Tag: GI News

INTERVIEW: Guy Cisternino Addresses Viral Gym Incident Video

INTERVIEW: Guy Cisternino Addresses Viral Gym Incident Video

Guy Cisternino breaks down in detail the gym argument video that went viral.
On May 13, 2021, pro bodybuilder Guy Cisternino posted a video on his Instagram account. Within a week, the video went viral not only in bodybuilding but beyond it. The video in question showcased Cisternino getting into a heated argument at the gym. The video has since brought extreme criticism and defense of Cisternino’s actions. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Guy Cisternino sets the record straight and addresses the gym incident.
After we originally reported on the viral video of Guy Cisternino arguing at the gym – he reached out to us directly requesting an interview. We connected over video with Cisternino to go into more detail and get his perspective on the entire incident. The video itself cuts off right when the argument starts to heat up. Cisternino gives us a breakdown of exactly what happened.

Guy Cisternino starts out explaining that he believes the video was blown too far out of proportion. He acknowledges that the video cuts off early. Due to that the audience imagination ran rampant. Without context, the video could be seen as an aggressive move on Cisternino’s part. Or it can be seen as an understandable mishap. That’s why he wants to give further context on the moment in question.
Guy Cisternino goes on to explain that the men he argued with in the video were originally much closer than they appeared. Since they were off camera for majority of the clip, we only see them after they have slowly stepped away. This contributed to the criticisms when people watched the video.
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Watch our GI Exclusive segment with Guy Cisternino above!
Furthermore, Guy Cisternino points out that he asks them give him some space twice before he jumped off the machine. While he wasn’t 100% politely speaking to them – it was also mid set. He was under physical pressure and pushing his body while also trying to ask them to give him more space. They quickly got defensive and then Cisternino lost his cool.

“What everybody sees is me walk five feet away from the machine to go to the kids,” Guy Cisternino comments in our interview. He goes on:
“But what they don’t understand, is while this is all going on they are progressively backing up but they just keep talking… if they were actually where they were when I got off the machine and did what I did, I would be a complete shit. But that’s not what happened”
Guy Cisternino goes on to say that he was also filming on behalf of the gym. He argues that he was working. And even if it wasn’t on behalf of the gym, a pro bodybuilder training is doing their job. Not everyone knows this. And how could they? But the fact still remains valid.

Ultimately, while Guy Cisternino defends his actions he also understands that he’s not a perfect person. He doesn’t think the video deserved such scrutiny. At the same time, he did lose his temper and he acknowledges that.
“Should I have jumped off the machine. Absolutely not. Should I have said, ‘Let’s go outside?’ Absolutely not,” Guy Cisternino states in our interview. He continues:
“But I’m also at 39 years old…. I’m not going to take disrespect. And people are going to say, ‘Well, you were disrespecting him.’ I don’t think asking someone to get out of my plain view while I’m squatting is disrespectful. There’s a disconnect with this whole thing.”
Guy Cisternino goes into much more detail in our interview discussion. To get the full story, you can watch the whole GI Exclusive interview segment above.

Matt Jansen: Genetics Are Only Truly Seen Through Work Ethic

Matt Jansen: Genetics Are Only Truly Seen Through Work Ethic

Matt Jansen goes into detail about why it’s a mistake to judges a bodybuilder’s genetic potential early in their career.
There’s a lot of talk about genetics in bodybuilding. That’s because when you reach the top levels of pro bodybuilding – your genetic potential can make or break your chance at Olympia victory. Though there have been exceptions – genetics can be the deciding factor between being a Ronnie Coleman and a bodybuilder who doesn’t make the top 5 at Olympia. That being said, there might be too much emphasis put on genetics to the point where it discourages bodybuilders from succeeding. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, bodybuilding coach Matt Jansen explains how the true potential of bodybuilding genetics might not be known without putting in the hard work first.
Straight off the heels of a big victory for Nick Walker at the New York Pro 2021, Matt Jansen is a bodybuilding coach worth listening to. He’s behind some of the best upcoming talent in pro bodybuilding. Most importantly, he has the knowledge to be a true valuable asset and not simply an online self proclaimed guru.

During our conversation with Matt Jansen, we asked him the role genetic potential plays in bodybuilding. How important are the right kind of genetics to succeed in bodybuilding? Are some people genetically predisposed to not succeed in the sport? Should they call in the towel before they sacrifice too much time?
Matt Jansen believes that it’s a mistake to judge a young bodybuilder’s genetics early in their career. According to Jansen, it’s impossible to truly know the genetic potential of someone before they actually put the work in. Too often has Jansen seen genetics used as an excuse to quit or as a reasoning for poor placing. The reality is it could take years of hard and honest training to know what your genetics truly are capable of.
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Watch our GI Exclusive segment with Matt Jansen above!
Matt Jansen uses bodybuilder Brett Wilkin as an example. Jansen states that if he had assessed Wilkin’s genetic potential four years ago – he would have given him some grim news. That would have likely discouraged the bodybuilder. Maybe he would have found another path in life.

Instead, Matt Jansen worked with Brett Wilkin to see how far his body can be pushed. Four years later and Wilkins has shown incredible improvement and is poised to be a true threat in the coming years. Jansen believes that Wilkin would not have made such improvements if he were told that his genetics are holding him back.
At the core of bodybuilding there is something that’s almost impossible to grasp. In fact, it’s at the core of all sports champions. There are many tactics, guides, and expectations that are needed to be a champion. Habits and techniques you can learn. But to be truly great requires something deep down. A mental state that can push further past normal limits. There’s no real way to teach someone how to achieve that psychological state.
Perhaps evaluating a person’s genetic potential too early on further hinders a person’s mental preparedness to be great. Matt Jansen seems to believe that nothing should be final until every single option has been tried.
You can watch Matt Jansen go into more detail about bodybuilding and genetics in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Samir Bannout: Arnold Schwarzenegger Won Olympia 1980 Because Of His Name

Samir Bannout: Arnold Schwarzenegger Won Olympia 1980 Because Of His Name

Samir Bannout’s First Hand Account Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Controversial Olympia 1980 Win
One of the most controversial Mr. Olympia competitions in history was in 1980. It was the year that Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to compete last minute after stepping away from the sport. He ended up winning first place and his 7th Olympia trophy. Many fans believed that it was an unearned win fueled by his rising Hollywood fame. It was an infamous moment in pro bodybuilding history. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Samir Bannout shares his first hand account both back stage and on stage of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Olympia 1980 win.
Samir Bannout is a bodybuilding legend in his own right. He is a Mr. Olympia champion and considered by many to have one of the greatest physiques of all time. He was also present at the 1980 Mr. Olympia competition. We sat down with Samir via video chat for our latest GI Exclusive interview. During that conversation, we asked him to reflect on his first hand account of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return and the drama that ensued at Mr. Olympia 1980.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Secret Competition Prep

Samir Bannout notes that the first thing he remembers I seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the gym about a month before the Mr. Olympia. While Arnold did not confirm anything, Samir could tell from the nature of his training that he was preparing to compete again. In fact, he was not completely surprised when Arnold eventually announced he would appear at the Mr. Olympia. It seems that perhaps it wasn’t as last minute a decision as many believe. Simply a surprise to the public.
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Check out our latest GI Exclusive segment with Samir Bannout above!
The Press Conference Aggression
Samir Bannout goes on to describe the press conference before the Mr. Olympia. This is where the drama started to build up. Samir recalls Arnold Schwarzenegger saying some harsh words – particularly to Mike Mentzer. This wasn’t particularly off character for Arnold – who was always cocky as part of his bodybuilding persona. But due to his sudden appearance last minute at this specific competition – the cocky trash talk was received a little differently.
Mike Mentzer became so angry from the press conference comments that he and Arnold Schwarzenegger physically attacked each other. The rest of the athletes and staff had to pull Mike and Arnold apart. That’s how heated things were before the actual competition even started. Of course, this didn’t bode well for what was to come.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Controversial Olympia Win
Arnold Schwarzenegger ultimately was crowned the winner of the Mr. Olympia 1980. This decision was so poorly received that Frank Zane threw his trophy to the ground and multiple athletes stormed off stage. It was clear that many disagreed with the judges decision.
So what about Samir Bannout? Did he disagree with the call? He makes it clear in our conversation that he felt Arnold Schwarzenegger did not deserve to win the Mr. Olympia 1980. In fact, while he does not have confirmation, he has heard many rumors from trusted friends in the industry. Rumors that imply that Arnold Schwarzenegger received help from the judges due to his rising star in Hollywood.
There are those who thought perhaps Arnold was scored more favorably because of how much power he held as a celebrity. Or alternatively, he was so beloved that the judges scored more on Arnold the icon rather than his conditioning.
“Yeah of course so many people got pissed off and I also believe they have the right to get mad,” Samir Bannout states in our interview. He continues:

“I think the assumption was then… do I know exactly what happened or why did Arnold win? Sometimes you have to remember, Arnold had a lot of fans. And he’s Arnold. Everyone looked up to Arnold. And so, I heard that some of the judges loved Arnold. Loved him as Arnold. They didn’t care about his conditioning that day. They voted for him as Arnold and that’s not right. Me personally if my brother was on stage, doesn’t deserve to win, I wouldn’t let him win.”

Samir Bannout makes a point to state he has no proof of this. It’s a rumor he has heard from enough people to trust in the topic. That’s a testament to just how controversial Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1980 victory was. While all of these claims may simply be one day proven false – it’s the optics that led to such fervor.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last minute entry, his conditioning being off compared to his prime, and his rising fame outside of bodybuilding all created an atmosphere ripe for conspiracy theories and unhappy fans.
We may never know the truth behind what exactly happened or if there was truly foul play. But Samir Bannout’s recounting of the Olympia 1980 is wonderfully entertaining and insightful. It provides a behind the scenes oral history of a very infamous and dramatic moment in bodybuilding history.
You can watch Samir Bannout go into full detail about the 1980 Mr. Olympia by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview above!

Brad Castleberry: Too Many People Use Bad Genetics As An Excuse To Not Train Hard

Brad Castleberry: Too Many People Use Bad Genetics As An Excuse To Not Train Hard

Brad Castleberry discusses a frustrating reality in bodybuilding – some people will always have to train harder than others to succeed.
Brad Castleberry is a love him or hate him kind of bodybuilding personality. But one thing that cannot be denied is his impressive physique. It’s a large part of why he built such a massive following as an influencer. And regardless of fake weights in videos or not – it takes hard work to achieve that kind of physique. It also helps that he has incredible genetics.
Brad Castleberry has inspired many to want to follow in his footsteps. Like many other bodybuilders, he becomes an icon that aspiring bodybuilders want to achieve. While the bottom line is that it will always take hard work – Castleberry isn’t ashamed to admit it’s easier for some than others. It call comes down to genetics.  In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Brad Castleberry explains some individuals simply have to train harder than others to achieve the same level of success. The problem is – too many people use bad genetics as an excuse to avoid hard work.

The unfortunate truth about bodybuilding and fitness is that one size does not fit all. Yes, the core tenets of weight loss and building muscle are universally true. But what works for one person might not work as fast or as well for others. This has been the hardest psychological aspect of fitness. It’s what bars so many people from success. They follow a diet or training plan. They don’t see results as fast as a friend or training partner. They get frustrated and give up.
It’s true that some foods or some training methods react better to some bodies than others. But there is no training program or (well formulated) diet that will even actively NOT work. It might just take more time than you want. It might simply require more trial and error than you want. Fitness and bodybuilding is about the long term. It’s a marathon not a sprint. A lot of people don’t make it that far to really see those kind of results – unfortunately.
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Brad Castleberry above!
That’s why Brad Castleberry went into great detail about the realities of how genetics play a role in bodybuilding. It’s foolish to go in thinking you will look like Ronnie Coleman if you just follow his routine. You might not have the genetics to sustain that kind of aesthetic and size. It’s not 100% impossible. It just might take 10 times more work than it actually did for Ronnie himself. And Ronnie certainly trained his ass off.

But the bigger problem Brad Castleberry sees is that people use bad genetics as an excuse. If a training program doesn’t show results fast enough. If a diet doesn’t work as initially intended. If someone simply has more trouble keeping off weight than others. All of these factors become excuses. A person might say “I can never look like an IFBB pro bodybuilder – so why even try?”
Brad Castleberry wants individuals to understand and temper their expectations – but also to have motivation to still succeed. Yes, you may have bad genetics. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t create a fantastic physique. The difference between the best bodybuilders in history are not just genetics. It’s willpower. It’s dedication.
Arnold Schwarzenegger himself has admitted that he has poor genetics. But he worked twice as hard to make up for it and become the best in the world and win seven Mr. Olympia titles. If he let genetics decide his fate – he wouldn’t have become the historic bodybuilder, actor, and politician we know today.

It might be hard to imagine yourself as becoming the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. That’s because the odds are very much not in your favor. But at the same time – someone eventually has to become the next big legend. What separates the icons from the normal folk isn’t fate. It’s having the mental strength.
You can watch Brad Castleberry go into further detail about genetics and excuses in bodybuilding by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Victor Martinez: Hollywood Embraced Massive Muscle Only When They Ran Out Of Ideas

Victor Martinez: Hollywood Embraced Massive Muscle Only When They Ran Out Of Ideas

Victor Martinez reacts to Chris Hemsworth’s recent comments about being typecast because of his physique.
Chris Hemsworth recently made headlines by stating that he often gets overlooked for certain roles due to his impressive physique. Basically, he’s being typecast for action and comedy roles base more on his body than his acting ability. The intersection between massive muscle and movies have been a rollercoaster ever since Arnold Schwarzenegger burst onto the scene and became a star. In our latest GI Exclusive, pro bodybuilder Victor Martinez reacts to Chris Hemsworth’s recent statement and reflects on muscle in Hollywood.
For many bodybuilders, movies provided a first glimpse into seemingly impossible mass monster physiques. It inspired an entire generation to become professional bodybuilders. But muscle in Hollywood has risen and wained over the decades. Today we seem to be at an intersection. Superhero movies are bringing bigger physiques back after nearly a decade of slimmer more conditioned bodies.

However, a massive physique seems to still be seen as more of a gimmick. Something that gets headlines due to an impressive transformation. Or worse, something that typecasts certain actors into only action roles. Chris Hemsworth is an actor who spoke out about this recently.
During our new interview with Victor Martinez, we asked for his reaction to Chris Hemsworth’s statements. In some ways, massive muscle is back as a selling point in Hollywood. Actors like The Rock are garnering in millions of dollars. Hemsworth himself is likely doing financially very well after starring as Thor in multiple Marvel movies. Is this typecasting? Or just playing to the actor’s strengths?
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Victor Martinez above!
Victor Martinez thinks that Hollywood still sees massive muscle mostly as a gimmick. In fact, Martinez believes that the only reason Hollywood even hires massive muscular actors is due to the fact that big studios have run out of ideas.

“Hollywood embraced muscular physiques when they ran out of things to do and Marvel comics and DC took over,” Victor Martinez claims in our interview. He continues:
“That’s when they embraced it. But Hemsworth being Thor and getting too big, you know, like bodybuilders in the past like Arnold was. You get typecast. You become a bodyguard, you become a bad guy, you die in the first scene.”
While Victor Martinez doesn’t mention more about Arnold Schwarzenegger. In some ways, Hollywood had never embraced massive muscle the same way again after Schwarzenegger’s heyday. Predator comes to mind as a movie that combined so many massive physiques together. They weren’t villains. They were heroes. And they could all damn well act.
Even today in Hollywood, with 20 superhero movies releasing per year, there are very few physiques that match the kind of mass monster size seen in the 80s. Perhaps that is why actors like Chris Hemsworth feel typecast.  Muscle is still seen as an oddity – even after so many years of it rising in popularity.
You can watch Victor Martinez go into more detail about Chris Hemsworth and muscle in Hollywood by watching our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Melle Mel: Dexter Jackson Should Have Won Mr. Olympia 2020

Melle Mel: Dexter Jackson Should Have Won Mr. Olympia 2020

Melle Mel doesn’t believe any of the bodybuilders were vastly superior at the Olympia 2020 and that Dexter Jackson should have won
By and large, the Mr. Olympia 2020 was not a very controversial one. After many years of close calls and fans contradicting the judges’ decisions – this past Olympia was pretty straight forward. Most fans and experts agree that Big Ramy was the clear cut victor. And that’s exactly what the judges gave him. But hip hop artist and bodybuilding enthusiast Melle Mel doesn’t quite agree. He doesn’t think Big Ramy looked vastly superior to anyone else in the top 10 on that stage. In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Melle Mel explains why he believes Dexter Jackson should have won the Mr. Olympia 2020.
Most fans of bodybuilding didn’t argue with Big Ramy winning the Mr. Olympia 2020. By most accounts, it was clear that he was the superior athlete on stage. Melle Mel isn’t a man who falls in this category. In fact, he thinks that Big Ramy’s excellence was a bit overrated.

This isn’t to say that Big Ramy didn’t bring his A game. Far from it. In fact, Melle Mel believes that most of the bodybuilders in the top 10 had incredible physiques. His problem is that not one of them stood out from the other clearly. It was so close in his mind – that any of the top 10 could have been claimed champion and no one would have a problem with it.
With that in mind, Melle Mel believes that Dexter Jackson should have been claimed the champion of the Mr. Olympia 2021. He has two reasons for this belief. First, it was Dexter’s last show and sending him off with a victory would have been a nice bookend to his career. Second, his aesthetic represents the true goal of bodybuilding more than anyone else on stage. At least, that’s what Melle Mel believes.
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Check out our latest GI Exclusive segment with Melle Mel above!
Bodybuilders like Big Ramy, Brandon Curry, and even Phil Heath certainly have more mass than Dexter Jackson. But Melle Mel doesn’t see Men’s Open bodybuilding as a battle of mass. The goal is to bring in mass, conditioning, and aesthetic into a perfect package. He believes most bodybuilders today fall short on the aesthetic side of things. Everyone except for Dexter Jackson.

“How many of those guys gave a better body than Dex?” Melle Mel states in our interview. “They don’t. But they’ll [the judges] find reasons to not give it to Dex.”
Melle Mel goes on to explain how Dexter Jackson won the Mr. Olympia one time previously by beating Jay Cutler. And Jay Cutler became Mr. Olympia after defeating Ronnie Coleman. So if Dexter was able to be Cutler – how was he not able to beat Ronnie before Cutler became champion? In Melle Mel’s mind it’s because the judges didn’t want to give Dexter Jackson the victory.
Of course, it must be said that bodybuilder’s physiques change year after year. Just because Jay Cutler beat Ronnie Coleman one year (after Ronnie had already been slowly fading), doesn’t mean Cutler was the same quality years later when he lost to Dexter Jackson.
And that brings up the ultimate disconnect that can happen with bodybuilding fans, judges, and athletes. Bodybuilding is ultimately subjective. Even with a set of rules and standards. Even with images of past champions to give a benchmark for what excellence is – the mind’s eye sees what it wants to see. We all walk through life with different perspectives. It flavors our judgement.
So maybe Melle Mel is right. Maybe we’ve all bought into the size game and the narrative that Big Ramy was vastly superior at the Olympia 2020. Or perhaps Melle Mel is simply falling victim to his own subjective viewpoints. At the end of the day, it’s that kind of debate that can make the sport of bodybuilding so exciting and dramatic.
You can watch Melle Mel’s full thoughts on the Olympia 2020 in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Mike O’Hearn: People Want To See Logan Paul Get His Ass Kicked… And He Knows It

Mike O’Hearn: People Want To See Logan Paul Get His Ass Kicked… And He Knows It

Mike O’Hearn Answers: Is Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather bad for the sport of boxing?
With the Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather boxing match right around the corner, the controversial influencer has been making headlines again after an eventful press conference for the bout. Logan Paul as a public figure has been a hotly debated topic for years now. Is his success bad for the future of entertainment? And now more specifically, is his latest fight against Mayweather bad for the future of boxing? In our latest GI Exclusive interview, Mike O’Hearn weighs in on whether or not Logan Paul is a good or bad change for boxing.
The Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather boxing match is not the first of it’s kind. Not only has Paul been doing super exhibition PPV matches in the past, but there was also the UFC/boxing crossover of Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather. These “super fights” fall outside the traditional norms of professional boxing. However, they also bring in massive amounts of interest and money. They are arguably more financially successful than real title matches in the sport.

Of course, popularity does not always equal quality. This is the main controversy behind Logan Paul’s entire career. Whether it’s boxing, YouTube, or any other place he appears – Logan Paul brings in massive views and massive money. But does it come at a cost? Does it diminish the credibility and quality of entertainment and sports?
We asked this question during our latest interview with Mike O’Hearn. Mike O’Hearn is a bodybuilder and public figure who’s familiar with controversy. He’s a bodybuilder who has consistently claimed to be all-natural. But the general bodybuilding public don’t believe he’s telling the truth due to his incredible physique. Not only that but O’Hearn is also a man who is familiar with building his own brand and personality beyond just being a bodybuilder.
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Check out our GI Exclusive segment with Mike O’Hearn above!
So what does he think of Logan Paul? His personality, love him or hate him, brings in attention. That attention creates massively attended events. That brings in money – which in turn can help bolster whatever industry Paul is engaging with. His latest, a boxing match against Floyd Mayweather – is set to potentially break records in terms of sales.

Mike O’Hearn sees no problem in Logan Paul’s tactics. While O’Hearn personally does not find Paul entertaining, he also sees the numbers. Most people enjoy watching Paul, either to “hate watch” him or because they are legitimate fans. Either way, Logan Paul is aware of this fact. He’s taking advantage of it. O’Hearn sees no problem in that.
Ultimately the success of Logan Paul relies 100% on his fans continuing to take an interest. He’s not forcing fans to enjoy his boxing crossover events. In that sense, it’s less Logan Paul that is the problem and more the audience. They decide what interests them. Right now, Logan Paul is the thing they want.
Mike O’Hearn goes on to mention that anything you can do to trigger society will always get attention. If you can monetize that attention, then you’re finding success in a tactic that always works.

Mike O’Hearn even relates Logan Paul, his success, and his controversy to modern bodybuilding.
“I said this to some old time bodybuilders that don’t have a big following on social media,” Mike O’Hearn states in our interview. He goes on:
“They’re like, ‘I won the titles, I won all of this, and I don’t get the respect I deserve.’ And it’s like – it’s the world that changes. You have to keep adapting. You have to keep moving with it. It’s the personality. Bruce Lee and Arnold [Schwarzenegger] made it because of their personality. If they were boring cardboard they wouldn’t have made it.”
You can see Mike O’Hearn break down his thoughts on Logan Paul and viral personalities in sports above. Check it out in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment!

Jose Raymond: You Should Never Do Bodybuilding To Make Money

Jose Raymond: You Should Never Do Bodybuilding To Make Money

Jose Raymond’s advice to young bodybuilders: don’t become a bodybuilder for fame or money.
If you’re a fan of the sport, it’s common to celebritize the top athletes in the sport. Like any other sport, truly gifted athletes seem larger than life. They accomplish things that are impossible for most average folk. Since the inception of sports as entertainment this has allowed for famous athletes to bring in big money. Suddenly, you have fans who are inspired for partially the wrong reasons. They want to become a star athlete simply to become rich and famous. In our latest GI Exclusive, Jose Raymond shares his key advice to young aspiring bodybuilders. Don’t enter the sport for the money or the fame.
During our interviews and conversations with pro bodybuilders, we always make a point to ask them to share advice for aspiring bodybuilders. The star athletes of today are directly responsible for inspiring the star athletes of tomorrow. So any advice they can share could help shape the future of the sport.

So when we asked Jose Raymond to share his key advice – it was less about specific workout or diet tips. Instead, it was about the mentality behind the sport. His message – don’t become a competitive bodybuilder motivated by money or fame. His reason? Only a very small percentage end up getting that kind of achievement.
Now don’t let this be discouragement from Jose Raymond. Far from it. What Jose wants to express here is a message about passion. Bodybuilding requires an entire lifestyle shift. Whether you compete or not. Whether you succeed or not. You will need to eat, sleep, and train under the strictest of circumstances in order to shape and transform your body. Even if you become successful at it – if you don’t love the process, you will never be happy. It’s just that much of a sacrifice.
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Check out our latest GI Exclusive segment with Jose Raymond above!
That reality behind professional bodybuilding is this – pro bodybuilders don’t make the same kind of revenue overall as other bigger professional sports. That’s not to say there are some who bring in big fame and big dollars. But if you compare it to a sport like football, where even the least talented professional player will make big money simply for being on a pro team, it’s a whole different ballgame compared to pro bodybuilding.

Unlike many other sports, bodybuilders don’t get paid if they lose. You only win prize money for gaining a top placing. And even then, unless you win first place at one of the biggest shows, you won’t earn that much money. Yes, sponsorships and entrepreneurial opportunities can arise from pro bodybuilding. But that takes work in and of itself separate from the work of being a bodybuilder.
Which brings us back to Jose Raymond’s advice. Bodybuilding is hard work. It’s the kind of day in and day out hard work that can burn out many people. So his biggest advice is for a bodybuilder to truly be passionate about the grind and the lifestyle. The money may come and go. The fame may come or may never reach your lane. But if you’re passionate about the sport – none of that will matter. Bodybuilding, at its core, is about self change.
Yes, you can be competitive and want to achieve greatness. That’s the key to any professional competitive sport. But you should make sure to fall back on one thing behind that – passion for the lifestyle of bodybuilding.
You can watch Jose Raymond go into more detail in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

Danny Hester: Stop Calling Bodybuilding A Selfish Sport

Danny Hester: Stop Calling Bodybuilding A Selfish Sport

Danny Hester debunks the persistent myth that bodybuilding and bodybuilders are inherently selfish
Danny Hester is a top level bodybuilder who has been around for a long time. He’s lived and competed through multiple eras of the sport, eventually earned an Olympia title, and trained numerous celebrities on the side. It’s safe to say that he has an in-depth perspective on bodybuilding over the past few generations. That’s why he is angered when people consider bodybuilding a selfish sport. Sometimes even bodybuilders themselves make this statement. In our latest GI Exclusive, Danny Hester explains why bodybuilding is not a selfish sport and how debunking this thinking can lead to more success for aspiring bodybuilders.
On the surface, bodybuilding on a pro level seems to be a passion of vanity. It’s about obsessing over each and every inch of your body and perfecting it. While that may be true, there is also a deep comradery and spirit between bodybuilders who compete in the sport. Not only that – but a bodybuilder is made up of a team – dietitians, trainers, and coaches.

This is the point Danny Hester wants to get across during our new video conversation. He is tired of people, even fellow bodybuilders, calling the sport selfish. Being a niche sport, Hester sees a true connection and togetherness among bodybuilders. Though he does understand where the “selfish” sentiment first came from.
Our discussion started off specifically discussing money in bodybuilding. How hard is it to make a living as a full time bodybuilder? Is it easier today than it was in the past due to online and social media? Ultimately, Danny Hester believes it evens out. It’s not better or worse – just very different.
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Check out our latest GI Exclusive segment with Danny Hester above!
So when it comes to bodybuilders leaving their hometowns, coming to California, and trying to start a life as a bodybuilder – it can be financially hard. This is where the selfish part comes into play. For bodybuilders starting out, the sport and lifestyle can seem selfish. The coast of supplements, gym memberships, and sacrifice in a traditional social life can all amount to an isolated life.

The reality, though, is that bodybuilding is a close knit community. When starting out and facing tough times – it might be easy to become isolated and see selfishness in the sport. So what Danny Hester wants young bodybuilders to know is this. Ask for help more than you do. Don’t be afraid to connect and put yourself out there with other bodybuilders. Don’t assume they all have it figured out because they look successful on social media.
Social media can be a trick. A classic, grass is always greener, scenario. The truth is behind the photos are more real lives with deeper problems than they are letting on. So Danny Hester wants to promote the comradery of bodybuilding. He wants to inspire young bodybuilders to connect more and see the non-selfish side of the sport.
It can be a real revelation. It can help bodybuilders from burning out. It can change the entire perception of bodybuilding at a time when it’s most important. Ultimately, it can make you a better bodybuilder.
You can watch Danny Hester go into more detail in our latest GI Exclusive interview segment above!

IFBB New York Pro 2021 Results

IFBB New York Pro 2021 Results

Complete results for the IFBB New York Pro 2021 
All eyes in the bodybuilding world were on New York – erm, Tampa – this weekend for the IFBB New York Pro 2021. For a second year, the event was moved to Florida due to restrictions in New York caused by COVID-19. Unlike last year, there was much more time for the athlete to prepare from the start of the year. Keep reading for full breakdown of the New York Pro 2021 results.
This year’s New York Pro held all nine divisions – making it one of the biggest bodybuilding events of the year. Not only that but the competition usually attracts some of the biggest names in bodybuilding. For those who follow pro bodybuilding closely, the New York Pro can be a predictor of what we can expect at the Mr. Olympia later in the year.

And while there were many divisions competing at the New York Pro 2021, majority of the hype was focused on the Men’s Open division. Specifically, with extra attention brought to Blessing Awodibu and Nick Walker as their rivalry has fueled much excitement leading into the show.
Though last weekend’s Indy Pro 2021 might have changed expectations a bit. Surprisingly, a large chunk of Men’s Open competitors from the Indy Pro reappeared for the New York Pro. Justin Rodriguez, who won the Indy Pro just last weekend, returned to the stage alongside other competitors such as Mohammad El Emam and Morgan Aste.
This large chunk of competitors from the Indy Pro gave fans extra insight as to what we might see on the stage this weekend. The true wild cards came in the form of Nick Walker and Hassan Mostafa. Both competitors received a large amount of hype but have yet to compete in 2021 before the New York Pro.
All things considered, this created a mega clash of titans where big personalities and even bigger physiques battled on stage. It was the most exciting bodybuilding competition of the year to date. But there can only be one champion above the rest. Did Blessing Awodibu step up his game from his 3rd place finish at the Indy Pro? Or did Nick Walker or Hassan Mostafa bring in a fresh perspective for a big win?
Champions of the New York Pro 2021 receive qualification to the Mr. Olympia later this year. So with that, let’s break down the New York Pro 2021 results below. Presented by Enhanced Labs and Nutrabio.
New York Pro 2021 Breakdown
Women’s Physique Results
1. Alyssa Kiessling2. Sheronica Henton3. Yuna Kim4. Julia Whitesel5. Claudia Arroyo

Men’s 212 Results

Classic Physique Results

Men’s Physique Results

Wellness Results

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Men’s Open Bodybuilding Results

Women’s Bodybuilding Results

Figure Results

Bikini Results

Make sure to check out our full IFBB Pro results page from this year and previous years right here to catch up on any action you may have missed!