Tag: Anabolic Steroid News

Anabolic Steroids – Affecting Fast Muscle Development

Anabolic Steroids – Affecting Fast Muscle Development

Anabolic Steroids are synthetic substances which imitate the human hormones. Affecting fast development of muscles, the steroids have become popular among weightlifters, bodybuilders and other sports persons. You need to purchase your steroids from a trusted source so that you always get genuine drugs. Anabolic steroids are commonly used bodybuilding supplements which help to gain … Read More →
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Anabolic Steroids to Improve Your Muscle Growth

Anabolic Steroids to Improve Your Muscle Growth

The most essential part of a training routine is bodybuilding supplements that can help you enhance underdeveloped muscles easily and the best place to find a variety of these supplements is the internet. Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgen steroids (AAS) are those drugs which increase protein synthesis within the cells resulting in the development … Read More →
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Anabolic Steroids In MMA Sports

Anabolic Steroids In MMA Sports

Recently, two top professional mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters were banned for using Nandrolone Metabolite and Drostanolone. This news brought to light what many in the MMA world knew already – performance-enhancing drugs are very prevalent in the fighting ring. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) emerged in the 1990s as an underground sport, which integrated fighting … Read More →
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Considering Steroids To Further Your Bodybuilding Dreams?

Considering Steroids To Further Your Bodybuilding Dreams?

For you who are in to building muscles and gaining muscle mass you might consider the possibility of using steroids, more so the anabolic variety. The use of anabolic steroids has been credited with the rapid development and increase in muscle mass and size. The steroids also tend to minimize the painful effects of the … Read More →
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Amazing Statistics About Americans And Anabolic Steroid Use

Amazing Statistics About Americans And Anabolic Steroid Use

1 in 100 Americans has tried Anabolic steroids. That’s it. It’s a fascinating statistic. What does it tell us? What useful conclusion can we glean from this nugget of information? Let’s examine some of the ramifications of the fact that only 1% of Americans have actually tried anabolic steroids in their lifetime. The stories about … Read More →
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Four Major Steroid Myths

Four Major Steroid Myths

Since steroids were labeled as a controlled substance twenty years ago, a great deal of information has been dispersed about them, by people with various agendas. Until the late 1980s, steroids were used much more commonly among many different groups of people. They were easy to obtain, affordable, and many people just considered them to be common medicines along the lines of aspirin and Tylenol. Once they were banned for use without the use of a prescription, their use lessened, but there were still many individuals who found them to be very useful. In order to limit the amount of Americans that used the drugs- particularly among younger Americans – several ad campaigns were initiated which helped to spread information about steroids. The media ran with this information, and before long the general public was convinced of these “facts”. Let’s examine some of the more common misconceptions about steroids.
Steroids are easy to obtain
For many people, drugs like marijuana are easy to obtain. Everyone knows someone who is a user. Steroids are much, much harder to locate. Most users have to either place on online order to some unknown factory overseas, or ask their doctor, who is not at all likely to issue a prescription for it.
Steroids kill
Everything kills you, if you live long enough. Steroids cause temporary liver enzyme spikes, some rises in blood pressure, and altered HPTA function, which is reversible. These side effects are detrimental, but reversible as long as the user is healthy and the drug use is limited to 10 to 14 week cycles. Staying on AAS for years will cause major health problems. For the majority of users, short cycles cause no long-term issues. Seeing many bodybuilding greats from 40+ years ago at today’s bodybuilding expos, healthy and vibrant, is visual evidence of this.
Steroid cause “roid rage”
If you are a jerk, steroids make you a bigger jerk. Steroids do increase your testosterone levels, which will make you more aggressive. For some, these new levels of aggressiveness are personified in feelings of anger or frustration, louder than usual. Users may also feel a sense of pride or bravado at their new muscles, which may cause them to be a bit disrespectful to others as well. The image of a man taking steroids, turning green, growing 60 pounds and smashing phone booths is something out of television shows, nor reality.
Steroids have no “real” uses
Steroids were actually originally created for legitimate medical use. Many began in the barns and farms, as veterinary drugs used to help sick livestock retain their body weight. In the medical world, steroids have been used for decades to help patients with wasting diseases such as HIV, leukemia or cancer. The increased red blood cell count and greater muscle mass and weight associated with bodybuilding success help patients with many maladies live higher qualities of life.
Steroids are relatively safe compounds which are pretty hard to obtain. They have legitimate medical uses, as well as those of vanity used by bodybuilders. The more information people have about steroids, the more likely they will be to make an education decision regarding their use.

Half Life, Active Life & AAS

Half Life, Active Life & AAS

If you are using steroids, or considering the use of anabolics, there’s probably a very good chance you’re doing your homework. If you’re not, you should be. The decision to use steroids is a very serious one which should never be taken lightly. The decisions you make regarding your cycle will affect you for the rest of your life in many ways. You could shut down your own natural testosterone production permanently. You could lose your ability to reproduce. You could end up losing your job because of a positive test because you didn’t understand how long a drug would be in your system. You could end up with a damaged liver because you didn’t grasp half life times. You could end up in prison because you abused or cheated prescriptions or ordered from an overseas source. There are many factors you need to consider before considering hopping on the steroid wagon.
Okay, now that you are a little bit scared, and aware of the seriousness of using steroids, you may be a bit more receptive to the information you currently may casually scan about steroids. You know the listings of each drug online. You might glance at things such as dosing sizes, side effects, half lives, and more, never really grasping just how important an understanding of this information is. You need to know everything about every drug you place into your body. There is just too much on the line for you.
One such aspect of drug listings which is often completely ignored by steroid users is drug lives. There is the active life, and the half life. Most bodybuilders focus more upon the injection information on each drug, and then forget about the things that happen inside their body once they inject that needle. Don’t make that mistake.
The active life of a steroid is the amount of time that the drug is still delivering you anabolic effects in the body. For some orals, active life can be just a few hours. For some oil-based testosterone esters, it can be weeks. The amount of time can vary from person to person, based upon metabolism and a wealth of other factors, so active life should never be the sole determinant in any decision making regarding steroid use. What is important to you are a person injecting testosterone and maintaining artificial T levels is to know that you need to make each injection just before the effectiveness of a drug stops. At that point, your testosterone levels will plummet, estrogen levels will fluctuate, and you’re in for a world of lost muscle and energy and the potential emergence of gyno. Know your active lives, and plan your cycles accordingly.
Half life is much easier to understand. Its use isn’t as dire as active live, but it is very useful when making calculations for knowing when drugs will be out of your system so that you can be clean for employment or competition testing. The half life of a steroid is the amount of time it will take for the active life to be halved in the body.
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Domestic U.s. Mail & Steroids

Domestic U.s. Mail & Steroids

The law is a very powerful tool. Possessing a better understanding of it will help you not only avoid trouble, but avoid putting yourself in any situations remotely related to trouble. The US Mail system is commonly used for transport and delivery of many compounds, including anabolic steroids. Here are a few things you may not have been aware of when it comes to the US Mail system and steroid searches.
Did you know some mail may be searched without a warrant?
First Class, Priority, and Express mail are all protected classes of mail, which means postal inspectors – or federal law enforcement agents whose sole job it is to detect drug shipments in the mail – cannot search them without a search warrant, which is very hard to obtain. However, there is an unprotected class of mail, which includes periodicals, package services, and standard mail, which can be searched at any time for any suspicion.
Did you know inspectors have criterion for suspicious packages?
There is a profile for packages which are likely to contain steroids or other illicit compounds. They might come from an unusual shipping facility, such as a Chinese manufacturer. They may come in a very high volume out of an area where there is no manufacturing or commerce, a certain sign of illicit activity. They may have hand-written labels, or show obvious signs of a language barrier. The may have no return address, or a false one. They might have suspicious odors, or they may alert the drug canines. They might show stains from a cracked vial of oil inside the box which has leaked to the outside. Many steroid receivers have been caught because their package leaked due to poor packaging. Finally, drug smugglers tend to use a great deal of tape to keep the contents intact and hidden. However, x-ray machines have no problem gazing though your taped exterior. Knowing what “they” look for may be very helpful for avoiding detection.
Did you know that your mail is protected by the Fourth Amendment?
Many court battles have raged for decades regarding the legality of the government simply being able to open mail that is shipping through its shipping company, the US Postal Service. The United States Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that any sealed package or letter is entitled to full protection for search by the Fourth Amendment. In fact, it’s as if the package intended for delivery to your house is afforded the same legal protections as your house itself. The authorities cannot just open your door and look around for evidence to use against you in a court of law. Likewise, they cannot do it to your mail order steroids either.
Did you know they may search it anyway?
This is where things enter into that gray area. The Supreme Court has ruled that any time there is reasonable cause to believe a package contains some sort of contraband which breaks the law – whether it is a weapon, drug, or other illegal item – it may be searched. If you’re shipping, receiving, or working anywhere in between, work to learn your rights and stay away from situations which may put you at risk legally.

Understanding Your Glycemic Index

Understanding Your Glycemic Index

Tackling diet is a difficult matter. There are so many factors involved in stimulating fat loss, maintaining metabolic health and getting lean enough to kick the snot out of your nemesis in a posedown, that any edge is crucial. Enter the glycemic index.
You may have heard of it, but I’ll you don’t practice it like you should, or even know what it can do for you. Truth is, not all carbs are created equal. Because bodybuilders are simple creatures, they’d rather just go Atkins on the situation and cut out carbs altogether so it’s easier to remember what to eat. But that isn’t serving the bodybuilding physique at its best.
The Glycemic Index (henceforth called GI, so I don’t have to keep writing it out) is a way of ranking carbohydrates based on their effect on our blood glucose levels. Some describe it as the best way to avoid metabolic and heart diseases, as well as being the key to sustained health and sustainable weight loss.
Carbs We Bodybuilders Like to Eat
We all like a big heaping pile of mashed potato or white rice. We like gigantic baked potatoes the size of our heads, but they may not be the right things for us to eat to get the carbs we need, sustain our size and support our mass goals, but also keep our bodies in a flight pattern appropriate for fat loss at any time.
That’s why we need to choose our carbs carefully. If you are overweight and mostly sedentary (that is, you go to the gym, but you almost never do cardio and you’re a fat fucker) eating carbs with high GI food values can be really horrible for your body composition, energy levels, and ultimate motivation to change any of that.
C’mon… You know how it is when you get fat in between contests and you wish there was a couch in between the squat rack and leg press so you could lay down for a spell.
Switching to eating carbs with low GI values, that allow only a slow ooze of glucose into your blood stream, rather than a big hit, keeps your energy levels balanced and sets you up for a positive change in body composition. Plus, you’ll also have more energy to train and maybe, the motivation to try a little cardio.

Low GI diets help you lose and control weight
Low GI diets increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin (a good thing for mass gain and balance)
Low GI carbs reduce hunger and sustain you longer
Low GI carbs help increase and prolong physical endurance
Low GI carbs refuel the body’s carbohydrate stores after exercise much more effectively

How to get started…
Getting started is easy. Just substitute what you normally eat (a high GI carb) for a low one. This is the quickest way to understand how it works, and see it work, without really dieting on top of it. So try that first.
Go to: www.glycemicindex.com and look up carbs that appeal to you by clicking on the left hand side of the page on GI Database. Type in the foods you typically eat and enter their values on a sheet of paper. Chuck the ones that are above. Now go look up other ones, like yams, brown rice, whole grain wheat bread, unleavened pita bread, squash, vegetables, etc…
Look up breakfast cereals that are oat based, barley or bran based. Put down the potatoes and pick up the basmati rice or salad greens.
Doing this year ‘round, whether on a diet or not on a diet, will make you look like a different person in a year’s time – guaranteed.
Recently, the University of Sydney (that’s in Australia, mate) and their Human Nutrition Unit published a study that clearly shows that carb quality actually does make a difference in long term weight loss, overall and heart health.
GI Index Rule of Thumb:

Low GI = 55 or less
Medium GI = 56 – 69
High GI = 70 or more

How To Determine The Right Steroid Doses For Perfect Training

How To Determine The Right Steroid Doses For Perfect Training

For many bodybuilders, the extreme doses of steroids are the most preferred as compared to other athletes. Once the receptors have been saturated within the body muscle cell, the steroid molecules, which are left behind, are always on the look out for new target. Dysfunction of the liver, hair loss, kidney problems, acne, serious estrogen levels, lack of natural hormones within the body and aggression are always observed after a steroid dosage has been used too high.
These doses known mega doses have never resulted in any distinct strength increase or gain en-mass. For the purposes of bulking up, a person should stack testosterone well using a compound base, which may include Deca 300 or even EQ 300. For purposes of cutting up, it is wise to add up the element Proviron, since it helps one reduce or stop the build up of estrogen, amidst increasing the hardness of muscles with admirable strength plus allowing quite a vast level of testosterone.
Naturally, other compounds do lend themselves vastly well. Non-stop usage of anabolic steroids has never been recommended for any bodybuilder or sports personality. For the purposes of cutting up, a bodybuilder should use Proviron hand in hand with testosterone during the period within which stack length is in use that rarely creates a usage that does not warrant other anti-estrogenic necessities. In the first instance, huge doses, which have been taken within certain durations of time, have a tendency to have side effects increasing considerably. In addition, the high chances of body organ damage have been especially vast after oral 17-alpha steroidal alkyls have been in continual usage.
Secondly, this kind of behavior is quite dubious in that the existence of any of the effects from any steroid that has been administered does become weak after a fixed duration of time, where if used with high doses or even better with different preparations can be stopped shortly. Every steroid user must realize if a steroid is strong enough, then the effects will have a huge tendency to decrease, in that any use over long periods can only be termed as overtly foolish. For instance, with the steroid Anadrol, muscle gains or general increase in physique is however reduced within duration of 3-4 weeks.
On the other hand a steroid such as Deca 300 always has a continuous progress which could only be obtained after 10-12 weeks have elapsed. Anabolic steroids result in harmful repercussions once the preparation has been flawed or even incorrect. Steroids have never been the same. There is an open difference between the androgenic steroids which also have a potential for toxicity, for instance Anadrol, Dianabol, Methyltestosterone or even Halotestin, and some of the weaker androgenic steroids which include the predominantly anabolic steroids with reduced preparations in toxicity, for instance B. Primobolan, Andriol, Oxandrolone, Winstrol and Deca 300.
Since some of the initially mentioned steroids are the ones which have the greatest tendency to bring about many side effects, then it will be very wise to start the reduction of their natural intake, which is around six to eight weeks in a perfect row.