Why you should always be careful when you Buy Anavar online

May 24, 2024
6 min read

If you look at the popularity of oral AAS, it has always been a wayward graph.

At one point in time, Dianabol was incredibly popular. But as people started to realize that there were better compounds that could be run with lesser risk, they started to veer away from Dbol.

Ditto with Winny.

But Var’s popularity has remained unaffected.

For decades, it has remained the go-to oral steroid for females.

Even men for that matter, will consider Anavar as the first oral steroid that they try, after their basic Testosterone cycle.

However, it’s not safe anymore to Buy Anavar online, unless you are aware of some of the pitfalls that surround it.

Don’t get us wrong.

Var is a terrific steroid. It remains one of our favorites. But in the past few years, we have seen so many things go wrong while trying to buy Anavar online, that we decided to write this blog post to help first timers.

#1–80% of the Anavar sold online is fake

No, there are no statistical studies or analytics that confirm this number. It’s an arbitrary one based on our experiences and that of our close ones, while trying to buy Anavar off the internet.

Almost 80% of the time, we have received other compounds labelled as Anavar.

On one or two occasions we did receive legitimate Anavar, but it was terribly under dosed. One 50mgtablet was found to contain just 40% Anavar.

So what do you get instead of Anavar?

Well, that depends on what’s cheaply and readily available at the UG lab that you source your steroids from. Most of the times, it’s either Dianabol, Winstrol or Masteron.

While all ofthese are terrific compounds, their effects and side effects are not exactly as gentle asAnavar. Mast will most likely cause severe hair thinning. So will Winny. It can also cause extreme muscle cramps. Dianabol will just bloat you up and cause acne.

Also, these are much stronger androgens, which means that there’s a risk of virilization in females.

More recently, we have seen RAD-140 being sold as Anavar. While RAD-140 is a great compound, very little is known about it. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your health.

The question is, how do you know if the Var that you’ve received is legit?

#2–Run lab tests if possible

If you have a source at the gym, who claims to know someone who offers Pharma grade Anavar, then there’s only one way to confirm. Buy a blister of pills and send it to any lab that offers chemical testing. It’s cheap and you get the assurance that you are finally getting the real deal.

That said, there are many lab kits being sold on Amazon that can test anabolic steroids on the basis of reagents that change color when they interact with different compounds.

The results, as claimed by a lot of gear users is a hit or a miss. But that’s the next best thing to labs, if you want to buy Anavar.

#3–A lot of Var is overpriced

The flipside of the counterfeiting problem is overpricing. If there is a source that has legit Anavar for sale, they will hoard it and bump up the prices. There’s such a huge demand for real Var that most athletes would gladly pay through their nose to get it.

The average price of a 10mg Anavar tablet is around $4-6. If someone demands absurd prices like $10a pill, then it is overpriced. You are better off looking for Anavar for sale elsewhere.

#4–When lab tests are not an option

There is another possible scenario when your anabolic steroid usage is discreet and you cannot run lab tests or order a steroid testing kit either.

If you find a great source that’s offering legit Anavar for sale, go ahead and buy it.

Start with a low dose and watch out for signs of Anavar.

What are the signs?

For females: There will be rapid strength gains within a week. Expect to add up to 10-lbs. to your compounds within this time frame. The pumps will start to get real with your delts and traps looking noticeably bigger. A lot of females don’t eat enough on Var and end up making poor gains. Don’t be afraid to eat in a surplus. The Var will keep the fat off and with almost zero water retention, this is probably the best time for you to go a little lax with your diet and still make gains. Use that Anavar for sale and get the most bang for your buck.

For males: Ditto with the strength. Another very noticeable effect is the muscle pumps and hardness. If you have never used Var before, the results can seem pretty dramatic with added vascularity. Very aesthetic compound.

How to stop if it’s not Var: That’s easy really. If it’s Dianabol, get ready for insane water retention and possibly gyno, considering that you may not really be thinking of dialing down your E2 on var. If it’s Mast or Winny, the acne and the cramps can hit you outta nowhere. Also, the hardness on Winny and Mast will be way more than what you ever get with Var.

Can you get real Anavar for sale?

Absolutely. Every now and then a gear seller decides to shut shop and this is probably the best time for you to get some quality Anavar for sale.

Some of them even offer up to 50% off on their Var.

Messaging boards like Reddit can be a treasure trove of information, as well as a great place to keep an eye on flash deals.

There’s another method as well. But it takes a fair amount of experience to get accurately dosed Anavar this way.

It’s home brewing. Buy a lot of Raw Anavar for sale, add some PEG 300and some190 Proof Grain Alcohol. Bingo! You have Anavar solution.

It must be mentioned that you have to be meticulous with the heat, else you run the risk of crashing the solution

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