
  1. Iron Game

    Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength

    Scrutiny's Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength An intense workout system focusing on training to failure, offering an alternative to the various high volume muscle building workout routines. <article class="nodeBody" itemscope="" itemtype=""...
  2. Iron Game

    How To Get Bigger Arms With Unique “Shock” Exercises

    How To Get Bigger Arms With Unique “Shock” ExercisesTom Venuto Would you like bigger, more muscular arms? Silly question I guess. Of course you would. Well then, when was the last time you did any “shock training” for arms by using an exercise stimulus that your biceps have never experienced...
  3. Iron Game

    Training Advice from Dorian Yates

    6 time Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates shares advice on training. Yates espoused a style of training known as HIT "High Intensity Training," which states that maximum muscle stimulation can be reached through short, high-intensity workout sessions rather than long duration workouts. The training style...
  4. Iron Game

    How to Get Pumped and Shredded Biceps

    Arms that ripple with muscle and strength are just plain out sexy! Women absolutely love to see a man with nice strong arms and men love to see women with arms that are toned and shapely and do not look like a pair of bat wings flapping in the wind. So what do you need to do to get your arms in...
  5. Iron Game

    Dumbbells vs. Barbells for Military Presses

    Dumbbell vs. Barbells for Military Presses By*Mike Samuels The military press primarily works your shoulders, but also hits your triceps, traps and core muscles. What makes the military press different from a regular overhead press is that it's performed standing up, with your feet close...