Tag: Best SARMs

Using SARMs on Top of a Steroid Cycle: DOs and DON’Ts

Using SARMs on Top of a Steroid Cycle: DOs and DON’Ts

             Cycling is increasingly becoming a trend among bodybuilders; thanks to the immense benefits it brings. However, cycling has a proper approach every bodybuilder should use to get the desired results. Some people prefer using selective androgenic receptor modulators (SARMs) during a cycle. Although these products may not hinder the cycling process, there are some things you need to consider before taking that route.
What Are SARMs?
              These are androgenic receptor ligands that come with androgenic properties. Although relatively new, they have gained wide recognition among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts because of their potency. They work by binding to specific androgenic receptors in the body and enhance muscle-building. SARMs also ensure a gradual increase in body mass, thus helping beginners to attain the right body for bodybuilding.

              The reason SARMs are very effective in enhancing muscle growth is because of the selective binding with androgenic receptors. That’s the opposite of how certain steroids and supplement products act. It is the reason many people now prefer SARMs to regular steroids. However, there have been questions about the effect these chemicals have on the steroid cycle. First, not all SARMs are safe when it comes to growing a natural body. Most of the products currently in the market are investigational and thus cannot be relied upon 100%. However, some have successfully undergone clinical trials and have been cleared for use. Here is a guide that should help use SARMs on top of a steroid cycle without exposing yourself to complications.
Related Article:: Stacking SARMS: Different SARMS Cycles
Pick the Right Cycle Support Supplements
               By now you know that SARMs do not go well with most steroids and supplements. It has been established that using certain products with SARMs can potentially damage your organs. That is because of hepatotoxicity associated with such compounds. The right cycle support product will help you reverse any damage caused by such mixing. Cycle support supplements are different from post cycle therapy (PCT) in that they’re used during a cycle.
                 Failing to use proper cycle support supplements could result in side effects such as acne, hair loss, water retention, organ toxicity, among others. Cycle support should be taken daily to create the right build-up in the system. Some of these products include:

Amino acids like N-Acetyl-Cysteine.
TUDCA bile acid.
Marian/milk thistle.