
  1. N

    truck driver sarms stack

    I’m looking to take a sarms cycle that will fit my lifestyle as a truck driver. Currently I’m driving about 14 hours a day and then I’ll stop for food and all so get in an hour workout and then sleep the rest of the time usually at a hotel that has a small gym. Which sarms would fit what I am...
  2. Metal85

    OK computer guys help here

    So I delete the temporary files, cookies, and do the disk clean up but why does this shit always happen after a year of having a computer? SLOWSSSSS down.... Videos were super choppy so I went in to the video card driver and there was an option to update it, I did that it took a minute to...
  3. 9

    Jon Jones - Felony Hit and Run

    Here are the cliff notes thus far: -Jones runs red light hits two other cars -Jones literally got out, started running away, went back for a handful of cash, then fled the scene on foot -Police found that the car was a rental w/ jon's name on paperwork -Police also found marijuana and a pipe in...