Tag: fat loss

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40: Revealing the Secrets

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40: Revealing the Secrets

After the age of 40, women may encounter difficulties when it comes to losing weight due to factors such as hormonal fluctuations, alterations in physical composition, and various life stressors.
As women grow older, their nutritional requirements also change. After 40, your estrogen level starts to drop. This leads to slower metabolism, increased insulin level, and impaired thyroid levels. These factors make you eat more, and due to less physical activity, you burn fewer calories, leading to muscle mass loss and fat accumulation. This results in significant weight gain in women after 40.
Intermittent fasting, or IF, is an excellent strategy for women over 40 to shed and keep weight off. It boosts your metabolism without restricting your food choices.
What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting involves alternating between periods of eating and fasting. IF does not bother with tracking calories; instead, it focuses on your eating schedule.
An intermittent fasting plan allows you to consume all foods within a specified period of a day. For example, a 16:8 plan involves fasting for 16 consecutive hours and eating in an eight-hour window.
During fasting, your insulin levels drop gradually, and the body starts to deplete its glycogen reserve (stored glucose) as energy.
When you repeat this process for multiple days, your body utilizes all the stored glycogen, leading to weight and fat loss. A recent study has revealed that intermittent fasting can be an excellent weight loss tool for obese people. [1].
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40
For women over 40, intermittent fasting brings several health benefits:
Helps Induce Autophagy
Autophagy naturally declines with age. However, intermittent fasting boosts autophagy which helps our body to rest and heal. Our body cells recycle during autophagy to better adapt to stress. [2][3]
Promotes Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting can help limit calorie intake. In a 2018 study, it was found that intermittent fasting resulted in an average weight loss of 15 pounds in overweight adults in a three to 12-month duration. [4]
Another research indicated that overweight adults experienced a 3-8% bodyweight loss within 3 to 24 weeks of following an IF plan. [5]

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
High blood pressure and increased LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels are the major contributing factors to cardiovascular disease. A 2009 study of 16 obese males and females demonstrated that intermittent fasting helped them reduce their blood pressure by 8%, LDL cholesterol by 25%, and triglyceride levels by 32%  in just eight weeks6], eventually reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Helps Manage Diabetes
Women usually get diabetes after the age of 40. As per studies, people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar levels with intermittent fasting. [7][8]
Intermittent fasting helps lower insulin levels and reduce insulin resistance. However, if you have diabetes, you must consult a doctor before starting an intermittent fasting plan. [9]
Increases Longevity
A study on 2,000 adults was done over four years, of which 20% were intermittent fasting for at least five years. It was found that IF improved longevity, metabolic response, tissue resurgence, and various health markers and reduced age-induced diseases. [10]
Helps Improve Mental Health
According to research, intermittent fasting improves mental well-being. It also helps alleviate depression and boosts emotional health. [11][12]
Preserves Muscle Mass
Intermittent fasting can help with body recomposition. The eat-fast aspect of IF helps maintain muscle mass and burn more calories.[13] Also try our body recomposition calculator.
Best Intermittent Fasting Plans For Women Over 40
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to intermittent fasting, especially for women. Some best intermittent fasting plans for women over 40 are discussed below.

The Crescendo Method
This plan includes fasting for 12 to 16 hours for two to three non-consecutive days distributed evenly across the week. It is usually recommended for women who are new to intermittent fasting. The shorter fasting periods are usually kinder on women’s hormone levels.
The Eat-Stop-Eat Method
Eat-stop-eat method involves fasting for two non-consecutive days in a week. You must fast for the entire 24-hour period for those two days. For the remaining five days of the week, you can eat normally. However, you must eat mindfully to avoid unnecessary calorie consumption.
The 5:2 Diet Method
In 5:2 method, you can eat normally for five days and must fast for the remaining two days in a week. During your fasts, you can eat a limited amount of calories (around 500) per day. The two fasting days should be non-consecutive.
Research indicates that this intermittent fasting regimen helps improve cardiometabolic health by reducing insulin resistance, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and oxidative stress. [14]
The 16:8 Method
16:8 method involves fasting for 16 consecutive hours and meeting your daily calorie needs within eight hours. This is a popular plan because it is less restrictive and usually suits everyone’s regimen. A 2016 study suggests that this IF plan, along with strength training, could help build muscle mass while losing fat. [15]
Although no foods are off-limit in this plan, you shouldn’t binge on junk food during the eating window. Instead, you should eat nutrient-dense whole foods.
The Alternate-Day Fasting Method
As the name suggests, it involves fasting every alternate day and eating a healthy diet on non-fasting days. However, you can consume up to 500 calories on your fasting days.
According to research, alternate-day fasting helps reduce obesity, heart disease, oxidative stress, and inflammation. [16]
How Can Women Over 40 Safely Implement Intermittent Fasting?
Although intermittent fasting barely has any adverse effects, it is not as easy for ladies over 40 as women in their 20s or 30s. Women over 40 need to be extra cautious while following this pattern of fasting because of the following:

A sluggish metabolism
Hormonal imbalances
Higher stress level

Considering the above factors, women above 40 must calibrate their fasting pattern in the following ways.
Continue Fasting For a Longer Duration
Women over 40 need to fast longer to reap the benefits of IF. Fasting for extended hours will help you achieve your weight loss goals faster. It will keep a check on your daily calorie consumption as well.
Have More Protein

Protein plays a crucial role in any kind of fasting. When you have adequate protein, it helps increase your muscle mass and reduce fat. More protein in your diet makes you feel less hungry, leading to less calorie intake. Try our protein intake calculator.
Drink Plenty of Water
Water helps remove toxins from your body, and it turns out to be more effective during intermittent fasting. Water also keeps you satiated, leading to less calorie intake, and eventually helps shed those extra kilos. Find your optimal water intake.
Healthy Meal Plans
Just fasting may not be enough to reap all the intermittent fasting benefits. Combining intermittent fasting with healthy meal plans is a must. Consider adding a lot of veggies, fruits, low-fat milk, whole grains, lean meat, and healthy fats to your diet.
Focus on Portion Control
A portion is the amount of food you eat at a time, which can be more or less than the recommended serving size. Even if you can eat anything during the eating window, controlling the portion size is crucial for weight loss. Find calorie breakdown per meal.
Exclude the Unhealthy Eating Habits
To enhance the advantages of intermittent fasting, you must exclude these unhealthy habits from your fasting regimen:

Eating fast
Munching while watching TV
Snacking directly from the packets instead of in a bowl or plate
Binge eating during weekends
Late night snacking
Consuming alcohol

Related: 7 Ways To Stop Binge Eating – For Good!
Manage Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to maintain a healthy weight during intermittent fasting. Lack of sleep may cause an impaired metabolism in women over 40 doing intermittent fasting. Not having enough sleep can have a negative impact on appetite hormones and can cause weight gain.

Consult your Doctor
If you are a woman over 40, you must consult a registered healthcare practitioner to determine the suitability of intermittent fasting for you. Talk to your doctor before opting for intermittent fasting if you have any of the following conditions:

An autoimmune condition
Eating disorder
Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar tendency
You are trying to conceive
Pregnant or breastfeeding
You are underweight
History of amenorrhea or missed periods

Best Foods for Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 40
Eating nutritious food is crucial to avoid hunger during intermittent fasting and managing a healthy weight. Here are some choices of foods to consider.

Vegetables: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, and green leafy vegetable such as bok choy, arugula, collard greens, kale, spinach, etc.
Fruits: Bananas, apples, oranges, berries, pears, peaches, grapes, tomatoes, etc.
Proteins: Poultry, meat, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, etc.
Whole grains: Brown rice, oats, barley, quinoa, bulgur wheat, etc.
Healthy fats: Olive oil, avocados, low-fat dairy products like cheese, low-fat milk, and yogurt
Omega 3: Tuna, sardine, mackerel, cod, salmon, anchovies, herring, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is intermittent fasting safe for women over 40?
There are no known disadvantages or side effects of intermittent fasting. Women over 40 face slow metabolism and hormonal issues, and intermittent fasting can be beneficial in such conditions. Intermittent fasting is safe for women. In fact, it can help in weight loss, reduce the risk of heart disease, help manage diabetes and improve longevity and mental health.
How can a 40-year-old woman lose weight fast?
Here are some tips that will help you lose weight faster if you are a woman over 40:

Eat healthy food
Practice portion control
Plan your meals well in advance
Add more fiber to your diet
Control your carb intake
Stay away from processed food
Avoid sugary beverages, excess salt, and sugar
Keep yourself active and workout diligently
Hydrate yourself adequately
Focus on quality sleep

What is the best intermittent fasting plan for women over 40?
The most recommended and sustainable fasting plan for women over 40 is the 16:8 diet plan, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an eight-hour window.
Wrapping Up
Intermittent fasting has many benefits to offer to women over 40. But when you plan to implement intermittent fasting into your regimen, it should gel with your lifestyle. It should not make you feel weak or drained.
It is normal to feel hungry during the initial phases of an intermittent fasting plan. You might also get exhausted if you combine your fasting regimen with exercise during the first few days. But, if you encounter fatigue, dizziness, soreness, or exhaustion, your body is not ready for the new diet plan. Listen to your body and act accordingly.

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Two Best Love Handle Workouts For Building a Shredded Midriff

Two Best Love Handle Workouts For Building a Shredded Midriff

Love handles poking through your shirt can be the first sign of trouble. Most people are in denial at first when they start accumulating body fat. They blame their ‘ill-fitting’ shirts for their love handles or consistently tug on their shirts throughout the day to conceal them. Since you’re reading this article, I assume you are guilty of doing at least one of these at some point.
Ignoring these signs can worsen your spare tire situation, and it will require more work in the future to fix. Love handles can be notoriously difficult to lose. These are among the last fat stores to disappear during a fat loss program.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of love handle workouts, let’s get to the basics. Do you know how love handles got their name? I thought so.
Love handles is a colloquial expression that refers to excess fat deposits around the waistline, specifically on the sides of the abdomen and lower back. They got their name as an individual’s partner or loved ones often embrace them around the hips. Furthermore, it is often the body part your partner holds onto during a love-making session. The term ‘love handles’ will never be the same for you from this moment. You’re welcome!
In this article, we go over everything you need to know about love handles, including their causes, the associated risks, the holy grail of losing love handles, the best workouts and exercises, and the best lifestyle tips to see quick results.
What are Love Handles?

Love handles are protruding fat stores that sit above your hip bones and cover your external obliques. They are among the most stubborn areas to lose fat from. “Muffin tops” are a sign of poor physical fitness. Plus, they can hamper your physique aesthetics. The V-taper, characterized by broad shoulders and a narrow waist, is widely regarded as the epitome of aesthetic perfection. Love handles, on the other hand, hamper your shoulder-to-waist ratio.
Genetics, hormonal changes, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, and overall body composition can influence love handle development. Besides their impact on your overall fitness and aesthetics, love handles can also lead to health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Contrary to what most people think, performing a few exercises in the transverse (axial) plane isn’t enough to shed the spare tire. Additionally, you cannot spot-reduce your love handles. You must follow a balanced diet and exercise regimen to achieve overall fat loss.
The love handles can be a tricky area to target with exercises. Performing the exercises with a picture-perfect form is crucial to achieving the desired results. You must also make mindful lifestyle choices to lose the love handles and keep them off.
Causes of Love Handles
Love handles develop as a consequence of weight gain. You gain weight when you are in a calorie surplus for a prolonged period, which includes consuming more calories daily than you expend. Your body converts the food into glycogen to use as fuel. However, your body stores excess glycogen as fat. Love handles tend to be the primary area where surplus fat accumulates in the body.
Besides a calorie surplus, here are the other factors that can cause weight gain — and love handles:

Genetical predisposition
Sedentary lifestyle
Hormonal changes
Lack of sleep
Certain health conditions

Risks of Love Handles
While some may perceive muffin tops as endearing and dismiss them, it is important to acknowledge that love handles can have significant health implications. Here are some potential risks associated with love handles: [1]

Increased risk of chronic diseases
Higher chances of contracting cardiovascular diseases
Insulin resistance and diabetes
Metabolic syndrome
Body image and psychological well-being
Kidney disease

The Secret To Losing Love Handles
If eating more calories daily than you can burn leads to excess fat accumulation and love handle development, guess how you can lose the spare tire? Right, by burning more calories in a day than you consume. It is known as a calorie deficit. 
Many people believe they can trim their belly fat by doing abdominal exercises and do not need to change their diet. Unsurprisingly, most of these folks never achieve their weight loss goals and end up shopping for new pants and loose-fitting shirts to hide their body fat. 
Weight loss ultimately comes down to calories in versus calories out. You can enter a calorie deficit by cutting your calorie intake or burning more calories through exercise. Using a combination of the two will get you the fastest results. 
Two Best Workouts To Lose Love Handles
There are two popular ways of training your core. You could do it after a strength training workout to tone your midsection and develop a six-pack. The other method involves performing a high-intensity full-body workout to burn calories and increase fat loss. The HIIT workout is more prevalent among people that want to focus on losing weight, whereas the first type of core workout is favored by lifters that want to build muscle mass and strength. 
Core-Strengthening Workout To Lose Love Handles
This type of workout consists of three to four exercises and is done after a resistance training session. Focus on your breathing pattern and contracting your target muscle group with each rep to get the best bang for your buck. 

Here is how to perform each exercise in this workout:
Russian Twist
Sit on the floor with an upright torso, your knees bent, and heels on the ground. Lean back until your torso is at a 45-degree angle with the floor. Lift your feet off the floor and extend your arms so they are parallel to the floor and over your knees. Turn to your right side while breathing out. Contract your abs and obliques at the isometric contraction point. Return to the starting point and repeat on the other side. Alternate between sides for recommended reps. Advanced exercisers can hold onto a weight plate to make this exercise more challenging. 

Stand upright with a hip-width stance while holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of your hips. Interlace your fingers around the dumbbell’s handle for a firm grip. Lift the dumbbell across your body and over your right shoulder. Twist your left foot slightly during the upward motion and fix your eyes on the dumbbell. Bring down the dumbbell diagonally across your body so it is at the side of your left knee. Pause and contract your core during the downward motion. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides. 

Bicycle Crunch
Lie on your back on the floor. Hold your hands next to your ears and lift your legs so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Bring your left knee toward your chest while reaching across with your right elbow. Pause and contract your core. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. 

Side Plank
Lie on your side on the floor. Place your elbow under your shoulder and stack your hips and legs. Plant your forearm on the floor so it is perpendicular to your body. Lift your hips off the floor; your body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Place your top hand on your hip. Hold this position for a minute. Without stopping for rest, repeat on the other side. 

HIIT Workout To Burn Calories, Boost Fat Loss, and Get Rid of Love Handles
Given below is a full-body high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that will spike your heart and metabolic rate. This 17-minute HIIT workout will help you shed excess fat and build a shredded core. Perform two rounds of these exercises and limit rest duration between exercises to 30 seconds. You are allowed a two-minute breathing time after completing the first circuit. Also, do not stop for rest while changing sides in the side plank pulse. 

Given below are step-by-step guides to performing these exercises:
High Knees
Stand upright with a shoulder-wide stance and place your hands on your hips. Brace your core, bend one leg, and lift your knee until your thigh is roughly level with the floor. Return the leg to the ground and repeat on the other side. Establish a steady rhythm. 

Mountain Climber
Assume the push-up position; your hands should be under your shoulders and legs extended behind you. Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Lift one foot off the floor, bend at the knee, and bring it toward your chest. Return it to the start position and repeat on the other side. Alternate between sides in a rhythm. 

Plank Jack
Get into the high plank position. Place your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Extend your legs behind you and place your feet together. Maintaining the high plank, jump and place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Jump and return to the starting position. Repeat in a rhythm. 

Side Plank Pulses
Get into the side plank position so your body is in a straight line from head to toe. Lower your hips to the floor and return to the starting position. Repeat for the recommended reps before switching sides. 

Sledgehammer Overhead Strikes
Grab a sledgehammer in front of your body with your left hand at the bottom of the handle and your right hand just above it. Swing the hammer around your right side and behind and over your head. Smash the tire in the center with full force. Switch hands and return the hammer to the overhead position while swinging the hammer around your left side. Repeat for recommended reps.

Cross-Body Mountain Climber
Get into the high plank position. Maintaining your body in a straight line from head to toe, lift one foot off the floor, bend your knee, and bring it toward the opposite shoulder. Contract your core at the top. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side. Perform this exercise using a steady rhythm.

Sit-Up Twist
Lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees, and plant your feet on the ground. Hold your hands next to your ears. Contract your abs and lift your torso off the floor. Turn to your side and bring your left elbow to your right knee during the upward motion. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side. 

Most Effective Love Handle Exercises
Sticking to the same exercises can get really boring, really fast. If you dread doing the same movements in every workout, we have got you covered. Below is an exhaustive list of additional exercises that will help tone your love handles. Add these movements to your exercise arsenal to keep your workouts exciting. 
Standing Dumbbell Side Bend
Stand upright with a hip-width stance while holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides. Keeping your elbows locked, brace your core, and slowly lower the right dumbbell as low toward the floor as possible. It should at least be at your knee level at the bottom. Return to the start position. Complete the recommended reps on one side before switching to the other side. Read more about standing dumbbell side bend here.

Oblique V-Ups
Lie on your right side on the floor. Stack your legs while maintaining a slight bend in your knees. Place your right arm on the floor so it is perpendicular to your torso. Hold your left hand behind your head. Lower your head and left arm to the floor behind you; this will be your starting position. In a single motion, lift your legs off the floor and raise your knees toward the ceiling while bringing your left elbow to your knees. 

Cable Side Crunch
Set a cable pulley at the highest setting and attach a D-handle bar. Grab the handle with a neutral (palm facing inward) grip and take a big step away from the pulley. Place your other hand on your hip. Holding the handle to your ear, perform a side crunch. Contract your core at the bottom of the movement. Repeat for reps before switching sides. 

Read more about cable side crunch.
Side Jackknives
Lie on your left side on the floor; your hips and legs should be stacked. Place your left upper arm on the floor in front of your body so it is perpendicular to your torso. Keep your right hand on your right hip. Lift your right foot toward the ceiling while performing a side crunch. Pause and contract your obliques at the top. Rinse and repeat. 

Read more about side jackknives.
Side Plank Twist
Get into the side plank position. Place your top hand behind your head. Your top elbow should be in line with your shoulders at the starting position. Bring your top elbow to the floor under your shoulders while keeping your legs stacked. Contract your core during the lowering movement and hold for a two-count at the bottom. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides. 

Standing Torso Twist
Stand upright with a hip-width stance. Extend your arms in front of your body so they are parallel to the floor. Interlace your fingers and turn to your right side as far as possible without bending your elbows. Twist your left leg during the turn for optimal range of motion and contract your abs and obliques. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Experienced exercisers can hold onto a dumbbell or kettlebell to make this exercise more challenging. 

Flutter Kicks
Lie supine on the floor with your legs extended. Place your hands under your hips for leverage. Brace your core and lift your feet a few inches off the floor. Raise your head off the floor. Without bending your knee, lift your right leg toward the ceiling while keeping your left leg in place. Return the right leg to the starting position while lifting the left leg toward the roof. Maintain a steady tempo for recommended reps. More on flutter kicks here.

Side Plank Knee Tucks
Get into the side plank position. Place your top hand next to your ear. Simultaneously, elevate your upper leg towards your chest while bringing your elbow to your knee, all in one fluid motion. Breathe out and contract your abs throughout the range of motion. Return to the start position and repeat for recommended reps before switching sides. 

Standing Side Leg Lifts
Stand with your left side facing a sturdy elevated surface like a cable pulley machine. Hold on to the pulley machine with your hand. Hold your right leg slightly in front of your body. Bring the right leg toward the pulley while keeping your knee locked. Raise the leg out to your side as high as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat for recommended reps. You could also perform an oblique crunch during the concentric motion for better muscle contraction. 

Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slams
Place a medicine ball on the floor. Stand upright with a shoulder-width stance so the medicine ball is at your left foot’s side. Bend over and lift the ball off the floor. In a sweeping motion, lift the ball over your head. Raise onto the balls of your feet and slam the ball on your right side as hard as possible. Bend over and lift the ball. Alternate between sides for reps. Learn more about side-to-side medicine ball slams here.

Lateral Band Walk
Wear a loop resistance band around the bottom of your thighs. Take a wide stance so that band is engaged. Bend your knees slightly and hinge at your hips. Hold your hands in front of your chest. Take a wide step to your right side. Walk 10 steps to your right side and return to the starting position. Start with the opposite leg on the subsequent set. 

Side Plank with Leg Lift
Get into the side plank position. Raise your top leg as high toward the ceiling as possible. Exhale and contract your core during the upward motion. Hold the position for a two-count. Slowly lower the leg to the starting. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides. Experienced exercisers can wear ankle weights while performing this exercise for optimal oblique engagement. Also, perform a side crunch to target your love handles. 

Side Plank Reach-Throughs
Assume the side plank position. Raise the top arm toward the ceiling so it is perpendicular to the floor; this will be your starting position. Lower your arm toward the floor and thread it between your body and the floor. Breathe out and contract your abs during this lowering motion. Repeat for reps and switch sides. 

Lie on the floor on your side. Bend your knees while keeping your hips and legs tacked. Place your bottom arm under your head for support. Place the hand of your top arm on the floor for support. Keeping your ankles stacked, lift your top leg toward the ceiling as high as possible. Hold the contraction for two seconds. Tie a resistance band around your knees for better glute engagement. 

Seated Side Bend with Dumbbell
Sit upright on an elevated surface, such as a flat bench, while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Place your feet on the floor wider than shoulder-width apart for better stability. While breathing out, lower the right dumbbell to the floor. Explode back to the starting position. Repeat for recommended reps before switching sides. 

More Love Handle Exercises
Here are a few more love handle exercises that will help burn off the spare tire and give you the coveted sex lines:

Cable Woodchoppers
Stability Ball Side Bend
Side Lunge with Twist
Plank with Knee Tucks
Side Plank with Arm Reach
Crunch and Twist on Stability Ball
Side Plank Clamshells
Side Plank with Dumbbell Row
Kettlebell Windmill
Standing Side Bend with Resistance Bands
Heavy Farmer Walk
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
Box Jump
Floor Wipers
Hanging Windshield Wiper

Tips For Losing Love Handles
Here are a few tips to speed up your fat loss and build a shredded six-pack:
Follow a Balanced and Healthy Diet
Folks serious about losing the spare tire must avoid following a cookie-cutter diet plan. You must follow a personalized diet plan that helps you lose 1-2 pounds weekly. According to the CDC, you must maintain a daily 500-1,000 calorie deficit to achieve this goal. [2]
Use this total daily calorie expenditure (TDEE) calculator to determine your goal daily calorie intake. Then, break it down into a suitable macronutrient split to lose fat and build muscle mass simultaneously. 
Although training is not mandatory on a weight loss program, it can help speed up your progress. Perform two daily cardio training sessions for optimal results — one HIIT and another low-intensity steady state (LISS). 
Seeking professional help can help beginners save time and effort. A personal trainer can give you a customized training program and will teach you the correct exercise form. On the other hand, a registered nutritionist will ensure you are hitting your daily macro and micronutrient goals. 
Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Losing weight and love handles and keeping them off might require a complete lifestyle change. Folks with desk jobs must add more physical activity to their days. You must choose the stairs over the elevator and bike to work when possible. 
Start with a goal of walking 5,000 steps daily and slowly make your way up until you are logging 10,000 daily steps. Staying physically active will help burn calories throughout the day and keep your metabolic rate high. 
Stay Hydrated
Drinking water at regular intervals can keep you satiated. Furthermore, it can help curb cravings. Drink at least a gallon of water daily to ensure optimal body functioning and overall well-being. Switch calorie-laden sugary drinks and sodas with plain water to speed up your weight loss. 
Adequate hydration can also boost your metabolism. Your body is more effective at metabolizing stored fat and converting it into energy when you are hydrated. It can help improve your fat-burning process. Staying hydrated also enhances digestion and nutrient absorption, supporting your overall weight loss efforts. 
Many people tend to overexert themselves while trying to lose weight and love handles, which can be counterproductive. Remember, you lose weight while you are asleep, and you must give your body enough to recover. Sleep at least seven to eight hours each night for optimal results. 
Also, learn to listen to your body. If you are very sore after a workout, it is best to skip a training session and allow your body time to recuperate. Pushing too hard in the gym can lead to overtraining, which can negatively impact your central nervous system. 
Avoid Stress
Your cortisol levels rise when you are under stress, which can increase your appetite, slow down your metabolism, and increase fat storage. Chronic stress can lead to greater inflammation, emotional eating, and impaired sleep. 
Elevated cortisol levels can make it more challenging to lose weight, even when you are following a balanced diet and training program. Meditation, yoga, and journaling can help deal with chronic stress. However, you must consult a healthcare professional if these three methods don’t work for you. 
Set a Goal and Track Your Progress
Starting your transformation journey with a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goal can increase your chances of success. Having a deadline will also motivate you to stick to your fitness regimen. 
You must have long-term and weekly goals. Track your progress every week to ensure you are on the right path. Stick to your regimen if the progress is favorable. Conversely, make necessary adjustments if the needle is not budging in the right direction. 
Stay Consistent and Dedicated
Love handles can be a stubborn muscle group. Depending on your current and goal physique, it might take you weeks, if not months, to achieve your objective. Nonetheless, you must stick to your fitness regimen with military discipline and ensure you never miss a training session or meal. 
You must also consistently challenge yourself by increasing your training intensity and volume to avoid hitting a plateau. Establishing healthy habits will reduce the friction in your training regimen and help you stick to the fit lifestyle for the long term. 
Can I lose love handles without exercise?Yes. The love handles vanish when there is a reduction in your overall body fat, which requires you to be in a calorie deficit. You can lose your love handles by limiting your calorie intake. That said, adding exercise to your fitness regime can help speed up your results.
Is it possible to have a flat stomach and love handles simultaneously?Some skinny individuals can also develop love handles, known as skinny fat. Skinny fat can result from several factors, including genetics, sedentary lifestyles, medication, or certain health conditions.
How much time will it take for me to lose my love handles?It will depend on your starting physique and ultimate objective. You cannot spot-reduce your love handles and must work toward overall body fat loss. A 500-1,000 daily calorie deficit can help you lose 1-2 pounds weekly.

Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only. Do not take it as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Love handles can be stubborn, requiring dedication, determination, and consistency to burn them off. Avoid falling into the spot-reduction trap and focus on reducing your overall body fat to see quick, favorable results. 
This article has two highly effective workout routines specifically designed for strength trainers and those engaged in full-body HIIT exercises to effectively target and eliminate love handles. So, what are you waiting for? Lace-up your shoes and get moving. Best of luck!

Patel P, Abate N. Body fat distribution and insulin resistance. Nutrients. 2013 Jun 5;5(6):2019-27. doi: 10.3390/nu5062019. PMID: 23739143; PMCID: PMC3725490.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

Can You Consume Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting? Everything You Need to Know

Can You Consume Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting? Everything You Need to Know

Intermittent fasting is one of the few modern fitness trends that has consistently provided positive results for many people. This is because intermittent fasting is based on scientific principles and offers people flexibility when it comes to fasting in general.
One of the biggest advantages of intermittent fasting diets is that they do not focus on what people consume but on when they consume it. Additionally, intermittent fasting diets are very lenient in terms of allowed food items compared to other weight loss diets. You can drink coffee, tea, lemon juice, low-calorie electrolyte drinks, etc., during the fasting period.
But is it ok to drink alcohol while fasting? This is a popular question amongst dieters. Let’s dive into this topic and understand how alcohol affects your body, whether it can break your fast, and the best alcohol for intermittent fasting.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

Intermittent fasting works by tapping our stored energy. Your body relies on glucose for energy. But when it exhausts glucose, it starts utilizing fat. This metabolic shift occurs when you fast for a prolonged period.
Intermittent fasting involves restricting calorie intake to a specific period in the day, called the ‘feeding window.’ The fasting time is known as the ‘fasting window.’
The fasting window leads to the depletion of stored glucose in the liver. Hence, to maintain homeostasis and provide energy to the cells, stored fat is converted into energy by a process called ketosis. Intermittent fasting generally depends on regular ketosis for fat loss, which also results in several other fasting-related health benefits. [1]
It is vital to undergo a prolonged fasting period to trigger ketosis. This is why most intermittent fasting diets require people to fast for at least 12 to 16 hours regularly. Water or zero-calorie drinks like black coffee, tea, lemon juice, etc., do not trigger blood glucose levels, which is why such beverages are allowed while intermittent fasting. But what about alcohol?
Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting
For starters, we must remember that alcohol and alcoholic drinks are generally high in calories. According to the NHS, 1 gram of alcohol contains approximately 7 calories, which is higher than other food items. This is why alcohol should not only be avoided by people who are fasting but also by people looking to lose weight in general. [2]

Still not convinced? Here are some other problems related to alcohol consumption during intermittent fasting:
Alcohol Adds Empty Calories
Since alcohol is high in empty calories, consuming alcohol and trying to lose weight can not be done together. In most cases, alcohol is a mix of sugary drinks with no nutritional value. Consuming alcohol is akin to consuming empty calories without any nutritional value.
Alcohol Makes You More Hungry
Research studies have revealed that alcoholic drinks can increase appetite, leading to overeating. Fasting can be challenging with regular alcohol consumption. [3]
Alcohol Causes Dehydration
Alcohol can lead to dehydration and further complications if consumed on an empty stomach. Hence, while consuming such beverages, you must stay hydrated.
This does not mean that people who like an occasional drink cannot practice intermittent fasting. As mentioned earlier, one of the biggest advantages of intermittent fasting is that it allows flexibility. Hence, you can enjoy an occasional glass of wine or any other alcoholic drink while practicing intermittent fasting.
However, moderation is key, and it is also important to note that one should never break a fast with alcohol. The best time to consume alcohol while intermittent fasting is in the eating window.
Read also: Does Alcohol Break a Fast?

Let’s look into the effects of alcohol on the benefits of intermittent fasting.
Fat Oxidation
Fat oxidation is one of the primary benefits of intermittent fasting, as prolonged fasting periods help the body break down stored fat to produce energy. [4]
Several studies suggest that alcohol inhibits fat oxidation. Furthermore, people tend to eat more due to alcohol consumption, which can lead to weight gain. [5]
Inflammation is our body’s way of reacting to various diseases or infections. Though it is a part of our natural immune system, high levels of inflammatory markers can lead to autoimmune diseases. Inflammation also increases free radicals in your bloodstream resulting in several health complications. [6]
Studies indicate intermittent fasting can reduce inflammation levels and help flush out harmful free radicals from the bloodstream. [7]
Excess alcohol consumption not only increases inflammation in your body but also causes releases toxins into the bloodstream. This can be mitigated with moderate alcohol consumption. [8]
Brain Health
Ketones released during intermittent fasting are an efficient fuel for your brain. They help improve your brain health and overall performance. Further studies have revealed that intermittent fasting is closely related to the synthesis of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) hormone. Low BDNF levels can lead to depression and anxiety. And excessive alcohol consumption is linked to brain damage. [9][10]
Cellular Health
Fasting for prolonged periods can promote cellular autophagy, a process through which your body replaces old and diseased cells with newer, healthier cells. It leads to the formation of newer, healthier cells. On the other hand, excessive alcohol consumption can cause DNA damage. [11]
Liver Health
Intermittent fasting boosts liver function, which helps remove toxins from our bloodstream. However, excessive alcohol consumption can introduce more toxins into the bloodstream, which can overwhelm the liver. [12]
A Case For Alcohol During Intermittent Fasting
Now that we have looked at the adverse effects of alcohol consumption during intermittent fasting, it is important to note that some alcohol products are not entirely bad, and alcohol consumption is believed to have some health benefits.
Fruits and berries are a rich source of polyphenols that show antioxidant properties. Studies have revealed that polyphenols help prevent diseases by reducing oxidative stress. Wine is prepared from grapes along with its skin and seeds and is believed to have a high amount of polyphenols. If you consume wine after food, it helps in digestion and avoids any spike in glucose levels. [13]

Whiskey is also filled with polyphenols. It is prepared by fermenting mashed grains. When consumed in moderation, whiskey is believed to reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. [14]
Beer is made by brewing and fermenting hop flowers. It contains a high amount of water and polyphenols, which add antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When consumed in low to moderate amounts, beer helps reduce cholesterol content in your body and improve cardiac health. [15]
Frequently Asked Questions
Does alcohol affect intermittent fasting?
Yes, alcohol contains calories, and it breaks your fast if consumed during the fasting window. When consumed in excess, it can lead to weight gain, inflammation, and cell damage. However, you could drink alcohol during your eating window.
How many hours does it take for your body to clear alcohol from your system?
This may vary based on how much you consume and your metabolism. When you consume alcohol, your body focuses on metabolizing it. Generally, it takes 12 to 36 hours for your body to clear alcohol from your system and start burning fat. How long does alcohol stop fat burning?
Can you drink alcohol on a 16-hour fast?
In a 16-hour fast, you can drink alcohol in moderation during the eight-hour eating window. You may experience adverse health effects and weight gain if you consume excessive alcohol, hampering your intermittent fasting benefits.
Final Words
Combining intermittent fasting and alcohol can be challenging. Alcohol breaks your fast and adds empty calories to your diet. However, low to moderate alcohol consumption can be considered with regular monitoring of your eating habits to avoid weight gain.
According to the CDC, alcohol consumption should be limited to two drinks or less per day for men and one drink or less per day for women. You can limit your alcohol intake to practice intermittent fasting and reap its benefits.
Also, alcohol consumption causes dehydration, and during intermittent fasting, you need to focus on your water and electrolyte intake. Do not break your fast with alcohol or plan to drink while on an empty stomach. When it comes to alcohol, it is essential to choose wisely and carefully plan your fasting routine.

Lichtash, C., Fung, J., Ostoich, K. C., & Ramos, M. (2020, July 7). Case report: Therapeutic use of intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes in a normal weight woman: a 14-month case study. PubMed Central (PMC).
Calories in alcohol. (n.d.). Nhs.uk. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/calories-in-alcohol/
Short term effects of alcohol on appetite in humans. Effects of context and restrained eating – PubMed. (2010, December 1). PubMed.
Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism – PubMed. (2005, January 1). PubMed.
Is alcohol consumption a risk factor for weight gain and obesity? – PubMed. (2005, January 1). PubMed.
H., Pizzino, G., Irrera, N., Cucinotta, M., Pallio, G., Mannino, F., Arcoraci, V., Squadrito, F., Altavilla, D., & Bitto, A. (2017, July 27). Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health. Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health.
Intermittent fasting during Ramadan attenuates proinflammatory cytokines and immune cells in healthy subjects – PubMed. (2012, December 1). PubMed.
Effect of alcohol consumption on systemic markers of inflammation – PubMed. (2001, March 10). PubMed.
Björkholm, C., & Monteggia, L. M. (2015, November 11). BDNF — a key transducer of antidepressant effects. PubMed Central (PMC).
The neuropathology of alcohol-related brain damage – PubMed. (2009, April 1). PubMed.
DNA damage, DNA repair, and alcohol toxicity–a review – PubMed. (1997, September 1). PubMed.
Wang, H. J., Zakhari, S., & Jung, M. K. (2010, March 21). Alcohol, inflammation, and gut-liver-brain interactions in tissue damage and disease development. PubMed Central (PMC).
Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity in sparkling wines: Modulation by the aging on lees. (2013, August 29). Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activity in Sparkling Wines: Modulation by the Ageing on Lees – ScienceDirect.
Duthie, G., Pedersen, M., Gardner, P., Morrice, P., Jenkinson, A., McPhail, D., & Steele, G. (1998, September 30). The effect of whisky and wine consumption on total phenol content and antioxidant capacity of plasma from healthy volunteers – European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Nature.
 Marcos, Ascensión, et al. “Moderate Consumption of Beer and Its Effects on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health: An Updated Review of Recent Scientific Evidence.” PubMed Central (PMC), 9 Mar. 2021

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week – Four Proven Strategies

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week – Four Proven Strategies

It’s generally best to lose weight slowly and steadily. Most experts agree that losing 1-2 pounds per week is optimal. That rate of weight loss is sustainable and not too hard to achieve. You won’t need to starve yourself or exercise to exhaustion.
But, while a slow rate of weight loss is generally best, there may be times when you want to lose weight faster. For example, you may have entered a powerlifting or martial arts contest and need to be a certain weight to compete. Or, perhaps, you have a big school reunion coming up, and you’re desperate to fit into your old high school cheerleading outfit.
It’s usually best to plan for these things well in advance so you don’t have to rush to lose weight. However, life has an annoying way of derailing the best-laid plans, and an event you thought was months away can arrive far sooner than you expected.
In this article, we reveal the four best strategies for losing ten pounds in a week.

The Realities of Losing Ten Pounds in A Week

Before you begin your attempt to lose ten pounds in seven days, make sure you understand the realities of what you are trying to achieve:
A lot of the weight lost won’t be fat
Your body weight is made up of several different components, including muscle tissue, internal organs, bones, skin, fluids, minerals, and fat. When most people talk about weight loss, what they actually want is fat loss.
However, the chances of losing ten pounds of fat in a single week are very low. You’d have to eat next to nothing and exercise for several hours a day to burn the 35,000 calories that ten pounds of fat contain.
So, a large proportion of the ten pounds you lose will be water weight. Water is heavy, and one liter weighs a little over two pounds. Shedding water weight is relatively easy, especially compared to fat loss.
You can and will lose fat in a week, but a significant percentage of your ten-pound weight loss will be water.
You’ll almost certainly regain some of the weight you lost
Losing ten pounds in a week will result in temporary weight loss. Once you return to eating and drinking normally, you’ll regain at least half of what you have lost. It’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to sustain your new weight for more than a day or two.
As such, you should time your efforts so you hit your lowest weight on the day you need to be ten pounds lighter, e.g., the day of your weigh-in if you are cutting weight for a sporting event.
Such rapid weight loss is unsustainable
Just because you can lose ten pounds one week doesn’t mean you’ll be able to lose another ten pounds the next. Such dramatic weight loss is unsustainable. Trying to lose another ten pounds in such quick succession could be dangerous. A slower, more consistent approach to weight loss approach is usually best.
Losing ten pounds in a week could be unhealthy or even dangerous
You’re going to have to exercise and diet hard to lose ten pounds in a week. You’ll also have to manipulate your water levels to reach your ten-pound weight loss goal. Invariably, this will cause dehydration and may even lead to electrolyte imbalances which can affect muscle contractions and even your heart.
Athletes use these strategies all the time to compete within their chosen weight categories, but they also accept there are risks to losing so much weight this quickly.
This is not going to be fun!
Losing ten pounds in a week is going to take effort and determination. You’re going to feel tired, hungry, and possibly unwell. You may not sleep well, and you’ll probably feel moody or anxious.
So, before you begin, ask yourself if the result will be worth it. In all but a few cases, slow and steady weight loss is best.  
Four Strategies for Losing Ten Pounds in a Week
While there are no guarantees of success, these are the strategies you need to use to lose ten pounds in a week. The more of them you implement, the more likely you are to reach your weight loss target.

Create a significant daily calorie deficit
While much of the weight you lose over the next seven days will be water, some of it will be fat. That is, providing you eat fewer calories and force your body to burn fat for energy. For every pound of fat you want to lose, you’ll need to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume.
For most people, a 1000-calorie-per-day deficit is realistic and sustainable. This will invariably mean slashing your food intake, but that’s the price you have to pay to lose weight fast.
To determine how many calories you need to consume a day, you need to:

Estimate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) using this calculator.
Subtract 1000 calories from that number.
Track your meals and consume that number of calories over the coming week.

Increase your caloric expenditure
Eating less is only part of the weight loss and fat-burning equation. You’ll lose weight faster if you increase your caloric expenditure and create an even more significant calorie deficit.
It doesn’t matter what you do to burn calories, but you should aim to expend an additional 1000 calories per day through exercise and non-exercise physical activity. While this might sound daunting, it probably adds up to an hour of exercise plus a couple of hours of walking, gardening, household chores, and general purposeful movement.
Combined with your 1000-calorie dietary deficit, burning an extra 1000 calories a day should result in losing about four pounds of fat in seven days.
Learn how to burn an extra 1000 calories per day here.
Cut your carb intake to less than 50 grams a day
Low-carb diets aren’t necessarily better for fat loss than a more balanced diet. However, they are good for weight loss. Most dieters lose several pounds during the first week of a low-carb diet.
When you cut carbs from your diet, your body has to use stored muscle glycogen for energy. Glycogen is glucose bound to water molecules. As your body converts the glycogen into glucose, it releases the water, which you then excrete. Eliminating this water from your muscles will lead to rapid weight loss.
How much you’ll lose depends on the size of your glycogen stores. However, low-carb dieters often lose 3-5 pounds within the first week.
However, getting your carb intake to below 50 grams per day won’t be easy, and it means you will have to eliminate many nutritional staples from your diet.
Foods to avoid at this time include:

Junk food, including candy, soda, chips, etc.
Most fruit

Instead, your meals will need to be built around proteins and fats. The good news is that foods high in protein and fat are very filling. Good options include red meat, fish, eggs, and full-fat dairy. You can also eat plenty of leafy green vegetables and other low-carb plant foods.
Do a water cut
The above strategies should get you close to losing ten pounds in a week. That said, if you want to be certain to hit or even exceed that goal, you may want to try a water cut. This is the process of ridding your body of excess water.
However, this is also the riskiest weight loss strategy, so only do it if you are determined to lose ten pounds in one week.
This is how you do a water cut:

Day 1 & 2 – consume one gallon of water per day (normal water intake)
Day 3 & 4 – consume two gallons of water per day
Day 5 – consume one gallon of water
Day 6 – consume half a gallon of water
Day 7 – time to weigh yourself; you should now be at your target weight

So, how does this method work? Good question!

When you initially increase your water intake, your body starts flushing out the excess, and you’ll find yourself peeing more than usual. But as you lower your water intake from day five onward, your body continues to expel water at an accelerated rate, despite drinking less.
This creates a negative water balance, where you are excreting more than you consume, leading to significant weight loss.
Of course, you’ll regain all that water weight when you start drinking normally again. But, your weight should be at its lowest on the morning of day seven.
You can also sweat off a few extra pounds by working out or hitting the sauna. However, this should be unnecessary if you have done your water cut correctly.

Losing ten pounds in a week is usually easier than keeping that weight off. Dehydration, a high exercise volume, and a very strict, low-calorie, low-carb diet are unsustainable. Your weight will quickly return to normal as soon as you stop doing these things.
You may be able to avoid fat regain if you continue to eat and exercise sensibly, but you’ll soon rehydrate when you start drinking normally. For these reasons, slow and steady weight loss, where you drop 1-2 pounds per week, is usually the recommended approach.

A Better Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
If the idea of working so hard to lose ten pounds in a week, only to regain it soon after, is unappealing, you should consider a more conservative approach to fat loss and weight management.
The best strategies for easy, sustainable weight loss include:
Create a modest calorie deficit
There is no need to starve yourself to lose weight when you have more than a week to reach your weight loss target. A deficit of 500 calories per day should be sufficient for most people.
Ways to do this include:

Reducing meal size
Cutting out sweets and snacks
Using low-calorie ingredients
Adopting a low-fat diet
Skipping meals (intermittent fasting)

Choose a sustainable diet
Extreme diets are almost impossible to stick to for more than a few days. Hunger and cravings will invariably wear down your willpower, and it’s only a matter of time before you cheat or quit your diet entirely.
So, pick a diet you know you can stick to and that you’ll enjoy. After all, food should be one of life’s pleasures and not only a source of energy and nutrients.
Track your food intake and progress
If you don’t measure something, you can’t manage it. So, start using an app to analyze your food intake to make sure you are hitting the required caloric deficit. Also, track your weight to make sure you are achieving the results you want.
If your weight isn’t changing, you may need to increase your deficit slightly or do a little more exercise.
Exercise moderately and regularly
Super long and ultra-intense workouts make great social media posts but are usually impractical for the average exerciser. Very few of us have the time or energy to work out for several hours a day.
So, instead of training like a pro athlete, commit to working out 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes each time. This should be doable for most people and sufficient to enhance your weight loss efforts.
Combine strength training with cardio
While all exercise is good for weight loss, you’ll probably get better results by combining cardio and strength training. Cardio burns calories, while lifting weights will help preserve your muscle mass and maintain your metabolic rate.
Many people fall into the trap of doing nothing but cardio to lose weight, but this is a mistake. While cardio does burn fat and calories, it can also cause muscle loss. Losing muscle makes it harder to lose weight and keep it off, and you could end up “skinny fat,” where you look slim, but your body is soft and weak.
Combining strength and cardio training is like one plus one equals three!
Increase your NEPA
Woman Looking After Plants
NEPA is short for non-exercise physical activity and is one of the most powerful things you can do to lose weight and keep it off. Examples of NEPA include:

Anything that gets you up off your butt and moving counts as NEPA and burns calories for faster, easier weight loss. Look for ways to inject more NEPA into your day. NEPA often registers as “steps” on activity-tracking apps and watches. Try to clock up 10,000-15,000 steps a day for best results.
Be patient!
Weight loss of a pound or less per week might not sound impressive but lose that amount weekly for several months, and you’re looking at a significant change in your body composition.
You could look like a whole new person in less than a year!
Not only is a slower rate of weight loss sustainable for longer, but it will also be easier to keep it off. 
In contrast, rapid weight loss is invariably followed by rapid weight regain. This phenomenon gives rise to the term “yo-yo dieting,” where your body weight goes down only to rebound back up soon afterward.
So, be patient and don’t try and lose weight too fast. In almost every instance, slow and steady wins the fat loss race.
How to Lose 10 Pounds – FAQs
Do you have a question about losing ten pounds in a week or weight loss in general? No worries, because we’ve got the answer!
1. What is the best diet for rapid weight loss?
It really doesn’t matter what diet you follow when trying to lose weight fast. The most critical thing is to create a significant calorie deficit, so your body is forced to burn fat for fuel. Ideally, you should limit your calorie intake to 1000 calories below maintenance.
That said, the very low-carb keto diet may be beneficial because it promotes glycogen depletion, which hastens water and weight loss.
However, any diet that keeps you in a calorie deficit will work, so choose an eating plan that fits your lifestyle and food preferences.
2. Can I have cheat meals while trying to lose ten pounds in a week?
If you feel you need cheat meals during a one-week diet, you probably don’t have the right mindset for this weight loss challenge. Cheat meals during such a short diet will almost certainly derail your progress and undermine your results.
Surely you can tough it out for a week and just stick to the plan?!
Losing ten pounds in a week means committing to the process and ignoring cravings and hunger pangs. If you don’t think you can do this, you should look for a more conservative diet and resolve to losing weight more slowly.
3. How much weight will I regain at the end of the week?
Initially, most of the weight you regain at the end of your seven-day, ten pound-diet will be water. As such, you could gain as much as five pounds in a matter of hours. It all depends on how much hydrating fluid you consume after your water cut.
You will also regain fat if you start consuming above-maintenance calories. However, fat regain will probably be slower, especially if you eat sensibly and don’t binge. That said, you can avoid fat regain completely if your calorie intake remains equal to your calorie expenditure.
4. Is water cutting safe?
Water cuts are best described as safe-ish. The protocol outlined in this article is not especially extreme, and the risks are pretty low. Other water cuts lead to much more significant weight loss (20+ pounds in 24-48 hours) and are much more dangerous.
However, there is always a risk when manipulating your hydration levels, including dehydration, cramps, nausea, heart palpations, heat stroke, kidney problems, low blood pressure, confusion, unconsciousness, and death.
Consider these risks before embarking on any type of water cut.
5. What is the best workout for losing ten pounds in seven days?
The aim of exercise during a rapid weight loss diet is burning calories. Ideally, you want to burn about 1000 extra calories per day. Combined with your 1000-calorie deficit, this should result in about 4-5 pounds of fat loss in a week. The rest of your weight loss will be in the form of water.
So, it really doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do so long as you burn the required number of calories. You can do short-but-intense workouts or longer, more leisurely workouts – both can burn a similar number of calories.
Including strength training in your workouts is a good idea, as it can help preserve muscle mass and prevent atrophy. However, as you’ll only be dieting for one week, muscle loss should be minimal, provided you consume sufficient protein.
Related: Calorie Burning Calculators
You could even skip exercise altogether and just walk and be more active. However, this will entail a lot of movement and may be impractical if you have a sedentary job.
Most people get the best results by combining sensible daily workouts will reasonable amounts of general physical activity. However, be aware that, as the week progresses, you will probably start to feel tired and are going to fatigue more quickly. Make allowances for this in your workouts.

Closing Thoughts
It usually takes months or even years to gain weight and become overfat. Too much food and insufficient activity and exercise put you into a calorie surplus, and those unused calories are then converted to and stored as fat.
This is why most people tend to gain weight gradually over several years and not all at once.
However, despite slow weight gain being the norm, most people want to lose weight as fast as possible.
Unfortunately, while you CAN lose weight quickly, and dropping ten pounds in a week is entirely doable, rapid weight loss is seldom sustainable or enjoyable. Plus, rapid weight regain is practically unavoidable.
So, by all means, use the strategies in this article to lose ten pounds in seven days, but understand this weight loss will probably be temporary, and a slower, more conservative approach to weight loss will invariably be more successful.

How To Lose 15 Pounds in a Month: The Ultimate Guide to Transform Your Body and Boost Your Confidence

How To Lose 15 Pounds in a Month: The Ultimate Guide to Transform Your Body and Boost Your Confidence

Everyone experiences undesired weight gain at some point in their life. Some people realize they have gained extra weight when they notice love handles poking through their favorite shirt; others have an epiphany when they have difficulty bending over to tie their shoelaces. 
Whether you gain weight in your early teens or late 40s, it is usually because of the same reasons. Since the causes of weight gain are timeless, so are its remedies. Avoid reinventing the wheel every time you want to lose a few pounds. 
Most people want to lose a lot of weight in a very short period. Ask a newbie about their transformation objective, and they will probably tell you they want to lose 15 pounds in a month. 
Interestingly, most people quit their weight loss journey without achieving their goals. Setting unattainable goals is one of the most common reasons why most people never attain their transformation objectives. The lack of experience and guidance takes a close second and third. 
Is it possible to lose 15 pounds in a month?
Yes, you can undoubtedly lose 15 pounds in 30 days. However, just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Losing 15 pounds in 30 days without a plan and proper guidance can be a disaster and lead to health issues. 
In this article, we’ll uncover the science of weight loss, discover if it’s safe to lose 15 pounds in 30 days, learn about the best ways and diet to lose fat quickly, and go over some of the most popular questions on this subject. We have a lot to cover. So, sit tight and read on. 
How Weight Loss Works

Weight loss ultimately boils down to calories in vs. calories out. You must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, meaning you must expend more calories in a day than you consume. Once you are in a calorie deficit, your body starts burning stored glycogen for fuel, leading to fat loss. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting 500–1,000 calories from your daily diet can result in a weekly weight loss of 1–2 pounds. Staying in this range will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1]
But how does restricting 500 calories a day lead to a 1-pound weekly weight loss?
Per the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a pound of body fat comprises 3,500 calories. A shortfall of 500 daily calories results in a 3,500 calories weekly deficit (500 X 7), allowing you to lose a pound of body weight. [2]
That said, a pound of body fat does not equal a pound of body weight. However, several studies have shown that a 500 daily calorie cut results in a weekly weight loss of one pound, and hence, this is often used as a standard while designing a weight loss diet program. [3]
Per the CDC guidelines, restricting your daily caloric intake by 500–1,000 calories will result in a weight loss of 4–8 pounds. However, our objective here is to lose 15 pounds in a month. 
How many calories do I need to cut to lose 15 pounds in a month?
In line with the CDC guidelines, you would need to cut approximately 1,875 daily calories to lose 15 pounds in a month. 
Is Losing 15 Pounds in a Month Safe?
Is a 1,875 calories deficit possible? It depends on your current lifestyle. Folks coming off a bulking diet and eating upward of 4,000 calories daily might find it easy to cut approximately 2,000 calories from their diet. However, if you eat 2,000–2,500 calories daily, a 1,875-calorie deficit can lead to major health consequences. 
Most people flock toward fad diets such as the boiled egg diet or the cabbage soup diet for quick weight loss results. However, most of these fad diets have no scientific evidence backing them and can lead to chronic health conditions as they significantly limit your nutrient sources and intake. 
Contrary to what most people think, achieving a calorie deficit isn’t limited to restricting your food intake. You can also enter a calorie deficit by burning calories through exercising. Combining a low-calorie diet with a training program is the most effective way of losing 15 pounds in a month. 
That said, maintaining a 1,875 calorie deficit is like walking a tightrope. You must consult a healthcare professional before starting a weight loss program, especially if you have an existing condition like diabetes, gallstones, or heart disease.

Factors That Determine If You Can Lose 15 Pounds in a Month
Buckle up for some truly mind-blowing revelations. Hold onto something sturdy while you still have time. 
There is no guarantee that you’ll lose 15 pounds in 30 days, even after maintaining a 1,875 daily calorie deficit. You read that right. There are no guarantees here. 
Weight loss works uniquely for different people. While your training partner might shed the desired 15 pounds in 28 days, it might take you more than a month. Many factors influence weight loss, including:
Your genetic makeup dictates how your body reacts to your diet and training program. Some people will lose fat faster than others. Plus, some folks lose fat from a specific body group before the results replicate in other areas. For example, your training partner might lose fat first from his belly, whereas you might see the magic of your transformation program first on your face. 
Your genetics will also determine where you store body fat. You must work around your genetics and design a training program that best suits your needs. Individuals that hold fat in the back of their upper arms should add arm exercises in their workouts to combat the bat wings and tone their guns. 
Remember, your genetics might slow you down, but they will not stop you in your tracks. This is also why beginners must always track and assess their progress. Make necessary changes as soon as you discover you are not going in the right direction. 
Related: Weight Loss Calculator
Training and dieting experience is one of the most undervalued aspects of a transformation journey. People that have undergone a physical transformation before experience faster results than newbies. 
The quick results are the result of muscle memory. Plus, people that have done something before know what works for them and what doesn’t, saving them considerable time. 
Newbies have no reason to hang their heads low. If you lack the experience to fast-track your transformation progress, you can hire a healthcare professional with a proven track record to help you achieve your goal. 

Gender and Age
On average, men shed weight and build muscle mass faster than ladies. It is primarily because of testosterone — the male sex hormone. Females tend to store a greater amount of body fat in their lower bodies, whereas males hold it in their upper bodies. 
Further, the essential body fat storage in men is 2–5% and 10–13% for the ladies; it is the amount of fat required to maintain life and reproductive functions.
The natural testosterone levels in both genders decline with age, which results in a higher body fat percentage. Weight loss also becomes more difficult with age. 
Your metabolic rate plays a crucial role in your weight loss journey. A high metabolic rate helps you burn calories throughout the day, even when you are physically inactive. Men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women. Plus, your metabolic rate declines with age, making weight loss more complex as you grow older. 
Use this basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator to determine how many calories you need daily to maintain your basic body functioning. The BMR calculator uses your age, gender, weight, height, and body fat percentage (optional) to determine how many calories you burn throughout the day. 
Regular exercise can help increase your muscle mass and burn body fat, which can help boost your metabolic rate. 
According to a popular myth, eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can result in a faster metabolism. However, several studies have debunked this theory. According to a 2015 study, increasing meal frequency from three to six per day might increase hunger and the desire to eat. [4]
To lose fat, you should focus on staying in a calorie deficit instead of trying to tweak your metabolic rate. Find a meal plan that suits your lifestyle and works for you, and stick to it long-term for optimal results. 
Training, Nutrition, and Recovery Program
Most people never achieve their transformation goal because of substandard training, nutrition, and recovery program. These folks follow a cookie-cutter transformation program designed for someone else, which delays their results and leads to muscle imbalances. 
For instance, a 190-pound female trying to lose 15 pounds in a month will never find success following a transformation program made for a 185-pound male aiming to shed 8 pounds monthly.
Your diet, training, and recovery program must fit your lifestyle, preferences, and habits. You should refrain from making significant lifestyle changes during your weight loss journey. A night owl should resist the temptation to turn around his life overnight by signing up for an early morning CrossFit class. You must ease into your new transformation journey and focus on longevity. 

Consistency is the key to a successful weight loss program. Weight loss is complex and challenging. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You must do everything right to make the needle budge in the right direction. A wrong step, and you will either hit a plateau or put the weight back on. 
Plus, losing 15 pounds in a month is a hefty goal. You must do everything as per plan for these 30 days to maximize your chances of success. It means that you cannot miss a training session or meal or cut down on your recovery time. 
A transformation program will test your determination, grit, and consistency. The longer a fitness program, the more challenging it is to stick to it. Furthermore, since losing 50 pounds in a month requires you to follow rapid weight-loss techniques, going off track can make the weight bounce back as quickly as you lost it. 
How To Lose 15 Pounds in a Month
Sustaining a 1,875-calorie deficit requires you to make adjustments to your entire lifestyle. Although you could cut almost 2,000 calories from your diet just by eating less, it is not ideal. You must balance your training and diet plan to achieve your weight loss goal of shedding 15 pounds in a month. 
Notably, folks that want to lose 15 pounds in a month have short-term objectives. These people don’t want to continue this weight loss program for several months. Hence, you must make quick and significant adjustments to your diet as soon as you begin your weight loss journey. 
You must also get comfortable making significant lifestyle changes during this transformation program as you are racing against the clock. Thirty days is all you have; you’ve got to make every one of these days count. 
Here are 18 changes you must make to your lifestyle to lose 15 pounds in a month:
Set a Realistic Goal
Most people never achieve their transformation objective because they bite on more than they can chew. To be honest, losing 15 pounds in a month is an ambitious goal too. Sustaining a 1,875-calorie deficit for 30 days is easier said than done.
If you do not have a specific reason to lose 15 pounds in a month, you should aim for a more realistic goal, such as shedding 8 pounds in 30 days. This goal aligns with the CDC weight loss recommendations and is relatively easy and safe to sustain over the long term.
Switch To a Low-Calorie Diet
Weight loss ultimately comes down to calories in vs. calories out. You must enter a calorie deficit to lose 15 pounds in a month. Depending on your current lifestyle, you can either adjust your current diet or switch to a new diet to help you achieve the deficit. 
The keto and Mediterranean diets are a couple of popular diets that can help you lose weight, but more on these later in this article. Remember, you must choose a diet that fits your lifestyle. Going vegan might help a non-vegetarian significantly restrict his calorie intake, but it will be extremely hard to sustain if you’ve never tried it before. Always ease into a diet rather than switching to a radically different diet overnight.

Do More Cardio
Although exercising and cardio are not mandatory in a weight loss program, they can help you enter a calorie deficit. You could enter a calorie deficit by eating less, working out, or combining both. Using both options will speed up your weight loss progress.
Since your goal is to lose 15 pounds in a month, you must perform two daily cardio sessions to fast-track your results. The first cardio session should be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) workout done on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. For the second cardio session, do a 15-20 minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout in the evening. 
HIIT workouts are an anaerobic form of training, meaning it relies on stored glycogen for fuel. On the other hand, LISS cardio is a form of aerobic exercise that relies on oxygen for energy production. 
Weight Training
Most people leave gains on the table by restricting themselves to cardio workouts during a weight loss program. Resistance training can boost your weight loss results in multiple ways. It helps build muscle mass and tone your physique, improving your physique aesthetics. 
Muscle mass is more metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories throughout the day than a pound of body fat [5]. Folks with a higher muscle mass will burn more calories throughout the day than folks with a high body fat percentage. Plus, weight training increases your metabolic rate, helping you burn calories even after your workouts when you are physically inactive. 
Incorporate HIIT into Your Workouts
High-intensity interval training is one of the best ways to ramp up your weight loss progress. You shouldn’t limit HIIT to cardio. Perform a bodyweight HIIT circuit or incorporate this principle into your weight training workouts to maximize results. 
Tabata, AMRAP, EMOM, ladders, and pyramids are a few popular forms of HIIT. Cycle between these HIIT protocols to keep your workout routine exciting and avoid hitting a plateau. You must also program progressive overload in your workout regimen to make consistent gains. Progressively overload your muscles by using heavier loads, increasing your training intensity or volume, or incorporating advanced training principles into your workouts, such as dropsets, supersets, and intraset stretching. [6]
Prioritize Recovery
You break muscle tissue while you are in the gym. Your muscles grow back bigger and stronger while you’re resting. Even if you do not hit the gym or train, you must give your body enough time to recover and undergo changes. The excess weight comes off your body while you’re asleep. 
You must sleep for at least seven to eight hours each night for optimal results. Besides sleeping, you can also use nutritional supplements such as whey protein powders and BCAA to speed up your recovery. Massages, self-myofascial release, and cold and hot water therapy are other excellent methods of streamlining your recovery and boosting weight loss. 
Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

Consuming nutrient-dense whole foods will keep you feeling full for longer, reducing your risk of binging on junk food. Furthermore, nutrient-dense foods often have a low caloric content than processed or refined carbs. It allows you to consume a large volume of food without overshooting your daily caloric target, which can help promote satiety. [7]
Eating nutrient-dense foods also ensures that you meet your daily micronutrient needs, limiting the risk of nutrient deficiencies and promoting overall health and well-being. You must eat a balanced diet to meet your daily macronutrient needs. Switch to a high-protein, low-carb, low-fat diet to fast-track your weight loss and build muscle mass. 
Limit Refined Carbs
Refined carbs sources such as white bread, white rice, sugary snacks, and sugary beverages have a high caloric content. Plus, they provide little to no nutritional value. Consuming refined carbs can significantly increase your daily calorie intake. However, since these are empty calories, refined carb sources won’t lead to satiety and might even lead to cravings. [8]
Your body digests refined carbs quickly, resulting in insulin and blood sugar level spikes, which can lead to energy crashes, cravings, and increased fat storage, hindering weight loss efforts. These food sources often lack essential nutrients and can hamper your metabolism. 
Eat Fiber-Rich Foods
If your goal is to lose 15 pounds in a month, you must avoid binge eating. Fiber-rich foods are a godsend in this regard, as they keep you satiated throughout the day. High-fiber foods also take longer to digest. Additionally, fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, are low in calories than processed foods. 
Eating high-fiber foods also improves your digestion and gut health. A healthy gut microbiome can lead to better weight management and a lower risk of obesity. Foods rich in fiber usually have a high water content, which increases their volume without adding to their calorie content. 
Track Your Calories
Losing 15 pounds in 30 days requires you to adhere to a strict dieting regimen. Exceeding your calorie target, even on a few occasions, can disrupt your weight loss aspirations. The most effective way of staying below your calorie limits is to track your calories. 
You could use a calorie tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal, to stay on top of your caloric intake. Most calorie-tracking apps have an extensive database of foods and recipes, making food logging easy and convenient. You can skip logging your meals after you’ve settled on a routine.
Tip: Calculate Your Daily Energy Expenditure
Increase Physical Activity
Contrary to what most people think, spending 30 to 45 minutes in the gym isn’t enough to lose 15 pounds in a month. Doing a cardio session early in the morning and sitting at your desk for the rest of the day puts you in the active, sedentary category. 
You must program activities throughout your day to limit your risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with sitting for prolonged periods, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. 9] 
Walking more throughout the day is a convenient (but not easy) way to ensure you remain active. Beginners can set themselves a 5,000 daily step target and work their way up until they are walking 10,000 steps a day. 
Drink a Lot of Water
Staying hydrated throughout the day can keep you satiated, lowering your chances of feasting on junk food. Plus, water is a calorie-free beverage, meaning it won’t add to your calorie bottom line. Drinking an adequate amount of water can also boost your metabolic rate. You must drink at least a gallon of water daily to ensure optional body functioning. 
Drinking 500 ml of water 30 minutes before a meal can help limit your hunger. This technique has been shown to lead to greater weight loss in overweight or obese middle-aged and older adults. [10]

Try Fasting
Fasting is one of the most effective ways to enter a calorie deficit. Intermittent fasting is a popular fasting protocol involving cycling between fasting and feeding windows. The 16/8 intermittent fasting (IF) protocol is the most popular fasting method that requires you to fast for 16 hours a day and eat during an eight-hour window. 
Unlike most other diets, intermittent fasting doesn’t dictate what you can and cannot eat. In an IF diet, you focus on eating at a particular time during the day. Among other things, fasting helps burn through your glycogen reserves and boost your metabolic rate, which can help you lose 15 pounds in a month. Beginners can start with more conservative IF protocols, such as the 14/10 method, whereas more experienced faster can try the OMAD (one meal a day) diet. [11]
Avoid Cheat Meals
A month is a relatively short period to lose 15 pounds. Although cheat meals have a time and a place, you must avoid them on this program. A cheat meal can put you in a calorie surplus. It is common for people to eat 1,000-2,000 excess calories during a cheat meal. 
Offsetting these calories can take you an additional two to three days. Depending on your cheat meal, you could need to cut more than 1,875 calories from your daily diet to get back on track with your weight loss goals. Those serious about their transformation should refrain from eating cheat meals for four weeks. 
Cut Out Alcohol
Alcohol is like a double agent. You think it is on your side, but it is scheming with your enemy (body fat) to disrupt all your plans. Alcohol contains a high sugar content; a gram of alcohol generally contains seven calories. Worse yet, these are empty calories that have no nutritional value. 
Alcohol consumption increases your appetite and your chances of binging on junk food. It also leads to dehydration and poor sleep and slows down your metabolism. Alcohol does everything that you want to avoid on a weight loss program. 

Read also: Alcohol and Muscle Growth – Alcohol Fat Burning. 
Manage Your Stress Levels
Chronic stress leads to higher levels of cortisol in your body, which can increase appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. High cortisol levels also lead to an increase in fat storage in your abdominal area. 
Higher stress levels also increase your risk of emotional eating, which never ends well on a fat loss program. Chronic stress can also disrupt your sleep, which can hamper your recovery. Try meditation, yoga, and journaling to combat stress. You should seek professional help if these three methods don’t bring you relief. [12]
Track Your Progress
Since 30 days is a short period for losing 15 pounds, you must track your progress to ensure you are heading in the right direction. Recording your body weight and anthropometric measurement, keeping a workout journal, and taking photos of your physique are the most reliable ways to track your progress. 
Remember, you don’t need to track your progress daily. Take your measurement on the same day at the same time every week and make necessary adjustments if you are unhappy with your progress. 
Hire Professionals
Most people never achieve their weight loss goal because they follow a cookie-cutter transformation program. Each individual is unique. What might work for your training partner might not work for you. Ensure that you follow a customized training, diet, and recovery program for optimal results. 
Seek a professional’s help if you don’t have experience designing a training and diet program. A personal trainer can give you a personalized training regimen, and a registered nutritionist can provide you with a diet plan that fits your lifestyle. Hiring a trainer and dietitian might cost you some money upfront, but it will pay dividends in the long run. 
Diets To Help You Lose 15 Pounds in a Month
Although some people can get away with making adjustments to their current meals, others need to revamp their entire diet to lose 15 pounds in a month. If you fall in the latter category, given below are some diets that can help you achieve your weight loss goal. Pick the one that fits your lifestyle. 

A ketogenic diet involves eating a very low amount of carbs and replacing them with fat, as it helps your body burn fat for energy. Studies show that high-fat diets are significantly more effective at helping you shed weight than low-fat diets [13]. Furthermore, a keto diet can improve your training performance as it results in better ATP production than a high-carb diet. 
Here is a typical macronutrient split used in a keto diet:

Fats: 70-80%
Protein: 20-30%
Carbs: 5-10%

Next Read: What is Keto Diet? Benefits, Drawbacks, and Sample Meal Plan

A Paleolithic diet includes eating whole, unprocessed foods, such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, and meat. The paleo diet involves eating like our ancestors. Studies have shown that a paleo diet can result in significant weight loss and reduce your risk of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. [14]
Check Out: Paleo Dieting: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet revolves around eating foods traditionally eaten in the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, including Portugal, coastal France, southern Spain, southern Italy, Crete, and much of Greece.
Dieters that eat a Mediterranean diet have lower risks of contracting heart disease and other common illnesses and diseases. These dieters generally live longer and are healthier than folks who eat a standard American or Western diet.
Also Read: What Is the Mediterranean Diet?
Do I need to exercise to lose 15 pounds in a month?
No, working out is not mandatory on a weight loss program. That said, doing a couple of daily training sessions can speed up your weight loss progress by helping you enter a calorie deficit. 
How long will it take for me to lose 15 pounds safely?
The CDC recommends limiting your daily deficit to 500-1,000 calories, which will help you lose 4–8 pounds safely and sustainably in a month. According to the CDC guidelines, it will take you 2–3 months to lose 15 pounds. 
Will the weight I’ve lost come back if I return to my old habits after successfully completing my transformation journey?
Losing and keeping weight off requires lifestyle changes. If you return to your old habits right after achieving your weight loss goal, the weight will come back on just as quickly. 
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only. Do not take it as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Losing 15 pounds in a month can feel overwhelming, which stops most people from taking their first step. You might not realize this, but you have already taken the first step in achieving your dream physique by choosing to read this article. So, congratulation on taking your first step toward your weight loss goal. 
It is absolutely fine to experience self-doubt and frustration before starting to work toward such a big goal; we’ve all been there. Remember, you don’t need to follow all the 18 steps mentioned in this article to achieve your weight loss goals, and you don’t have to limit your transformation timeline to 30 days. Start with making a couple of adjustments to your lifestyle and take your time with your weight loss goal. The results will be worth it. Best of luck!


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How To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month: 15 Healthy and Effective Tips To Lose The Flab

How To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month: 15 Healthy and Effective Tips To Lose The Flab

There is a big event coming up (it could be a much-deserved vacation at a beach resort, a wedding, or a photoshoot), and you want to shed a few pounds quickly to look dapper. Most of us find ourselves in such situations quite often, but let’s be honest, how many of us end up achieving our objective? 
I can’t say about you, but I can do it ten out of ten times. No, I’m not bragging; okay, I’m bragging a little bit, but I digress. The point is that I don’t have a magic potion that helps me shed weight overnight. I follow a tried and tested approach that allows me to drop weight on demand. 
In this article, I share everything you need to know to lose weight as quickly as possible while staying healthy. You’ll also learn about the science behind weight loss and what is possible on a long-term weight loss program. We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get started. 
How Much Weight Should I Expect To Lose in a Month?

Many people never achieve their weight loss goals because of their unrealistic expectations. On the other hand, many folks do not know what to expect. If you join a gym with the vague goal of ‘losing weight,’ you will most likely be unsatisfied with your progress. Conversely, exercisers that aim to ‘lose 15 pounds in a month’ will crash and burn. 
Your transformation objective should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound). You should be able to throw concrete numbers at whosoever asks you about your transformation goals. For example, losing 5 pounds in a month ticks all the right boxes. It is specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bound. However, is it attainable? Let’s find out. 
The Science of Weight Loss
To lose weight, you must be in a calorie deficit, meaning you must burn more calories in a day than you consume. Of course, there are other things that you must consider for a successful weight loss journey, for example, eating nutrient-dense whole foods and avoiding empty calories or eating refined calories, and adhering to a suitable macronutrient split. But maintaining a calorie deficit (calories in vs. calories out) is the most crucial factor when it comes to weight loss. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting your daily calorie intake by 500-1,000 kcal can help you shed 1-2 pounds weekly. On the flip side, adding 500-1,000 calories to your diet will result in a 1-2 pounds weekly gain. 
As per the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a 3,500-calorie deficit results in a body fat loss of one pound. Sticking to these calorie increases and cutting limits will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1][2]
Going by the CDC guidelines, your goal of losing 5 pounds in a month is attainable and safe. Furthermore, a month technically has 4.3 weeks (30 days). To lose 5 pounds in a month, you need to cut approximately 583 calories from your daily diet, which is absolutely doable.  
Weight loss not only improves your physique aesthetics but also boosts energy levels, enhances self-confidence, and improves mental health and overall well-being.
How To Find How Many Calories To Cut From Your Diet To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
Here is the step-by-step process of determining your calorie intake goal to lose 5 pounds in a month:
Find Your Daily Average Calorie Goal
There are two ways of doing this:
1. Use a TDEE Calculator
Total daily energy expenditure estimates how many calories your body burns daily by accounting for three major contributing factors: your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your activity level, and the thermic effect of food metabolism.
Don’t worry; you don’t have to buy a scientific calculator to determine your TDEE. Use our neat TDEE calculator to determine how many calories you need daily for optimal functioning. 

2. Find Out Your Daily Average Calorie Intake For Five Days
The TDEE calculator requires your gender, age, weight, height, activity levels, and body fat percentage (optional) to calculate the calories you need in a day. However, many people do not find it reliable, as no calculator can account for your lifestyle. 
Alternatively, you could go the manual route and do all the hard work yourself. For this step, you will need a calorie-tracking app, such as MyFitnessPal. You must log your daily food intake for five days in the app. 
Ensure that you are logging meals for typical days. Avoid recording meals and snacks on days when you’re out partying.
Take an average of these five days; this will be your average daily caloric intake, which accounts for your lifestyle. 
Cut Calories
After determining your average daily caloric intake, deduct 583 calories to enter a calorie deficit. Remember, this is a generic recommendation, and your exact calorie reduction will depend on your lifestyle. People dealing with medical issues should consult a healthcare provider before starting a transformation program. 
Also, this calorie cut is optimal for folks that consume more than 2,000 calories daily. Individuals that eat fewer calories than 2,000 should opt for a smaller daily calorie deficit, as it will ensure a more stable fat loss progress and prevent excess muscle loss. 
You can enter a deficit by cutting calories, exercising, or combining the two. We recommend adjusting your diet and starting an exercise regimen, as it will get you faster results.
Weight Loss Timelines
Once people learn about what is possible in a month, they want to know what they can achieve long-term by sticking to the 500-1,000 daily calorie deficit. This section answers just that. Here are the weight loss estimates and timelines for up to a year based on the CDC weight-loss guidelines: 

Expect Weight Loss Results

1 Day
0.14–0.28 pounds

1 Week
1–2 pounds

1 Month
4–8 pounds

3 Months
12–24 pounds

6 Months
24–48 pounds

12 Months
48–96 pounds

Factors That Determine If You Can Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
No two people will have the same weight loss results by following the same fitness regimen. For example, your training partner might lose the required 5 pounds in a month by cutting 583 calories from your diet, whereas you might only manage 4 pounds. 
Multiple factors can influence your weight loss progress. You can tweak some of these factors but must make peace with the others. Here are the factors that affect your weight loss progress:
Experience Level
Your training and dieting experience will influence how much weight you can lose in a month. People that are just starting their fitness journey shouldn’t expect to lose 5 pounds in their first month. Your body needs some time to adjust to your diet routine before you can see the needle budge in the right direction. 
Beginners hit the weight loss sweet spot within a couple of months of starting their transformation journey. However, once you get the knack of things and have successfully dropped 5 pounds in a month, you will have no problems replicating the results in the future. 

Men usually shed body weight and fat faster than females. It is primarily because of the male sex hormone — testosterone. Low testosterone levels are also the reason women cannot gain the same amount of muscle mass as men. 
Furthermore, the essential body fat storage in men is 2–5%, whereas it is 10–13% for the ladies. The essential body fat is required to maintain life and reproductive functions. That said, females can still attain a shredded physique quickly by following the correct training and diet regimen. 
Metabolism is how your body changes food and drink into energy. The energy generated through metabolism powers essential body functions, such as breathing and digestion. Your body needs a minimum amount of calories to carry out these functions, known as the basic metabolic rate (BMR). 
Your age, sex, muscle mass, and physical activity determine your BMR. Some people have a higher metabolic rate than others, which helps them burn more calories throughout the day. Regular exercise to build muscle mass can help boost your metabolic rate. 
The natural testosterone levels in men and women decline with age, which can slow down their weight loss progress. Your metabolic rate also declines with age, which further hampers your fat loss progress. 
Furthermore, we tend to lose muscle mass with age. Greater muscle mass helps you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you are physically inactive. The dip in the metabolic rate will require you to work harder to achieve a calorie deficit. 
Your genetic makeup will determine how you react to your training regimen and how quickly you lose weight. Some people will lose weight faster than others simply because they are genetically blessed. 
However, people who are not born with Greek god genetics do not need to hang their heads. Your genetics might slow down your weight loss progress, but it won’t stop you dead in your tracks. 
Your unique genetics is also why you should always use a personalized diet and training regimen. Following a cookie-cutter training regimen or using your best friend’s fitness program will return suboptimal results and can lead to strength and muscle imbalances.

Training, Nutrition, and Recovery Program
These three are the holy trifecta for losing weight and building muscle mass. To achieve your dream physique, you must follow a customized diet, training, and recovery program. We recommend working with a personal trainer and a registered dietician to help design your transformation program. 
A personal trainer can give you a workout regimen that fits your strengths and weaknesses. He can also build a solid physical foundation by teaching you the correct exercise form. A dietician will provide you with a suitable nutrition regimen that will help speed up your weight loss progress. 
Remember, you don’t have to do everything on your own in a transformation program. Seeking a professional’s help can save you a lot of time, energy, and frustration. Hiring coaches might cost you some money upfront, but it will pay dividends in the long run. 
Consistency, dedication, and commitment are implacable in a transformation program. You must be consistent with your diet, training, and recovery routine to ensure you lose 5 pounds in a month. You might get through your first one-month fitness regimen without much friction, but if you want to continue your weight loss progress, you must adopt military-like discipline. 
15 Tips To Lose 5 Pounds in a Month
Many people adopt fad diets, such as the boiled egg diet and the cabbage soup diet, for quick weight loss. These diets promise mind-boggling results in a short period. However, they have little to no scientific research backing them. Following these fad diets or other obnoxious weight loss methods can lead to chronic health conditions. 
In this article, we go over 15 tips that will help you lose 5 pounds in a month safely and steadily. Plus, unlike in the case of extreme weight loss methods, the weight you lose by following these tips won’t return as quickly as it came off. 
Without any further ado, here are the 15 tips that will help you lose 5 pounds in a month: 
Fix Your Diet
If you are dealing with excess weight, chances are that your diet is out of place. A weight loss program must always begin with fixing your diet. You must enter a calorie deficit to kickstart your weight loss journey. 
Determine your average daily calorie intake and deduct a suitable amount of calories to lose weight. You must cut 583 calories from your daily intake to lose 5 pounds in a month. 
After arriving at a daily calorie intake goal, you must use a suitable macronutrient split to shed the excess weight and develop a chiseled physique. Plan and prep your meals in advance so you don’t find yourself scrolling through your favorite fast food restaurant’s menu while you are starving.

Eat Protein and Fiber Rich Foods
Following a high-protein and high-fiber diet can help you lose weight quickly. A high-protein diet will help you build muscle. Muscle mass is more metabolically active than fat, meaning it requires more calories to sustain itself. People with higher muscle mass have a higher BMR and burn more calories throughout the day. 
Eating fiber-rich foods can speed up your weight loss progress as it will keep you feeling satiated for longer, a quality it shares with protein. Furthermore, it improves your gut health and slows down your digestion.
You must switch to a moderate-carb and low-fat diet on a weight loss program. However, eating carbs two to three hours before a training session will ensure you have enough energy to crush the workout. 
Track Your Calories
Losing weight requires you to be in a calorie deficit. You must track your food intake to ensure you are maintaining a calorie shortfall. Using rough estimates isn’t going to cut it. Eating one extra bread slice can disrupt your weight loss progress if you are not careful. 
Get in the habit of logging your meals in a calorie-tracking app to stay on top of your diet. Folks that eat the same meals daily can stop logging them after ensuring they are in a deficit by recording their meals for at least a week.
Try Fasting
Fasting is an excellent weight loss method. Beginners can use intermittent fasting to achieve their goal of losing 5 pounds in a month. Intermittent fasting involves cycling between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a given period.
The 16/8 method is the most common intermittent fasting protocol. It requires you to fast for 16 hours in a day and meet your daily caloric needs within the remaining eight hours. You could also use more advanced IF methods such as OMAD (one meal a day) and ADF (alternate-day fasting). 
Intermittent fasting focuses on eating within a particular period. It doesn’t restrict your food choices. Nonetheless, you should avoid junk food and get your calories through nutrient-dense whole foods while fasting to ensure optimal results. 

Eat Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods
Consuming 2,000-2,500 calories is extremely easy if you consume a soda and a burger daily. However, it requires considerable effort when limiting yourself to whole foods. 
Whole foods are packed with nutrients that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Refined foods digest quickly and lead to more cravings. On the flip side, whole foods keep you feeling satiated for longer, which will keep you from snacking on junk food throughout the day. 
Add Cardio To Your Weight Loss Routine
Although working out is not mandatory in a weight loss program, exercising can help speed up your progress by boosting your calorie expenditure and putting you in a deficit. Since one month is a short time, you should ideally do two daily cardio sessions for optimal results. 
The first cardio workout will be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) session on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Perform a 15-20 minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio session after your weight training session in the evening. 
Many people despise cardio as they find it boring. If you are one of these people, you could spice up your training program by incorporating different equipment into your training regimen. Furthermore, you could switch training intensity and intervals to spice things up. 
Avoid Liquid Calories
Most people lose track of their calorie intake while consuming liquid calories in the form of carbonated soft drinks. These can also cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, leaving you feeling tired and drained. During your weight loss program, you must also limit energy drinks and fruit juices. 
Instead, you should opt for metabolism-boosting beverages such as green tea. Remember, water is the only beverage you need. Drinking a couple of glasses of water whenever you crave an energy drink or a sugar-laden beverage will curb your urges. 
Capitalize on HIIT Resistance Training
You shouldn’t limit your HIIT workouts to cardio sessions. HIIT resistance training workouts can help fast-track your weight loss progress by improving your metabolism. They can also improve your physique aesthetics by toning your muscles. 
A HIIT strength training workout lasts 15-30 minutes, making it a perfect fit for people with a packed schedule. Since most HIIT resistance workouts require minimal equipment, you could do them in your garage gym.

Cut Out Cheat Meals
Although losing 5 pounds in a month is possible, safe, and sustainable, it won’t be a walk in the park. You must stick to your guns for 30 days to achieve the desired results. 
Most people consume anywhere between 500-1,000 extra calories in a single cheat meal. Burning these excess calories can take up to an additional week. Since we are on a tight deadline, you must cut out cheat meals on this program. You will sacrifice four cheat meals, but the results will be worth it. 
Focus on Your Recovery 
Sleep seven to eight hours each night to give your body enough time to rest and recuperate. You build muscle mass and shed weight while sleeping. Sleeping four to six hours each night doesn’t allow your body appropriate time to work its magic. 
Use self-myofascial release, cold plunges, and weekly massages to improve your recovery. Plus, do not hold back from taking a day off from training if you feel sore and tired. Learn to listen to your body. 
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is a no-go if you want to lose 5 pounds in a month. It is a source of empty calories, makes you retain fluid, shuts down your digestive system, and disrupts your sleep, which can hamper your recovery. 
Alcohol increases your appetite, which is why folks tend to overeat while sipping their favorite drink. It can also lead to dehydration and decrease your exercise performance. Just like fast food, you must cut out alcohol for 30 days to achieve your weight loss objective. 
Drinking water throughout the day can help you avoid dehydration. Furthermore, it can improve your metabolism, regulate your appetite, boost your training performance, flush out toxins, and improve your digestion. Drink at least a gallon of water daily to ensure optimal body function and performance and lose 5 pounds quickly. 

Follow an Active Lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest reasons behind weight gain. Staying active throughout the day improves your metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories. Become more active by being mindful of your choices. Take the stairs, bike to work, and use a standing desk for work. 
Control Your Stress Levels
Your body release cortisol whenever you are under stress. Cortisol and adrenaline are the stress hormones that make you hold onto excess fat. Use relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, reading, or listening to calming music whenever you are stressed. Seek a medical professional’s help if you are dealing with chronic stress. 
Find Your Support System
It is your friends and family’s fault if you cannot achieve your weight loss goal in the desired time. No, I am just kidding. But really, your near and dear ones, directly or indirectly, play a vital role in your transformation journey. 
You must find a support system that helps and motivates you on your transformation journey. Surround yourself with people who are trying to lose weight and can understand what you are going through. 
Keep yourself accountable by sharing your goals and progress with your friends, family, and coaches. It will keep you motivated and push you to achieve your objectives. It might also push others to join you, which is a win-win for everyone involved. 
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Losing 5 pounds in a month might sound like a gargantuan ask for newbies. It might sound impossible and borderline offensive. However, you must not let this big goal stun you. All you need to do is take that first step. 
Start by limiting your portion sizes or cutting out the soda from your lunch, and with this, you’ll have taken the first step toward losing 5 pounds. You don’t have to adhere to all the 15 steps mentioned in this article at once for a successful weight loss campaign. 
Begin with making one small change and steadily incorporate other steps until the first pound comes off. After that, it is all about doubling down on your strengths, and you’ll achieve your goal before the 30 days are up. Now, go, get it, tiger!


Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

How To Get Ripped Quick: 12 Tips To Blast Away Body Fat and Unleash Your Perfect Abs!

How To Get Ripped Quick: 12 Tips To Blast Away Body Fat and Unleash Your Perfect Abs!

Has this happened to you?
You stand in front of a mirror, turn to your side, grab your belly bulge between your hands, and wonder how you could turn this into a six-pack.
It most likely has because you wouldn’t be reading this article if it didn’t. 
Most people get a gym membership to get ripped, and they want the results quickly. However, their results are generally so slow that it makes a snail on vacation look like an Olympic sprinter. It’s no surprise that most of these folks end up hanging their sprinting shoes before achieving their training objectives. 
To be honest, losing body weight isn’t easy. It requires tedious planning and meticulous execution. Falter on any of the fronts, and you’ll see your progress halt or, worse, enter a downward spiral. 
In this article, we will go over everything you will ever need on your fat-blasting and muscle-building journey, including what it really means to be ripped and the body fat percentage you should have, and factors that affect the time it takes for you to get in the best shape of your life. 
Besides unveiling the 12 best tips to get ripped in a record time, we also cover a general timeline of the changes you can expect by following these tips. Finally, we summarize the article with the most frequently asked questions about shredding. 
We have a lot to cover, so sit tight, grab your protein shake, and read on. 
What does ‘getting ripped’ mean?

The fitness world has its fair share of jargon. So, before we get into the nitty-gritty of getting ripped, let’s ensure we are on the same page. 
Getting ripped can mean different things to different people. For a bodybuilder, it could mean gaining muscle conditioning; for an overweight individual, it could mean losing weight; and for a motorcyclist, it could mean falling off his bike without protective gear. You are certainly in the wrong place if you are a rider. The bikes we’ll be riding in this program are stationary. 
For the scope of this article, getting ripped refers to shedding body fat while preserving and building lean muscle mass. Getting ripped involves maintaining a low body fat percentage so that you have crisp muscle conditioning, separation, lines, and striations. It is the process of sculpting your physique into a masterpiece worthy of gracing the cover of fitness magazines. Lean, diced, shredded, peeled, cut, and whittled are other gym terms for getting ripped. 
The optimal body fat percentage that makes it look like your muscles are tightly wrapped around your muscles will vary for different individuals. Furthermore, men achieve a more defined physique faster as they hold a lower body fat percentage than women. 
Different Body Fat Percentages

Although many lifters tirelessly chase a lower body fat percentage, only a few truly understand the subject. Your body fat percentage is the proportion of fat your body carries compared to its total weight. It is calculated by dividing your total fat mass by your total body mass, multiplied by 100. It includes essential body fat and storage body fat.
According to the American Council on Exercise, the percent body fat norms for men and women are as follows:


Essential Fat





Essential fat is required to maintain life and reproductive functions; essential fat stores in women generally lie in the 10-13% range. On the other hand, they are considerably lower in men and lie between 2-5%. 
Athletes engaged in physical sports usually have the lowest body fat percentage. Female athletes have 14-20% of body fat, whereas men are in the range of 6-13%. On average, ladies that work out regularly have a body fat percentage between 21-24%, whereas the males have 14-17%. 
An average untrained female has a body fat percentage between 25-31%, and for an average male, it lies in the range of 18-24%. Anything over this is considered obese. 
Body Fat Percentage and Ab Visibility
The average body fat percentages don’t necessarily dictate when you’ll be able to see your abs. Here is a rough estimate between the body fat percentage and ab visibility in men:

20%+: In the ‘average’ body fat percentage stage, you will be soft around your midsection, and your abs will not be visible. 
14-17%: The ‘fitness’ stage can be considered healthy, but it is unlikely that you will see any ab definition. People at the lower end of this range might have their abs peeking through in perfect lighting. 
6-13%: The ‘athlete’ range of body fat is considered lean, which means your abs will be visible.
5-9%: You will be peeled AF. However, staying in the ‘essential’ body fat range for a prolonged period is unhealthy. 

Factors That Influence How Long It Can Take To Get Ripped
Several factors can play a role in determining how long it takes for you to get ripped. You can tweak some of these factors, but you have to adjust to the others. 

You are in for a rude shock if you thought you could replicate your cousin’s weight loss transformation results by following his fitness regimen. Genetics plays a crucial role in how your body adapts to your training and diet routine. 
Some folks might be better positioned to get ripped quickly because of a favorable fat distribution and faster metabolism. That said, some people use poor genetics as an excuse and go easy on themselves. Don’t be this person. 
Even if you did not hit the genetics lottery, you could still achieve a ripped physique by adhering to the 12 transformation tips mentioned in this article. Remember, genetics can slow you down and limit your growth, but it won’t stop you dead in your tracks. You must keep pushing yourself to achieve your dream physique.
Related: Bad Chest Genetics and How To Build a Barrel Chest
Starting Point
How fast you can achieve your training objective depends on where you start. For example, a person with 19% body fat will get to 15% body fat faster than an individual starting at 24%. 
However, beginners initially experience quick results, and their progress tapers off as they gain more experience and their bodies adjust to their training and diet programs. You must constantly challenge your body to avoid hitting a plateau. 
Also, you shouldn’t compare your progress with others, as it can lead to frustration and burnout. Many people also increase their risk of injury while training by pushing themselves too hard while trying to keep up with others. 
Your lifestyle also plays a crucial role in how long it will take you to achieve your dream physique. People who are very active (train 5-6 days a week or have a physically-intensive job) will get ripped faster than those with a sedentary lifestyle. Plus, your sleep quality, stress levels, and overall health can also affect how quickly you shed your body weight and build muscle mass. 
The Trifecta
An optimal training, diet, and recovery program is the holy trifecta of a transformation program. You must nail all three aspects of your fitness regimen to achieve your dream physique. Neglecting any department will lead to suboptimal results. 
You must follow personalized training, diet, and recovery regimen to fast-track your gains. Many people make the mistake of following a vanilla transformation program. However, they never get too far with it as it is designed around someone else’s strengths and weaknesses. 
For example, folks with a lagging lower body will increase their muscle imbalances by following a training program focusing on building upper body strength.

Men generally find it easier to lose body fat and shed weight due to higher testosterone levels. Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for the development of muscle mass and strength and for producing male sex characteristics. 
High natural testosterone production is why the ladies cannot build the same amount of muscle mass and strength as the gents. Nonetheless, women can still achieve a ripped physique in a short period by following the right training and diet protocols. 
The process by which your body changes food and drink into energy is known as metabolism. Metabolism constantly provides your body with energy for essential bodily functions like breathing and digestion. 
Your body needs a minimum number of calories to sustain these functions; this category of calories is known as the basic metabolic rate (BMR). Do you want to know your BMR? Check out this neat BMR calculator. 
Factors like age, sex, muscle mass, and physical activity affect metabolism or BMR. Some folks have a naturally high metabolic rate, which can help them burn more calories throughout the day. Most of us have a friend that eats like a pig but can easily be mistaken for a pole. That’s a classic case of someone with a high metabolic rate. 
Furthermore, your metabolic rate improves through regular exercise, strength training, and maintaining muscle mass. Stay active throughout the day to burn more calories. 
Since the natural testosterone levels drop with age, humans of both genders find it more difficult to lose body fat and build muscle mass. Furthermore, our metabolic rate takes a dip too, which adds to the complexities. 
We tend to lose muscle mass with age. However, following a balanced training, diet, and recovery program can help slow down muscle atrophy. Don’t get us wrong; we, by no stretch of the imagination, mean to say that you cannot lose body fat as you grow older. You can reach your goal weight at any age. You will just have to work a little harder. 

You can only achieve your transformation objective with consistency and dedication toward your goal. Most cutting programs require a long-term approach, especially if you are doing it for the first time. 
You must stick to your training and diet program even when the going gets tough; believe me, it will get tough, very tough. You must have the grit and commitment to get your head down and work with all your might, even when you do not see immediate results.
Even after you achieve your training objective, you must stay consistent with your training and diet program to maintain your ripped physique. Staying in photoshoot-ready shape throughout the year is a full-time job. The sooner you realize this, the less friction you will face in your transformation journey. 
Furthermore, the 12 tips mentioned below to get ripped quickly revolve around these factors and managing them better. The better you can control these factors, the better results you will see. 
Timeline For Getting Ripped
Let’s address the elephant in the room. “How long will it take for me to get ripped?” This is usually the first question asked by beginners starting their fitness journey. Although many fitness experts get annoyed with this question, we think it is a fair thing to ask since a body transformation demands significant time, energy, effort, commitment, and cash. 
Knowing how long it takes to achieve your dream physique will give you a timeline. You can use it to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments if and when required. A timeline can also act as motivation to stick to your guns. A transformation timeline is like a ticking time bomb; you are a bomb defuser trying to cut the correct wire before the big bang. 
How much weight should I expect to lose?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends cutting your daily calorie intake by 500-1,000 kcal. Doing so will help you shed 1-2 pounds weekly. Conversely, adding 500-1,000 calories to your diet will result in gaining 1-2 pounds weekly. 
According to JAMA, you must burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound of body fat. Sticking to these calorie increases and cutting limits will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1][2]
Here are a few weight loss estimates as per these recommendations:

Expect Weight Loss Results

1 Day
0.14–0.28 pounds

1 Week
1–2 pounds

1 Month
4–8 pounds

3 Months
12–24 pounds

6 Months
24–48 pounds

12 Months
48–96 pounds

How ripped can I get in a week?
As per the JAMA findings, you can expect to lose 0.14 pounds daily if you cut 500 calories from your diet. Notably, you won’t see the results from the first day you cut your calories. You will start seeing results after your body starts adjusting to the new regimen. This process usually takes up to a week. 
Sticking to the 500-1,000 daily calorie cut will help you lose 1-2 pounds weekly. Some people try to lose too much weight too soon by following a much bigger calorie deficit, such as a 1,500-2,000 kcal shortfall. Not only is such a large calorie deficit unsustainable, but it can lead to chronic health conditions. Furthermore, the weight lost by following such a significant deficit usually returns just as fast. 
How ripped can I get in a month?
There are three ways of entering a calorie deficit. You could enter a deficit by cutting your calorie, starting exercising, or using a combination of the two methods. We recommend using a combination of both approaches to achieve your weight loss goals. 
You can lose 4 pounds of body weight in a month by maintaining a weekly deficit of 3,500 calories. However, since a month usually has a little more than four weeks, you can expect to shed around 6 pounds monthly. The number could increase to 10 pounds if you can manage a 1,000-calorie deficit. 
How ripped can I get in three months?
An intermediate exerciser can lose slightly more than 12 pounds in three months by sticking to a 3,500 weekly calorie deficit. You must account for your cheat meals in your weekly calorie deficit. For example, if you eat 1,000 surplus calories in your cheat meal, you must adjust your calorie intake the following week to return to a weekly deficit. 
You should use a calorie-counting app to log all your meals so you are on top of your diet plan. Further, developing a habit of reading food labels while grocery shopping will help you avoid junk food and achieve your goal faster. 
How ripped can I get in six and 12 months?
Most people will start to see weight loss results after they stick to a controlled diet and training program for 6-12 months. You can expect to shed 24-48 pounds in six months and 48-96 pounds in 12 months by maintaining a 3,500-calorie weekly deficit. 
It doesn’t matter where you are starting at. Losing between 24-94 pounds in a year can lead to a total body transformation. 
Notably, the time it takes to transform your body will depend on your genetics, gender, starting point, consistency, and the other factors mentioned above. You can expect a slight variance from this timeline. 
Novices shouldn’t expect to lose 1-2 pounds weekly. You can expect to replicate these results after you have some training experience under your belt and know what you are doing. Noticeable changes start to appear after you have arrived at a diet and training program that works for you. 
12 Best Tips To Get Ripped Quickly
Here are the 12 best tips to get shredded in record time:
Start With a Goal
It sounds so basic, but it is where most people falter. While many do not set an objective goal for themselves before starting their transformation journey, others are either too aggressive or bleak.
You must set realistic expectations. Setting goals that are too ambitious will not only lead to disappointment but also increase your risk of injury, burning out, or giving up on your transformation dreams entirely. 
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your physique transformation will take time, effort, and grit, and you must be willing to commit to it for the long term. 
Have a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound; for example, ‘lose 4 pounds in a month.’
Assess Current Diet and Make Necessary Changes

Most people think that losing weight is like solving a Rubik’s cube. You must twist and turn your entire lifestyle up and down until you can create the right pattern. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. 
The only thing that you need to do to lose weight is to cut calories and enter a calorie deficit, meaning you must expend more calories in a day than you consume. Determine your daily average calorie intake, realign it according to your goals, and Bob’s your uncle. 
Many people go balls to the wall while cutting their calories. They limit as many calories as they possibly can and sometimes push it so much that they can hear guilt whispering in their ear every time they indulge in a cheat meal. Although going cold turkey cheat meals can be great for an obese individual, depending on your starting physique and training objectives, you might not have to do it. 
Following an unnecessarily severe diet can lead to a negative relationship with food, which can result in chronic health conditions. 
After determining your daily caloric intake goal, use a suitable macronutrient split (carbs, protein, and fats) to work toward your dream physique. Use a high-protein, low-carb, low-fat diet to shed body fat and build muscle mass. 
Do Cardio
Although cardiovascular training isn’t compulsory in a weight loss program, doing it can help speed up your weight loss progress. You should ideally perform two cardio workouts daily to fast-track your weight loss progress. 
The first sesh should be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) session that you do on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Your second cardio workout should be a 15-20 minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session, preferably after your weight training session. 
Lift Weights
You must add weight training to your exercise regime to build a chiseled physique. Resistance training exercises will help you pack muscle mass, tone your physique, and improve your overall aesthetics. 
Your workouts’ frequency, intensity, and volume will depend on your experience level and training objective. Furthermore, your workouts should include a balance of compound and isolation exercises. Compound lifts help build strength and muscle mass, whereas single-joint movements improve your conditioning. 

Incorporate Progressive Overload Into Your Routine
You must progressively overload your muscles to ensure consistent progress. A progressive overload could include enhancing your training frequency, volume, intensity, or time under tension.
Advanced training principles, such as super sets, drop sets, and blood flow restriction (BFR) training, are also incredibly effective ways of shocking your muscles into growing. Remember, following the same workouts for too long can lead to weight loss and muscle plateau, which can delay your progress. 
Use Targeted Exercise
The concept of spot reduction is as fake as unicorns. However, both these myths live on because they are beautiful and ignite your fantasy and imagination. 
Although you cannot spot-reduce a trouble area, you can target it using resistance training exercises to help shape and improve your muscle aesthetics. For example, men with excess chest fat can improve the shape of their pecs using chest exercises after reducing body fat by staying in a calorie deficit. 
Track Your Progress
Tracking your progress ensures you are on the right path. Track your progress weekly by taking progress photos, body measurements, and weighing yourself. You can also record your heart rate and blood pressure for overall health tracking. 
Lifters can also track their training progress by noting their exercises, sets, reps, and weights in a daily journal. Tracking your improvement allows you to make quick and necessary changes in your fitness regimen whenever you feel you’ve derailed.
Work With a Personal Trainer
A personal trainer can give you a personalized training program that suits your abilities, makes the most of your strengths, and works on fixing your weaknesses. He can also teach you the correct exercise form, which can significantly reduce your risk of injury. 
You could also hire a dietician for a customized nutrition program. Availing the services of a trainer and a nutritionist might cost you a little money upfront, but it will pay you dividends in the long term.

Focus on Your Recovery
Many people become obsessed with losing body weight and do too much too soon. Doing this for a prolonged period can lead to overtraining. If you always feel sore, you must work on your recovery program. 
Sleep for seven to eight hours each night to give your body enough time to rest and recuperate from your workouts. Massages, self-myofascial release, and cold plunges are other incredibly effective ways of fast-tracking your recovery. 
Try New Things
You must be open to experimenting with different strategies to maximize your fat loss potential. Consider carb loading before a training session to increase your workout intensity and push yourself harder. 
Furthermore, if you are stuck on a weight loss plateau, you could try intermittent fasting to break through the overhead ceiling. Always be on the lookout for things you could do differently to maximize your returns. 
Improve Your Lifestyle
Getting shredded isn’t limited to the gym and kitchen; it is a lifestyle. You must manage your stress levels and be mindful of your choices throughout the day. For example, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator and bike to work whenever possible. 
Stay active throughout the day. Set a step goal for yourself and schedule walks throughout the day to achieve your objective. Beginners can start with a 5,000-step goal, whereas active folks can experiment with a 10,000-step goal. 
Supplements Can Help
Although supplements aren’t necessary for building a chiseled physique, they can help fill the void in your whole food diet and speed up your transformation. Whey protein, creatine, and BCAAs are a few effective supplements you can add to your fitness regimen. 
2 HIIT Workouts To Get Ripped Quickly

Contrary to what most people think, you don’t require fancy training equipment or need to spend a couple of hours in the gym to tone your body and shed excess fat. You can do it using bodyweight exercises within 30 minutes. Here are two HIIT workouts that will help you get ripped quickly:
Workout 1
Perform four rounds of the following circuit, resting one minute after the burpees in each round. This workout will last 18 minutes. 


Mountain Climber
60 seconds

Jumping Jacks
60 seconds

60 seconds
120 seconds

Workout 2
Here is a lower-body dominant HIIT workout for getting ripped. Do four rounds of this circuit. This workout will take you 22 minutes to complete. 


30 seconds

Squat Jump
60 seconds

60 seconds

Standing Calf Raise
60 seconds

Inch Worm
30 seconds
120 seconds

Next Read: How Many Abs Can You Have? 4-Pack vs. 6-Pack vs. 8-Pack
How To Structure Your Weight Loss Program
Learning about all these 12 steps to get ripped quickly can be overwhelming and lead to analysis paralysis. If you are a beginner and have no idea where to start, don’t fret; we have got you covered. 
Beginners will probably not lose 1–2 pounds weekly. You can expect these results after you’ve been following the fit lifestyle for at least a couple of months. For this timeline, we are assuming you have a few months of training experience under your belt. 
Here is an over-simplified six-month transformation timeline that you can use to kickstart your weight loss journey:
Month 1: Establishing a Strong Foundation
Beginners should focus on getting their basics right. Assess your current diet and make necessary adjustments according to your objectives. Begin by creating a caloric deficit through balanced nutrition and portion control. Your goal is to lose 4–8 pounds in the first month. 
Start your training journey by engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises (e.g., running, cycling, swimming) for fat burning. You can also start strength training to improve your physique aesthetics. However, your goal here will be to learn the correct exercise form instead of chasing big weights. 
Ensure you take weekly progress measurements and photos during your weight loss journey. It will keep you accountable and motivated and ensure you are on the correct path. 
Month 2-3: Accelerating Fat Loss and Muscle Development
While maintaining your objective of losing 1–2 pounds weekly, in the second phase, you must refine and optimize your nutrition plan, increase the intensity and duration of cardiovascular workouts, implement progressive overload in your strength training routine, and incorporate HIIT (high-intensity interval training) in your cardio and strength workouts for efficient fat burning.
Your goal will be to lose 12–24 pounds by the end of three months. Make necessary adjustments to your fitness regimen if you are far from this objective. 
Month 4-6: Focus on Muscle Definition and Strength
As you gain more experience, you can gun for improving your muscle definition and strength while pushing your cardiovascular endurance and stamina. In this phase, increase the frequency, intensity, and volume of your workouts. 
You should see a considerable improvement in your physique by the end of six months. Your weight loss should be in the range of 24–48 pounds. Consider hiring a training and diet coach if you are unsatisfied with your progress.
Read also:

Can you spot-reduce body fat?
Most people want to shed belly fat and are always looking for ways to spot-reduce their tummy. Sadly, this is not possible. Maintaining a calorie deficit and engaging in cardio exercises leads to overall fat reduction and body weight loss. However, you can tone a particular muscle group through targeted training. For example, men can build a six-pack by doing ab exercises after their body fat percentage falls below 15%. 
Do I need to take supplements to lose fat and build muscle?
Absolutely no! You can shed body weight and achieve the physique of your dreams by eating nutrient-dense whole foods. However, supplements can help folks that cannot meet their daily caloric needs through whole foods. 
Is it possible to lose fat without hitting the gym?
Yes, you can lose weight without training. You must maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight and can expect to lose 1 pound weekly by cutting 500 calories from your diet. That said, exercising regularly can speed up your weight loss progress. 
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Following the 12 explosive tips mentioned in this article to get ripped quickly will set you on a fat-obliterating and muscle-building adventure that will have you rocking a body so ripped that you’ll have people wondering if you were sculpted by Michelangelo himself. 
Starting a transformation journey might feel like a daunting task. You might feel unequipped and unprepared even to begin, but with these 12 tips by your side, you aren’t. Losing the flab might feel like an uphill battle, but it isn’t. 
Are you feeling too overwhelmed to take your first step? Cut one serving from any of your meals, and you’ll have begun the journey to becoming totally unstoppable. Best of luck!

Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html

Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females: Burn, Sculpt, and Slay

Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females: Burn, Sculpt, and Slay

A glance at the cardio section of your gym will tell you that most women join a gym to lose weight. However, only a few ladies achieve their weight loss ambitions before losing motivation and dropping off their fitness regimen. 
Most ladies follow a cookie-cutter workout plan for weight loss, which includes doing 30-40 minutes of cardio and finishing their training session with a couple of ab exercises. Although you must start somewhere, sticking to a vanilla fat-loss workout plan will not get you too far. 
Women generally find it harder than men to lose weight. It is mostly because of years of misinformation and poor training and diet routines. Plus, several dietary and training myths have cropped up over the years, which significantly limit a woman’s physique transformation progress. 
Fat loss can feel like an uphill battle, especially with contradicting fitness advice and generic workout plans that overlook the unique needs of women blasted at you from all angles. 
In this article, we go over everything you need to know to build the figure of your dreams, including the basics of fat loss, the most common problems faced by women, the factors to consider for building a personalized fat loss workout plan and debunking some age-old weight loss myths. We will also go over the two best fat loss workout plans for females, the role of diet and recovery, the importance of tracking your progress, the best supplements to help you achieve your weight loss objective, and the safety precautions you must take. So, without any further ado, let’s get going. 
The Holy Grail of Weight Loss

Calories in vs. calories out is the holy grail of weight loss. You must enter a calorie deficit to shed the excess body weight, meaning you must burn more calories in a day than you consume. 
You could enter a calorie deficit by burning calories through exercise or lowering your daily caloric intake. Although you could maintain a negative calorie balance just by limiting your food intake or increasing your exercise frequency or intensity, you should ideally maintain a balance of the two. 
Besides entering a calorie deficit through limiting food intake and exercising, you must also make significant lifestyle changes to achieve your dream figure. For example, you should take the stairs instead of the lift, bike to work instead of using your car and cook healthy meals at home instead of eating at your favorite fast food joint. 
Although entering a calorie deficit sounds like something anyone could do at the drop of a hat, it is not that easy. The truth is that most people usually take two to three weeks to settle into their new routine. 
Furthermore, since each person has a different weight loss objective and a starting weight, they must follow a personalized training and diet program for optimal results. You must embrace a long-term lifestyle that supports weight management and promotes overall vitality.
How Much Weight Should You Expect To Lose?
Most people quit their weight loss journey before achieving their objective as they are unsatisfied with their progress. However, this could be prevented if they were taught what to expect. 
Setting big hairy audacious goals might give you an initial kick. It will, however, make you feel overwhelmed soon enough and increase your odds of cutting short your transformation journey due to subpar results.
Your physique transformation goal should be SMART:

S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Relevant
T: Time-Bound

For example, “lose 50 pounds” does not meet the ‘SMART’ criteria. Instead, your weight goal could be along the lines of “shed 16 pounds in two months.”
Now, let’s get to how much weight you can expect to lose safely. As per the JAMA, you must burn 3,500 calories weekly to lose a pound of body fat. Breaking this into a daily target gets you to cut 500 calories from your diet. [1]
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting your daily caloric intake by 500-1,000 calories can result in a weekly weight loss of 1-2 pounds. Sticking to this caloric restriction range will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [2]
You must adjust your caloric intake depending on your experience level to get the best results. Although the CDC green lights cutting 500-1,000 daily calories from your diet, you don’t necessarily have to do it. Beginners should start with a more conservative objective. For example, a newbie should aim to maintain a 200-300 calorie deficit in the initial phase of her weight loss journey until she adjusts to her new lifestyle. Conversely, more experienced individuals can flirt with the 1,000-calorie shortfall. 
Reasons Fat Loss Can Be Difficult For Women
Most of the literature on the internet about weight loss is geared towards men. This, however, can be a bottleneck for women trying to get rid of the spare tire. It’s no secret that men and women are built differently. What works for men for weight loss might not necessarily work for the ladies. Here are a few factors that can make fat loss more difficult for women:
Hormonal Fluctuations
Girls experience monthly hormonal fluctuations because of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, there are major hormonal shifts during pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal changes can impact your metabolism, appetite, energy levels, and fat storage patterns, making fat loss more challenging. 
Some ladies might also fall off track during menstruation, which is perfectly fine. Although losing weight requires strict adherence to your diet and training, you must listen to your body and step off the gas when necessary. 
Furthermore, you must not feel guilty for missing a training session or eating your favorite pizza during your menstrual cycle. Negative feelings and emotions can make you feel overwhelmed, which is never good for a physique transformation. 

Higher Body Fat Percentage
Women usually have a higher body fat percentage than men. It is primarily because of the differences in the hormonal structure. The ladies store more fat in their hips, thighs, and breasts, which can be more resistant to fat loss.
Until you are a professional bodybuilder, you shouldn’t be too fixated on your body fat percentage. Instead, you should aim to achieve a healthy body fat percentage according to your height, weight, and age. 
Not sure what your ideal body fat percentage should be? Use our convenient online body fat percentage calculator to find out.
Lower Lean Muscle Tissue
Men generally have more lean muscle tissue mass than the ladies. For the uninitiated, muscle tissue is metabolically more active than fat tissue, meaning it burns more calories than fat. According to research, 1 pound of muscle burns seven to 10 calories daily, whereas 1 pound of fat burns only 2 to 3 calories. Since a pound of muscle burns at least two times more calories than the same amount of fat, men are at an advantage since they burn more calories throughout the day, even at rest. [3]
Furthermore, this also results in a slower metabolic rate in women. Hence, the ladies must work harder and smarter to make up the difference through exercise and a well-balanced diet.
Work and Family Responsibilities Hinder Exercise Regimens
Besides equal responsibility and workload in the office, women generally play a more prominent role in the household. Managing their professional and family obligations can leave no time to work out for most women.  
If you are too busy to hit the gym, you must find an effective home workout program to help you shed the extra kilos. Adding more deliberate activity throughout the day is an excellent way to burn extra calories. 
Check Out: At-Home Workouts And Exercises
Too Many Myths
“Don’t lift,” “Don’t eat too much protein,” and “Avoid supplements” are a few of the bad advice that is consistently thrown at women. Notably, most of this ill advice comes from insecure men that do not want women to outlift them or broscientists that cannot back themselves with scientific evidence. 
Whenever someone tells you something that doesn’t sound correct, it probably isn’t. Also, you should develop the habit of crosschecking everything someone tells you about health and fitness. It will save you a lot of trouble in the long term.

Emotional Eating
Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, or anxiety are often associated with binge eating. Many women turn to junk food as a coping mechanism, seeking comfort and relief. However, this can put their weight loss progress on a downward trajectory. 
Emotional eating can build a negative relationship with food, leading to eating disorders and other chronic health conditions. Furthermore, binge eating often results in a caloric surplus that can sabotage weight loss goals. 
You must follow a nutrient-dense, balanced whole-food diet to lose excess weight. Getting most of your calories through junk food can lead to macro and micronutrient deficiencies that can hamper your overall health, energy levels, and metabolism and make the weight loss progress more complex. 
It doesn’t end here. Frequent emotional eating can disrupt your natural hunger and fullness cues, and you can expect a disruption in your daily eating pattern. Binge eating can frequently make you feel hungry at odd times throughout the day, increasing your chances of overeating. Snacking late at night causes you to store most of that food in the form of visceral fat. 
Although weight loss might be a little more complex for women than their counterparts, it isn’t impossible. The ladies might have to work a little harder than their male counterparts to achieve the same results. 
Problems With Fat Loss Workout Plans For Females
Knowing the most common weight loss workout problems for women will help you avoid these pitfalls and put you on a fast track to achieving your dream figure.
Lack of Personalization 
As mentioned earlier in this article, most ladies make the mistake of following a generic workout program. Ladies that start on the wrong foot will have subpar results and will have to refocus their energies down the line, which will cost them much more time and effort. 
No two people are the same. They will react to different exercises uniquely. Furthermore, a fat loss program might help an individual lose belly fat, but if your primary objective is to fix your bat wings, you will face disappointment in the end. 
You must follow a personalized training program that caters to your unique needs. It should also consider your experience level. Punching above your weight class will limit your performance and significantly increase your risk of injury while training. 
Remember, there is more than one way to skin the cat. Contrary to what most people think, you don’t have to die on the treadmill to lose weight. The main objective is to lose weight by entering a calorie deficit, which can be achieved while engaging in your favorite physical activities like swimming, dancing, biking, or lawn mowing. You do you. 
Check out: Calories Burning Calculators
Too Much Cardio and Avoiding Weight Training

It is not a coincidence that the cardio section in gyms around the world is flooded by women. It is the result of years of misinformation. Women have been made to believe that lifting weights can make them look manly. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
Women do not produce enough testosterone naturally to build the same muscle mass and definition as their male counterparts. On the flip side, lifting weights can help women build a toned and perfectly carved figure. 
Overemphasizing long-duration steady-state cardio can result in a loss of muscle mass, which can be counterproductive in women, especially those with a normal BMI. Doing too much cardio will make you skinny. However, it is the hourglass figure that most ladies are chasing. 
Overlooking Progressive Overload
Resistance training should be a part of your exercise routine, as building muscle mass can improve your calorie-burning rate. However, sticking to the same training regimen for an extended period can lead to a muscle and strength plateau. 
You must progressively overload your muscles to ensure you make consistent progress. Progressive overload can be achieved by increasing the frequency, volume, intensity, duration, or poundage of your workouts. You could also incorporate advanced training principles like super sets, drop sets, and intraset stretching into your training regime to challenge yourself. 
Using HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts is another effective way of moving toward your training objective. Ensure you incorporate suitable progressive overload techniques for fat loss into your training regimen as per your experience level. 
Following a Boring Routine
Getting bored of your exercise regimen is one of the fastest ways of dumping your weight loss goal and the fitness lifestyle and returning to your old ways. You must keep things interesting by adding new variables. 
For example, if you started your fitness routine by running outdoors five days a week, you could switch two of those days into a strength training session. Once you master some of the exercises, add more complex movements like the snatch and clean and jerk into your regimen. 
After you get decent at weight lifting, add a gymnastics day to your workout program. Remember, monogamy is best limited to intimate relationships. Incorporating diverse exercises, training methods, and workout formats into your exercise regime will enhance your skill set without making you feel overwhelmed. Furthermore, you could sign up for competitions like a half marathon in your city to challenge yourself. 
You Must Rest
In contrast to what pop culture has been feeding us, rest is not for the weak. Even the strongest of the strong ensure they get a good night’s sleep each day. Rest is when your body recovers and rebuilds. Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night to give your body enough time to rest and recover. 
Additionally, advanced lifters that follow an intense training regimen should take two to three rest days a week to allow their muscles to recover from the brutality they put them through. So, sit back, grab your protein shake, and relax. You don’t have to kill it every day in the gym to lose weight and achieve your dream figure.

Back It Up
No, we aren’t going Prince Royce on you. 
You must back up your workout routine with a solid diet and recovery program. You break down muscle during your workouts. They grow back bigger and stronger outside the gym. Determine your daily caloric objective and use an appropriate macronutrient split to ensure optimal recovery. 
Furthermore, you must keep your stress levels under check as they can wreak havoc on your weight loss journey. Too much stress can increase cortisol production in your body, which can make your body hold onto excess body fat. Addressing lifestyle factors holistically alongside exercise is crucial for comprehensive and sustainable fat loss.
Hire a Trainer and a Nutritionist
Most people try to do everything on their own. Not only does it return poor results, but it also significantly increases their risk of injury. Hiring a trainer will ensure that you are following a personalized training program that caters to your unique needs. A trainer will also teach you the correct exercise form, helping you get the best bang for your buck while reducing the odds of injury. 
Getting your trainer and nutritionist to work together will do wonders for your weight loss journey. It will help you enter a calorie deficit while adhering to your lifestyle, which will help you stick to your fitness routine. Seeking a professional’s help might cost you a little money upfront, but it will pay dividends in the long run. 
Factors To Consider While Designing a Flat Loss Workout Plan For Females
If the process is correct, your chances of success increase by manifold. Here are the factors to keep in mind while creating a fat-loss workout plan for females to increase effectiveness and suitability:
Individual Goals and Fitness Level
We cannot stress this enough. So many ladies leave so much on the table by sticking to a vanilla training program. You must choose a fat loss workout program as per your experience level, current physique, and objectives. 
Furthermore, you must break down your objective into smaller goals. Small wins every week will keep you motivated and moving in the right direction. As you progress through your training program, you will gain experience, skills, strength, and endurance. You must readjust your training program every few weeks to ensure you constantly challenge yourself. 
Tracking your progress will keep you accountable. Maintaining a training and diet journal and taking body measurements and pictures weekly will keep you focused on your transformation journey. Share your training objectives with your friends, family, and trainer for better accountability. Telling your loved ones about your fitness goals will also make you push harder toward your goals. It might also motivate your near and dear ones to join you on your transformation journey.

Metabolic Rate and Hormonal Influences
Women generally have a lower metabolic rate than men. Hence, a fat loss workout plan for females must include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and strength training to speed up their metabolism and, ultimately, their fat loss progress.
Women’s training programs should also account for their hormonal fluctuations. You cannot expect a girl to crush a workout on a heavy-flow day. Hormonal changes caused by menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect performance, energy levels, and recovery.
You should also be open to modifying and adjusting your training program on the fly to account for your menstrual cycles. Although online fitness influencers might tell you to push through the pain and leave it all on the gym floor, it is not always worth it. Listen to your body and retreat when your body is telling you to.
Also, feel free to switch your strength training sessions with lighter physical activity, like going for a 20-30 minute walk during menstruation, if you can handle it.
Training Frequency
Your training frequency will depend on your schedule, availability, and fitness level. Beginners should start their training journey with three to four weekly training sessions. They can up the ante as they gain more experience and do six workouts weekly. 
Interestingly, as a lifter gets more experienced, they usually lower their training frequency as they can get much more work done in a single workout. An advanced lifter can need two to three recovery days to allow their muscles enough time to recover between workouts. 
Also, feel free to cut back on your training frequency if you feel too beat up after a workout. You must be nimble with your training regimen and modify it according to how you feel. However, you must not use this as an excuse to skip workouts. Following a balanced training regime is like walking a tightrope. Do too much too soon, and you risk losing your balance and falling off. Conversely, analysis paralysis leads to no progress. 
Workout Intensity and Volume
You must program your training intensity and volume as per your experience level. Initially, you should focus on compound movements and learn the correct exercise form. 
Feel free to step on the gas and ramp up your workout intensity and volume as you gain more experience. That said, you should aim for consistency and a balance between challenging workouts and adequate recovery for optimal fat loss progress. 
Use HIIT workouts and advanced training principles to spike your training intensity and volume. However, ensure you are not sacrificing your exercise form to do more, as it can increase your risk of injury. 
Remember, you don’t always have to do more to lose weight. Going all out in each workout can lead to overtraining, which can result in a weight loss plateau. Pull back your training intensity and volume if you feel sore and need more time to recover. 
Also, since you must cut your calories to lose weight, you shouldn’t increase your training volume and intensity significantly simultaneously, as it can put your body under major stress. Use linear progression in everything you do in your weight loss journey.

Exercise Selection
Each exercise requires a different technique. You must always design your workout program considering the exercises you can do with the perfect form.
If you are a beginner, you should first focus on spending a few weeks learning the correct training technique before starting a workout program. Learning exercise techniques during a workout can hamper your training intensity.
Beginners should always start with compound exercises as they help work multiple muscle groups and can improve your mind-muscle connection and build a solid foundation. Multi-joint lifts are also more effective at burning body fat than single-joint exercises.
Nonetheless, a balanced training regimen should include a balance of compound and isolation exercises for muscular training and an adequate amount of cardiovascular training for optimal weight loss progress. Incorporate steady-state cardio and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your training regimen to optimize fat burning.
Progressive overload is the name of the game in any workout program, whether you are trying to build muscle mass and strength or lose body weight. Following the same rep and set scheme or using the same weights for a prolonged period will lead to stagnation.
Sticking to the same routine also leads to boredom. An uninspiring training regimen is one of the most common reasons why most people quit their training regimen before achieving their goals.
Your workout program should include a variety of exercises, training methods, and workout formats to keep things interesting. Aim at using slightly heavier loads or doing more reps, sets, or exercises in each workout to challenge your muscles constantly.
Flexibility, Mobility, and Adaptability
Flexibility and mobility are often overlooked in weight loss and strength training regimens. Working on your mobility can improve your overall functionality and your performance in daily activity. On the flip side, neglecting it can increase the risk of injury.
You could work on your mobility by incorporating static and dynamic mobility exercises in your warm-up and cool-down routines. A 10-minute warm-up can prepare you for your workout and help improve your range of motion, whereas a 10-minute cool-down improves your blood flow and kickstarts your recovery process. Yoga is a great way to work on your flexibility and mobility and reduce your stress levels.
Besides physical flexibility, you should also program flexibility into your training regimen. You should be able to adapt your workout routine according to different settings, such as home workouts, gym sessions, or outdoor activities. Being on the road should never be an excuse to skip a training session.
Recovery isn’t limited to a rest day. It is much more than that. Recovery also involves the rest duration between sets, the days you must wait before training the same muscle group again, nutrition, and supplementation.
You must check all the boxes to make the necessary progress in your fat loss journey. Recovery is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall progress. Plus, you must avoid overtraining, as it can lead you to a plateau, increase your risk of injury, and hamper your overall health and well-being. You should consult a healthcare professional if you sense lackluster recovery even after giving your ample time off training.
Debunking Common Myths About Female Fat Loss

Here are some of the undying myths about female fat loss:
You Can Spot-Reduce Belly Fat
Most people have some trouble areas. Some gain excess fat in their bellies, whereas others gain underarm fat, known as bat wings. While some fitness influencers are big on selling herbal teas, tummy-cut gels, and sauna belts, you must know that spot-reducing fat from a specific body part isn’t possible. 
That said, you can target specific muscle groups to improve their aesthetics. For example, after you have shed the excess belly fat by maintaining a calorie deficit, you can build a carved six-pack by performing your favorite ab exercises. 
Lifting Weights Will Make A Girl Look Manly
Women do not naturally produce enough testosterone to build the same muscle mass as men. On the contrary, lifting weights can help women build toned and shapely figures. Plus, it will make them stronger, which will improve their performance in daily tasks. 
Cardio is the Best Way To Lose Fat For Women
Weight loss ultimately depends on calories in vs. calories out. As they say, you cannot out-train a bad diet. You must maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. Exercise can help expedite your weight loss progress by helping you burn more calories, but it isn’t necessary. You can also burn the same amount of calories in a strength training workout as cardio. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Weight Lifting & Bodyweight Exercise Calculator
You Must Skip Meals To Lose Body Fat
Many ladies skip meals in hopes of losing weight. Missing meals or severely restricting calories is not a sustainable or healthy approach to fat loss. It can lead you to develop a negative relationship with food, which could result in eating disorders. Contrary to what most people believe, you can maintain a calorie deficit by eating small 4-5 meals spread out evenly throughout the day. Eating small and regular meals will prevent nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, slowed metabolism, and negative effects on overall well-being that are caused by missing meals. 
Next Read: 26 Exercises For Flabby Arms and Bat Wings (Workouts and Diet Tips Included)
The 2 Best Fat Loss Workout Plans For Females
Given below are two high-intensity workout programs to help you lose weight. The first training routine focuses on strength training exercises, whereas the other mainly includes bodyweight cardio exercises that can be done at your home. 
You could alternate between the two workout regimens every week or stick to one training routine for 12 weeks before moving on to the next. 
HIIT Strength Training Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females

Use an appropriate weight for each exercise that allows you to perform the recommended reps with a picture-perfect form. As you gain more experience, you can make these workouts more challenging by using advanced training techniques, such as drop sets and super sets. 
Day 1: Full Body Workout

S. No. 

Air Squat

Barbell Bench Press

Lat Pulldown

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Biceps Curl


HIIT Cardio
15 minute

Day 2: Upper Body and Core

S. No. 

Push-Up With Knee Tuck

Dumbbell Bench Press

Lat Pulldown

Arnold Press

Dumbbell Biceps Curl

EZ Skull Crusher

30-60 secs

High Knee
60 secs

HIIT Cardio
15 minute

Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Lower Body and Cardio

S. No. 

Barbell Back Squat

Walking Lunge

Leg Extension

Leg Curl

Romanian Deadlift

HIIT Cardio
15 minute

Day 5: Full Body

S. No. 

Jump Squat

Machine Cable Fly

Seated Cable Row

Side Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Cable Rope Crunch

HIIT Cardio
15 minute

Day 6: Cardio
On this day, you must perform two cardio workouts. The first will be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) workout that must be done first thing in the morning fasted, and the second cardio workout will be a 15-minute HIIT session in the evening. 

LISS Cardio: 30-45 minutes (Morning)
HIIT Cardio: 15 minutes (Evening)

You can use your favorite cardio equipment for the cardio workouts. We recommend switching your cardio routine weekly to make your workouts more enjoyable. If you hit the treadmill in the first week, consider going for a hike in the second week. 
Day 7: Rest
Feel free to scale these workouts according to your experience levels. Beginners can reduce the number of sets and reps they perform for each exercise, whereas advanced athletes should aim to complete the workout as prescribed. 
HIIT Cardio Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females

These cardio HIIT workouts require you to push the intensity as hard as possible. Stick to the recommended rep and rest time for optimal results. 
Also, you should not become a couch potato during your rest days on either of these fat-loss workout plans. Go for a 20-30 minute walk, or use your favorite cardio machine. Active recovery days help speed up your recovery process and prepare you for your next workouts. 
Day 1
This HIIT circuit includes seven exercises, and you must complete two rounds. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. You are allowed a 30-sec rest after completing each movement. Rest for two minutes after completing the first round. You must complete this HIIT cardio circuit within 22 minutes. 

S. No. 


High Knees

Plank Jack

Air Squat

Mountain Climber

Rope Jump


Day 2
This is a killer 10-minute HIIT workout for folks on a tight schedule. Go all-out in this workout and leave nothing in the tank. The day two workout involves 60 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Put the pedal to the metal in this one!

S. No. 

Bear Crawl

Box Jump


Mountain Climber

Jump Squat

Ball Slam

Bicycle Crunch

Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Tabata
Tabata consists of eight rounds of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for a total of four minutes. This workout will take you 26 minutes to complete. Remember, Tabata circuits should be an all-out effort. 

S. No. 

High Knee

60 seconds

Jumping Lunge

60 seconds

Lying Leg Raise

Day 5: EMOM
Every minute on the minute (EMOM) is a HIIT workout that will get your heart racing. EMOM workouts involve one-minute exercise sets with built-in rest. You must complete the exercise as quickly as possible without compromising your form and use the remainder of the minute to rest. 
Do two rounds of the following workout:





Jumping Jack

Diamond Push-Up

Jumping Lunge


Box Jump

Lying Leg Raise

Russian Twist

Day 6: AMRAP
As many reps as possible, popularly known as AMRAP, is one of the most brutal forms of HIIT workouts. You are racing against yourself in an AMRAP workout. Push your workout intensity to perform as many reps as possible in a given period. Then, you must try to beat your previous record when you do this workout the next time. 
There is no designated rest time in an AMRAP workout. You do as much work as possible in a single go and then take a breather. Most exercisers limit their rest to the time taken to transition between exercises.
Do as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

S. No. 


Jump Squat



Hanging Leg Raise

Jump Rope


Day 7: Rest
The Role of Diet
Simply put, there is no way that you can achieve your dream figure without controlling what you put in your body. You must be mindful of your diet and ensure you are maintaining a calorie deficit. 

How to maintain a calorie deficit?
There are two main ways to ensure you are in a calorie deficit. First, you could use an online today daily energy expenditure (TDEE) calculator to estimate how many calories you should consume each day to reach your body transformation goal.  
You could also track your daily calorie intake using a calorie-tracking app like MyFitnessPal. Log your food intake in the app for five days; that will be your average daily calorie intake. As per the CDC guidelines, deduct 500-1,000 calories from your daily intake to shed 1-2 pounds weekly. 
It doesn’t end here. You must divide your new average calorie intake into a suitable macronutrient goal to lose body fat and build muscle mass. 
These are the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) for weight loss:

Carbs: 45–65% of your daily calories 
Fats: 20–35% of daily calories
Protein: 10–35% of daily calories

Each individual will react uniquely to different macronutrient splits. Try variations of different macronutrient ranges and figure out which one works best for you. 
Furthermore, you should get your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods. You must avoid empty calories like sugar-laden carbonated drinks or alcohol, as they will be stored in your body as visceral fat. 
Tracking and Realigning Your Weight Loss Progress
You must be proactive throughout your weight loss journey to achieve your desired results. Slacking on any front can lead to subpar results. You must track your physique changes weekly from the day you start your transformation journey. Here are some ways to track your progress every week:

Take your body measurements (shoulder width, chest, biceps, thighs, hips, arms, etc.)
Weigh yourself
Check your body fat percentage
Click photos from different angles
Maintain a workout journal where you note down your exercises, reps, sets, and weights used
Maintain a record of your 1RM on different exercises

Keeping track of all these parameters helps you analyze if you are on the correct path. Furthermore, tracking your progress allows you to make quick adjustments when you realize you have drifted off your transformation journey. 
However, you must give the fat loss workout plan for females at least 8-12 weeks to work its magic. Changing your training program too often can lead to ineffectiveness. If you don’t see any favorable changes in this period, you should be quick to make the necessary changes to your workout program. 
How Long Should a Weight Loss Program Last?
A weight loss program involves maintaining a calorie deficit. You should stay in a calorie deficit for 12-16 weeks at a time. This duration should be enough to help you budge the needle in the right direction. 
That said, sticking to a calorie deficit for too long can lead to a plateau. After the 16-week period, you should switch to a maintenance phase and give your body some time off. You can then begin the next phase of your weight loss journey by entering a new calorie deficit. 
Supplements To Help Females With Weight Loss

Although supplements are not necessary to lose weight, they can help you fill the voids in your whole food diet and charge you up for your training regimen. Here are the supplements that can help you with your weight loss program:

Whey Protein: Protein supplements improve satiety and help preserve muscle mass. They will keep you from feasting on junk food. 
Caffeine: It is an effective stimulant that increases energy levels and metabolism. Further, it can suppress appetite and help you get the most out of your workouts. 
CLA: It is a type of fatty acid that has been suggested to support fat loss by increasing fat metabolism and reducing fat storage. 
Fiber Supplements: These can help promote feelings of fullness, reduce appetite, and support healthy digestion. 
Fat Burners: These supplements increase your metabolic rate and can help you burn calories throughout the day. 

Safety Precautions and Listening to Your Body
These are a few safety precautions to help you with your weight loss journey:
Listen To Your Body’s Cues and Adjust Your Workout Plan Accordingly
Even after you design a personalized training program, there is no guarantee that you will get the desired results. You will learn a lot about your body after starting your weight loss journey. You must always be on the lookout for signs and signals that can make your transformation journey smooth and seamless. 
Check For Signs of Overtraining or Potential Injuries
Many people push themselves too hard during a weight loss program, which can lead to overtraining. Not making necessary adjustments to your training plan can increase your risk of injuries. 
Consult a Healthcare Professional
Each individual needs personal assessment and guidance before starting a transformation journey to improve their probability of success. A healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and limitations. They can also evaluate potential risks and help you understand any precautions you must take.
Can women use the same workout plans and exercises as men for weight loss?
Yes. All exercises work the same for all genders. That said, since women have a lower natural metabolic rate than men, they should use a high-intensity workout program to optimize their fat loss. HIIT circuit training works best for women trying to get rid of the spare tire. 
Do I need to take supplements to help with weight loss?
No. You can achieve your dream figure by switching to a healthy and balanced diet and effective training regimen. However, most people cannot meet their daily nutrient goals through whole foods. In this case, supplements can help you fill the voids. 
Can I lose weight without working out?
Absolutely! You can lose weight without starting an exercise program. Entering a caloric deficit should be your primary goal for shedding weight. According to the CDC, you can lose 1-2 pounds weekly by cutting 500-1,000 calories a week. Although not mandatory, working out can help burn more daily calories, which can speed up your weight loss progress. 
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.0
Wrapping Up
Congratulations on getting this far and taking the first step towards a stronger, healthier, and more confident you. Since you have read this article till the end, rest assured that you are equipped with all the necessary knowledge to transform your figure. 
Use the two high-intensity training regimens explained in this article to kickstart your transformation journey. Remember, a fat loss workout plan for females requires you to embrace a balanced and personalized strength training program, follow a suitable diet and recovery program, stay in tune with your body, and stay consistent and patient. So, what are you waiting for? Lace-up your shoes and get to work. Best of luck!

Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html
Cava E, Yeat NC, Mittendorfer B. Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Adv Nutr. 2017 May 15;8(3):511-519. doi: 10.3945/an.116.014506. PMID: 28507015; PMCID: PMC5421125.

How to Burn 400 Calories a Day: 12 Effective Ways To Flame Up Your Fitness

How to Burn 400 Calories a Day: 12 Effective Ways To Flame Up Your Fitness

Most people want to lose weight but never start their transformation journey because they have no idea how to go about their weight loss goal. On the flip side, some folks spend so much time thinking through choices that they end up with analysis paralysis. 
In this article, we will take you through the psyche behind burning 400 calories daily, the results you can expect, the prerequisites you should know about, and the 12 most effective ways to achieve your new goal. 
You must enter a calorie deficit to lose body weight. A calorie deficit includes burning more calories in a day than you consume. 
But why 400 calories and not 300 or 500 calories?
We are glad you asked. A 400-calorie deficit hits the sweet spot. It is not as intimidating as cutting out 500 calories from your diet. Conversely, it is more effective at helping you improve your body composition than cutting 300 calories, which can be slow. Nonetheless, even the slightest calorie deficit is a good place to start for beginners trying to get rid of their spare tire. 
Since shredding 400 calories isn’t an overly ambitious objective, most people can achieve this goal by making small adjustments to their daily routines. Plus, you don’t even need to hit a gym to burn 400 additional daily calories, which is often a bottleneck for folks with a packed schedule. You could burn 400 calories a day by mowing your loan or biking to work. 
So, without any further ado, let’s get into the article. 
If I burn 400 calories a day, how much weight will I lose in a month?

This is probably the first question that popped into your head after reading this article’s title. That said, it is an excellent question since burning an additional 400 calories daily requires serious effort, and knowing the final result can motivate you when you don’t feel like working out. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting your caloric intake by 500-1,000 calories a day can lead to a weight loss of 1-2 pounds weekly. Plus, staying in this range will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [1]
You must burn 3,500 calories weekly to lose a pound of body fat. Breaking this into a daily target gets you to cut 500 calories from your diet. Similarly, restricting 400 calories from your diet leads to a 2,800-calorie deficit, which will result in a weight loss of 0.8 pounds per week. Sticking to this regime can help you lose around 3.5 pounds in a month. [2]

Summary: A daily 400-calorie deficit will lead to a 2,800-calorie weekly deficit, helping you lose around 3.5 pounds monthly. However, your gender, age, training intensity, and activity levels can influence your results. 

How Long Does It Take To Burn 400 Calories?
The 500-1,000 calorie deficit mentioned above can be achieved by cutting calories from your diet and adding exercise to your daily regimen.

Depending on the type of physical exercise and intensity, you can burn 400 calories between 25 to 60 minutes of continuous work. An exerciser can burn calories more quickly during high-intensity circuit cardiovascular training compared to low-intensity bodybuilding-style resistance training workouts.
That said, no two people will lose the same amount of weight using the same techniques. Your weight loss results will depend on your age, height, weight, gender, activity levels, muscle mass, body fat percentage, and genetics. Meaning your training partner might lose more weight than you following the same techniques.
Men usually lose weight faster than women. Higher estrogen levels lead to greater fat storage among women. Men also tend to have greater muscle mass density, which improves their metabolic rate and spikes their fat loss progress.
Folks that engage in regular exercise usually lose weight faster than sedentary people. Furthermore, advanced exercisers will shed weight and body fat faster than newbie trainers.

Summary: As with the amount of weight you can lose in a month with a 400-calorie deficit, your genetics, age, gender, weight, training intensity, and experience will affect the time it will take to burn 400 calories in a day. However, you can torch 400 calories within 25 to 60 minutes of continuous work. 

Prerequisites For Burning an Additional 400 Calories Daily
Knowing about the following things can make your weight loss journey easier: 
Know Your BMR

Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to accomplish its most basic (basal) life-sustaining functions, such as breathing, circulation, and cell production. For example, if your BMR is 2,000 calories, it means that your body burns 2,000 calories to sustain itself.
Your BMR depends on your age, height, gender, activity levels, genetics, and target body weight. We will not consider your BMR calories for the sake of this article. You must burn the additional 400 calories through physical activities. Need help to figure out your BMR? Check out our convenient online calculator to find out. 
Use Cardio Machines With Monitors For Precise Calorie Tracking
If you hit the gym to achieve a calorie deficit, you should use machines with monitors to track your progress. Spending hours on a machine without a monitor or other method to track your calorie expenditure can leave you confused about your progress. Thankfully, most cardio equipment in the gym, such as the treadmill, elliptical, bike, Stairmaster, and rower, come with a calorie tracker. 
That said, the number of calories a 200-pound male burns from running a mile in 10 minutes will be different from the calories a 140-pound lady burns who logs in the same distance. However, a cardio machine will return the same result for both users. 
Furthermore, some low-quality machines tend to have uncalibrated monitors, which can give you skewed results. Inaccurate machines can lead you down the incorrect path, which brings us to our next point. 
Wear a Fitness Tracker
Although the in-built calorie trackers are great, they are usually inaccurate. A study conducted by Sam Houston State University found that elliptical machines spike the number of calories burned by up to 100 calories for each 30 min of exercise at moderate intensity. [3]
Using a fitness tracker such as an Apple Watch, Fitbit, or a chest strap can better gauge the calories you burn during a particular physical activity or throughout the day. Plus, since these apps require you to input your age, height, and weight, they also give you a fairly accurate reading of the distance you cover while running. 
Remember, when using these trackers, you should look at ‘active calories.’ Active calories are the ones you burn through all kinds of movement, from taking the stairs at work to playing with the kids to cleaning out the garage. You should start a workout on your tracker before engaging in physical activity to get more accurate results. 
Use Calorie Burning Calculators
Folks that don’t have access to a wearable calorie tracker but want an accurate calorie-burning estimation can use our calorie-burning calculators to measure their fat-loss progress. You can use these calculators to plan your exercise or daily routine to ensure you burn 400 calories a day.
These calorie-burning calculators can also be used to double-check the data from your wearable calorie trackers or the numbers on the machine. A conservative approach to your calorie-burning progress best ensures you are meeting your objectives. 
12 Ways To Burn 400 Calories
Given below are 12 effective ways to burn 400 calories in a single day:
Walk More

This is arguably one of the easiest and most convenient ways to burn an additional 400 calories daily. Folks that find intensive physical exercise intimidating should focus on walking more throughout the day to burn an extra 400 calories. 
An average 140-pound person will burn 400 calories by walking 10,000 steps a day.  Depending on your stride length and walking speed, walking ten thousand steps equates to about eight kilometers, or an hour and 40 minutes walking. 
Remember, most of us cannot walk 10,000 steps in a single session. You must break down these steps into 6-8 smaller parts to complete the desired steps. You can schedule a longer 3,000-4,000 step walking session earlier in the day to get a head start. 
Going on hikes on weekends is another fun activity that can help you get in the desired 10,000 steps on your rest day. Take your friends or family along with you on your walks, as it can allow you to spend some quality time with them. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Walking Calculator: Find Calorie Burn from Walking?
Get Comfortable Doing Your Chores

You must gamify your daily routine if you want to burn an additional 400 calories without hitting the gym. Wash your dishes, mow your lawn, wash your car, scrub your bathroom floor, or do anything that keeps you moving. Time yourself doing these tasks and try to set a new record every time. 
It will take an average 170-pound individual around 60 minutes to burn 400 calories mowing his lawn using a power mower. However, the same results can be achieved in under 50 minutes using a hand mower. 
Mowing the lawn is an underrated low-impact cardio activity that will help you achieve your calorie deficit goal without stressing your joints. 
Check Out: How Many Calories Does Mowing the Lawn Burn?
Play a Sport

Most of us quit playing sports after graduating from school or college. However, this is one of the biggest reasons many people gain weight. 
Most sports require intense physical effort, which can help keep you in shape. Plus, playing a team sport can make you feel like a part of a community, which can make you stick to the sport for the long term. 
Choose sports that involve a lot of running for optimal calorie-burning effects. For example, an average 180-pound individual can burn 400 calories in 35 minutes playing football. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Playing Football Calculator

Did you think we forgot running? No, we didn’t. 
Most people have a love-hate relationship with running. However, you are more likely to get hooked on running after you get over the initial hump. 
It takes an average 180-pound male around 50 minutes to burn 400 calories while running. He can cover a mile during this period. 
If you are not a frequent runner, we recommend starting with shorter runs, like a 100-minute easy jog. Increase the distance slightly after every 4-5 days until you can finish the mile at a comfortable pace. 
You could also choose between running outdoors or on a treadmill based on your comfort level. Notably, running outdoors is more challenging than running on a motorized belt. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Running Calculator
HIIT Workouts

If your primary goal is to lose body weight, we recommend doing cardio-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. These will get your heart racing and will get you to your 400-calorie goal quickly. 
HIIT cardio workouts generally involve a 5-10 exercise circuit that has to be repeated 2-5 times. On average, a HIIT cardio workout can help you burn 400 calories in a 25-30 minute session. 
You could use HIIT protocols, such as Tabata, AMRAP, ladder, and EMOMs, to increase your training intensity. Ensure that you do not compromise your exercise form while trying to push the intensity, as it can increase your risk of injury. 
Check Out: The Best HIIT Ab Workout: Get Ripped Abs in Record Time

Cycling is the perfect middle ground between walking and running. It is not as easy as walking or as intimidating as running, and it gets the job done. 
An average 175-pound individual can burn 400 calories biking within 35 minutes. You can get it done much faster if you push the pace. 
A bike is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. You could bike to work or run some small errands. Furthermore, most cities have biking clubs that go out for a ride on the weekends. Joining such a club can make biking more fun and adventurous. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Biking Calculator

Swimming is an incredibly effective way to burn calories, especially in the summer when running or cycling outdoors can be challenging. 
A 150-pound person will burn roughly 400 calories during an hour-long swim at a moderate pace. Plus, swimming can help in muscle toning and heart and lungs-conditioning.
Swimming is a very low-impact exercise that is perfect for overweight or obese folks. It is much safer on your joints than jogging or running. Put everything you have got into a few laps, and you’ll be gasping by the end of your workout. 
The freestyle stroke has the potential to burn the most calories, as it allows you to cover the most distance in the shortest time. However, you should constantly switch between strokes to keep things interesting and challenging. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Swimming Calculator
Jump Rope

Jump rope is one of those exercises that looks super easy but will have you begging for mercy by the time you are done with it. Beginners should initially focus on mastering the rope swing and hand-eye-rope coordination. Advanced rope jumpers can challenge themselves with high-skill movements such as double unders and crossovers. 
A 170-pound individual can burn around 400 calories in 25 minutes if he jumps between 100 to 120 times within a minute. This makes the jump rope one of the most effective calorie-burning activities on this list. 
You could choose between jumping rope for time or setting a rep target for yourself. Choose your jump rope wisely, as it can make a world of difference. 
Check Out: Calories Burned Jumping Rope Calculator

Depending on who you are, dancing can be the most intimidating or comfortable exercise on this list. Most dancing styles are highly demanding and can help burn a lot of calories in a short period. 
Dancing can improve your heart and lung health, increase muscular strength, endurance, and motor and aerobic fitness, improve muscle tone and strength, help with weight management, build stronger bones, and enhance your coordination, agility, and flexibility. Furthermore, dancing is an art form used for centuries to express feelings, emotions, and stories.
Salsa dancing can help you burn about 400 calories per hour.
Check Out: Calories Burned Dancing Calculator

Although most people consider yoga a relaxed exercise routine that requires sitting on an exercise mat with closed eyes, it is much more than that. Many yoga poses will send your heart rate through the roof and challenge every muscle, bone, and ligament in your body. 
You should opt for Vinyasa yoga if your goal is to burn calories, as it is one of the most intensive forms of yoga. It can help you burn an average of 400 to 500 calories per hour.
Remember, you must perfect your poses to get the most benefit from yoga. We recommend joining a yoga class to learn the basics until you form a solid base and can do it on your own at home. 
Check Out: Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

CrossFit involves constantly varied high-intensity functional movement, which can be broken up into three elements: weightlifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning. It makes CrossFit a highly-intensive exercise form, which can help burn a lot of calories in a short period. 
Since the CrossFit workouts are so varied, it is difficult to put a number to the calories you can burn during one of the workouts. However, it is not uncommon for an athlete to burn up to 400 calories during a 20-30 minute CrossFit workout.
Check Out: How Many Calories Does CrossFit Burn?
Resistance Training
Bodybuilding-style resistance training isn’t given its due credit when it comes to burning calories. However, a bodybuilder can burn 400 calories within an hour during a free-weight training session. 
You must maintain a high training intensity to burn 400 calories in 60 minutes. Resting more than 120 seconds between sets will lower your intensity and hamper your training performance. Remember, compound exercises burn more calories than isolation and machine movements.
Check Out: Calories Burned Resistance Training
Is burning 400 calories a day safe?
Yes. Torching 400 additional calories daily is safe. Furthermore, it is below the CDC guidelines, which recommend limiting your calorie restriction to 1,000 calories a day. Burning 400 calories daily can help you lose 0.8 pounds weekly. 
Can I burn 400 calories a day without exercising?
Yes. You could burn 400 (or more) calories daily without hitting the gym or even going near your running shoes. An average 140-pound (63.5-kilogram) person will burn 400 calories on average by walking 10,000 steps a day. If you cannot walk 10,000 steps daily, you could instead do all your chores yourself to enter a calorie deficit. Doing one hour of chores burns around 400 calories. 
What are some fun activities that can help me reach the 400-calorie burning goal?
Contrary to what most people think, burning calories doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, choosing a boring activity is a sure-shot way of dropping off your fitness routine. You burn calories by engaging in any physical activity; hence you should pick something you can stick to for the long term or at least until you achieve your weight loss goal. Use our calorie-burning calculators to determine how many calories you can burn during your favorite activity within a specific period. 
Wrapping Up
Burning 400 calories a day isn’t as difficult as most people make it out to be. Most folks can achieve this goal by following a 45-minute HIIT workout. People that do not exercise can still achieve the 400-calorie goal by adjusting their schedule to add an outdoor run, walking 10,000 steps, or doing daily chores like mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, and doing the dishes. 
You must, however, remember to maintain a calorie deficit if your goal is to lose weight. Burning 400 calories and eating 500 calories over your maintenance calories will get you nowhere. 
You could switch between the 12 calorie-burning methods mentioned in this article to keep your daily regimen interesting. We recommend using a wearable tracker like an Apple watch or a chest strap to get accurate results. So what are you waiting for? Put on your shoes and let that fat melt off. Best of luck! 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/losing_weight/index.html
Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
Glave, A. & Didier, Jennifer & Oden, Gary & Wagner, Matthew. (2018). Caloric Expenditure Estimation Differences between an Elliptical Machine and Indirect Calorimetry. Exercise Medicine. 2. 10.26644/em.2018.008. 

Is Rice Good For Weight Loss? — Busting Myths

Is Rice Good For Weight Loss? — Busting Myths

Rice — a beautiful nutrient-dense grain that is delicious, easy to cook, and a staple food around the world. Depending on their culture, people have rice in their meals throughout the day. 
However, there has been much debate about the effects of white rice on your health. Brown rice has emerged as a solid competitor to white rice over the last couple of decades. The comparison has been especially confusing for folks trying to lose weight. 
Besides brown and white, rice comes in various shapes, colors, and sizes, which include arborio rice, basmati rice, black rice, bomba rice, jasmine rice, and parboiled rice. However, for the scope of this article, we will stick to white and brown rice. 
Interestingly, all white rice starts as brown rice. Brown rice is put through a milling process to increase its shelf life; however, the process removes the rice’s husk, bran, and germ, wiping out much of its nutrition, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The white rice is then artificially fortified with nutrients and polished to make them look more palatable.
The Rice Dilemma

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you probably know that rice is a staple in a bodybuilder’s diet, as it is a convenient carbohydrate source to add size during the bulking phase. Knowing this, dieters trying to lose weight sound the alarm when they see rice in their diet regimen. 
Unbeknownst to newbie exercisers, as long as the foods you eat are nutrient-dense and healthy and you stay within your daily calorie intake goal, you don’t need to worry about eating a particular food. 
This doesn’t end here. How rice is processed also determines its impact on your weight loss journey. Brown rice is minimally processed, whereas, depending on the brand and type, white rice can undergo significant treatment. 
With this said, can white rice be used during your weight loss journey? Let’s find out. 
White Rice and Brown Rice Nutrition Comparison
One cannot overlook the white and brown rice comparison during a weight loss regimen. Given below is a comparison of brown and white rice and their macronutrient and calorie content:

White Rice (100g)
Brown Rice (100g)

Calories (Kcal)

Carbohydrates (g)

Protein (g)

Fats (g)

Although the difference between brown and white rice’s total calories and macronutrients is insignificant, their overall health impact varies greatly. 
A British Medical Journal study found that people who eat high levels of white rice may have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. On the flip side, consuming whole-grain foods such as brown rice lower the risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. These food sources also help lower your cholesterol levels. [1]
Read also: Black Rice vs. Brown Rice: Is One Superior Overall?
Brown and White Rice Glycemic Index (GI) Comparison

The glycemic index represents the relative rise in the blood glucose level two hours after consuming a carbohydrate-containing food. A food is assigned a value of 1-100 depending on its impact on blood sugar levels. [2]
People with diabetes must monitor their carbohydrate intake and the GI score of the foods they consume to ensure they are on top of their health, as these factors can influence your blood sugar levels. 
Short-grain white rice has a high GI (70 and above), whereas brown rice has a low GI (around 50). Remember, the GI level can change depending on the type of rice and the manufacturer. 
Folks with diabetes should favor brown rice over white rice to keep their condition under check. Remember, whole grains such as brown rice take longer to cook than white rice. Plus, overcooking them can hamper their GI score. 
Since white rice is a high GI good, it rapidly dissolves into your bloodstream. White rice consumption leads to a quick increase in blood sugar levels. It can be a point of concern during a weight loss regimen, as it can result in increased hunger and potential overeating. Plus, studies show that diets high in refined grains are linked to more abdominal fat. [3]
Benefits of White Rice for Weight Loss
The advantages of including white rice in your weight loss diet include the following:
White rice is rich in carbohydrates. A 100 grams serving of white rice contains 28 grams of carbohydrates, compared to 23 grams of brown rice. White rice can contribute to the feeling of fullness, especially when coupled with a balanced diet that contains a healthy mix of high-protein foods and healthy fats. Feeling full keeps you from snacking on junk food throughout the day. 
White rice is an incredibly versatile food source. You could have it at any point throughout the day. Furthermore, it goes well with several dishes as a side. Depending on your daily calorie goals, you could easily alter your white rice portion size.
Since cooked rice lasts about four days in the fridge, most people prefer cooking it in bulk, making it incredibly convenient. This convenience also makes your meal prep easier and helps you stick to your diet.

Quick Source of Energy
Since white rice is a high-GI food, they digest quickly and easily in your stomach. The fast absorbability of rice makes it a perfect food for your pre and post-workout meals. Consuming rice before a training session ensures you have enough energy to last a high-intensity training session. 
Having white rice after a workout help replenish your glycogen stores and kickstart your recovery. You must ensure you eat your pre-workout meal with rice at least a couple of hours before your training session to give it enough time to digest and avoid nausea or vomiting. On the other hand, you can have a post-workout meal containing rice half an hour after a workout or as soon as you are ready to eat real food. However, you could gulp down a protein shake right after your workout to begin muscle protein synthesis and rebuilding muscle. 
Reasons To Choose White Rice Over Brown Rice For Weight Loss
Until now, we have discussed several benefits of brown rice, which is usually the preferred type of rice for folks trying to lose weight. We must, however, also talk about some of its drawbacks for a fair comparison. Here are a few reasons why some people might prefer white rice over brown rice for weight loss: 
Brown Rice Contains Antinutrients
Although brown rice has more fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than white rice, it also contains antinutrients. Antinutrients are plant compounds that hinder your body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients. It means brown rice might have more of everything, but your body can’t absorb it. 
Phytic acid, or phytate, is the antinutrient in brown rice that hinders your body’s ability to absorb iron and zinc from food [4][5]. Eating brown rice in all meals daily can lead to mineral deficiencies over the long term. 
Since white rice has no bran, it has less than half of the phytic acid in brown rice. Individuals dealing with iron and zinc deficiencies should switch to white rice for weight loss. 

Brown Rice Contains Arsenic
Arsenic, a naturally occurring substance, is found in air, water, and soil and is known to cause cancer. Brown rice generally has a higher content of the toxic heavy metal than white rice. [6]
Arsenic is the most significant chemical contaminant in drinking water globally. Since rice is cultivated in water, it gains a high amount of arsenic. Besides cancer, prolonged consumption of arsenic-laden foods can increase your risk of contracting type 2 diabetes and hypertension. [7]
White rice usually has lower amounts of arsenic than brown rice, as the bran and the germ are removed to make white rice. 
Although bran removal results in the reduction of some nutrients in white rice, it also significantly reduces the phytic and arsenic content of the grain, making it a suitable food source for people dealing with certain health conditions.
Tips To Incorporate White Rice Into Your Weight Loss Journey
Although white rice is a high-carbohydrate food that provides energy for the body, the gluten-free food source gets tough competition from brown rice, which has more fiber, antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral content than its processed counterpart. 
With that said, you can still eat white rice for weight loss. Make the following adjustments in your diet to accommodate white rice in your shredding regimen:
Include Fiber-Rich Vegetables, Lean Proteins, and Healthy Fats
Since white rice is a processed grain, it lacks fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. You must include a healthy amount of vegetables in your diet to make up for these micronutrients. Nutrient-dense vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats will ensure you don’t run into nutrient deficiencies associated with a diet heavily reliant on white rice. 
Pairing white rice with vegetables, protein, and healthy fats will make your meals more delicious by adding variety to your diet plan. It will also slow your metabolism, helping you stay satiated for longer and promoting overall health and weight management.

Control Portion Sizes
White rice is a calorie-dense food source. In the initial phase of your weight loss journey, you must carefully weigh your food to ensure you are not going over your daily carbohydrate intake goals, as it can ruin your progress. 
Using smaller plates, bowls, and spoons can help curb the risk of overeating. Plus, eating balanced meals with a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats can fill you up quickly and keep you satiated for longer. 
Mindful Eating To Maintain a Calorie Deficit
A caloric deficit for weight loss. To be in a calorie deficit, you must expend more calories daily than you consume. You could achieve a calorie deficit by eating less than usual, exercising more, or a combination of the two. 
Overshooting your daily calorie goal is incredibly easy while eating carb-rich white rice. You must carefully plan your meals to ensure you don’t consume excess calories. Weigh your physical activity levels and metabolic rate while determining an ideal calorie deficit for weight loss. 
Balance Your Carbohydrate Sources
Since white rice is a processed carbohydrate source with most of its fiber, vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients removed, you must add other high-quality sources of carbs to your diet to compensate for the nutrient deficiencies. 
Quinoa, oats, buckwheat, sweet potato, and of course, brown rice are some nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources that should be a staple in your meals. Further, you should limit your white rice intake to one cup daily to limit your blood sugar level spikes and ensure a balanced macro and micronutrient intake. 
Adding multiple carbohydrate sources to your diet will make your diet regimen more interesting by adding variety. Also, there is no harm in using brown and white rice in your diet regimen together. Both types of grains have a distinctive taste, which can help make your diet more appealing.

Avoid Additions
Although we have already established that all rice is not created equal, we must take it a step further; all white rice is not the same. You must avoid white rice dishes with additions that significantly increase your caloric intake. For example, sushi, fried rice, paella, and risotto are a no-go on a weight loss program. 
Furthermore, you must also avoid instant rice as they are fully cooked and then dehydrated, which leads to further nutrient degradation. Consider purchasing rice in bulk and cooking enough in a single go to last you 4-5 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much rice should you eat during your weight loss journey?
More than half of your daily carbohydrate comes from whole-grain foods, such as oats, quinoa, whole-grain pasta, and bread. 
You should limit your white rice intake to one cup of cooked rice daily to reduce your risk of chronic health issues. Plus, you must opt for ‘enriched’ white rice as some nutrients are added back to this type of rice, making it a better fit for your weight loss journey. Also, choose long-grain white rice variants such as basmati and jasmine over short-grain types like arborio rice, as they are less starchy. 
Is brown rice best for weight loss?
Brown rice contains more fiber, magnesium, selenium, folate, and manganese than white rice, which makes it a better grain for weight loss than white rice. Nonetheless, you could also use white rice to achieve your weight loss goal, provided you stick to your calorie deficit and eat a balanced diet to meet your macro and micronutrient objectives. 
Can you have white rice before a workout?
Since white rice is a processed carbohydrate with a high GI value, it metabolizes into glucose more quickly. You can have a suitable amount of white rice 2-3 hours before a training session to ensure you have enough energy to take you through an intense workout. 
Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.
Wrapping Up
Rice comes in different forms. The unprocessed forms are usually brown, beige, or even black in color. On the other hand, processed rice is white. Although white rice has some drawbacks compared to its bran-rich counterpart, such as its high glycemic index, it can still be included in a healthy weight-loss diet when consumed in moderation and paired with nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, lentils, and healthy fats. 
Consume white rice before a training session to ensure you have enough energy stores to last a workout. Conversely, having white rice post-workout can ignite your recovery. Remember, since white rice is a processed grain, you must limit your intake to one cup daily to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your weight loss objective. 
Finally, factors, including overall calorie intake, portion sizes, physical activity levels, and individual metabolic, play a crucial role in your weight loss journey, and different people react to brown and white rice differently. You must consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance on incorporating white rice into your weight loss program. 

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