Tag: Hafthor Bjornson

Hafthor Bjornsson Reveals The Training and Diet That Helped Him Drop 110Lbs

Hafthor Bjornsson Reveals The Training and Diet That Helped Him Drop 110Lbs

Hafthor Bjornsson reveals training and diet a week out from his next match.
Hafthor “Thor” Bjornsson has always been a beast of a man. Once weighing a massive 205kg (451lbs), Thor now tips the scales at 155kg (341lbs). See, still pretty massive. But despite that, dropping that amount of weight within the last year and a half is truly impressive.
155kg (341lbs) still sounds like a whole lot. But when you see the recent before and after Thor posted on his Instagram you can see how much his physique has changed. Thor has gone from massive and bulky to massive and shredded.

The Transformation of Hafthor Bjornsson
How did he do it? But remaining dedicated to his training for his upcoming battle with Eddie Hall. But that’s not all Thor has done to drop the weight. It required him to make a massive lifestyle change. Namely, Thor had to massively alter his diet in order to shed the fat and maintain his muscle mass.
From 205kg to 155kg. Swipe to see the difference. Filmed a whole day in my life the other day on my YouTube channel. Click the link my my bio to check it out and see my new daily diet!

Hafthor Bjornsson has definitely shown an incredible transformation. The 2018 World’s Strongest Man had to remain dedicated to his new boxing lifestyle in order to get it done. That and his new diet plan.
Thor recently posted a video all about his full day of eating and training. In the video he broke down his meals and an example of the type of training he does during his prep. In the video, Thor detailed his meals.
Hafthor Bjornsson Diet and Training Schedule
Meal One

3 eggs
200g chicken
Smoothie (150g green yogurt, 100g strawberries/blueberries, 40g oats)

Boxing Technique Workout
Meal Two

220g tenderloin beef
180g white rice
100g green vegetables

Weight Training
Meal Three

220g chicken
250g potatoes
100g green vegetables

Meal Four

220g salmon
100g green vegetables
100g white rice

Physical Therapy
Meal Five

250g greek yogurt
50g almond butter
100g bananas
1 scoop whey protein shake

“This is what I eat throughout the day,” said Bjornsson. “Can you believe it? I’m eating nothing, getting skinny. It’s crazy.”
“I feel so much better than I felt when I was 205kg,” Bjornsson continued.

“I was force feeding myself every single day, about to puke every single day. I kept eating because my goal was to be the strongest human on this Earth. Now I have different goals so I don’t have to be force feeding myself. Feels good.”
Just one week out from his next exhibition bout, Hafthor Bjornsson is looking sharp and ready for combat. With just a few more months until his bout with Eddie Hall, it appears that Thor has been doing everything possible to prepare himself. One thing is certain, Hall better be ready and fast.
What do you think about the diet and training of Hafthor Bjornsson?
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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.