All Posts By G Says

Cardarine Dosage

Cardarine Dosage

Cardarine (also known as GW 501516) is one of the most well-known, often used SARMs you can find in today’s marketplace. Bodybuilders and athletes alike have spent years experimenting with it to maximise their results from training. The net result of this experimentation is that today we know exactly what it does and, more importantly…

Rad 140 vs Ostarine

Rad 140 vs Ostarine

Many people in the fitness industry are touting Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators as the next big thing. Most consider them to be safe yet potent steroid alternatives, allowing you to improve performance, musculature and body composition without any of the dangerous hormonal fallout that steroids might offer. In this article, I’ll be looking at two…

Best Prohormones for Mass

Best Prohormones for Mass

A prohormone is a precursor to a hormone (like, for instance, testosterone.) Incorporating prohormones into your supplementation regime will boost production of the relevant hormones. Basically, they will prompt your body to produce more of whichever hormone you need it to. Obviously, this can be a great boon in the fitness world. Often, prohormones are…