
  1. The Dude

    Got my training partner back!

    So today will be the first complete rotation Silk and I have done together in nearly two years. This is Silks return to the gym after over a one year layoff due to health issues and my circumstances. It has been amazing. Workouts are so much more rewarding and I feel like I can focus on getting...
  2. Dean Destructo

    How do you cash in credits?

    How do you cash in credits? I feel dumb lol I can't finger it out.
  3. Masher59

    Arnold's Opinion On Vegetarianism

    <header style="box-sizing: content-box;">Arnold's Opinion On Vegetarianism The Oak's thoughts on going meatless. <iframe frameborder="0" hspace="0" marginheight="0" margin="" style="width: 0px" scrolling="no" tabindex="0" vspace="0" width="100%" id="I0_1466741686496" name="I0_1466741686496"...
  4. The Dude

    Intelligence required for Bodybuilding

    It's been my experience that most bodybuilders are pretty sharp. While it's difficult to quantify what qualifies as a bodybuilder and what does not, I think most of you guys know a bodybuilder when you see one. That got me to thinking. Do we become more intelligent than average as we pursue our...
  5. M

    PSL: An honest review

    First of all I'd like to start by complementing PSL's customer service and all their reps on this board. They were always quick to respond and the packages arrived in a timely fashion. The gear however was a different story. Although they assured me that the colour of the oil didn't effect...
  6. Masher59

    6 Lean Weight Gain Tips

    6 WEIGHT GAIN TIPS WITHOUT GETTING FAT! 0 Try these 6 simple ways that will help you gain weight without getting fat, helping you build a ripped muscular bodyAfter you read this short article, you will have leaned some quick tips to start gaining healthy weight. Here's 6 simple ways on how to...
  7. Masher59

    Get on the POLE Ladies!

    EMPOWERMENT THROUGH POLE FITNESS! <tbody style="margin: 0px;"> 2 </tbody> 0 Pole fitness has been a growing trend in women's exercise practice, combining cardio exercise, flexibility and strength training.The room is dark, except for strobe lights. Sultry music pulses from the speakers. A...
  8. The Dude

    GBL and GABA products

    What's the scoop on these? Back in the day... GHB was my jam. Then there was GBL like Revivarent and Renutrient which I liked even better, but like all things that work without a script and thousands of dollars in medical insurance it was outlawed by our awesome Govt. Is there anything out...
  9. The Dude

    What age is "prime" now?

    It seems like late 20's used to be the pinnacle of athletic accomplishment. Yates was down and thrashed by 34.. now I see guys looking their best at early to mid 40's... Do you guys agree that these guys are going further and lasting longer? John Meadows comes to mind... what an incredible...
  10. The Dude

    What dose to maintain YOUR tissue?

    Similar to bridging... what do you guys drop down to... and what drugs do you use say for a period of less intense training? I've gone down as low as 200mg every 10 days of Cyp, but without Deca I lose alot of strength and I get quite a bit of joint and tendon pain. I don't train heavy at all...
  11. Iron Game

    Benefits of 8 Weeks Stack of Testosterone Enanthate & Dianabol For Powerlifter

    Bodybuilding can be so exciting and rewarding. It is absolutely enthralling to look in the mirror and see results for all of your hard work. Sometimes however, the work you are doing is just not yielding results fast enough. Sometimes a little help is needed. If you want to build up and increase...
  12. Masher59

    Halotestin fluxymesterone

    I copied this article there is first person talk so it's not me. Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) Halotestin (fluoxymesterone), known as just halo in the fitness world, is one of the strongest anabolic-androgenic steroids available and comes in oral form. It was amazingly developed in the late 50′s...
  13. C

    Electric Razors

    I recently got a job where I have to shave daily (yea i know WTF, my precious beard). maybe one day they'll get with the times. :curse: Anyhow, any of you guys use an electric razor I just don't feel like shaving every single F'ing day with a razor.
  14. Iron Game

    Tips to improve your bench press, powerlifting!

    Tips to improve your bench <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I wanted to share a few things that have helped my bench. I will add to the list as I think of more. If anything is unclear, post up and I will try to explain in further detail or get a vid. Strength Verified...
  15. M

    Anyone here used Melatonan II ?

    Just looking to hear people's experiences with this peptide and any sides they experienced. Do you feel it's a safer alternative to a tanning bed ?
  16. Presser

    Day Lights Saving Time Fucked Me Up Yesterday

    I usually dont even notice nor feel the effects of springing forward for day light savings time, but yesterday and the day before i was surely out of whack! I do love the extra light in the evening though! I hate when it gets dark in winter around 4:30-5pm, that sucks! I like daylight til...
  17. 3J

    Morbid Obesity & Eating disorders: The first steps to recovery by 3J

    Morbid Obesity & Eating Disorders: Takings the first steps to recovery By: 3J 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level. Let me start off by saying this article is not for the person who is under 20% body fat. This article is for those who are morbidly...