Tag: General Information

Anabolic Supplement Stacking: The Art of Combining Supplements and Protein Powders for Maximum Results

Anabolic Supplement Stacking: The Art of Combining Supplements and Protein Powders for Maximum Results

I’ve been selling supplements and protein powders now for 25 years. I have seen my fair share of anabolic supplement stacks and protein stacks that customers have put together. I will give you some of the most popular and some of the most effective stacks that I have seen over the course of over two decades.

You stack supplements, because, let’s say, for example, you start pumping iron and you buy some whey protein powder, you start consuming it, and you start seeing results. You see results for about a year, maybe two, and then the results will stop. ~One thing that I think people need to understand, especially beginners, is that the gains will stop. You just don’t continually grow muscle mass, and that’s what nobody really talks about. You see these influencers on TikTok and Instagram and all, “Do this and do that, lift this weight, take this supplement, and you’re going to look like me.” That’s all fine and dandy, but nine out of ten times, these guys are taking steroids or SARMs. I negate anybody who takes SARMs and steroids, gives advice, and then doesn’t divulge that advice at the very start. ~For example, say I was taking steroids myself, and instead of my 185 weight right now, I’m 205, and I say, “Okay, guys, take these supplements,” but I don’t divulge the fact that I’m taking steroids. That, to me, is deceptive. That, to me is deceptive advertising. That’s why I’ve never done it. If I ever decide to do steroids, which probably won’t be until my eighties … when I’m like 82, I might do some steroids and growth hormone … I will tell people that. Even these anti-aging guys that are 60 years old, you can clearly tell they’re taking something, and they don’t say it. To me, that’s deceptive advertising. ~

My whole point of supplement stacking is that supplements are weak in general. They don’t work like steroids, so you want to maximize the effectiveness of the products, and by stacking them, yes, they’re more effective. For example, stacking protein with carbs. It’s a fact that the body will take amino acids from proteins, whether you eat them or drink them, and use them for energy. That’s what you don’t want, because why spend the money on protein? Spend the money on carbs. ~It’s a money thing even, right? Combine carbs, a cheaper food source, with protein in hopes that the body will take that protein, use it for your muscles, and take the carbs and use it for energy, because it prefers carbs for energy. That’s the body’s preferred choice, is the carbs. That’s why want to stack protein with those carbs.

I actually painted this using oil paint!

Popular Anabolic Supplement Stack

Carb powder with Protein Powder

Why It Matters

Because consuming protein only, the body will possibly just take the amino acids and use them for energy. Remember, the body does not care about muscle mass. It cares about survival. The more muscle you have on your frame, the more energy it takes for you to live.  

Combining carbs with protein will solve this problem. That is why this stack is so popular with my customers.  

The basic anabolic supplement stack is protein and carbs. Whether you take my approach most of the time, my favorite is raw honey. To this day, I’m pounding the desk on raw honey. Raw honey, please start using raw honey. I’m telling you, you’re health will improve if you consume raw honey with protein powder. I shit you not. After that, things like blueberries, and bananas, are just common knowledge shit, it’s not rocket science. There are no secret fruits or formulas. It’s just that, combine that protein with organic fruit and you’ll be all set.

One of the most popular stacks that people order is protein/carb stacks.

Oat Muscle 5 lbs

$54.70 — or subscribe and save up to 10%
Rated 4.04 out of 5 based on 56 customer ratings

Muscle Shake 2 lbs

$39.99 — or $39.99 $35.99 / month

Creatine (Creapure®)

Product on sale

$59.99 $41.99

Oatmuscle is the most popular, followed by Mod6, and then Rilose. Typically, customers will combine Oatmuscle with whey protein isolate, casein, or Muscle Shake.  

Rilose, most of the time, I will see being ordered with one of my hydrolyzed protein powders.  

Typically dosages would look like this:

1/4 cup of Oatmuscle

1/3 cup of Wisconsin Whey Isolate

Hydro Creatine Stack (Probably the Most Anabolic Supplement Stack One Can Use)

Probably my second most popular stack is when my customers combine one of my hydrolyzed proteins with carbs, AND creatine.  

Start adding in your hydrolyzed proteins. I carry the best hydrolyzed proteins in the world, and if you want to try to find better hydrolyzed proteins in the world, go ahead, you’ll never do it because I have the best, starting with Total Frag, Hydro 520, Somanabolic. PeptoPro.

Just start adding those, replacing some of your whole food proteins with hydrolyzed proteins, with the carbs, and that will produce some better results for you. Then after that, add your creatine. Add that creatine monohydrate to the hydrolyzed proteins and yeah, that’ll just make for more of an effective protein powder supplement.

Why It Matters

Plain and simple because it works. It is a proven FACT that creatine works better when combined with carbs. Personally, I don’t think I ever consumed creatine by itself. I always combine it with something like a banana, hydrolyzed protein, or raw honey. (probably my favorite is raw honey)

Hydrolyzed protein powder has also been proven to make creatine work better, but not only that but it is a double edge sword because you are getting the peptides from the protein!

A stack would look like this. 

3 tbs of hydrolyzed protein (Peptopro, 520, Salmbolic, Total Frag)

1/4 cup of Rilose

1 tsp of Creatine

Fat Loss Stacks

So here’s the thing with fat loss supplements in general, and keep in mind, I’ve been selling supplements for 25 years. Fat loss supplements are by far the weakest of the supplement categories because they just really don’t help. You just can’t take a pill and you start melting the fat away, the fat loss pills don’t work like that. They have to be used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise.

So with that being said, that alone is difficult. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with using fat loss supplements, and I sell it both. And the most popular combination is Capsimax with green tea right now. That’s the most popular one. Capsimax is proven to work, green tea is proven to work. So combining these two is by far my most popular stack and my most effective stack.

However, what I don’t see being ordered a lot is Yohimbe. Yohimbe would be a great product to stack with Capsimax and green tea. So, if you want something probably the most effective, that would be it. And as far as other supplements out there that sell fat loss supplements, like CLA and a bunch of other ones. They’re just garbage, they don’t work. There’s nothing better than Capsimax. If there is, show it to me. Natural by the way. And if there’s something better than stacking it with green tea and Yohimbe, show it to me, but there just isn’t.

Fat Loss SupplementsThese fat loss supplements are very unique and most have ONE thing in common.  ONE INGREDIENT!!  I cannot tell you how important it is to buy fat loss supplements that have just one ingredient in them.  This is how to make sure that they are the most effective and potent they can be.  Most are “branded” as well to ensure that you’re getting the highest-quality and not a cheap generic version.

Secret Supplement Stack

Okay, so here’s a little secret anabolic supplement stack that I don’t see anybody using, but I’m going to give you the idea right now. And the stack is this: it’s muscle shake, leucine peptides, depo nitrilase 250. And what I like about this stack one, is the muscle shake right now is the highest quality intact protein, okay? Better than whey. Then we’re stacking that with leucine peptides. So you’re getting more leucine when leucine is the major player in protein synthesis. And then we’re adding depo to that, okay? Depo will help digest that muscle shake with those intact proteins, turn them into peptides, and help you absorb them better. So that’s a great stack to use.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Make Sure THIS Is NOT In Your Protein Powder

Make Sure THIS Is NOT In Your Protein Powder

Here is another reason to avoid sucralose, especially when it is in protein powder or, worse yet, ready-to-drink protein beverages. A new study was just published online: 29 May 2023, in which the author stated this, 

The study, published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, found that a metabolite of sucralose, called sucralose-6-acetate, is “genotoxic.” That means it breaks down the genetic material that makes up DNA, explained Susan Schiffman, PhD, senior author of the study and an adjunct professor at North Carolina State University.

When DNA strands break and are then rearranged and repaired, that can increase the risk of cancerous cells forming, previous studies have shown. ( 1)

Buying protein powders without anything added, like artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners, is the best way to ensure you’re getting the purest, cleanest, and highest protein percentage powder. Thus, I’ve been telling my customers this with an emphasis on avoiding sucralose A.K.A. Splenda.    

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Check Out These Awesome Protein Recipes

Check Out These Awesome Protein Recipes

Check out these awesome customer recipes that were submitted for the contest. ENJOY!


Good morning, Alex,

Here is my entry for the recipe contest. I call it “Keto smooth.” I use a scoop of your Dutch Pea Protein Isolate, a tsp of organic cacao powder, a tsp of organic maca powder, a quarter tsp of vitamin c powder, a quarter tsp of lion’s mane cacao mix, a quarter tsp of mushroom powder (reishi, lion’s mane, chaga, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, tremella and turkey tail), a handful of strawberries, a handful of blueberries, an avocado (for extra fat and creaminess), and a tablespoon of MCT oil. This original creation keeps me in ketosis with a sufficient ratio of protein, fat and net carbs. I tell myself the cacao and fruit make it taste like a chocolate dessert, and the mushrooms and Vitamin C help boost my immune system.

Even if I don’t win, you should give this a try!





Six oz Organic Plain Unsweetened Kefir

One serving PF Muscle Shake

One serving PF Mod 6

Two tablespoons PF Tectanic Red

1/2 teaspoon PF Creatine

Two tablespoons Local, Raw, Unfiltered NorCal Honey

1/2 – 1 teaspoon of a Flavor enhancer; my favorite is either Lime or Berry; both pair well with Tectanic Red

Add water as / if necessary

This mixture comes out thick like pudding. I usually only need to add a little water to thin it some.  I consume a version of this shake almost every day.  I only use the Tectanic Red on lifting days.


The All-Natural Cinnabomb Shake

This is one of my top 5 favorite recipes that my wife and I have created for our protein shakes…

the flavor for this shake falls someone in-between a cinnamon roll & cinnamon toast crunch cereal

12oz of RAW Cow’s Milk

30g Phytosterol Free Protein Isolate

1oz Condensed Milk (Copper Cow all natural) 

1 Tsp Saigon Cinnamon Powder

¼ Tsp Natural Madagascar Vanilla Extract

Pinch of Ground Nutmeg

1 Handful of ice cubes

Combine all ingredients into a blender & blend*Optional; 1 tsp Creapure


Hey Alex! Dropped a TikTok for bio serum and here is the recipe! 

5-8oz raw milk

1c blueberries 

1tblsp cinnamon

2tblsp raw unfiltered honey

1 scoop whey isolate 

2-3 tblsp bio serum 

4 superfood ice cubes (veggies/fruits)

8oz serving provides 

10g fats

32g carbs

50g protein. 


Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Win 5 lbs of Bio Serum 1

Win 5 lbs of Bio Serum 1

Protein Recipe Contest

The winner gets 5 lbs of Bio Serum 1 Rules:  1.  Email me a great protein recipe you use.  It must be your creation. 2.  Must include a pic and/or video.  (this will prevent people from just Googling a recipe and sending it to me.3.  Email the recipe and pic/video to [email protected] with the subject heading:  recipe contest.  Sorry if you don’t have a camera, you cannot win.  4.  If you are located NOT in the United States of America and you win, you’ll have to pay for the shipping.5.  I’ll pick the winner next week.6.  By sending me your pic/image/video you agree that I can use it for my marketing material. The winner will be based on all or some of the following:creativity (funny, good editing, etc.)OriginalityTasteProtein Factory products used QualityFinally, whoever I feel has sent me the BEST recipe WINS!!Good Luck, Alex 

Bio Serum Black

$59.99 – $134.99 — or subscribe and save up to 10%

Bio Serum 1

$99.99 – $449.99 — or from $89.99 – $404.99 / month

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Protein Factory News:  Greens Powders, Training, and More

Protein Factory News: Greens Powders, Training, and More

R and D Desk

The only update this week is that I will be working on the new oil. If you have yet to read about it, click here.

Product Spotlight

Leucine peptides are one of my favorite products to use with a protein powder. Use 1-2 teaspoons with your protein powder to increase the overall leucine content.  Leucine helps increase muscle protein synthesis.

For example

1/3 cup of native whey protein concentrate

2 tsp of leucine peptides

Protein Maximizer: Leucine Peptides
Protein Maximizer: Leucine Peptides Take your ordinary protein powder and turn it into a muscle making machine!

Use to support an increase protein synthesis
Increased Protein Synthesis builds muscle
Hardcore use only!

Supplement Warning

Greens powders.  

I’m getting cookied out of the whazoon every time I am on the internet for greens powders. Here is the thing with greens powders. The most important thing to know is how the powder was dried. Nobody tells you this but me. You can find articles on the internet like this one, “6 Best Greens Powders Of 2023, According To Experts” Yea, I read that article and not one time did they mention the method of drying the greens into powders.  

Essentially you have numerous ways fruits and vegetable powders can be made. Spray-dried, air-dried, drum dried, freeze-dried, and infrared. The best, in my opinion, is infrared. Infrared is the best because it maintains most of the naturally occurring nutrients, somewhere like 85 to 90%. Freeze drying is close, but not that close. The other method is what the Chinese use. And most likely is what all of these greens powders and vegetable powders are made from. 

My recommendation.

If you want to use the best greens powder that is, you gotta use freeze-dried or infrared. The problem is the price. These powders are expensive and quite frankly I’ve never seen any available. My Blue Generator is $109.00 for 1 pound. It is infrared-dried. I found some freeze-dried greens powders on Amazon for about the same price. The only problem is they try to sell you 1/4 pound for $40.00 and tell you to use 5 grams. Dumb.

So what do you do if you want to use a greens powders. Well I sell one, that is made up of spray dried and drum dried greens. You can use that one if you wish.

Will Protein Factory ever have infrared greens?Yes!

Muscle Greens
Vegetable Powder for Muscle Building
Helps support anti-estrogen
Great taste

Cool New Product

You might find it surprising that I recommend other companies products, but when I find something new and innovative, I don’t mind because it helps my readers.

Here is something that just came out and won some sort of nutrition business award. It is a gum that suppression one’s sugar cravings.  

In my opinion, I think sugar cravings are learned behavior. Once one starts eliminating sugar and sweeteners from their diet, the desires are no longer there. But in the meantime, if you have sugar cravings, this new gum will help.



I am still determining if the frequency of working out or the intensity during the workout is more important. However, I am leaning toward the frequency of days during the week, then the intensity of the training. 

That leads me to the question. What is the minimum number of days to train that results in progress? Here is my schedule.

Monday night ice hockey for about 90 minutes. Then Friday morning 90 minutes. This type of training is cardio health, strength, and short bouts of sprinting. Tuesday and Thursday, I train at the gym, which typically consists of weights and body weight movements. I train legs and one upper body part. My workout looks like this:

3 sets of dumbell bench press

3 sets of dips 

Lower Body (and pretty much varies every workout)


one legged dead lifts

one legged squats

Some sort of polymetric movement.


Research and Science

Another reason to use wild blueberries.  


There is a company that is making protein from air. Yes, air. Just thought I would throw that one out there because it is pretty cool.  

Blast From the Past

Waxy Maize is a scam.

In my opinion, all these companies selling waxy maize are losers.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

New Study:  Blueberries May Improve Athletic Performance.

New Study: Blueberries May Improve Athletic Performance.

A new study was just published, supporting my opinion that blueberries are a powerful bodybuilding food. During a two-week administration of wild blueberries, aerobically trained males engaging in moderate-intensity cycling experienced improved fat oxidation rates, as observed in a recent trial.

I love blueberries for their muscle benefits, so I created a product called Blue Generator.

Blue Generator 2 lbs | 30 Servings

Read More


Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Protein Factory Newsletter

Protein Factory Newsletter

From the Research and Development Desk.

Some of you might have read about the new oil I am testing. I’m still testing it but so far, so good. I really like it.  

A new whey protein is being manufactured in Europe that combines pre and probiotics into the whey protein. I don’t have too many details on it, but I have a meeting with them in June to discuss the powder.

I’m working on a sea phytoplankton supplement to be used as an all-around multivitamin. 

Product Spotlight

Muscle Shake. Did you know that the latest scientific method to judge protein quality is the DIAA? And milk protein isolate ranks higher than whey!

Muscle Shake (Native Protein Blend) 5 lbs$74.99 – $96.99 — or subscribe and save up to 10%

Supplement Warning.

I see hundreds of testosterone booster supplements on Amazon.com. Most of them are complete garbage, and let me explain why.

 If you are under 30, maybe 35, there is no point in using them. You have plenty of testosterone in your body naturally, and taking any testosterone supplement won’t do anything for you.

Testosterone supplements don’t raise your testosterone long enough to create an anabolic condition.

I only recommend ONE ingredient to increase testosterone, and that is LJ 100. If you want to stack tribulus, that is fine, but not before LJ 100 or Unleashed.  

If you want to try a testosterone supplement, I recommend being over 35 and STACKING Unleashed, LJ 100, and then an anti-estrogen.

D aspartic acid, boron, ZMA, and Vitamin D are trash for testosterone levels.  

Customer Feed Back.

Check out the email below commenting on the Bio Serum Black

Bio Serum Black$59.99 – $134.99 — or subscribe and save up to 10%

My Opinion For What It Is Worth

I’ve been bodybuilding since I was 15. I am now 50. And there are the things I have learned since then.

 Everything works, and then it does not. This means that any training method that is new to your body will produce results. And then, after a few months or a year, the gains stop, and that training method needs to be changed. I swear I started using a BAND to train my glutes and legs, and I saw results: no weights, no barbell, just a band.  

You need protein. At least 1 gram per pound of body weight to stay muscular and lean.

Sugar is bad, and artificial sweeteners are just as bad, if not worse.

 Go to the gym.

 I give props to anyone that I see training in the gym. I don’t care what they are doing in the gym, as long as they are there, you’ve won the battle.

Life is short

Master your emotions and thoughts.  

Research and Science

Curcumin may reduce cold symptoms


Lycotomato Improves Skin


Check out the Dirty Dozen. Another reason I eat organic produce. 


Blast From the Past

One of the Greatest Books You Can Read About Supplements: It is not what you think!


Featured TikTok

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Awesome Muscle Building Stack!

Awesome Muscle Building Stack!

Here is an awesome stack a customer ordered!

1 pound of Total Frag 250

1 pound of Bio Serum

5 lbs of OatMuscle

16 oz of Raw Honey



1 tbs of Bio Serum

1 tbs of Total Frag

1/4 cup of Oatmuscle

2-3 tbs raw honey

1/4 cup of protein powder

No Budget

1/4 cup of Bio Serum

1/4 cup Total Frag

1/4 cup Oatmuscle

2-3 tbs of raw honey

Add to chocolate milk or similar

blueberries, banana, ice

BEST muscle building protein powder!!!

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

From the Research & Development Desk:  New Anabolic Oil

From the Research & Development Desk: New Anabolic Oil

I’d like to update you on something I have been working on for about one year now. It is a new dietary fat that is anabolic or anti-catabolic. Here are some highlights about it.

Number 1It does not currently exist. One of the problems with the sports nutrition industry is 99.9% of the products that come out as “new” are not. They are just old ingredients with new labels. Or it is some supplement company trying to fool you like they created something new and cutting edge. Meanwhile, it is some formula they copied from another supplement company or a resurrected supplement from the 80s or 90s, like MCT oil.

My new anabolic oil might be released very soon.

This product that I have been working on DOES NOT EXIST. If I start selling it, you cannot get it anywhere else. It is BRAND NEW!!! It is a new invention.

Second.It is a dietary fat. If you have been a reader of mine, you know I love dietary fats. They are muscle-sparing, anabolic, and provide energy. Consume good fat, and you are going to be anabolic. Well, this is a NEW FAT! And I have studies to back up its use for anabolic benefits.

Last.And this is a little hint and how it works…This product goes right to the muscle creating an instant positive nitrogen state!

I have no date on the release, but I am currently working on it.

Bio Serum UpdateSo close, so close, it could be next week or the week after. I’ll offer it in 1 lb, 2 lbs, and 5 lbs.

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.

Updates & Supplement Tidbit’s

Updates & Supplement Tidbit’s

Bio-Serum 1, release date, set for March.

The world’s most hard-core protein. A protein that has taken me over three years to complete will be released in March. Here is a glimpse at the label. Now here is the cool thing about the label. We used artificial intelligence! Seriously!! We asked an artificial intelligence graphic design app this question, “What would a male person look like if they completed bodybuilding exercises several days a week and used bovine blood plasma protein powder coinciding with bodybuilding training? And below is what artificial intelligence generated!

Lion’s Main Improves Mental Fitness Brain Function

I found this study showing how Lion’s Main mushroom improves mental fitness.

SUPER LION’S MANE, 120 Tablets
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)
Made from Lion’s Mane mushroom fruiting body
A synergistic extract blend of concentrated hot water extract with whole fruiting body

Tectanic Red Continues To Be On My No Brainer Supplement List

The case is firm for Tectanic Red and it’s ergogenic benefits. I would suggest being on a monthly subscription for it. Here is another study I found touting the benefits of nitrates (found naturally in Tectanic Red)

Another study


Tectanic Red – Pre Workout Powder
Over 350 mg of inorganic nitrates per 30 grams of powder
25X more nitrates than regular beetroot powder
10X more anti-oxidants than regular beetroot powder

$39.99 — or subscribe and save up to 10%

New Product Development

I’m working on a bodybuilding trail mix line. And here are my thoughts on my approach to this. For over 20 years, I really did not care how my powders tasted. I wanted to sell my powders on quality, not taste. People every now and then would ask me for a sample of my protein powder, and my response would be this. “A sample of ANY supplement, especially protein powder, is for TASTE only. I sell quality, not taste. If you want a protein powder that tastes like a milkshake, then you are not my type of customer. You are a mass market customer.” “Additionally, you can easily just buy some Nesquik and flavor it yourself, I sell protein powder, not 5 lbs of powder, but 2 lbs of it is flavoring!”

But what about this bodybuilding trail mix I’m formulating? For this new line, I AM making it taste good. My goal with this trail mix line is to create something that tastes good, so you can enjoy it while being mobile. So it provides lots of protein, good carbs, and good fats. Check out some of the flavors I am working on. (Now, most of you don’t know that not only I am an expert formulator when it comes to quality protein, but I can flavor stuff really well too! I have over 20 years of experience doing it; you don’t see it on proteinfactory.com)

Finally, and this should be a given at this point in my career. I am putting something in this trail mix that NOBODY has EVER done! It will be a FIRST!! I wish I could patent it, but you really can’t patent food. I’ll try, though!



Cotton candy


Orange creamsicle

Dark chocolate energy

Turtle Sundae


Triple Berry Cheesecake

Cookies and Cream

Salted caramel apple

Alex Rogers is a supplement manufacturing expert. He has been formulating, consulting, & manufacturing dietary supplements since 1998. Alex invented protein customization in 1998 & was the first company to allow consumers to create their own protein blends. He helped create the first supplement to contain natural follistatin, invented whey protein with egg lecithin, & recently imported the world’s first 100% hydrolyzed whey.