the best price
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Best Whey For Weight Loss: Kaged Muscle Clean Meal






Snickerdoodle, Vanilla Cake

Best Way To Take
Mix 2 scoops with 10-12 ounces of cold water.

Kaged Muscle Clean Meal is for those active female athletes and individuals who want to prioritize nutrition while still getting a complete and convenient meal for those on-the-go needs. With whole food ingredients and 21 organic vitamins and minerals, this meal replacement has 123% better amino absorption to help build muscle and strength while also keeping you full throughout the day. Fueled with a formula including whey protein isolate, clean carbs, BCAAs, MCT oil, and zero added sugar, this meal replacement is perfect for fueling athletic performance while providing for a protein rich option for weight loss, digestion, recovery, and other nutritional needs.

Whole food ingredients
21 organic vitamins and minerals
Quick and nutritious meal replacement
$2.25 per meal


Slightly low on number of servings

Price: $44.99
Click here for the best price
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best Whey Protein Meal Replacement: Kaged Muscle Clean Meal






Snickerdoodle, Vanilla Cake

Best Way To Take
Mix 2 scoops with 10-12 ounces of cold water.

Kaged Muscle Clean Meal is for those active female athletes and individuals who want to prioritize nutrition while still getting a complete and convenient meal for those on-the-go needs. With whole food ingredients and 21 organic vitamins and minerals, this meal replacement has 123% better amino absorption to help build muscle and strength while also keeping you full throughout the day. Fueled with a formula including whey protein isolate, clean carbs, BCAAs, MCT oil, and zero added sugar, this meal replacement is perfect for fueling athletic performance while providing for a protein rich option for weight loss, digestion, recovery, and other nutritional needs.

Whole food ingredients
21 organic vitamins and minerals
Quick and nutritious meal replacement
$2.25 per meal


Slightly low on number of servings

Price: $44.99
Click here for the best price
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Benefits Of Protein Powders For Weight Loss & Muscle Growth
Taking a protein powder, especially after your workout is a great way to boost all areas of your growth and recovery, while also aiding in feeling more full and pumping you with great nutrients. For fueling athletic performance and making sure those valuable gains stick, a great protein powder for female athletes can provide for awesome benefits to your training, performance, health, and wellness.
Benefits of protein powders include:

Great source of protein: Protein powders tend to be packed with protein to give you a serious protein boost. A convenient way to get plenty of protein, you can’t go wrong with a great shake that is sourced from whey or something more plant-based. These options are a great source of keto protein as well.
Serious muscle growth: Since protein is essential for muscle growth, having a powder that gives you a serious boost of protein can work wonders for all your muscle building and muscle growth needs (1).
Enhanced recovery: Protein not only enhances growth, but can help repair those damages muscles. With a top tier protein powder, your recovery goals are right around the corner (2).
Help keep you full: These can help keep you full since protein does a great job with that. It will eliminate your desire to snack and help curb hunger, as well as serve as a source of solid keto protein.
Aid in weight loss: By keeping you more full and curbing hunger, it will help with weight loss and enhance all those goals so you see that desired physique unfold (3).
Added nutritional benefits: Protein powders contain other vital nutrients that will help you function and can work wonders when it comes to bettering your overall health and wellness.

Whey Protein Vs. Plant-Based Sources
With so many protein powders on the market, it is important to look at the different sources and options for you as a female athlete or active woman. The most common type is whey protein but for those sensitive to dairy or living a vegan lifestyle, plant-based options are great when it comes to building muscle and aiding in recovery without the need for dairy. Both options serve as a solid form of keto protein as well.

Whey Isolate

This form of protein is a more filtered form of whey where the percentage of protein is much higher while containing little to no carbs or fats. For those looking to cut or keep on that lean muscle, a whey isolate is a great choice for you (4).

Whey Concentrate

This form of whey protein offers a healthy dose of protein while containing some carbs and fats. Although it is higher in carbs and fat than a whey isolate, the balance of macros is just right and it is still a healthy option. This form is great for those looking to bulk and increase strength and size (5).

Pea Protein

This form of protein is a great plant-based option and is extracted from yellow peas. It contains all nine essential amino acids (EAAs) and will most certainly help with muscle growth and recovery while still giving you a great plant-based option.

Brown Rice Protein

Another stellar vegan protein source, this has a high amount of BCAAs and will give you a great boost for muscle growth and recovery (6). This tends to not have irritants to give you a clean source of lean protein.
Other Plant-Based Sources

Chia Seeds
Sunflower Seed
Pumpkin Seed

Safety & Effectiveness Of Protein Powders
Protein powders are safe to use and can work wonders for your gains. It is best to take a protein supplement in the window of 15-60 minutes after your workout so all these nutrients work for your benefit and female performance. You won’t be disappointed with the results of a good protein powder.
How We Choose The Best Protein Powders
When it came to choosing the best protein powders for female athletes and active women, we know how daunting the task can be. That’s why we’ve come up with this list for you. We sought the best brands possible because you deserve to have the best brands representing you. With a reputable company behind you and the product, you know exactly what you are putting into your body. We also looked at the ingredients and effectiveness, as well as the type of protein source. Some contain whey protein while others are vegan and plant-based, but both can serve as good sources of keto protein also. The benefits and how effective the supplement is was something we looked closely at. We of course know that these supplements can get expensive so we sought the best products at the best price point to alleviate any financial stress on you and your wallet.

FAQ Section
What is the best protein powder for women?
Cira Nutrition Bright Whey Protein. This protein is a great whey supplement for female athletes and active women to boost all areas of your training, performance, health, and wellness. With great tastes and no added sugar, it feels like dessert without the guilt attached. With 25g of protein and only 2g of carbs and 1.5g of fat, this supplement is a great ratio to fuel all your growth and recovery needs while also keeping you full.
Do vegan protein powders compare well to whey protein supplements?
Vegan and plant-based powders stack up well when compared to whey protein due to the great amounts of protein and other ingredients. These will help with things like training, performance, muscle growth, weight loss, and provide a clean source of protein to aid in your health and wellness. Those with a sensitivity to dairy can greatly benefit from a vegan and plant-based protein option.
When should I take a protein supplement?
The best time to take protein powder is around 15-60 minutes after your workout. This will give your body time to absorb all those nutrients to aid in growth and recovery and boost the effects to optimize all benefits.
Do I really need a protein powder?
If you are active and want to see increased results then a protein supplement is perfect you. For those who want to stay full and eliminate the desire for snacking, a protein powder is a great way to do that as well. For all your muscle building and weight loss needs, a protein powder should absolutely be in your routine.
Wrap Up
Finding the best protein powder for women and female athletes can be challenging. With so many brands and options, sifting through can feel like a nightmare. This list reflects those products that we felt you need to know about as you seek to boost all areas of your health and wellness, and of course, training and performance. With a top tier protein powder on your shelf, mixed with other great supplements, you are well on your way to real gains and a physique others will envy. Either whey or something more vegan and plant-based, all of your needs can absolutely be met. Check out this list and see what these awesome supplements can do for you.
Generation Iron may receive commissions on purchases made through our links. See our disclosure page for more information.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; Lieberman, Harris R.; McLellan, Tom M. (2014). “Effects of protein supplements on muscle damage, soreness and recovery of muscle function and physical performance: a systematic review”. (source)
Leidy, Heather J.; Clifton, Peter M.; Astrup, Arne; Wycherley, Thomas P.; et al. (2015). “The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance”. (source)
Pal, Sebely; Ellis, Vanessa; Dhaliwal, Satvinder (2010). “Effects of whey protein isolate on body composition, lipids, insulin and glucose in overweight and obese individuals”. (source)
Tipton, Kevin D.; Elliott, Tabatha A.; Cree, Melanie G.; Wolf, Steven E.; et al. (2004). “Ingestion of Casein and Whey Proteins Result in Muscle Anabolism after Resistance Exercise”. (source)
Kalman, Douglas S. (2014). “Amino Acid Composition of an Organic Brown Rice Protein Concentrate and Isolate Compared to Soy and Whey Concentrates and Isolates”. (source)

Steve Reeves Profile & Stats

Steve Reeves Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Steve Reeves

Steve Reeves is still to this day an inspirational and accomplished bodybuilder known for his size on the global stage. With a successful career as a bodybuilder and an actor, Reeves held the title of Mr. America, Mr. World, and Mr. Universe before switching gears and going into acting.
Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Stephen L. Reeves

Date Of Birth

215-225 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Actor, Writer, Trainer
1940, 1950, 1960

Steve Reeves was born in Montana and became interested in bodybuilding in high school. He was enlisted into the U.S. Army upon graduation and served in the Philippines before returning to the United States and going to college in California to be a chiropractor. However, Reeves had begun training again and would soon enter into his first competition, one that would launch him into a dominating and successful bodybuilding career.
He won his first competition, Mr. Pacific Coast, and continued to compete having fallen in love with the sport. In a pre-Mr. Olympia era, Reeves would go onto win Mr. America, Mr. World, and Mr. Universe. After being contacted by an acting agent, he would soon become more than just a world class bodybuilder.
Reeves made the decision to move to New York City where he began to study acting. As fate would have it, the roles began to come in and Reeves would star in 18 movies from 1954 to 1969. Such movies included Athena, Hercules, Goliath and the Barbarians, The Trojan Horse, and A Long Ride From Hell.
After a lucrative career, injuries, stress, and a market that no longer looked for his type of movies, Reeves made the choice to retire and spent the last decades of his life in California. He enjoyed writing, breeding horses, and promoting drug-free bodybuilding, going back to his roots of what got him to where he is.
Reeves died in May of 2000.

When it came to Reeves’ training, he would work all muscle groups around 3-4 times a week. On off days, he would stay active with a walk or a swim but do his best to give his body the rest it needed.
Day 1 – Chest

Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets, 10 reps
Flat Bench Press: 3 sets, 10 reps
Dumbbell Fly: 3 sets, 12 reps
Push-Ups: 3 sets, 15 reps
Decline Push-Ups: 3 sets. 10 reps

Day 2 – Shoulders

Barbell Snatch: 3 sets, 8 reps
Overhead Press: 3 sets, 10 reps
Front Raise: 3 sets, 10 reps
Side Raise: 3 sets, 10 reps
Rear Dumbbell Fly: 3 sets, 12 reps

Day 3 – Legs

Barbell Squat: 3 sets, 8 reps
Leg Press: 3 sets 10 reps
Walking Lunges: 3 sets, 15 reps
Front Squat: 3 sets, 10 reps
Calf Raises: 3 sets, 12 reps

Day 4 – Arms

Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets, 10 reps
Dumbbell French Press: 3 sets, 10 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets, 8 reps
Triceps Extension: 3 sets, 10 reps
Standing Curl with Bar: 3 sets, 12 reps

Day 5 – Back

Bent Over Bar Row: 3 sets, 10 reps
Low Bar Row: 3 sets, 8 reps
Dumbbell Row: 3 sets, 12 reps
Dumbbell Shrug: 3 sets, 10 reps
Barbell Shrug: 3 sets, 15 reps
Deadlift: 3 sets, 8 reps

When it came to nutrition, Reeves made sure to really pack a punch and get all those vital nutrients into his body as efficiently as possible. With high amounts of protein and plenty of leafy greens, this helped fuel his workouts and recovery so he could see that amazing growth.
Meal #1
Custom Power Drink

1 banana
14 ounces freshly squeezed orange juice
1 tbsp. Knox gelatin
1 tbsp. honey
2-4 raw eggs
2 tbsp. protein powder

Meal #2
This would typically involve some sort of lean protein (grilled chicken or lean steak) with a small amount of carbs, mixed vegetables, and fresh fruit to cover all of his bases.
Meal #3
Typically, this meal was a large salad with oil and vinegar as the dressing. It would have a source of lean protein like turkey, fish, or chicken, and typically a serving of carbs like whole grain bread, potatoes, beans, or rice.

While Reeves used his own form of supplementation, most notably a protein powder in his power drink, it is important to know some other supplements around today that can really boost your gains to new heights. For all of your pre-workout needs, looking to a high-quality pre-workout supplement can provide for muscle pumps and energy to keep you going strong. A BCAA intra-workout product can reduce fatigue and allow for better recovery continuing to hydrate your muscles. And of course, for those looking to shed that unwanted fat and have a stellar physique like Reeves, a fat burner can do the trick and really give you the edge when it comes to sculpting and shedding that stubborn belly fat.
Competition History

1946, Mr. Pacific Coast
1947, Mr. Pacific Coast
1947, Mr. America
1948, Mr. USA
1948, Mr. World
1948, Mr. Universe
1949, Mr. USA
1950, Mr. Universe

Best 9 Creatine Supplements To Buy For Strength Building (Updated 2021)

Best 9 Creatine Supplements To Buy For Strength Building (Updated 2021)

Creatine is a powerful supplement on the market to boost muscle growth, enhance focus, and increase recovery for all your bulking needs.
Creatine is a very popular supplement on the market for athletes of all experience levels with great potential to increase muscle growth, enhance focus, provide for better bulking, and boost recovery. As a widely researched and staple supplement on your shelf, this safe and effective supplement can seriously enhance your muscle mass, strength and performance. While we are all looking for the edge to get us over that training bump, creatine promotes strength, power and endurance.
When looking for the best creatine supplements, it is important to look for those top tier products on the market that focus on bulking, muscle growth, and aiding in recovery. Helping to raise muscle ATP energy to power growth while recharging muscle for your next session will allow you bounce back faster and still see great gains. By stimulating proteins, stem cells, strength, and growth factor used to build quality muscle, you will build a physique others will surely envy. Of course, our workouts do tend to be grueling and by increasing your work capacity, this will ensure your muscles get great work done across all strength and endurance activities without limiting muscle growth and repair.
We put together this list of The Best Creatine Supplements to buy on the market to restore muscles and enhance your performance to the next level. With a high-quality product, your gains will surely grow so you can focus on any competition or sport specific needs that require your utmost attention.
The Best Creatine Supplements To Buy in 2021

Best Creatine Overall: Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop 30 minutes after a workout.

Although one of the more expensive creatine supplements available, Transparent Labs creatine is well worth the price and is one of the best creatine products for pure creatine. It has no added artificial flavors, fillers, preservatives, or coloring, which means the body isn’t wasting energy metabolizing useless chemicals — just pure creatine. Transparent Labs creatine is infused with HMB, or β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate, which has been proven to increase muscle strength and lean body mass while decreasing fat mass and boosting focus. At a good price, this is a one of the best creatine products on the market to buy for bulking.

Clean ingredients
No artificial additives
Great flavors and benefits
From a reputable and trusted company


Premium priced option
Only available through their website

Price: $39.00/ 30 servings
Click here for the best price
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB here!

Best Creatine Pills: Performance Lab Maintain

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
6 NutriCaps

Best Way To Take
Take 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules in the afternoon on an empty stomach on rest days.

This supplement from Performance Lab can restore depleted muscles on your rest day with 12 hours of steady anabolic nourishment. It can reload your muscles with key sport nutrients, provides extended-relief muscle growth support, and promotes strength, power, focus, and endurance. With three ingredients, creatine monohydrate being the biggest, this has the power to upgrade your rest day to new heights. The ultramodern design and easy to swallow capsules are great for digestion and bulking and comes from the best in sports nutrition technology on the market.

Amazing natural ingredients
Optimal effectiveness
Ultramodern design allows for maximum absorption


Premium priced product
Only available from their website directly

Price: $30.60/ 10 servings
Click here for the best price

Best Creatine Monohydrate: Kaged Muscle CreaClear

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Mix one scoop with 8-10 ounces of water or juice and shake or stir or 20-30 seconds. Consume in the morning, mid-day, or before bed.

Kaged Muscle CreaClear is the perfect muscle building creatine supplement for anyone looking to improve strength and size while still optimizing recovery between workouts. As a great product to accelerate muscle gain and bulking, this will help fuel muscle strength and power, reset for better muscle recovery, and aid in high-intensity work with increased focus. With zero artificial colors and flavors, this product contains no banned substances and is a fantastic creatine monohydrate on the market.

Superior mixing and solubility
5g of clean creatine monohydrate
No artificial colors or flavors
No banned substances


Some flavor options would be nice

Price: $19.99
Click here for the best price
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best For Post-Workout: Legion Recharge

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 serving with 10-12 oz. of water with your post-workout meal.

This post-workout supplement from Legion is a 100% natural post-workout drink that boosts muscle growth, improves recovery, increases focus, and reduces muscle soreness for all your bulking needs. With four great flavors and three main ingredients, this naturally flavored supplement is perfect for giving you a healthy and effective recovery product. Each ingredient is well-researched and clinically dosed with no added artificial food dyes, fillers, or junk to give you a great post-workout supplement for muscle soreness.

Great natural supplement for muscle building and recovery
Amazing taste with natural sweeteners


May cause stomach and digestive problems

Price: $35.99/ 60 servings
Click here for the best price

Best Creatine For Muscle Gains: Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop 30 minutes after a workout.

Although one of the more expensive creatine supplements available, Transparent Labs creatine is well worth the price and is one of the best creatine products for pure creatine. It has no added artificial flavors, fillers, preservatives, or coloring, which means the body isn’t wasting energy metabolizing useless chemicals — just pure creatine. Transparent Labs creatine is infused with HMB, or β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate, which has been proven to increase muscle strength and lean body mass while decreasing fat mass and boosting focus. At a good price, this is a one of the best creatine products on the market to buy for bulking.

Clean ingredients
No artificial additives
Great flavors and benefits
From a reputable and trusted company


Premium priced option
Only available through their website

Price: $39.00/ 30 servings
Click here for the best price
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB here!

Best For Bulking: Kaged Muscle CreaClear

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Mix one scoop with 8-10 ounces of water or juice and shake or stir or 20-30 seconds. Consume in the morning, mid-day, or before bed.

Kaged Muscle CreaClear is the perfect muscle building creatine supplement for anyone looking to improve strength and size while still optimizing recovery between workouts. As a great product to accelerate muscle gain, this will help fuel muscle strength and power, reset for better muscle recovery, and aid in high-intensity work with better focus. With zero artificial colors and flavors, this product contains no banned substances and is a fantastic creatine monohydrate for bulking on the market.

Superior mixing and solubility
5g of clean creatine monohydrate
No artificial colors or flavors
No banned substances


Some flavor options would be nice

Price: $19.99
Click here for the best price
Use code GENIRON10 for 10% off!

Best Creatine For Women: Performance Lab Maintain

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
6 NutriCaps

Best Way To Take
Take 3 capsules in the morning and 3 capsules in the afternoon on an empty stomach on rest days.

This supplement from Performance Lab can restore depleted muscles on your rest day with 12 hours of steady anabolic nourishment. It can reload your muscles with key sport nutrients, provides extended-relief muscle growth support, and promotes strength, power, focus, and endurance for serious bulking. With three ingredients, creatine monohydrate being the biggest, this has the power to upgrade your rest day to new heights. The ultramodern design and easy to swallow capsules are great for digestion and comes from the best in sports nutrition technology on the market.

Amazing natural ingredients
Optimal effectiveness
Ultramodern design allows for maximum absorption


Premium priced product
Only available from their website directly

Price: $30.60/ 10 servings
Click here for the best price

Best Premium Blend: Staunch Creatine Five

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 scoop

Best Way To Take
Take 1 scoop with water.

Staunch Creatine Five is a synthesized blend that contains 5 optimized forms of creatine working in tandem to make this one of the best creatine products. Creatine monohydrate, MagnaPower creatine, tri-creatine malate, creatine pyruvate, and creatine anhydrous are all found in this powerful blend and delivers more creatine by weight than any other form of the best creatine on the market making it a good buy. The blend of creatine allows the body to break down, process, and use the maximum amount of creatine ingested — virtually nothing is wasted.

Great formula packed with five forms of creatine
Awesome benefits for focus and bulking
Great flavor
Good price
From a reputable company who knows sports supplements


Does contain sucralose and other artificial flavors with unspecified amounts

Price: $29.00/ 30 servings
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review for Staunch Creatine Five here!

Best For Mixing: MyProtein Creatine Monohydrate

Amount Of Creatine

Number Of Servings

Serving Size
1 tsp.

Best Way To Take
Mix 1 tsp. with 6-8 fl. oz. with desired beverage.

MyProtein Creatine Monohydrate is a vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free creatine powder made convenient for all of your goals. This hard hitting powder is scientifically proven to increase physical performance by improving overall power. Great for everyone, this pure creatine supplement will pump you with this naturally occurring substance to provide for even better recovery, focus, and muscle growth. MyProtein brings this straight creatine supplement to enhance all of your training and bulking goals.

Hard hitting formula
Great for increased physical performance
Conducive to almost all diets


Bitter after taste being unflavored
May contain less per amount than advertised

Price: $23.75/ 200 servings
Click here for the best price

Benefits Of Creatine

Increase strength: Increases blood flow through overworked muscles to provide for muscle pumps and really build that desired strength.
Improve metabolism: Controls insulin sensitivity and glycemic control for fat loss and providing fuel (1) so you tackle weight loss needs and change your body composition to something others will envy.
Boost athletic performance: Enhance power output and refuel energy stores to support recovery and growth (2) to boost any performance goals you seek to accomplish.
Promote better mental capacity: Increases oxygen utilization in the brain to boost memory and processing speed when enduring grueling workouts while enhancing focus so you stay locked into each exercise.

Types Of Creatine

Creatine Monohydrate: A pure form of creatine, this can work to increase endurance by removing lactate faster out of the muscles. It will also aid in muscle growth and burn more calories at rest (3).
Creatine HCL: Creatine bound to hydrochloric acid for increased bioavailability and limits side effects so you get an effective dose of this supplement.
Tri-Creatine Malate: Combines creatine and malic acid that helps your body absorb more creatine. This will lead to higher ATP levels (4).
Creatine Anhydrous: The most potent form, this will increase muscle mass and enhance sports performance (5) by directly hitting your body.
Creatine Pyruvate: A combination of creatine and pyruvic acid, this is great for muscle recovery and gains and has good absorption properties.

How We Choose
When it comes to choosing a creatine supplement, you need the most clean products out there to boost your overall health and gains. We look for what forms of creatine are used and at what dose, for that will greatly affect your gains. Knowing the type you are looking for can also help you decide which option is best for you. When looking at each product, we also pay close attention to the company and their reputation. Many groups try and pump out supplements and take quantity over quality, which is not what you need. A quality brand will work for you as you seek to boost not only training and performance, but also health and wellness. Lastly, we take price into heavy consideration because we know this stuff can get expensive. Looking at affordable options on the market that are still great products makes this list a great place to shop.
FAQ Section
What is the best creatine?
Transparent Labs StrengthSeries Creatine HMB. This creatine supplement is clean and effective and will work to increase muscle strength while promoting lean body mass and decreased fat mass. With no artificial ingredients, this is a trusted product from a transparent company.
What is creatine?
Creatine is naturally found in your body and plays an important role in the production of energy. It works by increasing creatine phosphate stores in our muscles to consistently provide energy during workouts. It has been shown to increase strength, power, lean body mass, and performance.
Is creatine safe?
Creatine has been widely studied and is a safe and effective supplement to use. Always read the label on the respective product and seek expert advice if something remains unclear.
When is the best time to take creatine?
It is best to take creatine shortly before or after a workout, as this will work to fill those stores. On rest days, taking creatine can help maintain creatine levels in the muscles. Be sure to read each respective label so you get the most out of each supplement.
Wrap Up
Creatine is a great supplement on the market to add to your routine in efforts to maximize those gains and enhance recovery so you are primed and ready to for whatever challenge comes your way. A widely researched supplement, creatine is naturally occurring in your body and safe to take as a supplement to enhance all of these gains. Check out our list here of the best creatine supplements and really see what they can do for you to enhance all of your goals.
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Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Pinto, Camila L.; Botelho, Patricia B.; Pimentel, Gustavo D.; Campos-Ferraz, Patricia L.; Mota, Joao F. (2016). “Creatine supplementation and glycemic control: a systematic review”. (source)
Graham, A. S.; Hatton, R. C. (1999). “Creatine: a review of efficacy and safety”. (source)
Kerksick, Chad M.; Wilborn, Colin D.; Campbell, William I.; Harvey, Travis M.; et al. (2009). “The Effects of Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation With and Without D-Pinitol on Resistance Training Adaptations”. (source)
Sterkowicz, Stanislaw; Tyka, Anna K.; Chwastowski, Michal; Sterkowicz- Przybycien, Katarzyna; et al. (2012). “The effects of training and creatine malate supplementation during preparation period on physical capacity and special fitness in judo contestants”. (source)
Kreider, Richard B. (2003). “Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations”. (source)

How Michelle Lewin Works Out For A Perfectly Sculpted Physique

How Michelle Lewin Works Out For A Perfectly Sculpted Physique

This week long workout from Michelle Lewin is perfect for toning out that shredded physique.
Michelle Lewin is an IFBB competitor, model, actress, and fitness icon known for an amazing physique. With an entertaining and educational social media presence, matched by her dedication to sculpting and perfecting her physique, Lewin is a prime example of what hard work can do.
While we all seek to find the best workouts possible for ourselves, it can be challenging sometimes to find the right ones. But looking to the professionals and those who have gone before us can prove to be incredibly worthwhile especially as we seek all of those gains. Since they are living proof of what can happen, for they have done these exercises before, who better to learn from than those athletes with the perfectly sculpted and massive aesthetics already.
Michelle Lewin’s humble beginnings took her from an average fitness enthusiast to a force in the fitness world. From winning pro bodybuilding events, to starring in music videos, and running a successful social media channel, Lewin has proved who she is to those in the fitness community.

Full Name: Michelle Lewin

Date Of Birth

125-135 lbs.


IFBB Competitor, Model, Actress

With her modeling career forcing her to stay in shape, she learned to love the gym and became obsessed. That obsession turned into a passion and now she uses her platform to help others get in the shape they want to be in. Her busy workout week keeps her grinding hard every day so she can see those gains she wants most.

About Michelle Lewin
Growing up in Venezuela, Lewin had the opportunity to start a modeling career young. Eventually this would work in her favor and someone told her about opportunities beyond just modeling. This prompted her to enter into the NCP bikini competition and soon thereafter, she was hooked. As someone who began to love the gym, Lewin began to grow and sculpt her body realizing she could have an illustrious career in a number of areas. As she began to perfect her physique, people began seeking her for more photo shoots and she would soon be a cover model for some of the biggest names in the industry.
Since then, Lewin has competed in a number of bodybuilding competitions finishing in the top 5-10 in many of them. Along with her modeling career, she has a successful social media channel with many followers who seek her advice on how to better themselves using her techniques. From diets, to workouts, supplements, and more, she works to better the lives of others using the tools she’s used on herself.

Michelle Lewin Training Routine
This training routine from Michelle will see 5-6 days of solid work with a great variety of exercises. Working 1-2 main muscle groups a day allows for focus on each respective group so you can start to really target them for growth and challenge them to perform. Working on effectively performing each exercise will prove to be beneficial as you seek to optimize all gains for that shredded physique like Lewin herself.
Day 1: Back and Biceps




Low Pulley Rows

T-Bar Rows

Dumbbell Bicep Curls

EZ Bar Bicep Curls

Straight Bar Cable Curl

Day 2: Hamstrings & Calves


Lying Leg Curls

Seated Leg Curls


Seated Calf Raise

Standing Calf Raise

Day 3: Triceps & Shoulders


Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extensions


Overhead Cable Extensions with Rope

Military Press

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Upright Row

Side Raises

Front Raises

Day 4: Optional Rest Days
For Day 4 in her routine, Lewin will use this as an optional rest day. Depending on how she feels about her week and the subsequent progress, she will either focus on those muscle groups that are lacking or will take the day to rest and be fueled for her next days’ workout.
Day 5: Legs



Good Mornings

Leg Press


Barbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift

Day 6: Abs


Hanging Crunches

Traditional Crunches

Crunches on Machine

Crunches on Ball

Day 7: Rest Day
Typically a Sunday, Lewin will take this day to rest, recover, and enjoy doing other activities she loves.

Featured Supplement
While Lewin uses her own supplements of choice, we thought it would be great to share an awesome supplement so you can see some serious gains as well. While we all know taking a protein powder or pre-workout is important, some other supplements may be overlooked. Of course, a creatine supplement can boost growth for both men and woman and a fat burner can work to shed that unwanted fat, but what about getting those nutrients into your body that we may miss from our diets? A multivitamin can work to fill in any nutrient gaps to keep us much healthier overall.
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Women

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi For Women is an awesome multi when it comes to active women and female athletes. With clean and effective ingredients, this ultramodern multivitamin for women is designed for overall health and peak performance. The 17+ essential daily vitamins and minerals are calibrated for the specific needs of women with a powerful NutriGenesis process and the vegan-friendly NutriCaps make digestion easy and all of those vitamins and nutrients are properly absorbed.
Price: $39.00/ 120 capsules
Click here for the best price
Check out our individual review here!

Check out our list of the Best Multivitamins for more great products to boost health and wellness!

Wrap Up
This workout from Michelle Lewin will give you some amazing exercises so you can start lifting big and getting that sculpted physique like Lewin herself. With a nice variety and a real challenge on each day, you absolutely can’t go wrong with this workout and you won’t be disappointed by the results. Give Michelle Lewin’s workout a try and let us know what you think.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Michelle Lewin Instagram and Performance Lab