short vs long cycle


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I know that this has been brought up many times before but I'm wondering now...

I have always done 12 weeks on 12 weeks off-the delimma that I have now is whether I should switch to 4 weeks on 4 weeks off

I have tried short cycles before and lost everything when I came off HOWEVER, now I use 325mg/week of test when I'm off and hold everything.

So I was wondering if I would be better off going 4 weeks on 4 weeks cruise

It would go something like this
4weeks heavy-2g/week of test...super test 325 and prop
650mg/week of tren ace
50mg/day of oral winstrol

4weeks cruise-325mg/week of test...super test 325
then repeat

the reason that I'm considering this is...
1) I see a lot of big guys doing this
2)I've lost everything in the past due to short cycles BUT now I run a cruise in between
3)I don't have to try to keep my mind supercharged for 12 weeks-eating big,lifting big, etc
4)I make most of my gains in the 1st 2 weeks
5)I can come off the orals and restart in 4 weeks
6)I can give my injection sites time to relax instead of pinning EOD 12 weeks straight

thoughts and opinions?
This doesn't help bro, i know, but I love love love long cycles. I get way more in terms of progess when I cycle at least 4.5 months
well that's what works for me. So that's what I would do...for what it's worth
I know that this has been brought up many times before but I'm wondering now...

I have always done 12 weeks on 12 weeks off-the delimma that I have now is whether I should switch to 4 weeks on 4 weeks off

I have tried short cycles before and lost everything when I came off HOWEVER, now I use 325mg/week of test when I'm off and hold everything.

So I was wondering if I would be better off going 4 weeks on 4 weeks cruise

It would go something like this
4weeks heavy-2g/week of test...super test 325 and prop
650mg/week of tren ace
50mg/day of oral winstrol

4weeks cruise-325mg/week of test...super test 325
then repeat

the reason that I'm considering this is...
1) I see a lot of big guys doing this
2)I've lost everything in the past due to short cycles BUT now I run a cruise in between
3)I don't have to try to keep my mind supercharged for 12 weeks-eating big,lifting big, etc
4)I make most of my gains in the 1st 2 weeks
5)I can come off the orals and restart in 4 weeks
6)I can give my injection sites time to relax instead of pinning EOD 12 weeks straight

thoughts and opinions?

sounds good, good points also. Doesnt hurt to try, You have nothing to lose.
don't know caught between a rock and a hard place-like I said, it didn't work for me in the past but now I'm doing cruise cycles and I've gotten older so my body chemistry has changed
long cycles i perfer.... winter time, off season
i usually save the short ones for precontest...

but usually when i run a long one ill run lower doses, and for short ones higer doses
If one plans on running long cycles end on end, then don't plan on coming off.. Use HCG with all long cycles if that's the cause, to avoid perm. shut down....
when i first started doing long cycles, i was very aware of my gains leveling off. Not sure if it was my age back then or what. But now, my gains are slow, but constant.
my next cycle will be a crap load of gear for 8 weeks. So i can compare blood pressure, fatigue, gains.

i've been off my last long cycle for almost 6 weeks. Damn i feel good!!
my next cycle will be a crap load of gear for 8 weeks. So i can compare blood pressure, fatigue, gains.

i've been off my last long cycle for almost 6 weeks. Damn i feel good!!

there you go bro... stick to prop esters and orals...No reason why one can't make great gains in 8 weeks that way... Just keep on your diet and see what happens!;)
I prefer short with a bridge much like You plan on doing Dorian(I use lower dosages)....but that way there are less sides, I keep more, gear lasts longer & You are kinda never really off so You won't flatten out/shrink