Does Tren Really Help With Fat Loss?

March 20, 2021
3 min read

tren fat loss image

tren fat loss imageAnabolic steroids such as trenbolone are chiefly valued for their role in helping a user during their bulking and cutting cycles.

But is trenbolone also beneficial in helping you burn fat at a faster rate? The surprising answer is yes. In simple terms, anabolic androgenic steroids such as trenbolone help you preserve your lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass helps the fat burning process as it jacks up your metabolism.

Learn how to safely burn fat with Trenbolone – Read this guide now.

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How does metabolism help you burn fat faster?

Metabolism can be understood as your body’s mechanism to convert food consumed by you into energy. This is a complex process that involves breaking down food to release energy required by your body to function properly. This metabolic process is classified into two major groups – basic metabolic rate and variable metabolic rate.

Basic metabolic rate keeps track of the energy your body requires everyday regardless of your physical activity. Bodily functions such as breathing, blood circulation, repairing cellular damage, balancing hormones etc are some of the few activities on which your body spends a lot of energy.

Your basic metabolism rate is impacted by a lot of different factors. For example, your age is an important factor. Older people burn fewer calories than younger people. Similarly, your sex also plays a role. Men tend to have a higher basic metabolism rate. Finally, your physical attribute itself affects metabolism.

In addition to the above, your body’s energy requirement is also affected by your physical activity levels. If you take part in a lot of physically demanding activities, you would require more energy for it and burn your stores of food quickly.

Similarly, if you adopt a sedentary lifestyle, your body would not need to burn the food to generate energy at the same speed. This form of metabolism is variable in nature, and accounts for as much as 30 percent of your total energy requirement.

However, you should not think that the two kinds of metabolism are unrelated. Physical activity not only helps you burn energy, but it also aids you in preserving your muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your basic metabolism rate. In other words, you burn more fat even while you rest.

How does trenbolone help with fat loss?

Trenbolone, when stacked with other anabolic agents such as Winstrol can help you achieve a firmer musculature, improves your workout performance, and delivers big muscles. As explained above, big muscles allow you to burn more energy and fat deposits even while you rest. Let us take a look at the different ways in which trenbolone leads to fat loss.

Trenbolone fat loss is a scientifically proven phenomenon. The steroid attaches itself to your cortisoid receptor and controls cortisol. Cortisol in your body is what leads to accumulation of fat and loss of muscle mass. With your cosrtisol in check, you can workout for longer periods without risk of fatigue and burn fat more effectively.

Trenbolone also attaches itself to your AR receptors in fat cells. If you are in your bulking up cycle, you would discover that trenbolone is almost 4 times more effective in preventing fat gain than testosterone. This is because testosterone does not bind as strongly to AR receptors as trenbolone.

Finally, trenbolone doesn’t allow water retention in your body during your cutting phase so you can visibly see the fat loss. In addition, there is less estrogen levels in your body, leading to a higher level of fat burn.

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